Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 427 Return

In the past few days, Jiang Bin, Xutai, Wang Yong and others, who captured the last camp of the thief soldiers in the valley, sent a large number of soldiers and horses to search for Song Nan's traces. The guards in the dungeon were killed, and there was no way to know Song Nan's life and death.

The body on the battlefield was searched several times but did not see Song Nan's body. I didn't know where Song Nan was going. Liu Liu, the head of the thief, disappeared, and it was Liu Liu who captured Song Nan. Everyone had reason to believe that Liu Liu must have kidnapped Song Nan and left. However, since Liu Liu held Song Nan hostage, he wanted to escape, but he didn't It's incredible to show up and talk about the conditions with the officers and soldiers.

The generals were as pessimistic as Lu Wan concluded that Liu Ding did not want to negotiate with the officers and soldiers at all and killed Song Nan directly, but this was immediately rebuked by Jiang Bin and Wang Yong. In the eyes of Jiang Bin and Wang Yong, Song Nan could not die, or they would never want to see Song Nan killed somewhere between the mountains by Liu. Something happened.

During the long and tormented four days, the officers and soldiers were dead in the camp. The victory was won, but the coach disappeared, and the victory was also cast a thick shadow. However, it is impossible for the army to stay in the deep mountains forever. Even Xu Tai, who emotionally tends to believe that Song Nan is still alive, has to rationally advise Jiang Bin that it is time to withdraw from the mountain.

Jiang Bin was anxious. Military food had almost been consumed. When he came, everyone carried food for 20 days, but this was a piece of food. Now the withdrawal must be reduced by one meal a day to get out of the mountain smoothly. If it is delayed, the army will fall into a dilemma of food shortage. The battalion of thieves has also been burned, and the grain Grass supplies were also burned out and could not be replenished at all.

Jiang Bin found Wang Yong, who had just returned from a few days of busy searching for discussion. Wang Yong insisted on staying and continuing to look for it. Jiang Bin said, "Brother Wang, I understand your mood, but it is not a trivial matter for the army to cut off food. Thousands of us are trapped in this barren mountains. If we all freeze to death and starve to death, it's not a big deal."

Wang Yong said, "Lord Jiang, you left with your army. In the thousands of guards who are the commander-general, you have to find the adults. You have to see people and the bodies when you die. Otherwise, after returning to Beijing, how can I explain to the brothers of the Jinyiweiya, and how can I explain to the old lady of Songfu and the Song family?"

Jiang Bin sighed, "That's right. I also feel sorry for Brother Song. Let's stay for one more day, and this time we will send more people to search for rocks along the peaks and forests one by one. If you can't find it again, I'll take the soldiers and horses first, leave some dry food for you, and you can look for it again with the brothers of the guard camp. After I went out, I settled down and brought people to pick you up with dry food. I will continue to look for the Song brothers. If I don't find them, I will never give up.

Wang Yong nodded and said, "Lord Jiang, it's really his blessing for my lord to have you as a good brother. If he had landed on that man, I'm afraid he would have left long ago. He doesn't care about the life or death of my Lord Song."

Jiang Bin smiled and said, "Lu Wan is a member of the foreign court. How can he be as righteous as our brothers? The more books you read, the less righteous you will be. This is the experience summarized by Lao Jiang."

After soliciting the opinion of Zhang Yong, the supervisory army, Jiang Bin and Xu Tai ordered that almost all of the troops radiated along the peaks around the valley. They did not let go of any grass or trees, and began the last round of large-scale search through the peaks and valleys on all sides like a grim.

Wang Yong and Jiang Bin took their respective people to search south. They were busy all day. The exhausted people stood on the unknown mountaintop in the south and watched the red sun slowly fall into the west mountain. The sadness in their hearts was uncontrollable.

"It seems that it has returned in no way. Go back to the camp and see if there are any traces in other directions." Jiang Bin frowned and sighed.

Wang Yong stretched out his feet and kicked a cloud of snow fog and sighed that he was about to order to return to the camp. Then he heard a brocade guard looking at the rock below and shouted at the same voice, "Lord Jiang, Wang Qianhu, what is the black spot below?"

Everyone was shocked and looked into the valley under the mountain. In the shadow of the long peaks on the snow, a small black spot was walking along the snow valley to this side of the mountain. It didn't look real, like a wolf and a human.

Wang Yong's voice changed his voice excitedly and shouted, "Rise the fire, everyone shout together."

The large bonfire was quickly lit, and black smoke rose on the top of the mountain. At the same time, hundreds of soldiers shouted down the valley at the same time: "Dadu...Dadu..."

The huge echo echoed between the valleys, and the snow cover on the pine branches at the top of the shock fell. The black spot below clearly stopped, and then suddenly waved his arms upwards. Although there was no shouting, it must be Song Nan.

