Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 416 The Missing Girl

Wang Yong and others wanted to rush into the camp with the fleeing thief soldiers, but they didn't expect things to develop like this. In order to prevent the officers and soldiers from rushing into the camp, the thief soldiers actually withdrew the boards connected to the other end of the village gate and the trench, regardless of their own safety.

The tragic image in the trench made people feel cold all over, but what was more frightening was that the figure of a thief archer appeared at the top of the wooden fence. The attack of the bow and arrow was enough to cause great lethality. Wang Yong made a hasty decision and shouted, "Best the wooden fence and collapse it."

The guards raised the fire and shot. A few feet away, the power of the fire was unparalleled. After the roar, the fence near the left of the village gate fell down. Some of the thief soldiers standing on the middle beam behind the fence and preparing to shoot arrows were hit by the iron sand shot in from the gap of the railing, and some fell to the ground as the collapse of the wooden fence. The powerful thief soldiers rolled up and climbed up and ran away, avoiding the unobstructed gap.

Wang Yong shouted: "The second team of Wang Shen and Zhao Yi's first team maintained fire suppression, and the rest pushed the body into the trench."

Wang Yong used his hands and feet to put three or four bodies into the trench, turned his head and roared at the guards who were still unknown: "What are you doing? The bodies of these guys are just a stepping stone.

Everyone understood that they dragged the bodies of the thieves scattered around into the trench. The spikes in the trench were more than two feet long, but two or three bodies could make the spikes not show their heads. Originally, dozens of thieves were nailed to the spikes. After the bodies were thrown down, they nailed them deeper and screamed. It's even more tragic.

Wang Yong was unmoved. He was the first to jump down the ditch and step on a soft corpse. A heartbreaking cry came from his feet. Wang Yong stabbed him with a knife, ending the pain of the thief soldier wearing his lower abdomen in the sandwich, and took the guards on the road comparable to hell, and the corpses passed along the way. The first shop became a human path. When Wang Yong climbed to the ground in front of the collapsed village gate with more than a dozen guards, hundreds of thieves guarding the left of the village gate also began to turn around and flee.

When all the guards arrived in the burglar camp, a bloody massacre began. Hundreds of thieves left in the camp seemed to be huge, but their fighting power was completely unbearable. They were chased and killed by more than 70 people with firearms in the camp. The sound of bombarding firearms kept ringing, and people were constantly bathed in blood and fell on the ice. On the cold, wet and freezing ground.

Simple wooden houses and hut tents were set on fire. In less than half an hour, half of the houses of the thieves' battalion were on fire. Flames and black smoke went straight to the sky and connected with the dark clouds in the gloomy sky, which looked extremely strange.

Outside the valley, black smoke rising in the sky is a signal of attack. Jiang Bin and Xu Tai ordered to attack the gate of the valley. In addition to attacking the entrance of the valley head-on, Lu Wan and Tan Zhang also led a thousand officers and soldiers to attack the peaks on both sides. Although the probability of attacking the peaks on both sides is very small, as long as the thief soldiers can't take care of each other. Under the pressure of many aspects, the goal has been achieved.

On the narrow mountain road, the officers and soldiers charged to the mouth of the valley with a big shield on their heads, like reptiles with turtle shells; more than 1,500 thief archers condescending on the mountain beams more than 20 feet high. Dump dense arrows into a long narrow area.

The wooden shield can't withstand the shooting of high-altitude arrows at all. Almost every arrow that hits the shield can show its pointed head through the wood, and some shields can't withstand the impact of several arrows at all, and directly burst into pieces on the heads of the officers and soldiers.

The soldiers fell down one after another, and the bodies of a nest blocked the already narrow mountain road more difficult to move forward. A few lucky people rushed to the gate under the beams. Although it was a dead corner of the arrows, the huge stones that rumbled down made it impossible for them to guarantee the whole body.

The stone falling from more than 20 feet high, even the size of a fist, is enough to blow off half of the head of the officers and soldiers. What's more, they are rock-like rocks, which are directly smashed into a pile of meat mud with their heads and feet.

In just half an hour, the first 500 officers and soldiers who attacked Gukou were all buried in this narrow death passage except for more than 80 people who managed to escape.

Jiang Bin and Xu Tai stared, and their hearts jumped wildly. The arrows of the thief soldiers were dense, the firepower was fierce, and the narrow mountain road could not be attacked by the whole army. With such a little fuel, 10,000 officers and soldiers may not be able to attack the valley after death.

Xu Tai shouted, "Brother Jiang, this is not possible."

Jiang Bin roared, "Then what do you think you should do?"

Xu Tai said, "We have to go into the valley and lead people to copy the back road of these guys. I dare say that there are stairs to the north of the mountain beam. If the commanders can attack from behind and cause chaos of the defenders on the mountain beam, we can do it."

Jiang Bin said, "How can I inform the governor?"

Xu Tailing said, "Blow the horn, and the emergency horn sounds. I hope the governor can understand what we mean. In addition, I suggest sending troops and horses to attack on the left and right mountains. While the governor attacks the back of the valley, if it can be supplemented by a fierce attack from both sides connecting the two mountains, it may break through the top beam."

Jiang Bin nodded and said, "That's all you can do. Brother Xu, you lead people to attack head-on. I will personally lead people to attack the mountain on the left side. * I will definitely attack and climb to the left side of the mountain beam and come face to face with the thief soldiers."

