Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 340 Unprepared

Chapter 3420 (At the beginning of the month, brothers have a few pictures that don't spend monthly tickets to refresh their mind.)

Kangning thought for a moment and said, "You deliberately showed weakness and let the inner court open a new inner factory and the west factory, just to use this as bait and let them kill each other, right?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's hard to talk about killing each other. Liu Jin has attacked me many times. From the day he returned from the patrol, I and him have been stabbed. I am a nail in his eyes, and he must get rid of me quickly. This time, the new factory opening of the inner court is to divide the power of my brocade guard government, let me be under the jurisdiction of the inner court, and then find my fault. In this situation, I have to resist. I'm not harmful to people, people are harmful to my heart, and there is no way to do it. Am I wait to die?

Cang said, "That's not possible. How can he succeed? I wonder why the emperor agreed to do this. In fact, the emperor is quite generous and righteous. You and he have also been a friend. How can he be indifferent?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "This is because the two women involved in Ma Ang's case, Ma Ang's wife and sister were secretly sent to the leopard room by Liu Jin. Now they are deeply loved by the emperor. If I investigate this matter, I am afraid that it will be harmful to the emperor's majesty. The emperor takes care of his face and it is difficult to say clearly, so through this matter When I put pressure on me, I also mean to hit me. However, as soon as the emperor's golden mouth is opened, Liu Jin will certainly pull this flag and ruthlessly oppress me. It is possible that the brocade guard government will fall and close in the future, and I may also be impeached by Luo Zhi. The emperor may not be able to think of these things, but how can I blame the emperor for this?"

Corning took a cold breath and said, "So, I said that there will be no such a big difference between the emperor and you. All this is blocked by Liu Jin; now I understand your situation, and you are also for self- Protection."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Thank you for understanding my position. Self-preservation is on the one hand. On the other hand, I can't let Liu Jin be so arrogant. Liu Jin's family is dominant, which is not good for the Ming Dynasty. Liu Jin also intervened in the government, which is not a good sign. For the Ming Dynasty, I can't let him succeed."

Cangning said, "Why don't you say these words to the emperor?"

Song Nan said, "I am not disrespectful to the emperor. Even if I say these things, the emperor will not believe them. The emperor's trust in Liu Jin or above me. If I say these things for no reason, I will be misunderstood by the emperor why Liu Jin is competing for favor and slandering them. Moreover, these things are only a sign, and what I can do is to prevent it from being gradually, but because Therefore, there is no real evidence to impeach Liu Jin, let alone let the emperor believe my words.

Corning nodded and said, "That's right, but why can I trust you? I believe everything you say, and I believe that your judgment will not be wrong.

Song Nan smiled and said, "That's because you like me, so you trust me unconditionally. Maybe I'm also a treacherous minister lying to you."

Corning shook his head and whispered, "No, you won't. Even if you are a treacher, I will admit it."

Song Nan was moved. She took her shoulder and kissed her lips and said, "Thank you for your trust."

Kang Ning leaned on Song Nan's shoulder and whispered, "You said you wanted me to help you. Tell me, how can I help you?"


Knowing that the emperor was almost attacked and injured by a wild wolf on Qionghua Island, Liu Jin rolled and crawled from the inner palace to the Xiyuan leopard room. Along the way, she was so anxious that Qian Ning and Liu Zhong and Zhang Rui were not well served the emperor. Outside the leopard room, Liu Jin trotted all the way in, and his loyalty to protect the Lord was completely sincere.

Zhengde leaned on the soft pillow behind the table and was shocked by Liu Jin, who was hit in. Liu Jin asked in a pile of voices, "Is the emperor all right? What about Qian Ning? What about Liu Zhong? Do you serve the emperor like this? If the emperor is injured, our family will not end with you.

Zhengde looked at Liu Jin's panicked look and waved his hand, "Little Jinzi, don't panic. I'm fine. Don't make a fuss."

Liu Jin came forward and kowtowed. He got up and quickly checked Zhengde to confirm that the emperor was not injured. Then he was relieved and said, "The emperor forgive me. I am talking with several adults in the cabinet and failed to serve the emperor in person, so that the emperor was so shocked. I really deserve to die. Please blame me. Punishment.

Zhengde laughed and said, "What's the punishment? I won't do your business."

Liu Jin said, "Even so, how can the attendants be so careless? Qian Ning, Liu Zhong and others can't absolve themselves from the blame, and the maidservants will punish them severely.

Zhengde shook his head and said, "No, Qian Ning saved me at a critical time and killed the wolf together, and he was injured because of this. Instead of being punished, he should be praised. You just came here. I'm about to discuss with you. Qian Ning is a meritorious and a loyal and skilled talent. How do you think I should reward him?

Liu Jin bowed and said, "The emperor is kind and doesn't care about his dereliction of duty, but gives him a reward? It is his duty to protect the emperor. I don't have to spoil them too much.

Zhengde's face sank and said, "This is bad. It's reasonable to distinguish rewards and punishments."

Liu Jin said, "If the emperor really wants to reward them, a few words of praise will make them happy enough."

Zhengde said, "What kind of reward is that? I think, since the inner court has added a new factory, why not let Qian Ning, a person, get a job in the government? What do you think?"

Liu Jin was shocked and said, "The emperor said... let them admiral the new factory?"

Zhengde said, "Yes, what do you think?"

