Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 377 Tongue War vassals (continued)

Chapter 37

"Your Majesty, can't this explain why Gu Dazhao's army of thieves will not move?" Song Nandao.

Zhengde said unhappily, "Even if Gu Da lost his fighter, he would not say that he was a thief. This is unreasonable."

Song Nan said, "Your Majesty, what if the thief soldiers break through Xin'an County to the south?"

Zhengde said, "That is naturally a big trouble, which is also avoided by the court."

Song Nan said: "The trouble of the imperial court is what the thief soldiers expect. The thief soldiers naturally try their best to break through Xin'an County and drive south. It's okay for Gu Da to use Chen Bing not to attack and fall. Maybe there is another subtle strategy as some people defended for him. But I want to say that since I know that the trouble of thief soldiers is to break through the south, Gu Why didn't Dayong increase the number of troops in Xin'an County during the siege? But only let my 1,000 soldiers and horses guard Xin'an County? If the thief soldiers didn't attack Xin'an for the first time and suffered a great loss, what would the result be if the thief soldiers fought desperately to attack Xin'an County?

Zhengde frowned and said, "Xin'an may not be guaranteed."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Shang Mingjian, I just want to ask, what is Gu Dayi's intention?" You can't prevaricate everything with words such as 'other plans'.

"This..." Zhengde was speechless.

"I had no choice but to transfer a thousand horses from Baoding Prefecture. Note that I only used the manpower of my subordinates and did not move a soldier and horse in Baoding Prefecture. With the benefit of a strong city, 3,000 people were stationed there. I think that I can't threaten the safety of Baoding Prefecture at all. "

Liu Jin said, "Do you think you can protect yourself?"

Song Nan scolded: "I can still defend a small Xin'an County with a wall that is only more than ten feet high and collapsed in many places. Why can't 3,000 soldiers and horses defend Baoding Mansion, which is two feet high, the moat is three or four feet wide, and has built enemy buildings and turrets?"

Liu Jin's words were stuffed, and Zhang Mao said, "What Song Nan said is not bad. Three thousand soldiers and horses can defend Baoding Mansion. Slowly speaking, it is a rebel of the mob, and even 10,000 elite soldiers are difficult to break through."

Zhengde nodded slowly and said, "So, you transferred a thousand Ti to Xin'an County, originally based on the consideration of Baoding's self-protection; but you are trying to strengthen the defense of Xin'an County. You're right."

Song Nan said, "Your Majesty, I am really helpless. Gu Dayong will not move. The city is afraid that the new peace will be lost, and it will be a small matter to lose the city. It will be an unmanageable situation to let the thief soldiers go south through here. I have something to ask the emperor to dispel my doubts. Before I mobilized a thousand brocade guards to reinforce Xin'an, Xin'an was the least among the troops surrounding Ansu, only a thousand. What is the purpose of Gu Da's siege without attacking and not sending troops to reinforce Xin'an?

Zhengde frowned and shook his head for a long time and said, "I'm not very proficient in the military. I can't think of it."

Song Nan said, "Can that adult explain for me? In this case, what would the thief soldier think when he was trapped in Ansu?"

Zhengde nodded and said, "Please explain it to me."

Zhang Mao said: "In the siege of military tactics, one of the siege is to let the enemy escape according to his own ideas and lines, which can disintegrate the enemy's will to fight to the death, and can also let the enemy enter the set trap; only Xin'an's troops around Ansu are the weakest. Is it... Is Gu Da's intention to force the thief to attack? Xin'an?"

There was a sound of gas in the court. Zhang Mao's conclusion came out, and everyone immediately understood why Song Nan said that he suspected that Gu Da had used to connect with the enemy. He did not give Xin'an more troops, but also besieged him without attacking. It was obviously to give the thief soldiers a way to live and let the thief soldiers fight to seize the south passage. This is not the enemy. What?

No matter how confused Zhengde was, he understood what it meant. His body couldn't help trembling, and his pale little face was full of anger.

Liu Jin complained in his heart and said to himself: It's just forcing the thief soldiers to fight with Song Nan. It's better to kill Song Nan in Xin'an, but he has no desire to connect with the enemy. However, when he saw Zhengde's anger, he secretly shouted bad in his heart and had to save Gu Dayong, because if Gu Dayong was really taken down, if he fell into Song Nan's hands to force a confession, it was hard to guarantee that he would not involve himself in. Gu Dayong would not even buy himself at a critical time.

"The emperor's anger..." Before Zhengde opened his mouth, Liu Jin shouted and hurried to the seat to kneel down and kowtowed.

Zhengde said angrily, "Liu Jin, do you want to plead for Gu Dayong?"

Liu Jin kowtowed and said, "I guarantee my life, and Gu Dayong will never communicate with thieves. Do you think that Gu Daying has served the emperor loyally for so many years. As an important member of the inner court, he bears the heavy responsibility of suppressing thieves. How can he say that he will communicate with the enemy? What is the motive? It doesn't make sense at all?"

