Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 351 The Wind Suddenly

Chapter 351 (three tickets of the moshaocong brothers)

On the second day of the Chinese New Year, Song Nan and the little princess went back to the British government to pay a New Year call. The British government welcomed each other warmly. After what happened before, her husband and little father-in-law looked at Song Nan even more with new eyes. Her husband and little father-in-law had secret business several times and could never decide whether to intervene strongly to protect Song Nan's right to guard the government office. The strength was complete, but there was no reason or opportunity to take action for a while; now Song Nan quietly solved the matter, which greatly frustrated Liu Jin's sharpness, and the big stone in his heart suddenly fell to the ground.

On that day, the new uncle and his wife returned to Ning, and the British government welcomed him. Zhang Mao welcomed him to the door of the house. The young father-in-law accompanied him all the way and gave Song Nan enough face.

From the third day of the first lunar month, there was an endless stream of officials coming to visit the Song Mansion. These guys also smelled the atmosphere, which was completely different from the respect of the previous year, and they are flocking at this moment. Song Nan's heart is like a mirror. Who are the grass on the wall and who are real friends? You can know what happened before the New Year. However, Song Nan obviously won't break the matter. He warmly received these people, held banquets and entertained them. The conversation was also very popular. On the surface, there was no difference in the surface, but Song Nan's heart had divided these people into three or six.

On the morning of the second day of the Chinese New Year, Mrs. Yang boarded the car and went to Shaanxi. Song Nan gave a lot of clothes, gold and silver and drugs to treat lung diseases, and sent 50 brocade guards to accompany them to protect them. For Song Nan, there were not many allies. Yang Yiqing was absolutely well protected. Yang Yiqing prepared boldly in the northwest. It will definitely touch the interests of many people. He himself died outside his life, but Song Nan never wanted him to have an accident.

These 50 brocade guards, as special guards, also brought orders to thousands of brocade guards in Shaanxi, asking them to always pay attention to Yang Yiqing's safety, detect the signs and movements of the generals of the border town, prevent the situation, and strive to guard Yang Yiqing.

In the palace, Zhang Yong and Ma Yongcheng are also objects that need to be protected. Zhang Yong is fine. After all, he is not directly involved in the matter. Although Liu Jin doubts that he will never be directly attacked by him; on the contrary, Ma Yongcheng did not get any benefits in the end because he was used as a gun by Song Nan, and he also complained in his heart. I'm worried about Liu Jin's revenge. On the night of Shangyuan, Song Nan found Ma Yongcheng while watching the lanterns with him. He comforted him and promised to protect him. Although Ma Yongcheng complained, he had no choice but to do anything about it.

In today's situation, only by holding Song Nan's thigh can he have a way out. It can be imagine that if Song Nan hadn't warned Liu Jin, he would not have passed this year. How could Liu Jin have allowed him to live until the first day of the Chinese New Year? Moreover, after this incident, Ma Yongcheng also figured out that Song Nan was the only person who could fight with Liu Jin. Although he was used as a gunman, Song Nan's subtle strategy was also unexpected, and he also made contributions in it. Judging from Song Nan's previous behavior, this person was conscientious in protecting his own people. Blame, as long as you follow his footsteps wholeheartedly.

In the next few months, Liu Jin seemed to have restrained a little after being hit and did not do anything radically. The Ming court unexpectedly ushered in a rare stable day, but it seemed that after **, all parties entered a period of weakness, and everyone seemed to want to take a break. But everyone understands that this is only a short truce. This harmonious coexistence is just an illusion, and there may be a fierce struggle and struggle again. During this period, it is just that all parties are actively preparing for war and accumulating strength.

In April, a letter from the northwest. Due to the warmer weather and the careful care of Mrs. Yang, Yang Yiqing's lung disease has improved a lot. Although the situation in the border town is still grim, Yang Yiqing's various measures in the northwest are still difficult, but at least this is good news; Song Nan is replying He also comforted Yang Yiqing Xu Tuzhi that it would not be easy to do overnight and avoid the excessive intensification of contradictions.

In these idle months, Song Nan was also busy accelerating the expansion of Jinyiwei's government office. Thousands of Jinyiwei households were nearly full, with nearly 50,000 people. Moreover, according to the plan, he also added government offices in the blank state government. Song Nan's heart's goal was to expand Jinyiwei to about 100,000 people and become the largest one in the Ming Dynasty. Among the government, there are more than 60,000 cavalry officers and soldiers that can be sent abroad, which is equivalent to holding six regimental battalions that can be mobilized at will, which can be called a powerful faction.

Liu Jin kept silent about Song Nan's actions. Perhaps he accepted Song Nan's warning and did not dare to intervene in the matter of Jinyiwei's government, or maybe he was brewing another conspiracy, which is unknown. Song Nan didn't have much energy to think about this. The large-scale expansion of the property and manpower needed to expand the government and the affairs of inspection and selection were complicated. Li Daniu's inspection department was already too busy. Song Nan had to participate in it in person. She was busy every day and almost couldn't be idle for a moment.

Another important thing that Song Nan is concerned about is still unable to implement, which is the mass production of Mrs. Lu. Because of the huge amount of money, Song Nan really can't make a large amount of equipment for his own guard according to what he thought. He invested tens of thousands of taels of silver, and finally built less than a hundred pieces. It has to be suspended, because Song Nan can't afford such a huge cost.