Jiang Bin laughed excitedly and ordered, "All of them will go down the mountain and camp downstairs tonight. I said, auspicious sky, Brother Song is so easy to die, so is he still Brother Song?"

Wang Yong also laughed, and everyone rushed down the mountain. An hour later, Wang Yong, who arrived first, heard Song Nan's excited cry. Song Nan, who had been missing for five days, finally returned to the army.

The bonfire burned fiercely, and the smell of roast beef jerky and dough cakes filled the valley. Several large bags of wine carried by the soldiers were placed on the snow table, against the stars in the sky. In this vast mountain night scene, Song Nan, Jiang Bin, Wang Yong and others drank happily. The soldiers lay full of food and lay beside the surrounding fire and listened to Song Nan take him. The adventure story.

Song Nan said that she was taken away by Liu Liu. After encountering the heavy snow, she was blocked between a mountain wall. The snow sealed the hole and did not eat or drink. Liu Liu Liu wanted to kill herself simply, but she was introduced into the wolf pack and finally buried in the wolf's abdomen, so she was able to escape.

Song Nan said plainly, but everyone was shocked. They marveled at the great wisdom and courage of the great governor. They envied the great governor's clever maneuver in the face of danger, but did not notice the confusion and regret in Song Nan's eyes in the bonfire. Song Nan didn't mention Liu Yuerong a word. He wanted to bury all this deeply in his heart. He couldn't let people know that Liu Liu, the head of the thief, also had a sister living in the world. It was the last thing Song Nan could give her to let Liu Yuerong live quietly.

Eight days later, the army came out of the ancient road of Taihang Mountain and came to the inverted horse pass. After a short rest, the soldiers and horses returned to the place where they were stationed. Song Nan and Zhang Yong, a middle officer, took Jiang Bin, Xu Tai, Zhang, Liao Ping and other generals back to Beijing triumphantly.

The fast horse news had already spread to the capital. Suddenly, the court celebrated happily. Along the way, state governments everywhere welcomed them, held banquets and entertained, and firecrackers, gongs and drums accompanied the footsteps of the triumphant crowd.

On the sixteenth lunar month, the triumphant generals finally stepped into the boundary of the capital. Twenty miles away, you can see the banners in front of them. At the 20 miles of pavilion, General Jinyiwei Dahan commanded Wanzhi and led hundreds of red helmets and yellow armored Jinyi Dahan Generals to stand and wait for him. When Song Nanqi arrived immediately, hundreds of Han generals jumped down neatly. Malaysia bowed to worship.

"Welcome Lord Song!"

Jiang Bin and Xu Tai are tongue-tongued. How beautiful this school is. Although they are all generals leading tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and their men and horses are much more than this, these are Han generals. The value of these guys alone is equivalent to dozens of ordinary border troops, not to mention being elected as the Han General. The people can basically be regarded as military officers. Although they are all ordinary Han generals, any of them are people who enjoy the treatment of flag officers, and they are at least 100 households in the guardhouse.

However, this is nothing, and Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and other old hats were still surprised. When Song Nan waved his hand to the generals of the Han Dynasty to get up to avoid courtesy, General Wan Zhi, the commander of the Han Dynasty, said something that made Jiang Bin and Xu Tai almost drop their chins.

"Lord Song, under the order of the emperor, he is waiting for Lord Song and all the lords to triumphantly. At the ten-mile pavilion in the west of Beijing, the emperor has led you to hold a banquet and invite Lord Song and all of you to the banquet."

Jiang Bin and Xu Tai almost stumbled down. The emperor actually led the civil and military officials to welcome the ten-li long pavilion. This face was simply amazing. Jiang Bin still saw the emperor in the battle of Xinping Fort, and he still had a bottom in his heart, but Xu Tai had never seen the emperor at all; the official position of deputy general of Xuanfu was not small. But it's still a little worse to see the emperor. Today, I can follow Song Nan for a while.

I thought Song Nan was grateful, but Song Nan just waved his hand lightly and said, "I know, lead the way. In addition, send someone to tell the emperor that I miss the drunken fairy wine in the capital, which makes people prepare a few altars to enjoy."

Wan Zhi laughed and said, "Don't worry, my lord. Yesterday, the emperor asked him what kind of wine he liked to drink. The humble position has said that it is drunken fairy wine. There are not only a few altars on the banquet on the ten-mile long pavilion. The humble position looked at it in the morning, at least 20 altars."

Song Nan was surprised and said, "Isn't that the emperor spend money? The old owner of Zui Xianju is desperate for money."

Wan Zhi squeezed his eyes and said, "If the emperor buys wine, how dare the old man blacken the emperor?"

Song Nan blinked and laughed with Wan Zhi. After laughing, he whipped the horse and ran all the way straight to the ten-mile pavilion.