Zhengde shouted, "Then explain to me what Gu Da used to do in Ansu?"

Liu Jin bit his teeth and said, "I think that Gu Dayong must be unbearable. Gu Dayong has never brought troops. He is poor in the battle. He must have made such a mistake because he was too stupid. Before he set out, he once told the maidservant that 'There is Lord Song stationed in Xin'an County to be defeated.' The slave just remembered this. Yu, I think he didn't send more troops to Xin'an because he trusted Lord Song's ability. As for why he was besieged and didn't attack, I think he must have his own explanation; but if he was a thief, he didn't believe it even if he died.

Zhengde frowned and said nothing, and Jiao Fang, a cabinet scholar, also said, "I don't believe that Gu Da can be a thief. It must be because he doesn't have enough ability."

"I don't believe it! Because there is no motivation or reason!" Gu Zuo, the minister of the Ministry of Household, made a statement.

"The old minister doesn't believe it either!" Xu Guangzuo said.

"I don't believe it either." More than 20 officials came out one after another, including civil servants and military positions, all of whom said they did not believe in Gu Dayong's thieves.

Zhengde looked at Song Nan and said, "It seems that there is still a secret in it. Song Nan, in fact, I don't believe in the use of the thief. It seems that there needs to be evidence to support this matter."

Song Nan knew that he could not kill Gu Dayi for the crime of thieves, but there was also no evidence to say that Gu Dayi was to harm himself. The reason why Gu Dayi was thieves was that he did not want to give people the same testimony and impression of the party.

"To be honest, I don't believe it." Song Nandao.

Zhengde and his ministers sweated in a waterfall and said to themselves: It's unreasonable that you don't believe why you still want to put a shit basin on Gu Da's head.

Song Nan said, "Naturally, I don't believe it with reason, but Gu Dayi's behavior makes me doubt that my Jinyiwei government has always looked at things but not people. However, since Duke Liu, Duke Dingguo, Lord Jiao and others are willing to guarantee that Gu Dayong will not communicate with the enemy, I can't say anything, but Gu Dayi actually blamed me after being teased by the thief soldiers. It can be seen that he is stupid and unmotivated. How can such a person take on the important task of suppressing the thief governor? I officially impeach Gu Da today. With the dereliction of duty, please ask the emperor to make a decision.

As soon as Song Nan's words fell, Yang Tinhe said, "I seconded. I have such a heavy responsibility. How can I be so stupid to use soldiers? Please send someone else to lead the army to suppress the thieves.

Yang Tinhe's attitude is the attitude of others in the cabinet except Jiao Fang and Gu Zuo. Liu Jin also knew that it was irreparable. Just now, in order to save Gu Dayong, he also said that Gu Dayong was a fool, and now it's too late to change his words.

"The maidservant also believes that... Gu Dayi is not suitable to serve as the governor of the suppression of thieves. In order to eliminate the anti-thieves as soon as possible, the maidservant also asked the emperor to choose another capable person." Liu Jindao.

At this time, it is a forsa to be dismissed. After returning to Beijing, he may still need to be interrogated, and there will be additional punishment for what Ansu has done.

Zhengde said no more, and immediately issued a decree to change the position of governor of Gu Dayang West Road to suppress thieves, and immediately returned to Beijing for interrogation. Xu Guangzuo, the governor of the thieves, ordered Xu Guangzuo, the governor of the thieves, to be appointed by the election.

Liu Jin and Xu Guangzuo had no light on their faces and retreated with gloomy faces. They thought Song Nan would be overjoyed and proud, but there was no smile on Song Nan's face, and their faces were still serious.

Zhengde was a little tired. He stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead and said, "I'll be here today. I'm tired. If nothing happens, I'll retreat."

Everyone bowed and waited for Zhengde to leave their seats. After standing for a long time, dozens of old ministers were a little unsistible and their bodies were shaken; but Song Nan shouted, "Your Majesty, I still have something to do."

Everyone frowned and looked at Song Nan. What's wrong with this guy today? He hasn't seen him for more than 20 days. It seems that he has changed. Although he used to be arrogant, he was always a little restrained. Today, he scolded Liu Jin in court and repeatedly blocked Zhengde from retreating from the court.

Zhengde just got up by pressing the armrest and said in astonishment, "Song Nan, you still have a discussion. How about this? It's been too long in the morning. How about you come to my study to talk? I'm thirsty."

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Your Majesty, this is a big deal. I'm afraid I have to ask the emperor to endure thirst for the time being."

According to Zhengde's temper, he can naturally ignore it, but now the power of the thief soldiers is getting stronger and bigger, causing a lot of noise. Zhengde does not dare to neglect the matter, so now he has restrained a lot, always pays attention to the situation, and also takes the initiative to summon the minister. In addition, Song Nan wants to discuss, and Song Nan admits it so. Really, it must be not small, so I sat down and said, "Okay, I allow you to play."

An old minister thought he could go down, but his old and weak body could no longer support it. It was dark in front of him and fell to the ground with a grunt.