Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 398 The Righteous and Handsome

The officers and soldiers' boat crossing the Weishan Lake at night originally went straight to the north bank, but halfway, they strayed into the remnants of broken stems. The officers and soldiers thought they had reached the north shore, but they didn't think it was right to calculate the distance and time. The two boats rowed forward bravely, but they suddenly made arrows in the dark and were about to be on a boat. Four soldiers shot into a hornet's nest.

The soldiers on the other boat urgently jumped into the water and took advantage of the cover of the boat's side to get out of the firing distance of the arrows. At the same time, they issued a warning to warn the reconnaissance ships behind not to approach. The officers and soldiers on the other boats did not dare to approach again. They only looked at it slowly far away and found that it was a huge island in the middle of the lake. The island was full of thieves, and they immediately asked the military pigeon to bring back the news.

Song Nan, who received the news, didn't know whether to be happy or scold. He, the governor, was also careless, and led the troops to fight unexpectedly realized the terrain of the place of the battle. A small circle in Weishan Lake was indeed seen on the military map, but no one marked the name on it, and the accompanying people did not remind them. No one mentioned this, which became a big joke.

The good news is that the thief soldiers did not land on the north shore, and the prefectures and counties on the north coast were not at bay for a while. The bad news is that the thief soldiers occupied the island in the middle of the lake like Liangshan heroes. If they are naturally not afraid in future generations, they will flatten the island in minutes, but this is that in the Ming Dynasty, they did not even have a decent warship on hand. How to deal with the island. The thief?

Song Nan is very puzzled why the thief soldiers climbed the island in the middle of the lake without choosing to escape to the north bank to break out from the siege, because no matter how dangerous the island in the lake is, it is obviously unwise to choose to stay here, because it is difficult for officers and soldiers to besiege the whole southern four lakes, but it is still very simple to besiege an island, even if there is no water. Song Nan didn't feel that there was nowhere to talk about the teacher.

After dawn, Song Nan boarded the boat to check it in person. This time, Song Nan learned to be obedient and took the local fishermen together. Halfway, he listened to the old fisherman's chatter about the situation of Weishan Island.

The area of Weishan Island is not small. It is more than 17 or 8 miles long from east to west and about 10 miles wide from north to south. Ten thousands of people are enough to be stationed in the area. Moreover, the old fisherman said that the island has not only the former residence of the famous Shang Dynasty minister Weizi named Weishan Lake, but also the tomb of Zhang Liang, the prime minister of the Han Dynasty. The terrain of this island is not very dangerous. It is high in the north and low in the south. There are peaks standing in the north of the island. Although it is not steep and the altitude seems to be only 100 meters, it is still impossible to climb the island from the cliff in the north.

The terrain in the east is also mountainous, and the waterfront is a cliff of more than ten feet, so it is difficult to break through. In the south of the west, there are shoals with mud and sand piled up. The people on the island are planted in the shoals according to local conditions. Over time, they have spread everywhere. Every summer, it has become a scenic spot; but this brings That's another problem: ships can't land directly on the shore, and all people have to abandon their boats and walk in the water three or four miles away from the island. The spikes on the rotten branches and leaves will also make people who walk ashore suffer.

The people on the island naturally open up a small wharf where ships dock. There are two small wharfs in the south of the island, but it is obvious that it is impossible to dock directly from these opened waterways. Since the thief soldiers occupy the island, they will defend these places.

Listening to the old fisherman's chatter about the situation of Weishan Island, Song Nan's boat also circled the Weishan Island far away. What he saw was like the old fisherman said. Song Nan's forehead flowed a few black lines, and when he was thinking about how to break through the island, he suddenly listened. Hou Dabiao on the front ship shouted, "Come back, the thief is chasing after you. Damn it."

Song Nan quickly looked at it and saw dozens of small boats coming out of the island and chased them aggressively. It was obvious that only four or five boats on Song Nan's side were approaching and waiting to teach them a lesson.

Song Nan was so depressed that she ordered to turn around and leave while scolding. It was unimaginable that she was chased by the thief.

Leaving several reconnaissance ships to monitor the movement on the island from afar, Song Nan returned to the south bank camp to summon the generals to discuss.

Lu Wan decided to make up for his achievements this time. The first petitioned for his life: "Metro governor, when the soldiers and horses in Xuzhou come tomorrow with the ferry of 300 Feiyun Ferry, they are willing to take the lead to take Weishan Island and capture Liu Liu Liu, the leader of the bandits alive."

Xu Tai rolled his eyes and said, "Lord Lu, everything is your first. It's my turn to lead the army. The last time I asked you to lead 4,000 cavalry to block the thief's way. You made me dizzy and almost ruined a big deal. This time, you can stand aside."

Lu Wanzi raised her face and wanted to argue. She was the only one in the army who was not Song Nan's direct line, but she was not competitive. The governor gave her a chance but almost messed up the matter.

Song Nan waved her hand and said, "That matter has passed. What do you always mention? However, Xu Tai said something about me. There are still 3,000 remnants of the soldiers in Zhaoyang Lake who don't know where to go. I don't know if there is any news.

