Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 455 The Secret of the Body

In the early morning, the cold air penetrates the heart, and the morning in the north is as cold as an ice cellar. The dripping water becomes ice, and the breath becomes frost.

The bodies of 18 Jinyiwei were lined up in a room in the backyard of the government office of Jinyiwei Qianhu, Ningxia Town. The heads and faces of these bodies still had molten ice ballasts; these were left by the traces of the bodies in the ice cellar.

Some of these bodies are wearing civilian clothes, some are wearing servants' clothes, and three are still wearing border soldiers' clothes. They have died for more than half a month. If it hadn't been for the Arctic cold and hidden in the ice cellar, they may have been rotten.

Song Nan burned incense with both hands and lowered his head to pray. The guards around him symbolically burned some paper money. After that, Song Nan rolled up his sleeves and walked forward, reached out and began to take off the clothes of the body.

Hou Dabiao and Wang Yong hurried forward and said, "Your Excellency, just ask the flag schools to do the matter of burial and changing clothes. Why do you have to do it yourself?"

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I don't want to change their clothes, but to see their injuries."

When everyone heard the words, they came up to help. After a while, the body's clothes were stripped bare, the frozen body was pale, the blood stains on the body were condensed into black ice, and there were faint corpses on it, which looked really disgusting.

Song Nan narrowed her eyes and looked carefully. These bodies were killed by sharp weapons, and the wounds showed open tear marks, almost all of which were fatal. It can be seen that most of them were killed under unprepared circumstances. It may be that the strength of the other party was too high to resist at all.

Hou Dabiao looked at several bodies and frowned and asked, "Does the adult see anything? The inferior position has no clue at all. These are all ordinary sword wounds, and there is nothing special.

Song Nan did not answer and continued to search. Hou Dabiao wanted to stay and ask, but was stopped by Wang Yong. Wang Yong knew Song Nan's temper. Once he began to observe silently, he would never want to be disturbed.

Time passed slowly. Song Nan slowly and carefully looked at the wounds on a corpse, so thin that he even had to take a closer look at the vagina and anus under his hair. The officials of the brocade guards looked at each other and narrowed their eyes. They were so disrespectful to the dead.

In the silence, Song Nan's figure stopped at the body of a small brocade guard, slammed, bent down to look at the wound, and frowned suddenly.

Everyone hurried over to check. Wang Yong asked, "Your Excellency, have you found anything?"

Song Nan pondered for a moment, pointed to the scar on the chest of the body and said, "Wang Yong, this wound should not be a scar of a sword."

Wang Yong looked carefully and saw that there were five or six tooth-shaped holes in the key points of the body's chest, and the black blood condensed into several large ice cubes. He was surprised and said, "What kind of blade injury is this? It's strange."

Hou Dabiao also said, "It's like the injury of the nail rake. Look at these snow holes arranged in a row. Isn't it just the injury caused by the tip of the nail rake?"

Song Nan said, "Who will kill people with a rake? Except that Zhu Bajie's blade in the book is a nail rake, who will use the nail rake as the blade?

"That's definitely not true. I haven't seen anyone use a rake as a weapon for so many years." Wang Yong shook his head.

Song Nan ordered, "Bow me hot water."

Qinwei quickly brought a hot water basin and brought fragrant pancreas. He thought that the commander wanted to clean his hands, but Song Nan grabbed a hot towel and dipped it in water to wipe the wound on the chest of the dead body. This time, the shape of the wound was clearer. These parallel holes were actually not holes, but flat. The flat and thin knife edge as thin as cicada wings is arranged so neatly that the wound distance is almost equal. This must not be forged afterwards. Moreover, the forged wound only needs to smash a wound to be smashed, and there is no need to bother to stab the distance with a few knives to make suspicion.

Song Nan smiled and nodded slowly, "Sure enough, so."

Wang Yong asked thoughtfully, "Do you remember who used this strange blade?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "It should be right. Wang Yong, do you remember that we went to Xiangshan last autumn? On the way, I met someone stalking and peeping. Fang's aunt and I also fought with two royal palace guards in the Western Regions. They were from Gamdu Sidasama Wanhu Mansion, and at the same time served as guards under the command of King Anhua.

Wang Yong's eyes were bright and exclaimed, "Your excellency reminded me of this humble position. You later described to me the blades of two guards disguised as scholars. They were a folding fan that could stick out more than a dozen knives after unfolding the fine steel fan bones; this wound... This wound is the wound of the folding fan."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Yes, the wound is thin and flat, which is left by the sharp blade. The fan is semicircular. After being pierced, only five or six swords in the middle have entered the body, but the rest have not left any scars. If I guess correctly, these wounds must be deep and shallow, and the middle wound should be the deepest one. One."

