Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 445 Vision

The ridicule and mockery of Song Nan of the princes of the regiment camp naturally heard of him, but Song Nan didn't care at all. The little father-in-law showed his favor and wanted to station the old military camp of the Japanese martial arts camp to the Shenshu camp, but Song Nan refused without hesitation. It's not that the marquis guessed that he was unwilling to accept it because of the grudge between him and the British prince. Song Nan has always refused to take advantage of this kind of thing, and how can he be so pedantic?

In fact, Song Nan's choice of Baizhifang has a deep meaning. Because this place is abandoned, it is Song Nan's first choice, because Song Nan is determined to build Shenshu Camp as the first in Beijing Camp. Many measures and training need to be carried out secretly and do not want to be known to everyone. Shenshu Camp's entry into Baizhifang can also change the current situation of Baizhifang at the right time. Song Nan has a plan to transform the psoriasis in the capital of Baizhifang, but there are no conditions to implement it.

The barracks is stationed in the north of Baizhifang, near the south side of Guangningmen Street in Xuanbeifang. This is the place where barren tombs and dense trees gather. Hundreds of simple houses are built in a large open space in the forest, surrounded by a huge fence field.

When Song Nan rode into the barracks with Jiang Bin and others, he lined up hundreds of cavalry on the large field, and the scene was spectacular. Song Nan pointed to Jiang Bin and Xu Tai, who entered the barracks for the first time, and said, "We only have 3,000 cavalry at hand now. Have you seen it? These soldiers are all working hard. Do you know who they are?

Jiang Bin didn't understand what Song Nan meant, but Xu Tai knew the details of the 3,000 battalion and smiled, "I heard that the cavalry of the 3,000 battalions are all Mongolian cavalry, right? Are these soldiers also descendants of Mongolia?

Jiang Bin was stunned and said, "Taran? Is that okay?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "Don't talk nonsense. The 3,000 battalion was indeed established in Yongle year based on 3,000 Mongolian cavalry. However, after so many years, the original Mongolian cavalry has married and had children and been assimilated by the Han people. If you are serious, some of them are indeed descendants of the sars, but most of them are already us. Han people. However, race is not important, but the important thing is to be loyal to me. Look at the dozens of leading soldiers, with big arms and round waists, and no saddle on horseback. That's really the style of the tari.

Everyone stopped in the middle of the field in front of the barracks and saw hundreds of cavalry chasing Mercedes-Benz. The vigorous posture was very eye-catching. It seemed that whose horse was faster in the race. In addition to these hundreds of cavalry chasing, there were still thousands of soldiers neatly lined up at the gate of the camp in the north. It was learned that Song Nan and others were coming today and lined up in advance to accept it. Review.

The sharp bamboo whistle sounded, and the hundreds of cavalry chasing immediately turned back. After a moment, they returned to the queue and stood. Song Nan and others galloped to the front of the queue. The soldiers shouted in unison: "Honor Song."

Song Nan waved his hand and waited for everyone to calm down. He glanced at the whole audience and said with a smile, "Brothers, today is the day of the establishment of our Shenshu Camp. Song has a few words to say to you."

The soldiers stood on their horses and quietly looked at the well-known legendary figure in the capital in front of them. The whole audience was silent, only hearing the sound of the war horse's nose and the sound of uneasiness.

Song Nan said, "First of all, congratulations. From today on, you are soldiers of the Shenshu Battalion. As you all know, this status is hard-won. Before that, I have cleared more than 600 soldiers from the original 3,000 battalion. They may be qualified soldiers in the 3,000 battalion, but They are unqualified in my Shenshu camp. So you have reason to be proud, because you have passed the first level.

The soldiers' eyes showed complex emotions. The earthquake that occurred in the original 3,000 battalion in the past few days is still in front of them. A large number of former generals have been replaced, and a large number of soldiers have been notified to be dismissed from military positions and go home. The panic is still in their hearts, and people still don't know what they are about to face.

"I know that some of you are confused, afraid, and even resistant to this. I can explain all this to you, because my divine camp is going to become the best in the Beijing camp. I can't tolerate the harmful horses in the army, and I can't let people who are contaminated with the bad habits of the 3,000 battalions stay in my divine camp. Passing this first level does not mean that you can rest assured, because there are more demanding requirements and tests waiting for you. It is men who have to face these challenges, because these will be the only way for you to rise.

"I can tell you that most of you are about to usher in opportunities in life, and you will be reused. I might as well give you a few promises. First, after the beginning of spring, our divine camp will be expanded to 10,000 soldiers. All of you here can't help but be the first batch of the backbone of our divine camp, and the resulting hundreds Small flags, general flags, hundreds of households, thousands of households and other positions will also emerge from you.

"I know that when you were in the 3,000 camp, you couldn't get the full amount of the salary, and the treatment was very ordinary. For some reason, you were not valued and were also ridiculed by the group camp. From today, all this will become a thing of the past. You will ride the best horses, wear the best armor, hold the sharpest blades, and enjoy the same treatment as other Beijing camps. This is my second promise to you.

