Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 453 Meet

On the road after the Ming Dynasty, Yang Kouer insisted that Song Nan should not send people to hire a carriage in Yansui Town. In fact, Song Nan did not want to expose her deeds, so she asked Wen Songzhang, a small flag official of Qianhu in Ningxia Town, to lead the way, and asked a personal guard Baihu to follow them first to inform Jiang Feng, a thousand households of Jinyiwei Qianhu, Ningxia Town, and the rest of them, etc. Slow down along the official road.

At this time, it has entered the territory of Shaanxi Metropolis. Within the jurisdiction of the border town, the border guards of each town are particularly heavily guarded, and 200 Jinyiwei crossed the border. It is really difficult not to expose their whereabouts. Fortunately, the border army generally did not cross-examination the whereabouts of the Jinyiwei. When the commander of the guard station knew about it, these people also closed their eyes with an attitude of unwillingness to provoke. On the way, people who heard that Tiqi in Beijing came to meet, and were prevaried by a hundred guards on the grounds of pursuing criminals, but Song Nan, Wang Yong and Hou Dabiao did not even show their faces.

Four days later, the group arrived in the east of Lingzhou through the back town of Ningxia. Dong Dacheng, who had been informed in advance, secretly went out to meet Song Nan and others in a small town called Chongxing in the east of Lingzhou.

Lingzhou Jinyiwei Qianhu is an old Jinyiwei office, while Ningxia Town, north of Lingzhou, is a new Qianhu office after Song Nan took over the office. Jiang Feng, a thousand households in Ningxia Town, was also transferred from Lingzhou, which was originally a hundred households under the jurisdiction of Dong Dacheng. However, Dong Dacheng knew that Jiang Feng reported the matter to the general office. In fact, Jiang Feng had discussed the matter with Dong Dacheng before reporting it. It was only because the incident in Ningxia Town that Jiang Feng reported it.

Dong Dacheng is a short but powerful man. He and Song Nan have only met him once, but Song Nan has a good impression of him. At the beginning of taking office, when he cleaned up the black sheep in the government, four thousand households in five thousand households in Shaanxi were transferred and dismissed. Only this Dong Dacheng was motionless and very competent.

After the greeting, Song Nan asked bluntly, "Has Mr. Yang Yiqing, the three-sided chief, returned to Lingzhou?"

Because the three-sided general government is located in Guyuan City, but recently moved to Lingzhou City to handle the affairs of Ningxia Town, Song Nan has this question.

"Lord Commander, Lord Yang is still in Ningxia Town. Lord Yang has a tough temper. Even if he does not act well in Ningxia Town, his family has been threatened several times, but he still insists on staying in Ningxia Town and not returning. A few days ago, when the incident happened in Ningxia Town, I went to Ningxia Town and advised Jiang Qianhu, but Lord Yang just didn't listen.

Song Nan nodded and said, "Lord Yang has this temper, otherwise it would not be so hated by some people. Since Lord Yang is not in Lingzhou, I don't have to go to this Lingzhou City, so as not to disturb local officials, and we can leave directly to Ningxia Town."

Dong Dacheng nodded and said, "The ship at the West Cliff Ferry is ready. I have ordered someone to block the nearby left passage, and adults can cross the river at any time."

Song Nan secretly praised in his heart that Dong Dacheng did not show his appearance, but things were very smooth. If he had known that he would not stay in Lingzhou, he had made arrangements in advance. With these subordinates, it would be much more convenient to do.

It should not be late. Song Nan ordered to go north immediately, go around Lingzhou to the northwest, arrive at the West Cliff Ferry at dusk, cross the West Cliff Ferry at night, and camp in the hills on the other side. At night, Song Nan asked Dong Dacheng in detail about what happened in Ningxia Town and confirmed his judgment.

After dawn, people climbed down the high cliff on the west cliff ferry. Surprisingly, there were endless flat rivers in front of them. Although the sky was gloomy, it could be seen from afar under the towering mountains in the northwest, and the top of the mountain was covered with snow, like a giant in white veil. Song Nan knew that it was Helan Mountain, the barrier in the northwest.

There is no big city ahead. In addition to villages and towns, it is located in Ningxia Town in the south of Helan Mountain. Geographically, Ningxia is not an exaggeration to be called the first fortress in the northwest. In the northwest of this town, there is Helan Mountain as a barrier, and the Yellow River in the southeast, which is like a nail nail in the northwest of Daming, blocking the south of the Taming. The footsteps.

Although there are many Helan Pass, relying on Helan Qunfeng to extend the city and the pass fortress built on the mountain pass make it an unbreakable fortress, and the battle to defend the pass is the strength of the Ming army. It is not a nightmare for Mongolian soldiers, and even if they break through the pass, the Yellow River is even more difficult to break through.

