Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 449 Ride Thousands of Miles Away

Zhang Mao frowned, but did not scold Song Nan for the rudeness in his words and muttered to himself. When Song Nan left and went out, Zhang Mao was still ignorant and just sat stunned and didn't know what he was thinking.

Zhang Lun ordered the servant to help the old man back to rest, but he sent Song Nan out and said with some guilt: "The old man didn't mean to ignore you. Maybe what you said touched his mind. Don't be surprised."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Don't you blame me for being bold and rude?"

Zhang Lun thought for a moment and said, "I know what you mean. The family of Xunqi in the Ming Dynasty has not been the glory of the past, but the old man never forgets this and is always unwilling. Not only the old man, the Duke of Ding, the marquis of the regimental camp, and the counts of the governor's of the five armies are not reconciled; but in fact, the decline of the nobles is already a fact. In addition to being able to take charge of the Beijing camp guardhouse for the emperor, there is actually not much room to say in the court. Even if the emperor can rest assured that we are in charge of the army, but in fact, it is only the right to lead the army, and the right to transfer troops is in the military department, the salary of silver grain and grass is in the household department, and there are also eunuchs sent by the inner court in the army. In fact, this military leader is not very meaningful.

Song Nan nodded and said, "The little father-in-law saw these clearly enough to show that the little father-in-law is very awake, rather than living in a dream like others. Today, the Xunqi family is actually caused by themselves, and they have ruined their reputation.

Zhang Lun sighed, "Yes, everyone is busy encircling the land. Most of the monopoly businesses in the capital are the industries of Xunqi. I'm in the regiment camp. What don't I know? They did not focus on the leader, but focused on making money for benefits. They also compared with each other with beautiful concubines of gold, silver and jewelry, alas! I don't know what to say."

Song Nan patted Zhang Lun on the shoulder and said, "Little father, you and I are both good friends and relatives. You have helped me a lot at a critical time. Naturally, I am different from others. I am very clear about the attitude of the old men and relatives towards me. Sooner or later, I will ask them to settle this account, but I don't want to involve the British government to embarrass you. Therefore, today I want to reach a gentleman's agreement with my little father-in-law.

Zhang Lun said, "What do you say?"

"I promise to maintain my respect for the British government and will not touch the interests of the British government. No matter what happens in the future, I will not do anything to harm the interests of the British government; but the little father-in-law will also promise me that it is difficult for you to stand on my side when there is a conflict between me and the old nobles, but at least it is guaranteed. Neutrally, if you want to dissuade my husband from doing something against me, can the little father-in-law promise me?

Zhang Lun frowned and hesitated. Song Nan said, "I know it's not easy for you to choose, and I'm not in a hurry to know the answer. You have also seen the appearance of the old man today. Sooner or later, the young prince will become the prince. From now on, you need to decide something. If I say these words to my husband in person, I'm afraid he will immediately Then you have to scold me angrily, which is my husband's attitude and position; and you also need to have a position. You are the British Duke in the near future. Whether the British government can still stand still in the future depends not on your husband's persistence now, but on your current choice.

Zhang Lun can hear the heroic meaning in Song Nan's words, and there is a kind of decisive domineering inside and outside the words. Zhang Lun's attitude towards Song Nan will not know. Sooner or later, there will be friction and entanglement. With Song Nan's character, he may not show weakness and make trouble. Which side he stands on is really nerve-wracking, and it will be difficult for a while. To make a decision.

Song Nan is not saying much. He understands Zhang Lun's hesitation, and his existing position limits his thinking. He dares not do anything easily. Emotionally, Song Nan can be sure that Zhang Lun is willing to become an ally with him, but facing the decline but power The old men and relatives of the strong group must have an opportunity to show their strength to make Zhang Lun really fall to themselves.

Song Nan has no choice. He must make Zhang Lun his ally, not only because he needs the reputation and strength of the British government, but also because of the relationship between the little princess and Zhang Lun. Song Nan's only weakness is his relatives and friends, which is an unavoidable fact.

At noon, the sound of firecrackers exploded sporadically in the streets and alleys. Children in new clothes laughed and ran in groups. They nodded with incense heads and threw firecrackers everywhere, splashing the unmelt snow on the roadside, leading passers-by to hide their faces and walk away.

Song Nan sat on the horse, relaxed his mind and enjoyed the melting scene of the New Year of the Ming Dynasty. He smelled the fragrance of fried food in his nose, and unconsciously shouted in his stomach, so he urged the horses and accelerated to walk to the house.

I galloped across Yongdingmen Street and crossed the horizontal street into Zhengnanfang. Several horses galloped towards me. When the horses' hoofs rumbled, the sewage in the cracks of the slates overflowed. The people on the street looked sideways one by one by one. They covered their faces with sleeves for fear of not being splashed by the sewage. * There was no sound, but the mouth shape also knew that they were cursing.