Liu Jin said in astonishment, "But the emperor, didn't the emperor agree to appoint the candidate of the factory government by the slave and maidservant themselves?"

Zhengde frowned and said, "Aren't I discussing with you?"

Liu Jin saw sweat on his forehead and said repeatedly, "Yes, I think this matter still needs to be considered. Although Qian Ning has some ability, if it is the admiral's office, I'm afraid that he will not be competent."

Zhengde waved his hand and said, "Can't Qian Ning be competent? This is a excuse, isn't it? In my opinion, Qian Ning can do it than most people in the court. Who can't do it?

Liu Jin hurriedly said, "I don't mean that. I mean whether I can be rewarded with a more suitable position for him. Besides, if the emperor value him so much, what should he do in the leopard room?"

Zhengde said, "The general manager of the leopard house is not a full-time job. Qian Ning, the admiral of the factory, can still follow me. What's the difficulty? Besides, at present, only the newly opened factory can be appointed, and Qian Ning is not an eunuch. He can't hold the position in the 24 prisons. What position do you say is suitable for him?

Liu Jin has been unhappy when he heard Zhengde's words. Obviously, Zhengde is very dissatisfied with his three obstacles, but the problem is that he has been assigned the distribution of positions after the reopening of the West Factory and the addition of the internal factory; let Gu Da use Admiral West Factory, Gao Feng Admiral East Factory, and his own Admiral In the infield, the idea of leading the East and West Factory and the Jinyiwei Office has become popular with the parties concerned, Gao Feng and Gu Da. Gao Feng has long been full of strange stories, because Gao Feng only got the position of eunuch after the emperor ascended the throne and defeated Fan Heng and Wang Yue.

The so-called pen eunuch seems to be very interesting, but in fact, to put it bluntly, he is responsible for recording the emperor's oral orders and responsible for some sundries rewarded by pen, ink, paper, ink, calligraphy and painting. Since Liu Jin took charge of the eunuch, some of the rights of readings originally written by Bing Bi have also been regulated by Liu Jin. It must be the palm of the hand, but it can't be red; that is to say, the only power that can participate in the government has also been deprived.

The only advantage is that the eunuch Bingbi can stay with the emperor all the time, but in fact, there are eight people in the Si Lijian, that is to say, the emperor only needs one or two Bingbi eunuchs to follow him, and the rest have to stay in the public room of the Si Lijian. Even if Gao Feng is Liu Jin's confidant, it can only be said that there are more opportunities to serve than other eunuchs.

Naturally, Liu Jin will not offend the vast majority of eunuchs in the ceremonial prison for Gao Feng alone. After all, his control of the inner court is not completely driven and tough, but also needs to have a good relationship with the eunuchs of various government departments. In this way, Gao Feng's position is embarrassing; it is also inevitable to secretly complain.

Liu Jin can't ignore Gao Feng's complaints, because Gao Feng's popularity is the best among the eight tigers. The dead Qiu Ju, Gu Dayong, Luo Xiang and others all have a strong relationship with Gao Feng. If they punish or ignore Gao Feng's complaints, the hardcore brothers around Liu Jin are afraid that they will be cold and hold antagonism; therefore, Liu Jin will continue to Don't be impatient. You will definitely make some arrangements. This time, it is the best opportunity to expand the strength of the inner court and add two new powerful government. Of course, Liu Jin will give Gao Feng some sweetness, fulfill her promise, and stabilize everyone's minds.

The use of Gu Dayong's Admiral Xichang is another balance of power. Gu Dayong is the most capable person around Liu Jin. Liu Jin not only wants to use him, but also has to guard against him. At the beginning, Gu Da's appointment of the imperial eunuch, which is second only to Si Lijian's seal, is to trust in Gu Dayu's ability.

However, Si Lijian can't nominally be above Yumajian. Liu Jin not only wants to control the powerful government of Yumajian, but also is worried that Gu Dayi's arrogant personality will get out of his control. Under this contradictory psychological domination, on the one hand, he placed eyeliners such as Liu Zhong around Gu Dayi's side, and on the other hand, he will Wei Bin, his absolute confidant, was placed in Gu Dayong's royal horse prison and nominally obeyed Gu Dayong. In fact, he let Wei Bin's 3,000 imperial troops of the imperial horse prison, which was to deprive the military power of the imperial horse prison from Gu Da's hand.

Of course, this move will anger Gu Dayong. I don't know how many strange things he said in person and behind his back. Gao Feng almost clashed with Liu Jin after drinking several times, which also became Liu Jin's heart disease; but Liu Jin could not get rid of the stubborn psychology of both use but doubt, and the contradictions between the two sides have not been reconciled.

This time happened to be an opportunity. Gu Dayong and Gao Feng were appointed as admiral of the East Factory of the West Factory, and Wei Bin, whom he trusted most trusted, was promoted to the leader of the Royal Horse Supervision, while Gu Dayong and Gao Feng got real power. On the other hand, the East and West factories were under the jurisdiction of their own infield, in their own eyelids. Staring from the bottom, you can also feel relieved.

For Liu Jin, this time can not only hit Song Nan hard, but also be a perfect opportunity to relieve the contradictions for the inner court himself, who are gradually uncontrollable.

However, Zhengde came out of thin air to give one of the positions to Qian Ning, which simply caught Liu Jin off guard.