But even so, the Taran's attack on Ningxia Town has almost never been interrupted, and the pressure on defense is also great. The reason is very simple. During the period of self-contained, the northwest war situation was unfavorable. After losing the Hetao Plain, Ningxia Town became a corner into the Hetao Plain. Like Gansu Town in the west, the two horns are like bulls. The two horns were inserted into the north and became the thorns of the hands of the hands that the tars wanted to get rid of.

In recent decades, Ningxia Town has experienced dozens of battles every year, which is a clear proof.

In view of this, the manpower, material and financial resources invested in this area of Ningxia Town by the Ming Dynasty are also huge. The construction of the Great Wall alone is surrounded by three Great Walls in the northeast and west of Ningxia. The Great Wall in the northwest is built relying on the peaks of Shizui Mountain and Helan Mountain, stretching hundreds of miles from the east to the salt pond.

The Great Wall defense line surrounded by three sides also shows that Ningxia Town is under great pressure, and the Tarats will attack Ningxia Town from either side.

A large number of soldiers and horses have also been stationed. The current pattern of the northwest is the pattern of one general system, three governors and nine generals. Nearly 20,000 soldiers and horses have been gathered in the area of Ningxia Town, and the two guards of Lingzhouwei and Ningwuwei, which are not far away, can be reinforced at any time. If the war starts, there will be five guards. Tens of thousands of horses are thrown into the battle, which can't be said to be ignored.

Such an important border town can't tolerate any mistakes, and now what happened in Ningxia Town makes Song Nan feel very uneasy. Yang Yiqing, as the chief control officer of the three sides, is the absolute boss of Jiang Han, the general of Ningxia Town, but he has been repeatedly attacked in Ningxia Town. Although there is no evidence to prove that Jiang Han did it, he has to talk to him. It has nothing to do with it, which is absolutely impossible.

Moreover, 18 Jinyiwei under the jurisdiction of Jinyiwei Qianhu in Ningxia Town died, which is also unimaginable. What happened?

On the 10th night of the Chinese New Year, Song Nan and his entourage finally arrived outside Ningxia Town. Against the dark night sky, the tall and towering wall of Ningxia Town stood in front of them. The torches on the top of the city were bright, and the soldiers patrolling the city were very tense.

After experiencing layers of sentry cards, Song Nan and others entered the city. Jiang Feng had already greeted them in the gate. Hundreds of Jinyiweiqi schools surrounded Song Nan, Hou Dabiao and others to the brocade guard gate on the west side of the Drum Tower in the north of the city.

The news that Song Nan, the commander of Jinyiwei in the capital and the admiral of Shenshu Camp, entered Ningxia Town also entered Jiang Han's ears at the first time, but Jiang Han was not in a hurry to see Song Nan. He had never dealt with Song Nan. In his opinion, Song Nan was just a milky child. He There is no intention to pay tribute to Song Nan at all.

In fact, there are only 500 people in Jinyiwei, a thousand households in Ningxia Town. Because it is a newly built bathroom, it turned out to be only 100 households, so the manpower is not in place for a while. Although like all the government buildings in the city, they have a foothold in the south of the Drum Tower without the North Gate, it is obvious that the government buildings here are much more shabby. It's okay if the place is narrow, and the Yakou is just in a narrow street and alley, and there is not even a decent military camp.

Fortunately, most of the Jinyiwei under the jurisdiction of the government are locals. They are on duty during the day and go home to sleep at night, which is inevitably scattered.

Song Nan also knows that this is helpless. Although Jinyiwei Yamen is a strong government office, in Ningxia Town, the military is more important than everything else. The general and the Wei office here are the boss here. All other government offices are foils, and the special geographical location leads to the particularity of power. It is a common problem in almost all border towns.

Yang Yiqing also knew the news of Song Nan's arrival at the first time. When everyone had just entered the government office to rest and was busy arranging accommodation in the narrow back hall, the flag school came to report that Yang Yiqing, the chief system officer of the three sides, had visited in person. Song Nan hurried to the door of the government and stood at the entrance of the government. In the dark streets and alleys, several lanterns swayed. More than a dozen people stepped on the residual snow in the alley creaked. Under the light, Yang Yiqing appeared under the light of a simple cotton robe and appeared at the gate of the government.

At first glance, Song Nan's heart skipped. Yang Yiqing was so thin that he was not human. When Song Nan met him in the capital, although Yang Yiqing was also thin, his cheeks were full and full of air. He was not as thin as he is now, like a pair of bones with cotton robes, which made people feel sad. . Less than two years after coming to the northwest, Yang Yiqing seemed to be a serious illness, as if he was ten years old.

Before Song Nan opened his mouth, a person around him cried out. Yang Yiqing was shocked when he heard the sound and stopped with his eyes open and asked, "Is it Koer?"

Yang Koeer jumped out from behind Song Nan, rushed into Yang Yiqing's arms, hugged Yang Yiqing tightly and shouted, "Dad, Dad, it's me, I'm Koer."

Yang Yiqing looked excited and looked down at Yang Koer's face. Two lines of turbid tears flowed down and cried silently.