The business opportunities I have been looking for are also temporarily fruitless. The expenses in the house are getting bigger and bigger. The income of Yipin duck stores is decreasing month by month, and it is unrealistic to take out a large amount of money to make a fire. Song Nan is also a headache.

The little princess's proposal to ask for money from her family was also refused by Song Nan. In this matter, Song Nan would rather cherish herself than dispersing the firearm manufacturing technology, which may be the most unwise thing. Unless it is the emperor's order and strictly ordered by the military department of the Ministry of War, Song Nan will never refuse to use manufacturing methods and technology flow. It spreads, and even if it has to be made public, Song Nan must have absolute benefits to agree.

One day in late April, Dai Suer vomited in the room. Uncle Zhong invited a doctor to treat the disease. After the pulse, he suddenly bowed his hand and congratulated, saying that Dai Suer was pregnant, and the Song Mansion exploded. Lu Qingli, Ye Fanggu and Song Nan had been living together for two years, and their stomachs had not moved. Song's mother did not know that they were in Guanyin Bodhisattva. How many kowtowed and made wishes in front of Sa, but there was no result. Unexpectedly, Dai Suer had newly entered the gate of Song Mansion for a few months, so she chose Lantian Youyu in the sparrow screen. How could she not teach the Song family to be happy?

Song Nan is also very gratified to hear the news. She is also 20 years old. Although she has been working hard, several women's stomachs have not moved, which is indeed an annoying thing. Song Nan sometimes even suspects that there is something wrong with her little tadpole, which may be a sequela caused by time travel. Dai Suer is pregnant, which makes a stone fall to the ground in Song Nan's heart. The rumor of cutting off his son and grandson.

Dai Suer can't help but be happy and has a lot of face. Although Song's wives and concubines get along well with each other, there is still a desire to fight for victory in their hearts. Usually, the comparison of dressing is secondary. Who can pass it on to Song Nan first is definitely the most concerned thing. Naturally, everyone wants to see Songfu, but it's better to feel at ease with the seed in their own stomachs.

The little princess felt a little unbearable and attributed the blame to Song Nan's bias towards Dai Su'er. To be honest, Song Nan is indeed a little biased towards Dai Su'er. After all, among the few women, Dai Su'er is the most beautiful, and she also has a beautiful demeanor who knows books and gifts, which is very in line with Song Nan's long-term aesthetics and stays in Dai Su'er's room. Naturally, the number of times is slightly more; but if you judge the number of success or failure, it is a little unreasonable. Whether it is the little princess or Lu Qingli and Ye Fanggu, she has surrendered to Song Nan countless times before marriage. This time, she was pulled out by Dai Suer, and it has to be said that Dai Suer is lucky.

Fortunately, this unpleasantness quickly disappeared. When he realized that this was Song Nan's child and immediately wanted to upgrade to an elder, he was replaced by novelty and surprise. The little princess took out the demeanor of a big woman, sent more maidservants to Dai Suer's room, added all kinds of things, and invited an experienced woman from the prince's mansion to serve her, and took care of her like a great enemy. Then there was another round of competition to make clothes for the unborn child. The child in his belly was probably still unconscious*. Lin Lin made dozens of clothes, shoes and socks. Song Nan had no choice but to laugh bitterly when she learned about this.

Of course, in the matter of Fang Di, the three unpregnant women also lost their little reservedness. Before, Song Nan wanted to coax them to do things, but now they took the initiative to attack and make Song Nanle like they were in heaven.

The calm and happy days always pass quickly. In June, Dai Suer's stomach has been slightly raised, and the enthusiasm of Song Mansion has gradually become rational and calm, but the calm court has set off waves.

In the early morning of June, the Ministry of War proposed that 1.5 million taels of silver were needed to supplement the war horses of the border army, but Gu Zuo, the secretary of the Ministry of Household, made it clear that there was no money to give, which triggered a dispute between the two sides. The next day, Gu Zuo threw out a heavy discussion, taking the statistics of fiscal revenue and expenditure over the Ming Dynasty in the past two years as an example, listing the decreasing fiscal revenue in the past few years. And the deficit, it is suggested that the court take measures to increase fiscal revenue, otherwise the treasury will be empty, so as to prove that the Ministry of Households is unable to bear the silver of war horse procurement.

A few days later, in the early morning, Zhengde proposed a reform measure for Mazheng. At the same time, he also put forward a reform plan to increase fiscal revenue for everyone to discuss and implement, which immediately became the focus of the debate among civil and military ministers.

Everyone knows that these two things are neither proposed by the cabinet nor proposed by six departments. It is unlikely that the emperor himself can come up with it. The biggest possibility is the reform plan proposed by Liu Jin. Liu Jin is unwilling to be lonely and finally has to take action.

For Song Nan, not to mention the content of these two measures, Liu Jin's motivation needs to be considered. In fact, this is not difficult. Liu Jin suddenly intervened in national affairs. On the one hand, he wanted to show his strong strength and influence on morality through the decision-making on the court's major events. Second, as long as the measures can be achieved As a result, Zhengde will naturally rely more on himself in future imperial affairs, which is a huge political capital.

If the major measures in the government can be successful, their credit is no less than a major victory in military merit, which is beyond doubt.

(At the end of this volume, please refer to the next volume: Daming Disaster)