Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 421 Return from Hunting

When I woke up, the sky was bright, and the snow reflected into the hole and pierced people's eyes. Song Nan was actually woken up from the cold, and the cold wind poured in at the entrance of the cave. Even if there was a bonfire to warm it, it warmed his chest and froze his spine, and it was not warm.

Song Nan opened her eyes and found that she was covered with a cloak. She got up and saw that Liu Yuerong curled up on the hay in the cave, holding her shoulders and sleeping soundly. The cloak on her body was the one on Liu Yuerong's body.

The bonfire beside him was only Yu Wen. Song Nan quickly got up and began to add firewood and grass in a panic. At this time, the fire was too important to be extinguished. After a busy time, the fire finally rekindled, the temperature in the cave rose, and Song Nan's body also warmed slightly.

At this time, I had time to look out of the cave. I couldn't help crying secretly. One night, the heavy snow was still falling. The snow at the entrance of the cave had accumulated more than a foot high by the wind. The sky was still not bright, and I didn't know when it would fall.

Song Nan decided to go out of the hole first and dig some winter bamboo shoots in the bamboo forest to satisfy her hunger, and then think about it. So she tightened her clothes and stopped to get ready to go out of the hole. Before going out, she wanted to say hello to Liu Yuerong so that she wouldn't find herself walking around after waking up. When she arrived at Liu Yuerong's side, Song Nan felt something was wrong. Liu Yuerong's cheeks were red, her breathing was short, her eyes were closed, and her long eyelashes trembled slightly.

When she looked at her forehead, it was as hot as fire, but her hands and feet were cold. Song Nan secretly shouted bad, and the chill came back overnight, which was very tricky.

Song Nan quickly wrapped her tightly with a cloak, plucked the bonfire around her, and poured pine needle tea into Liu Yuerong's lips little by little. Liu Yuerong slowly opened her eyes and gasped, "Thank you very much."

Song Nan said, "What do you think?"

Liu Yuerong said feebly, "I have a splitting headache, and my whole body will be hot and cold for a while."

Song Nan slap her lips and said, "This is the image of cold. I have to go out to find some medicine for you. If I can't find medicine, I will go out of the mountain behind your back, or something big will happen."

Liu Yuerong said, "Lord Song, don't care about me. I shouldn't have kidnapped you so far. I hope you don't be surprised. You can't get out with me. Why don't you leave by yourself? I don't want to drag you down."

Song Nan comforted him, "Don't say such a thing. How can I let you wait to die here? After drinking hot tea and resting, I'll go out to find herbs. Don't move."

Liu Yuerong drank hot tea with tears in her eyes. Song Nan took her to the wall of the cave and sat near the bonfire and told her to step out of the hole. Outside, the wind and snow were full of light between heaven and earth, but he could not see the scene dozens of steps away. Song Nan went all the way through the forest to the valley. He remembered that there was a stream when he came. Frozen, there seems to be a faint green in the cracks in the stones on both sides. Maybe you can find herbs or something.

But Song Nan actually knows nothing about herbs. He doesn't know what herbs to use for cold. Even if there are a lot of herbs in front of him, he doesn't know how to choose. What's more, after going down to the valley stream, Song Nan was completely dumbfounded. The stream had disappeared, and the rocky beach next to it was also covered with thick snow. Not to mention herbs, even a grass tip could not be seen.

Song Nan sat on the snow and gasped, holding her head and thinking about it again. It's really a leak in the house, and it's raining. If you get a serious illness in the deep mountains, it's equivalent to an incurable disease. These days, it's not an afterlife. Everyone has been vaccinated dozens of shots. Not to mention hepatitis A and B these days. Liver, even a small flu can kill people. The cold disease obtained by Liu Yuerong is actually a kind of cold in later generations.

Song Nan quickly thought about countermeasures. Although Liu Yuerong was the first sister of the thief, she could not ignore her life and death. What's more, she actually had nothing wrong with herself. That night, Liu Yuerong did not do anything to herself when she was asleep in Yizhou, although she may not be able to kill herself, at least it shows that Liu Yuerong and His two brothers are not the right kind of people.

In a sense, this hijacking actually saved herself. When she broke through the valley, Liu Yuerong robbed herself before Liu Liu. Although she didn't know what her intention was, at least she did not fall into Liu Liu Liu's hands, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

The rescue must be saved, but Song Nan's skillful woman can't cook without rice. If there are a few pieces of Contech or some kind of cold, it will be easy to do, but unfortunately there is nothing. Suddenly, Song Nan remembered that when she was in the capital, once when Li Xiaomei caught a cold, Aunt Li boiled a large bowl of thick ginger soup and poured it down for her. The ginger soup was spicy and hot, which was a good medicine to repel cold poison. Although I couldn't find old ginger slices here, if I could find anything hot, I would like to replace it.