Xu Tai said, "I was about to report to the governor that he found its traces in the wetland of Nanyang Lake, and it seemed that he wanted to go west. It is estimated that the 3,000 thieves would be half dead when they climbed out of the lake. It's not too late to deal with them later. The main force of the thief soldiers is on Weishan Island, and Liu Liu, the leader of the thief, must be here. Let's solve the problem first."

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "Although the 3,000 remnant soldiers are not worried, they also keep an eye on them. They can't run ashore casually. It's better to be sealed in the lake. After more than ten days, the weather is getting colder and colder. They can't stay in the lake naturally. There is no island in Nanyang Lake, right?"

Xu Tai said honestly, "This...to be honest, there is a Nanyang Island."

"Ah?" Song Nan almost frowned and thought, "Lu Wan, I ordered you to take 3,000 soldiers and horses north to find the place where the 3,000 thief soldiers landed; if you also landed on the island, I allow you to mobilize the soldiers and horses of the Shenwuwei and Yingzhou Guard on the north bank to besiege them; as long as you are optimistic that the thief soldiers will not let them go ashore and flee, the governor will be your meritorious ."

Although Lu Wan was reluctant, he knew that he had nothing to do with attacking Weishan Island this time, but after all, he was unwilling and asked, "If there is a chance, will the humble function order an attack?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "The task I give you is to watch them. You are not allowed to go ashore. You can do the rest at your own discretion."

Lu Wan was overjoyed. Since the governor did not object and could mobilize the Shenwuwei and the remnants of Yingzhouwei on the north coast, he had to annihilate these 3,000 people, which also taught people not to underestimate.


Although retreating into Weishan Lake is a correct decision, it has been quite difficult for the thief soldiers led by Liu Liu for more than ten days; he was attacked by a fire by officers and soldiers and lost his hidden reeds on the south bank. Liu Liu had to admit that the officers and soldiers were a fierce role in leading the army this time.

However, before the officers and soldiers did this immoral business, at least Liu Liu had time to grab dozens of fishing boats in the fishing village on the shore, and made thousands of simple reed boats with reed poles; fishing boats are used to load food, which is *, while reed boats are used to carry people. At this time, food is more important than people. Some.

When a fire on the south bank of Weishan Lake burned, Liu ordered everyone to board the reed ship that would sink at any time and evacuate to the north bank. These reed ships were said to be ships, but in fact, they were bundles of reed poles tied together. The thieves either lay on it or rode on it, and their bodies were completely immersed in the cold lake at the end of October. Li.

On the night of crossing the lake, all the thieves' hearts were cold. Although there were flames behind them, they could not warm their cold hearts. Many soldiers drowned in the lake halfway. The straw boat gradually sank due to lack of buoyancy due to full water. Just as Liu Liu thought that all people would be buried in When the lake was cold, someone found a life-saving straw, which was the island in the middle of the lake.

Liu Liu knew that he just didn't want to reach the other side without a boat, so he could only land on the island, so he ordered the soldiers to land immediately; he stepped on the chest-deep shoal, his hands and arms were blood-stained by lotus leaf stems, and more than 20,000 thief soldiers landed on the lake island like ants, and the nightmare of hundreds of residents on the island began. The thieves almost killed all the people on the island.

Liu Liu soon found that the terrain of the island is good, which is very suitable for occupation and defense. In the north and east, only a small number of archers can be stationed on the high cliffs to prevent officers and soldiers from landing on the island; while in the south and west, there are shoals and messy lotus stalks and weeds. If officers and soldiers want to land on the island, they have to be exposed. Danger under bow and arrow shooting. If some wall-like fortifications can be built in the south of the island, it will be an excellent defensive place.

However, Liu Liu's exquisite mind was very comparable. He summoned Liu Hui to inform Liu Hui, one of the five tiger generals of the various benefits of the island. Liu Hui was naturally overjoyed and looked forward to the dream of occupying the mountain as the second seat.

Liu Liu took the opportunity to propose that Liu Hui and soldiers immediately start building the fortification wall, and he would attract thousands of brothers scattered in Zhaoyang Lake to the island to stick to the island together.

Although Liu Hui was a little puzzled, he only needed to send a small leader to do such things. He didn't need Liu Liu to go to be involved in danger in person, but the explanation given by Liu Liu almost made Liu Hui cry: "Brother, the brothers in Zhaoyang Lake are completely because they want to cover us to enter the Weishan Lake to act as death squad. Now we have found an excellent defense. How can I not bring them back in person? This is my Liu Liu's righteousness, do you understand?"

Liu Hui's eyes were moist and said, "Tianshuai is really a benevolent person. I, Liu Hui, follow you to rebel. With Tianshuai's benevolence, there will be a day to occupy the capital and become a great treasure in the future."

Liu Liu laughed, patted Liu Hui on the shoulder, and appointed him as the acting marshal in front of the leaders, administering all the soldiers and horses on the island. After that, he boarded the boat and left Weishan Island at night.