Xu Tai nodded and said, "Lao Jiang, you should be careful. The defenders on the hillside are even more difficult to deal with. The 1,000 people led by Lu Wan have been busy for a long time and are still suppressed by bows and arrows at the foot of the mountain."

Jiang Bin shouted, "Am I not as good as Lu Wan?"

Xu Tai was speechless. Seeing Jiang Bin attack the hillside on the left with more than 2,000 people, he turned around and ordered loudly: "Bring the emergency military horn, all the horns blown up at the same time."

The rapid and low horn sounded through the valley, making people's eardrums tremble and upset. Wang Yong and others, who were chasing the thief soldiers everywhere in the thief camp, heard the sound of the horn. When they looked in the direction of the valley mouth, they saw the sound of smoke and dust shouting and killing, knowing that it was the army that was attacking the mouth of the valley.

Wang Yong understands that even 100,000 soldiers and horses can attack from the front. As long as the thief's arrows and stones are sufficient, they can definitely protect it. Originally, he wanted to kill and set fire in the camp and forced the thief soldiers to come to deal with it, but half an hour later, the thief soldiers had no reinforcements to arrive at all. On the mountains on both sides, Valley The thief soldiers on the mountain beam of the mouth are concentrating on dealing with the officers and soldiers outside the valley, which Wang Yong does not want to see.

"Let's go, since they don't come to reinforce, it's meaningless for us to hunt down these escaped guys here. We click all the camps, and then we'll reinforce and attack Gukou Shanliang." Wang Yong shouted.


On the mountain beam, Liu, Liu Qi, Zhao Yu and others looked at the sea of fire in the valley with fear. They did not expect that another soldier and horse had sneaked into the valley. The general's village was a mess, and all three of them had a look of fear in their eyes.

"Master Six, what should I do? Do you want to take people to destroy the officers and soldiers in the valley? Liu Qi asked with gasp.

Liu Liu shook his head and said, "It's too late. Besides, our manpower is limited. 800 people in the village can't resist it. How many more can we send to save them? The 1,500 people on this beam must not move, and the 2,000 people on both sides of the mountain must not move. Other than that, we have no one else.

"But what if they attack from the rear? The rear is covered by rocks. We can't shoot bows and arrows, and the stones can't be hit. That's a big trouble. Zhao Yu said in panic.

Liu Qi also said, "This is not a big trouble. What's more troublesome is that the supplies are in the camp. If such a fire continues, there is probably nothing left. If the officers and soldiers know this, I'm afraid they don't need to attack. A few days around will be enough to starve us to death."

Liu Liu frowned, and the scar on his face turned red. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's okay, I'll go to mention Song Nan, forcing the officers and soldiers to stop attacking, and force them to give us food and clothes. Fortunately, I have the foresight to lock Song Nan in the dungeon. Those officers and soldiers who attacked will not know where Song Nan is imprisoned."

Zhao Yu nodded and smiled, "The sixth master is wise. Fortunately, I also killed all 20 officers and soldiers captured in the morning. I guess those officers and soldiers who rushed into the camp did not know that their leaders were locked under the ground by us."

Liu Liu said, "Well done. Now I hope that the officers and soldiers in the battalion can come to reinforce quickly, so that I can bring Song Nan smoothly."

Liu Qi said, "Brother Six, let the girl go with you. She has strong martial arts skills and may be able to help you."

Liu Liu frowned angrily, "She? Are you still counting on her? These days, I was so angry to hear that we have been talking about how many people we have harmed. If it hadn't been for my own sister, I would have cut her with a knife.

Liu Qi hurriedly said, "Brother Six, the girl has a strange temper. Isn't it that you don't know? Besides, the girl is young and ignorant, and it is a girl's family. It is inevitable that she will be soft-hearted after watching so many dead scenes all the way. Even men can't stand it. You don't have to care about her. After all, we are a family. I will persuade her in a good way.

Liu Liu said, "What's the use of persuasion? It's all because she was soft-hearted at the beginning. She originally promised to assassinate the commander-in-chief for us. In Yizhou, Song Nan put it in front of her, but she gave up by herself, so that tens of thousands of my army were bad in the hands of Song Nan. I don't believe her anymore.

Liu Qi was still waiting to speak. Liu Liu waved his hand and said, "Don't mention it, don't worry about this matter. Don't worry, it's always my own sister, and I won't do anything to her. It's just that no matter how bad she is wrong with me, I won't miss brother and sister." Liu Liu waved his hand and jumped along the stone steps cut in the north of the mountain beam.

Liu Qi sighed and looked back at a rock depression on the beam, but disappeared Liu Yuerong, who was standing there watching the battle. He was shocked and asked the people around him, "Where's my sister?"

Several leaders of the thief soldiers looked around and said in astonishment, "The eldest girl was still here just now. When Tianshuai talked to you, she was still listening by the rock next to you."

Liu Qi was shocked and looked down the beam. He only saw Liu Liu, who had just come down the mountain beam, rushing to the camp and did not see anyone else. Liu Qi leaned against the rock and turned pale. He said to himself, "Sister, you can't do stupid things. If you do stupid things now, you are going to be your two brothers. It's my life."