Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 374 True Purpose

Chapter 374 (Thanks: lecxf, the monthly ticket of the two brothers with a beard.)

The people of Yizhou, which had been robbed by the thief soldiers, were panicked, and more than 10,000 people escaped from death. In the face of the devastated home and lost relatives, their mood could be imagined. As it was getting darker, Song Nan ordered people to clean up a vacant land at the intersection of the cross street, lit a fire, put on a pot stove, take out all the dry food brought by thousands of cavalry, and add water. Boil.

The people gathered in the open space and were afraid day and night. At this moment, they could feel a little at ease under the protection of the periphery of the brocade cavalry. After drinking porridge, they fell to the ground tiredly and fell asleep one by one.

Song Nan sat beside a pile of bonfires and was stunned. The stars in the northwest night sky were a little unreal, but under such a brilliant starry night sky, who would have thought that there was a tragedy in the world. After more than 20 days of fighting with thieves and soldiers, she saw too much killing and death, and Song Nan's heart gradually became numb.

It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong. People are fighting for survival. Thieves are like this, and so are officers and soldiers. The people are the most innocent and have been slaughtered in the middle. Although the thief soldiers have wrapped many people hostage from thieves, many people are also voluntarily from thieves. Otherwise, a group of people who are trapped in the army will never be so destructive. Often, once the first person is killed, the first woman is **, and the first house is burned, he is a timid and obscene people, who will also be as fierce as a hungry wolf. There is a second time, which is caused by human nature.

Song Nan doesn't want to think more about this. He just wants to solve the problem from the root. In so many days, Song Nan has asked many people and thought a lot about it. Basically, it can be concluded that the root cause lies in the policy of the court. There have been many * uprisings in the Ming Dynasty before, but this is the first time on such a large scale, all of which began with the promulgation of Liu Jin's Ma Zheng and land policies.

People's livelihood has been difficult, which may be the last straw on the people's heads. Coupled with this deadly straw, Liu Liuqi and others actually only used this opportunity to facilitate the false anti-violence peaceful people under the banner of saving the people in water and fire. Many people who volunteered to join also chose it because of the hope of no more life. Take the risk.

For the first time, Song Nan had such an urgent hope to bring down Liu Jin. This person is the source of the disaster. In order to put an end to everything that is happening, Liu Jin must die and the policy of the imperial court must be changed. Otherwise, Liu Liu Liuqi, Liu Ba, Liu Jiu and Liu Shi will never be at peace.

Song Nan lay down and lay beside the bonfire. Occasionally, there was a cry in the baby's dream. The horse sounded its nose in the distance. The crescent moon rose. Song Nan's thoughts circulated and returned to Song's house in the capital. She began to miss her wives and concubines at home.

The collision sound of the "Ding Ding" chain sounded beside him. Song Nan looked sideways and saw Liu Yuerong with shackles staggering in the moonlight. Song Nan turned over and sat up. Liu Yuerong saluted and said, "Lord Song, did I disturb you?"

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I haven't fallen asleep yet. Didn't I tell them to go to your shackles? Why did you put it on again?

Liu Yuerong whispered, "My slave family asked for it."

Song Nan was stunned: "Why is that?"

"The slave family is a sinner. My brother rebelled and committed such a heinous crime. The slave family felt very uncomfortable. They always felt that they were extremely guilty and shackled for peace of mind."

Song Nan originally wanted to say that it was your brother's sin and not your sin, but when he thought about it, there is no such reason these days. The rebels are not only blood relatives, but also their relatives who are far away from home will also be killed.

"Look at this Yizhou City, a beautiful city, which has become like this after a night. The people here are reunited and live in the city. Now some have lost their relatives and some have no houses. The more you see these, the more uncomfortable the slave's heart will be." Liu Yuerong cried in a low voice.

Song Nan whispered, "It's true that your brothers have committed the sins, and the court is not without responsibility."

Liu Yuerong looked at Song Nan with a shock. Song Nan smiled and said, "Am I wrong?"

Liu Yuerong said, "This came from the mouth of a court official, and the slave family was surprised."

Song Nan said, "I'm just telling the truth. I was also born in a poor family, and I can also empathize with the difficult livelihood of the people. After this incident, I will definitely report to the court to try my best to change."

Liu Yuerong's face was complicated and whispered, "If you can do this, it must be a boundless blessing, and the people will also be grateful to you."

Song Nan smiled and said, "I can only say that I will do my best."

Liu Yuerong was silent for a long time and suddenly said, "Why did you say these words to my sister who is a thief?"

Song Nan stared at Liu Yuerong and said, "Because I believe that you are a person who knows right and wrong, and you are not the same kind of people as your brother."

Liu Yuerong stared at the bonfire for a long time and whispered, "Are you going to take the slave back to Beijing tomorrow?"