Jiang Feng, who was stunned, said, "Your excellency said that the guard of the royal palace killed this brother?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "Ten*."

Jiang Feng said, "This is. The dead brother's name is Zhu Fu, who is hidden as a handyman in the prince's mansion. Prince Anhua often lives in the Qing palace, so he ordered him and other brothers hidden in the royal palace to investigate this matter."

Song Nan said, "Are there still a few people hiding in the royal palace?"

Jiang Feng pointed to several bodies in the corner and said, "Those are all."

Song Nan quickly walked over and soon found the same scars on two of them. There is no doubt that several secret agents in the royal palace died at the hands of the royal palace guards can basically be determined.

Song Nan sighed and did not write on the body. After cleaning her hands, she ordered to buy a good coffin to bury them and bury them well. Dozens of flag schools changed more than a dozen bodies into the clothes of the red armor and yellow helmets of the brocade guards. Although these people are secret agents, they are finally the people of the brocade guards. After death, of course, they have to change into brocade guards that they can't usually wear.

Several flag schools who collected their bodies kept muttering: "Brothers, you can't show your face when you are alive. If you die, don't fall into the breeze of our brocade guard. When you see * who dares to make things difficult, don't be polite. Take your turn. Go, go well."

Everyone was heartfelt. Song Nan stood at the door thoughtfully and thought about something. Wang Yong and Hou Dabiao came up and whispered, "Your Excellency, since it was done by the guards of the royal palace, it can be seen that our affairs of the king of Anhua must be exposed to their eyes; what are you going to do?"

Song Nan said slowly: "I don't do anything. I can't do anything with this wound. What I want to know is what these brothers have found before. The identity of the spy may have been under the eyes of others, but they don't kill them sooner or later, but they are thoroughly investigating these two cases. At that time, he was killed, and he was killed at the same time in different identities and places. Obviously, the murderer had an agreement in advance that he would kill our pursuers at the same time with a thunderous momentum. It can be seen that there must be a link between the two.

Wang Yong nodded and said, "What the adult said is that the problem is how we start."

Song Nan turned around and recruited Jiang Feng and asked, "Jiang Qianhu, last night I looked through the file you sent. The file said that they were all suddenly killed overnight, and their bodies were left on the wasteland outside the city. What I want to know is how you learned the news.

Jiang Feng said, "Report to your Excellency that several people who went out of the city to hunt rabbits found the body in the grass, so they returned to the city to report the crime."

Song Nan said, "Why can you get this body back? Isn't it the governor's government's case for reconnaissance?

Jiang Feng said, "Yes, after the government buried the body outside the city and secretly dug it back with its brothers at night, because we know that when adults come, we must have to see the body inspection. All this is unknowingly, you can rest assured."

Song Nan said again, "Isn't there any organization in the government to recognize the body? After all, three of them are wearing the armor of the border army.

Jiang Feng sighed: "The chief soldier denies that these three are people in the army. The generals also said that without these three people, the armor on these three people was also dilapidated, so they must have been dirty without taking them off.

"Does the palace also deny that there are miscellaneous servants in the palace who refuse to claim it?"

"Yes, no one claimed it. It was buried as a masterless corpse wrapped in Lu Xi."

Song Nan's eyebrows trembled and said, "What a ruthless group of people. Since they took their lives, they don't even want to pretend to claim the burial. I will write down this account for them."

Everyone turned back to the inner hall and worked hard all morning without even having breakfast. As soon as everyone sat down, they picked up millet porridge and hot steamed bread to fill their stomachs. They saw the flag school outside the hall running to find Jiang Qianhu with a pile of voices. Jiang Feng got up and asked, "What's the matter?"

The flag school shouted, "There were several adults outside the government, saying that they came to visit Lord Song, our commander."

"Who is there?"

Lord Jiang Han, the general, the eunuch Li Zeng and Li Gonggong, the governor Anwei Xue'an, and Lord Zhou Dongzhou, the young minister of Dali Temple."

Jiang Feng was slightly surprised. These people were almost all the powerful figures in Ningxia Town. Unexpectedly, they all came here to visit Song Nan. He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

Jiang Feng looked back at Song Nan inquiringly. Song Nan put down the hot porridge bowl and put down his chopsticks and said, "It's time for them to come. Please come in."