Song Nan frowned, and the clothes of the brocade guard were the most eye-catching. From afar, he knew that it was the flag school of the brocade guard that was galloping the horse, so he stood on the horse and waited for the arrival of those riders in the middle of the road.

Those flag riding schools saw someone standing still in the center of the street, wearing ordinary brocade robes. They still thought they were riding horses and playing, and scolded from afar, "That idiot, why don't you get out of the way to find death?"

Song Nan's horse did not move and looked coldly at several riders coming. After all, the horse did not dare to rampage. He hurriedly slow down the horse. In the long hiss of several horses, they stopped a few feet before Song Nan with white gas. The leading brocade guard flag school was gray-faced and tired. After being blocked, he was even more irritable. He waved his hand and said, "Drag me off the horse and beat him hard. If you want to die, you will make him cheaper."

Several brocade guard flag schools behind him turned over and disembowed from the horse, rushed forward angrily one by one, reaching out to pull Song Nan's rein and drag Song Nan off the horse to beat him violently. Song Nan is angry and funny. As the commander of Jinyiwei, if he is beaten by his flag school as a people, it will be the biggest joke in Beijing this year.

Song Nan pulled out the foot of the horse's stade and kicked it according to the face of a flag school. The flag school did not expect Song Nan to resist and was kicked in the forehead. Fortunately, Song Nan did not exert force and only kicked it. The rest of the flag schools were stunned and shouted almost at the same time, "Ji Niang dares to do it!" While talking, there were a few noises, and the blades on his waist had come out of their sheath. The people around them who had stopped to watch the bustle suddenly dispersed like birds and beasts. No one wanted to see the scene of corpses across the street during the New Year, otherwise the luck of this year would come to an end.

Song Nan couldn't laugh or cry, and suppressed her anger and said, "Which thousand households are you from? Who are you Qianhu?

"If you ask us this, I'll chop you a few times first." The leading flag school raised his knife and cut it. Suddenly, he saw a dark shadow flash. A heavy thing flew out of thin air and hit his eyes, and his eyes suddenly appeared.

The rest of the flag school scolded and raised their knives and rushed up. The knife was in mid-air. Suddenly, they heard the leading flag school who was hit behind them shout: "Sht... stop."

The flag school turned around in astonishment, but saw that the leading flag school was stunned with the things that hit his eyes. When they were about to ask, they saw the flag school kneel to the ground and tremble their voices and shouted, "See the commander, humble officials who don't know Mount Tai. They really deserve to die. Please forgive their lives!"

The flag school was stunned, and a flag school said, "Head, what's wrong with you? Why is this stinky and hairless prince of my brocade guard?"

The leading flag school squeezed his eyes and said, "Kneel down and plead guilty. What nonsense?"

The flag school has seen clearly what he is holding in his hand. It is a waist card, which is much larger than the waist card on his waist. There are several big scarlet letters engraved on the black one: Jinyi Weidu Command Department, No. 20001. There is no need to look at the back. The owner of this No. 1001 waist card alone knows that it is the commander.

As the flag school knelt down and kowtowed, the other four flag schools realized that they had really met the Lord of Hell. They quickly knelt down and begged for mercy, causing the people who fled on the street to look back and be stunned. I don't know why.

Song Nan sighed and scolded, "Are you guys usually so arrogant and domineering? Hey, you have been listening to the rules set. Which thousand-family government are you from? I want to ask you how thousands of households control you on weekdays.

The six flag school kowtowed like pounding garlic, and the leading flag school also said righteously, "Lord, this is my fault for waiting. I have nothing to do with thousands of people in my family. If you want to punish me, just punish me."

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Get up. Where are you going in a hurry?"

The leading flag school said: "The little Wen Songzhang is under the office of Jinyiwei Qianhu in Ningxia Town. These are all subordinates of the humble position. The inferior position is ordered by my Jiang Qianhu to send an emergency secret letter to Sun Zhenfu of Nanzhen Fusi. Thousands of households in my family strictly ordered us to deliver it within five days. Today is the fifth day, so I rushed to disturb the adult seat. Please forgive me.

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Are you from Jinyiwei Qianhu, Ningxia Town? What happened in the secret letter?

As soon as Song Nan said the words, she knew that there was a language problem. Since it was an emergency secret letter, how did these flag schools know? No wonder these guys were all dusty faces, which were the result of a long journey. However, since it was a secret letter sent by Ningxia Town and related to everything about the general Jiang Han and Yang Yiqing that happened in Ningxia Town not long ago, Song Nan vaguely felt something was wrong.

"This is not the place to talk. Go to the government." Song Nan turned the horse's head and galloped away first. Several flag schools quickly got on the horse and followed Song Nan's dust.