"You should know who I am. In addition to being the admiral of the Shenshu battalion, I am also the commander of the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty. I will carry out personnel linkage between the Shenshu battalion and the Jinyiwei government. Some of you will have the honor to enter the Jinyiwei government office as flag officials, hundreds of households, thousands of households, and even the governors of the north and south government, and even the Jinyiwei command positions, so don't worry about your future and don't worry about the lack of official positions I have given you. All you have to do is to obey orders and train hard and absolutely obey the orders of the superiors. All your performance will determine whether you can make great. In fact, your future is not in my hands, but in your own hands.

Song Nan's passionate voice fell, and the confusion in the eyes of the soldiers had already been replaced by a shining look, and some small emotions in their hearts had already been forgotten. What camp is not important. What is important is whether there is a chance to be promoted. It doesn't matter what suffering is not important. What suffering can bring.

Jiang Bin and Xu Tai looked at Song Nan with worshipful eyes and said that they were soldiers. Even these veterans were full of ups and downs; Song Nan was Song Nan, who had already understood the psychology of the soldiers, and what he said was reasonable, soft and hard, and hit people's hearts. This is the gap. Ah. It's not luck that people can look high at a young age. All of this is strength.

Song Nan's lecture has been completed. Jiang Bin and Xu Tai spoke as governors and officials. At the same time, they announced the appointment and removal of some personnel. The Shenshu camp of 3,000 people was naturally divided into three thousand households, and Ma Ming, Gao Yong and Liu Hui were divided into 3,000 households, although it seemed to be commanded by guerrilla generals and guards. The position was reduced to a thousand households, but all three of them understood that the thousand households in the Beijing camp were much better than any guard commander outside Beijing. There are a lot of opportunities in the future, and the two are not comparable at all.

At this point, the military affairs in the Shenshu camp have basically come to an end. With Jiang Bin and Xu Tai in charge, Song Nan does not need to worry too much. He only needs to discuss with them on major issues and make a decision. This admiral is also very unrestrained.

At noon, Song Nan held a banquet in the Chunfeng Building. Jiang Bin, Xu Tai, Ma Mingyong, Liu Hui and other generals who entered Beijing were all on the list. When the wine was hot, Song Nan put forward some ideas for the future development of the Shenshu camp and revealed a small secret in his heart to everyone.

"Brothers, today I want to tell you the truth. As you all know, those guys with eyes in the sky have been in control of the regiment camp for many years. The position of admiral of the regiment camp is passed on to the children and grandchildren, and they change the soup without changing the medicine. Most of the generals in the Beijing camp are also under the control of Xunqi's children. These people are all flowers in the greenhouse and have no ability at all. It can be imagined that the combat strength of the regiment camp is really worrying.

Everyone looked at Song Nan in astonishment and didn't understand the meaning of his words. Jiang Bin said, "It has always been like this. What can we do?"

Song Nan shook his head and said, "That day, I saw the emperor vaguely talk about this matter, and the emperor was also deeply convinced. I listened to the emperor's intention to rectate the Beijing camp, but the emperor obviously refused to offend those old men and Qi family. I knew the emperor's concerns, so I volunteered to say a solution."

Xu Tai whispered, "Does the marquis mean that the emperor intends to let you open the Beijing camp first? That's a dangerous job. You have to think twice."

Song Nan nodded and said, "I know what you mean. I'm not stupid. What the emperor wanted is actually a reason; when the emperor ordered the rectification of the Beijing camp, those guys were speechless. Do you know why the emperor pulled his teeth from the inner court this time and would rather make Liu Jin unhappy than turn the 3,000 battalion into Shenshu camp and hand it over to us? That was the emperor's expectation. The emperor hoped that we could build the Shenshu Camp into a template for the new Beijing camp, or the emperor wanted to see what the Beijing camp would look like after the transformation and whether it could meet the requirements in his mind, so as to measure whether he took the risk of offending the old princes to do this. As long as our divine camp can meet the requirements of the emperor, all of us here may become the owners of the Beijing camp, and some people will have to let go of their military power.

When everyone heard it, Song Nan's intention was that everyone here would have the opportunity to master the Beijing camp alone, which was a dream.

Jiang Bin said, "How can we meet the requirements of the emperor?"

Song Nan smiled and raised his glass and said, "Cheers."

Everyone raised their glasses and drank them. Before the glass was put down, they heard Song Nan say, "The Shenshu Camp wants to become the first in the Beijing camp and defeat all the regiment camps and the Shenji Camp. This is my expectation for the future of the Shenshu Camp. I want to do this, and I will definitely meet the requirements in the emperor's mind. If all the regiment camps can be defeated in the formal challenge, there will be no reason for those old men to let go of military power, because by then, they will not be left alone.

Everyone opened their mouths in consters and looked at Song Nan's serious face in a daze. At the same time, an idea flashed in their hearts: Lord Song drank too much.

(At the end of this volume, please see the next volume: Biyuntian)