Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 336 Heart Magic

Chapter 36

On the way back to the leopard room, Liu Zhong's mood was very contradictory. On the one hand, he doubted the motivation for Zhang Yong to say these words, and on the other hand, Zhang Yong's words also touched the weakness in his heart.

Originally, Liu Zhong was also looking forward to the new position in the inner court. He thought that he was also a person in front of Liu Jin. The more powerful he had, the more he could feel the benefits brought by power and the desire for greater power. Liu Zhong became more and more aware of this.

In the past, I was grovel and white-eyed. Now I am full of scenery everywhere. Wherever I go, I am followed by a group of flattering eyes. How can this feeling be described by two words? However, Liu Zhong understands that he is only a junior in the inner court. Compared with Gao Feng and Wei Bin and other old-qualified father-in-law around Liu Jin, he is not a figure, and he is not a lot of the white eyes and contempt of these people.

Liu Zhong did not feel that there was anything wrong with the discrimination and white eyes of Gao Feng and Wei Bin. After all, those people are all qualified and powerful figures in the inner court, and it is common for him to be despised by them. However, Liu Zhong has always had some of his own considerations in mind. From the fact that he was secretly become the emperor by Liu Jin. At the beginning of Ma Jianzhong's monitoring of Gu Da's chess pieces, Liu Zhong understood that Liu Jin and Gaofeng Wei Bingu Da's between them were not actually iron plates. It was clear that Eunuch Liu secretly intervened in to monitor them.

Gu Da put his own eyes around him, and obviously there are also eyeliners around others. There is almost no need to deliberately confirm this, that is to say, Liu Jin is actually worried about the rest of the eight tigers.

Liu Zhong always has a modest image in front of Liu Jin. Because of this, Liu Jin valued himself very much and sometimes revealed some important things to him. This time, the internal candidate of the factory in the West factory was said by Liu Jin after drinking the night before yesterday. Liu Zhong always thought that he was an absolute confidant in Liu Jin's mind, but he was indeed a little disappointed that night. The candidates for those positions always turned over the heads of the eight tigers such as Gao Fenggu. Liu Jin did not consider himself at all, which made Liu Zhong both disappointed and angry at the same time.

Of course, Liu Zhong's anger can only be kept in his heart. He has no idea of fighting at all. Due to the power of Liu Jin and the rest of the eight tigers, he does not think he is qualified to fight, but the sense of humiliation ignored by others is still lingering.

Today, Zhang Yong's words hit the soft part of his heart again. Zhang Yong's words were what he thought. What is Gu Da's use of them? Isn't it just after Liu Jin knocked down Wang Yue and Fanheng? In terms of ability and ability, they are absolutely not inferior to them. Why do good things fall on their heads? Even in the emperor's mind, Liu Zhong thought that he was not inferior to the removal of grain and others.

Liu Zhong feels that it's a pity to let go of this opportunity. After thinking about it, he always has to give it a try. Even if the hope is slim, it's better than doing nothing and fighting for nothing. He even holds a vicious mentality: even if he can't get one of these positions, he has to work hard to stir it up. He can't let others ignore his existence. He can't do anything and can't lose his momentum.

Liu Zhong is not stupid. He also knows that he obviously can't set off any big waves alone, and for the sake of self-protection, it is really unwise to make a scene as a bird. In the current round of his mind, he thinks of a person. If this thing provokes him to come forward, there will be a good opportunity. I saw it.

In the evening, Liu Jin accompanied the emperor to the leopard room to rest. After the banquet and song and dance, the emperor hugged the recently favored Ma Meiren and Chen Meiren to bed. The emperor went to bed, and the day's errand was basically over.

After sending Liu Jin away, Liu Zhong and Qian Ning, the general manager of the leopard room, and Zhang Rui, the deputy general manager of the leopard room, and another Si Li supervisor, shrank back to the public room on the side of the leopard room to make a fire. These three of them were pulled up by Liu Jin, and their relationship was also good. Since the beginning of winter, they have to cook in the public room every night. Pot beef and mutton drink and chat, of course, today is no exception.

The aroma of hot pot stew was overflowing. The three of them pushed a cup and drank some wine. They all felt a little smoked, and their words gradually became unscrupulous. Liu Zhong sifted the wine for the two and whispered, "Have you two brothers ever heard the wind?"

Qian Ning's face turned red, grabbed a sheep's leg and chewed it, and asked, "What's the wind?"

Bai Fatty Zhang Rui also said, "What's the unreliable news about Deputy General Manager Liu?"

Liu Zhong smiled and said, "This time it's not reliable pastime news. This time it's news. It's about the appointment of the new western and internal factories and the admiral of the east factory."

Qian Ning and Zhang Rui were stunned and said, "Didn't you say that it hasn't been finalized yet? The West Factory and the Inner Factory are still preparing and have not yet opened a government. How can the candidates be determined in February and March after the New Year?

Liu Zhong was stunned and said, "The two brothers didn't know the news?"

