Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 363 strange things

Chapter 33

Due to the continuous march of seven or eight days, there was little rest. The guards and the officers and soldiers were very tired. Originally, they were eager to fight a battle, but after finding that it was an empty city, the soldiers relaxed and suddenly felt a little tired and tired.

Song Nan looked at the officers and soldiers who were pale and understood that the team needed to rest. In addition, it was not easy to find out the movements of the thief soldiers. In view of this, Song Nan repeatedly issued orders to order more than ten cavalry to leave the city along the southeast and west three directions to find the movements of the thief soldiers, and the rest of the soldiers were stationed and standby.

After the cavalry was sent, Song Nan did not rest. He rode around the streets of Wen'an County, with Wang Yong and Li Daniu and dozens of guards.

The whole county is like the ground swept by a tornado, full of mess and blood, and the nose is smelly. On only a few streets, there are not many intact houses. The dilapidated rooms on both sides are full of old and weak women and children. The middle-aged men have disappeared, and obviously they have been dragged into the thieves.

"Big cow, take the hundreds of strong men and order them to clean up the garbage on the street. The smell of this street must be that there are corpses that have not been buried. They must be buried or burned quickly, otherwise there will be a pandemic." Song Nan frowned and ordered.

Li Daniu answered and quickly went back to escort more than 700 so-called thief soldiers in the square and began to clean up the street houses.

Song Nan and Wang Yong continued to walk along the street. When they walked to a street in Xicheng, they suddenly found a group of ragged people gathered around a pergola and did not know what they were doing. Seeing dozens of cavalry officers and soldiers coming, the people silently flashed aside and let Song Nan and others pass.

Song Nan rode slowly by. In the pergola, a woman in cloth masked with green cloth was holding a spoon in a large pot and pouring soup into the bowls of the people stretched out by the pot. Song Nan felt puzzled and got off her horse and walked into the porridge shed. The woman took care of the soup for the people and seemed to be unaware of Song Nan's arrival.

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "This sister-in-law is polite."

The woman stopped the spoon in her hand, looked up at Song Nan, and immediately restrained her bow and whispered, "Master is polite."

Song Nan saw that the woman's eyebrows were very refreshing, and her skin was smooth and without any wrinkles. Looking at the woman's hair style, which was not the bun of the married woman, she regretted her words and hurriedly said, "It turned out to be a girl. I'm offended."

The woman whispered, "It doesn't matter." After saying that, he continued to serve porridge to the people.

Song Nan said, "This place is in turmoil. It's admirable that the girl can do this righteous act. Didn't the thief make it difficult for the girl?"

The woman said, "The slave family hid and heard that the city calmed down before they dared to come out. The villagers did not eat or drink. Fortunately, there was still a bag of grain in my cellar, so I took it out and cooked porridge to satisfy the hunger of the villagers, which was not a righteous act."

Song Nan nodded and said, "So it's so. A good Wen'an turned out to look like this. It's really painful. Thieves harm the people. I will definitely ask them for this account."

The woman was stunned and whispered, "They are not thieves."

Song Nan frowned and said, "What?"

Wang Yong, who followed Song Nan, shouted, "How dare you talk like this? Is it possible that you have a link with the anti-thief?"

Song Nan stared at the woman and said coldly, "They are the scourge. Why did the girl defend them?"

The woman said, "They are not thieves in the first place. Most of them are ordinary people of Wen'an."

Song Nan said, "It may have been the people before, but after the burning and looting, is it still the people?"

The woman said quietly, "Of course it's damned, but is it entirely their fault? Do you officials know the hardships of the people? It's okay to have ten rooms and nine empty rooms. The government still forces the people to farm, rent and raise horses. The people have no way to live, so they can do these stupid things. They are wrong, but are others right?

Wang Yong shouted angrily, " shut up, you woman, you actually defended the rebels. Could it be a group of rebels?"

The woman said, "If the slave family is with them, they will not stay here to give porridge to the people; the slave family does not defend them, but the slave family just has something to say."

Song Nan said quietly, "Who are you? Ordinary women can't say these words.

The woman was stunned and slowly took off the green cloth on her face, revealing a straight and beautiful face and said, "The slave family is Liu Yuerong. Liu Liu and Liu Qi, who rebelled in Wen'an, are the two brothers of the slave family. I am their own sisters."

