Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 346 Merlin Walk

Chapter 36

In the imperial garden, Song Nan accompanied Zhengde and Princess Corning to walk in the snow.

Originally, Song Nan had no intention of going to see Zhengde. Since the last time Zhengde agreed to Liu Jin's proposal to reopen the West Factory, Song Nan has not been alone with Zhengde for a long time. She could meet in the early morning, but she did not go to see the narrative as usual after the early morning.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the reason. Zhengde was annoyed that Jinyiwei almost found out the scandal of hiding Ma Ang's wife and sister in his leopard room. He was supposed to punish Song Nan, while Song Nan wanted to pretend to be pitiful and try to keep a low profile as not to be considered by Zhengde to be unrepentant.

However, Kangning forced Song Nan to see Zhengde, saying that some misunderstandings between kings and ministers, and even between friends are also common. They need common faces and often communicate to misunderstand the ice. What's more, such a snowy scenery reminds people of skiing in Wanshou Mountain last year. How can they not ask the emperor if he is interested?

Song Nan's main reason is not to sweep Kang Ning's interest, and he will not go skiing with Zhengde. Now in retrospect, Song Nan felt that he was a little cheap when he played with Zhengde. He relied on these fun means to make Zhengde have a good impression on himself. In fact, in essence, he built a leopard house with Liu Jin and searched for it. The rare beast is no different from satisfying Zhengde's curiosity.

At this time, at that time, now I don't need to rely on these things to please Zhengde. Many times, Song Nan will have such an idea in his heart: Can the people of the Ming Dynasty have a happy day under the leadership of an emperor like Zhengde? In the future, should I follow my inner desire and improve the fate of the people of the country while pursuing personal success, or should I wholeheartedly maintain morality and pursue the ultimate of personal power?

I don't know how many times these questions have been rolled in Song Nan's heart. The answer seems to be very clear, but if the fate of individuals, the fate of the country and the fate of the people are taken into account, this road will be very difficult, and maybe it will be discredited. Because to achieve that effect, many aspects will actually conflict with the imperial power. Song Nan admitted that he was not so great that he could pursue something recklessly, but if Song Nan knew that Zhengde was not a good emperor to govern the country and loyally defended him, it was not allowed by the deep-rooted concept of future generations in Song Nan's heart.

Not long ago, Song Nan also figured out that no matter what choice he made, there was a prerequisite for his personal success. In other words, he had to become a powerful minister above 10,000 people under one person in the Ming Dynasty. Under this premise, he would really consider which direction to go. Since there are some things that he has not figured out, Let's go to this already clear road, stay until this day, and then talk about other things.

The scenery of Meilin in the west of the Royal Garden is excellent at this time, just like listening to the flute and needs to be snowy. On the covered snow, red plums are embedded in the white snow on the branches, emitting a fragrance that you can't catch, touch, can't see, but fill your surroundings everywhere, which is an excellent state.

Corning had already shaken off his yellow cloak and rushed to Merlin, with joyful laughter falling on the ground with great joy.

Song Nan and Zhengde stood on the edge of Meilin and looked at Kang Ning's graceful figure with a smile. Zhengde looked back at Song Nan, who was half a step behind and said, "Sister Huang is in a good mood today."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Yes, the princess is charming and lives naturally and unrestrained."

Zhengde whispered, "I actually know that the imperial sister still has feelings for you, but it's a pity... you are predestined, but you are married."

Song Nan was silent. Zhengde looked up at the distance and asked, "Besides, I wanted to congratulate you in person during your wedding, but I was afraid it would be too noisy, so I gave up."

Song Nan said, "The emperor has a heart. It is already a blessing for the emperor to send people to send plaque congratulations. I already have a lot of face."

Zhengde said, "That's good. I allow the royal sister to congratulate her in person. Do you know my intention?"

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "I dare not be arrogant."

Zhengde said, "I want my sister to see with her own eyes that you are married so that she can face the reality. Some time ago, she suddenly fell ill and suddenly recovered. I was very worried about her. I just wanted the royal sister to be happy and didn't want her to be hurt. Do you understand what I mean?

Song Nan suddenly found that the princess had this meaning on that day, but she didn't guess that the older Zhengde was, the more meaningful he acted, and he was no longer like a child when he first ascended the throne two years ago.