Qian Ning and Zhang Rui shook their heads and said that they didn't know at all. Liu Zhong was stunned and suddenly hesitated; Zhang Rui said, "Come and listen, do you still want to keep us a secret?"

Liu Zhong sighed and sat down and said, "Oh, that's all right. It's okay to say so. We nestled in this leopard room every day. The news is that our noses are really stuffed, and we have become blind and deaf. As far as I know, the candidates have already been determined."

"Internal?" Qian Ning frowned.

"Yes, it's internal." Liu Zhong took a sip of wine and grabbed a piece of lamb chops to chew.

"Brother Liu, tell me, what is the internal determination method?" Zhang Rui stretched out his neck and leaned over and asked in a low voice. Qian Ning listened sideways, but he was very indifferent.

"The inner factory is supervised by Admiral Liu Gonggong." Liu Zhongdao.

"Do you still need to talk about this? You can also think of it with your buttocks. Zhang Rui waved his hand with a disappointed face: "Is this also news? The head of the factory, Mr. Liu will naturally be the admiral.

Liu Zhong waved his hand and said, "Do you think of the position of the West Factory by Admiral Gu, and the empty position of the East Factory is by Admiral Gao Feng?"

The expressions on the faces of Qian Ning and Zhang Rui are extremely unnatural.

"Gu Dayu's Admiral West Factory? Isn't Grandpa Liu worried about him? Why did such an important job fall on him again? Gao Feng has no ability at all. He is a gangster in Si Lijian, and he can actually Admiral Dongchang. Damn it..." Zhang Rui scolded and tossed the wine cup in his hand on the table, and the residual wine inside flowed out, making a large area of mess.

"Brother Liu, where did you get this news from? Why don't we know?" Qian Ning frowned and asked.

"Brother Qian, I don't hide it from you. Grandpa Liu was drunk the night before yesterday. I heard him say it himself when I was serving tea. I thought you also knew it, but I didn't expect you didn't know it. It seems that Grandpa Liu didn't intend to announce it. The two brothers have to keep it a secret for me and teach Grandpa Liu to know that I'm talking nonsense. , I'm afraid I'm going to be beaten."

Zhang Rui sneered and said, "Brother Liu Zhong has been very popular recently. Grandpa Liu only told you about such things, even we are in the dark."

Liu Zhong said angrily, "Brother Zhang, don't say such a thing. What's so hot? I guess it was Mr. Liu who spilled the beans after drinking. Our brothers are not proud of their lives now. If you want to say that it is hot, Gu Da uses Gao Feng and others. Do you see? The East and West factory are round, and we are not a leg in Liu's eyes.

Zhang Rui hammered the table and cursed a few words, "Fuck, it's really tight."

Liu Zhong waved his hand and said, "Brother Zhang, calm down, don't make trouble; in fact, I don't care about this matter. It's no one's turn, Liu Zhong, just feels cowardly for Brother Qian. Brother Qian saved Grandpa Liu's life. If Song Nan hadn't obstructed it, he would have become the commander of the Jinyiwei Dahan General; now he has hung up the title of the second gear of the East Factory to do things in the leopard room. Although the emperor is also valued, after all, he feels that he is aggrieved. I want to say that the position of the governor of the West Factory should be Brother Qian, and I don't know what Grandpa Liu thinks.

Zhang Rui nodded and said, "Yes, our family also thinks so. The worst supervisor of the East Factory this time is also Brother Qian, who let Gao Feng pick up a bargain; Brother Qian is the second gear of the East Factory. This time, it's good, but it's a good job for Gao Feng."

Zhang Zhong sighed, "Yes, yes, no matter how talented Brother Qian is, he has used a few streets in Gaofeng Valley. Thinking about it, it teaches people to be depressed."

Zhang Rui and Liu Zhong hugged Qian Ning with each other. Qian Ning drank wine with a gloomy face and suddenly slapped the table angrily and said angrily, "Why don't you two let me be clean? Shut up."

Liu Zhong and Zhang Rui quickly stopped talking. As soon as Qian Ning got angry, both of them had to admit their cowardice, not because he was the manager of the leopard house, but because Qian Ning had recently turned red in front of the emperor; Qian Ning was not an eunuch, not a eunuch, but she was free to go in places such as the leopard room, and could still stay here at night. The emperor is extraordinary to him.

Qian Ning is not a martial artist. In addition to his strong martial arts skills and can satisfy the emperor's desire to dance knives and guns, Qian Ning also ingeniously opened a hunting place on Qionghua Island and took the emperor to hunt wild animals, which was highly praised by the emperor. Even Liu Jin, who usually praises Qian Ning for being exquisite and omnipotent, admits that he can't think of some ideas.

Liu Zhong secretly observed Qian Ning. Seeing that Qian Ning's face was really angry, he was secretly proud of himself. He just wanted Qian Ning to be angry and make trouble if he couldn't catch the fish. He only needed to wave the flag and shout in the back. Maybe he could still get some benefits in the end.