Everyone was shocked. Wang Yong shouted, and several guards jumped forward and pointed their swords at Liu Yuerong. The girl of the bandit chief must have been extraordinary, and she was afraid that she would hurt people violently.

Song Nan was also shocked. This woman was Liu Liu and Liu Qi's sister. Unexpectedly, she did not leave with the thief soldiers, but stayed in Wen'an County to help the people. This is really strange.

"Generals, a weak woman in the slave family, why do you need to add a sword? Are you still afraid that I'm a woman?"

"Tight-tooth! Anti-thief family, make an accomplice! You are not timid enough to dare to stay in Wen'an County. Do you think that the officers and soldiers can't attack the small Wen'an County? Wang Yong shouted.

The woman smiled sadly and said, "Why did the slave family leave? The two brothers rebelled, which could not be stopped by the slave family. The slave family knew that after my brother rebelled, the nine clans of the Liu family would be killed, but what can I do? All the slave family can do is not follow them to harm the people, stay in Wen'an County and give porridge to the people who have been harmed by them and relieve their guilt.

Song Nan was surprised that Liu Yuerong chose to stay in Wen'an County. She must have known that she could not be spared it. If she chose to follow her brother's team to attack him, or there was still have a chance to live, but she chose to stay here to cook porridge. Obviously, she did not agree with her brother's rebellion, but even so, she was not only for the relatives of the anti-thieves, but also How can you escape the blame?

Song Nan sighed and shouted, "Take it away." After saying that, he turned around and walked out of the pergola.

Wang Yong shouted, "Come with us."

Liu Yuerong shouted behind Song Nan, "This general, I have a request from the slave family."

Song Nan turned around and said, "Please speak."

"Rong Nu's family will leave this pot of porridge and rice and then follow you. When I leave, they will be hungry."

Song Nan walked for a long time, turned around and walked to the big pot, rolled up her sleeves and picked up a wooden spoon and said, "Okay, I'll help you serve porridge together."

Liu Yuerong was stunned, but saw Song Nan reaching out to greet a group of people who were scared and hiding far away, "The villagers have lined up to get porridge and rice. Remember that this is the porridge rice given by Miss Liu, but it's better to remember her kindness."

The people trotted forward, driven by hunger, but there was food to eat, and everything else could be put aside; Liu Yuerong sighed and also picked up a wooden spoon. While greeting everyone to be careful not to squeeze it and pour a spoonful of porridge into their dishes.

A pot of porridge was quickly clean, but hundreds of people who gathered slowly did not have their turn. A large pot of porridge seemed to be many, but in fact, more than 100 bowls were gone. Liu Yuerong looked at the people's disappointed look and asked in a low voice, "General, can you cook a large pot of charity for the people? Question mark You show mercy. Look at these villagers, they haven't entered the rice for a few days.

Song Nan shook his head and said, "No."

Liu Yuerong looked disappointed and bowed her head and said, "Well, the slave family knows that there are too many demands. The slave family is now a family of the anti-thief and has no right to make any demands."

Song Nan said, "Don't worry, I will order people to take them to the county government square, and I will order people to cook a few large pots of porridge for them to eat. You can rest assured."

Liu Yuerong was overjoyed and said, "General, will you really do this? I thank the general on behalf of the people.

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "I don't need you to thank you. It's the responsibility of the court to help the people. What does it mean to ask you to thank me? Girl, are you still worried about yourself? Do you know what you are about to face?

Liu Yuerong said sadly, "It's nothing more than death."

Song Nan sneered and said, "It's better to die, but it's a pity that it's not so cheap. You will be charged as a slave, and you may be charged to the teaching workshop or the official brothel, and suffer all kinds of unexpected insults."

Liu Yuerong's face turned pale and opened her little mouth and couldn't speak for a long time. Song Nan sighed in her heart that this woman did not know the meanness and fierceness of the court to treat the prisoner's wife. She is a good girl's family. Her future fate will be unimaginable. She doesn't know why she wants her ** identity. Maybe she is guilty about what her two brothers did. , atone for your sins.

"Please beg the general to complete the slave's death." Liu Yuerong muttered.

Song Nan slowly shook her head, and Liu Yuerong suddenly jumped up and bumped into the wooden pillar next to her. Song Nan quickly grabbed her. Liu Yuerong shouted, "Let the slave die, let the slave die."

Song Nan shouted in a low voice, "Take it away!"

The guards came forward and put Liu Yuerong, who was paralyzed, on horseback, and the group galloped away.