Song Nan nodded, and Liu Yuerong asked again, "Will the slave be beheaded?"

Song Nan didn't answer. He reached out and picked up a dead branch and threw it into the fire. Liu Yuerong sighed, "The slave family understand, Lord Song, you are a good official. If the court is an official like you, there will be no rebellion."

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's not necessarily so. It's late. Let's rest early."

Liu Yuerong nodded and got up and sank into the darkness; Song Nan lay down again, and the fatigue of several days finally hit, and soon fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, the mist fell like a big net, the new moon had sunk in the west, the square was silent, and the officers and soldiers in the vigil also dozed off one by one.

A small voice behind the low wall sat up, gently moved the shackles on his wrist, pounded the shackles a few times with a thin wire to make a slight click sound at the lock hole, and opened it.

The figure quietly got up, took out a dagger from the crack of the stone, slowly walked to Song Nan's sleeping place with the dagger, came to Song Nan, slowly raised the dagger, looked at Song Nan's sleeping face, and whispered, "Lord Song, I'm sorry. Although you are a good official, they are my brother."

Song Nan turned over in her sleep and turned her back to the figure. The dagger in her hand trembled. She wanted to stab her several times, but stopped every time she touched her body. After a long time, she finally threw the dagger into the bonfire to hide her face and walked away. She stepped on a dead branch on her feet and made a crackling sound, which immediately shocked more than a dozen people around Song Nan. Pro-guard.

"Who, what is it for?" Wang Yong jumped up, and several guards also quickly got up.

The figure quickly ran out, and the guards scolded and chased them. The figure turned around and waved his hand and heard the sound of breaking through the air. The relatives and guards knew the power and hurriedly avoided. Several iron thistles passed by. The figure jumped and accelerated and disappeared in the mist in an instant. There was the sound of a brocade guard flag school in the distance, followed by. The horse's hoof sounded and gradually faded away.

Wang Yong ordered loudly: "First team, chase."

Song Nan's voice came from behind: "Don't chase her, let her go."

Everyone hurried to check whether Song Nan was injured and saw that Song Nan was sound, so they were relieved.

"This man is very good at martial arts. How did he sneak in? Let's see if anyone else was injured; the whole city checked the gap." Wan Zhi, who heard the news, shouted.

Song Nan waved her hand and said, "Forget it, that's Miss Liu."

Wang Yong said in astonishment, "Miss Liu? How could it be her?"

Song Nan looked into the distance in the mist and said, "From the day I caught her, I knew that she was not an ordinary woman."

Wan Zhiwang Yong said in astonishment, "Your excellency knew that she was suspicious?"

Song Nan said, "Of course, her brother rebelled. How could she stay in Wen'an and wait for us to catch him, and reveal her identity? Both Liu Liu and Liu Qi both have martial arts skills and are engaged in arresting and stealing for the government. Martial arts is definitely not simple. I remember the information sent by Bazhou Wei saying that this brother met an alien two hours and taught martial arts. Liu Yuerong is their sister, and it's not surprising to learn martial arts.

Wan Zhi said, "Your Excellency, this woman was captured by herself. Is it to assassinate the adult?"

Song Nan shook his head and said, "Maybe it's not aimed at me. Maybe the purpose is to suppress the officers and soldiers of the thieves in the court. I'm just thinking that I've advanced in Wen'an County."

Wang Yong said, "Are you so bold that you are not afraid that we will cut her with a knife after we catch her?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "This is called wisdom. Her identity is the sister of the anti-thief's leader. How important is her identity? No matter who catches her, she can't cut it with a knife. Either ask for credit or threaten her. In short, if she doesn't resist, who will cut her with a knife?"

Wan Zhi nodded and said, "What a scheming woman, if we let her go to Beijing, I'm afraid she will escape halfway. Look at the shackles and open it easily."

Wang Yong said in a daze: "She has been with the adult for many days and has a good chance to assassinate the adult. Has the adult been on her guard?"

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I only doubted her a few days ago."

"Do you like adults?" Wang Yongdao.

" shut up, don't make such a joke." Wan Zhi scolded.

Song Nan smiled and said, "There is always a reason. She has a lot of opportunities to attack me. Although I am on guard, I may not be able to avoid the disaster. Maybe... Maybe we are good to her. Her conscience has found out."

Wan Zhi said, "Let this woman come and go freely like this. It's a joke to death. Next time I catch her without saying a word."

Wang Yong said, "Yes, don't give her a chance."

Song Nan slowly said, "Let's talk about it after being caught. It's okay to escape. When she enters the capital, she may not die, but it is certain that she will be humiliated. Don't mention this matter anymore. It's almost dawn. Send someone to inquire about the news at Bauhinia Pass. When Hou Dabiao comes back, we will leave for Beijing.

Wan Zhiwang bravely bowed his hand and took the order to leave.