Song Nan got up, broke a branch and ran to the hillside. He remembered that people said that wild ginseng is rich in deep in mountain jobs, but ginseng is not afraid of cold winter. Some ginseng can grow for decades and hundreds of years. The older it is, the more expensive it is. Slowly speaking, it is cold, and other stubborn diseases can also be treated by ginseng.

Song Nan searched with a tree stick on the hillside, hoping to find the so-called wild ginseng. She tossed for an hour or two, but she didn't see anything. Under the snow, there were either gravel rocks or dead grass and roots, and no wild ginseng could be seen at all.

Song Nan was tired and unable to look for it any longer. In addition, he didn't know what happened to Liu Yuerong, so he sat on the rock and rested for a while and planned to go downhill back to the cave. At this time, he heard the sound of 'wiping' not far away. Song Nan was shocked and squinted. He saw two sharp horns exposed under the rock in front of him. After a while, a goat with long horns exposed its body. His whole body was black and bright, with long smooth hair. At this moment, he was digging snow with his hoofs and eating the dead leaves and yellow grass under the snow.

Song Nan didn't dare to come out. She was frightened by the black sheep. She fell a thick layer of snow on her body and sat here to rest. Perhaps because of this, the big black sheep did not find herself, otherwise such cautious animals would have escaped without a trace long ago. Song Nan suppressed his excitement and waited for the opportunity.

Song Nan knows that the mutton of wild goats is the best in winter. Because it is difficult to catch, the price is also extremely expensive. Although Song Nan has never seen this kind of dark wild goat, and I don't know what kind it is, since mutton is very hot, it should be the right symptom.

The black sheep nibbled all the way and slowly approached Song Nan. Song Nan was motionless and sat on the rock like a statue. She secretly prayed that the black sheep would be closer and closer. Unless it reached an effective distance, it was absolutely impossible to catch this guy on the hillside and snow. .

The black sheep gradually approached and was about to reach the attack range within five feet. At this time, a pine tree on the hillside near the left suddenly snapped, and the snow broke the branches and fell. The black sheep was shocked and turned his head and fled. Song Nan cursed repeatedly and suddenly turned from a statue to a living person. His fingers have even touched the buttocks of the black sheep, but the black sheep jumped a little high like a spring on his legs and ran down the mountain.

Song Nan was furious and pulled out a knife from his waist and threw it away with all his strength. He didn't expect to lose the black sheep, but God suddenly gave him a big surprise. The knife flew away with a whirlwind and inserted it into the black sheep's buttocks. The black sheep jumped high in pain and hit it crookedly when it fell. The rock suddenly fluttered in the snow.

Song Nan shouted and laughed, rolled and ran like a child. His whole body climbed on the black sheep, pulled out a knife and cut its throat. Looking at the unexpected prey in front of him, Song Nan looked up to the sky and laughed, and the laughter echoed in the valley.

After a simple treatment, Song Nan ignored the bloody black sheep, picked it up and carried it on her shoulder, strode to the valley, gasping and singing.

"At sunset, the red clouds flew in the west mountain, and the soldiers beat the sheep and returned the camp; the red flowers on their chest reflected the sun, and the happy songs flew all over the sky.

Soon after, a strange fragrance floated from the cave. The sheep mixed into the water and boiled them in the bamboo tube. A huge sheep leg was baked on the fire. The squeaky sound was like fairy music in the sky. Song Nan's mouth was not close. From time to time, he flipped the sheep's legs and hummed a little song in her mouth.

Liu Yuerong leaned on the corner of the cave wall and looked at Song Nan with a smile. She suddenly found that Song Nan was actually like a child who had not grown up. Although she was in a high position and powerful, she was also as simple as a peasant teenager. After catching this rock sheep, he had sung several songs that she couldn't understand.

"Am I a little gaffe?" Song Nan didn't raise his head and kept working. He knew that Liu Yuerong was looking at him.

"The song you sang is so beautiful that I haven't heard a single song." Liu Yuerong whispered, "However, it's really happy to catch a sheep back, but it's not so happy."

"That's because I firmly believe that this mutton can cure your cold. You should eat more later." Song Nan smiled.

Liu Yuerong was stunned, and her heart suddenly jumped wildly: "He is so happy because he can cure my cold..."