"No one will hurt the princess, the emperor will not allow it, and I will swear to defend it to the death." Song Nan whispered, thinking of the entanglement with Kang Ning, and Song Nanshi didn't know how to end it in the future.

Zhengde walked slowly, and Song Nan slowly followed. The snow under their feet made a creaking sound, and there was a trace of comfort and calmness in the air.

"Are you... blaming me?" Zhengde suddenly stopped and asked mindlessly.

Song Nan was stunned and immediately understood what Zhengde was referring to.

"How dare I..."

"Don't you dare, or is it not strange?" Zhengde Road.

"Well...at the same time."

Zhengde smiled and said, "You are honest. If you say it's not at all, I will suspect that you are perfunctory. In fact, I know you are right, but you should also consider my face. If that matter is found out, do I have to suffer from rumors inside and outside the court?"

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "I understand, so I quickly closed the case and stopped all the investigation."

Zhengde nodded and said, "I'm also angry for my sister. It's okay for you to ignore me, and you have betrayed my sister's beauty. Therefore, I agreed to Liu Jin about that matter, which is actually a warning to you."

Song Nan was surprised by Zhengde's confession, but she couldn't answer and only spoke silently.

Zhengde turned around and looked at Song Nan and said, "But I didn't expect you to agree. I thought that if you could find a reason, I would suppress this matter, but instead of arguing, you agreed and surprised me."

Song Nan has no regret at all. Who won't say such words? At that time, Zhengde was obviously determined to punish himself. If he argued, the effect would be worse. It was really his weakness and speechless tolerance. According to Zhengde's character, he would say this gentle words today, otherwise he would never have said this paragraph.

"If I make a mistake, I will naturally be punished. I will not quibble. The emperor's love will let me down."

Zhengde smiled and said, "Well, you and my ministers have said it today, and all this has been revealed. I still value you. There are few people around me who can trust, but you are definitely one of them."

"Thank you, Emperor."

"In the nine days on the beacon of Xinpingbao, I have always appeared in my dreams. I know that you must be a little wronged now. You and I are about the same age, and we have been together for a long time, so there is no need to worry about not having the opportunity to serve the country. At present, since I have made an order, I can't change it easily. What's more, Liu Jin has invested a lot of money and manpower in the establishment of the two government. I can only wrong you first.

Song Nanxin said: I'm afraid it won't work if you don't want to revoke it. But he said, "I understand that the emperor doesn't need to comfort me."

Zhengde was obviously in a happy mood after saying what he said in his heart. Princess Corning in Meilin waved behind a red plum branch and shouted, "Your Majesty... Song Nan, why don't you come to reward plums? It's really beautiful."

Zhengde shouted, "Sister, I'm here to catch you. Wait." After saying that, his hands rushed over like an eagle. Kang Ning screamed and jumped away like a frightened deer and ran away. The two ran and chased after him, and the laughter spread all over the garden. Obviously, it was the style that the sister and brother used to play in childhood.

Song Nan couldn't help smiling and wait to get close to watch, but he heard someone coughing behind him. Song Nan's body stiffened and recognized whose voice it was. Looking back, Liu Jin stood there with a dark bamboo forest covered with snow on the side of the road, like dry dry wood, and his eyes stood there with a gloom.

"Lord Song, can you lend me a few words?" Liu Jin's voice was cold.

Song Nan smiled and said, "As ordered by Duke Liu, Song Nan dares not to obey."

Liu Jin smiled coldly, pointed to the half of the corridor hidden behind the snow and said, "Let's go there."

Song Nan bowed and stretched out his hand and said, "Fa father-in-law, please."

Liu Jin brushed his sleeves and straightened his chest, held his head high and walked away quickly. Song Nan was ready to walk. Behind him, Wan Zhi emerged from behind the snowy rockery and asked in a low voice, "Your Excellency, can you be accompanied by a humble position?"

Song Nan waved her hand with a smile and whispered, "What are you doing? It's not to fight and kill. Eunuch Liu is a scribe Lixian. Look, if Eunuch Liu doesn't bow to me later, I will treat you to hot pot.

Wan Zhi whispered, "Then this hot pot can't be eaten. I never doubt the ability of adults."

Song Nan patted Wan Zhi on the shoulder and followed Liu Jin's back.