Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 459 in one

At noon, An Weixue really took someone to pick up Song Nan for the banquet. The group rode through the street and came to the cross street in the center of the city. A tall building was pulled up in the northeast corner of the intersection, which was obviously higher than other buildings around. Two thick red paint porch columns stood at the gate. The huge gold signboard of Helan Tower hung on the lintel, but there was a row of red lanterns under the plaque, and candlelight was also lit in the daytime, which was extremely festive.

However, the decoration of the typical Han shop at the door forms a sharp contrast with the top-edge roof. Some people may say that this is the style of Huihan fusion, but Song Nan gives a four-word comment in his heart: non-nonsical.

No matter what, the style and height of this restaurant shows that it is really the best restaurant in the town. Everyone galloped to the front of the building, and a group of officials in front of the building had already been waiting to welcome him. Li Zeng, the eunuch of the town army, and Zhou Dong, the minister of Dali Temple, were all on the list, but there was no general Jiang Han in the crowd, but three more people wearing helmets. A's military officer.

After a brief introduction, Song Nan learned the identity of the three military officers. The short and gloomy one was Zhou Ang, the commander of Zhongtunwei in Ningxia, and another thin and dark-faced military officer was He Jin, the commander of the former Tunwei of Ningxia Town, and the other indifferent military officer was Qiu Yu, a guerrilla general of Ningxia Town. At the same time, this person also served as the commander of the guard of Ningxia, responsible for the defense in the southwest of Ningxia Town, and the army guarded the Yuquan camp outside the city.

Li Zeng, the eunuch of the town army, said on behalf of Jiang Han: "After visiting the lord in the morning, Mr. Jiang went to the Shizuishan Pass to inspect the defense as planned. There were traces of tartans there a few days ago, so he could not come back, but he did not deliberately hide from the Marquis Song. Well, I specially ordered the three commanders of the town to drink with the adults.

Song Nan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Military affairs are important. As a local general of the army, General Jiang naturally has to put public affairs first. I have been warmly received by you. I am already very uneasy. How can I miss my official business for me?"

An Weixue smiled and said, "Margrave Song is a first-class understanding person. Don't gossip. Let's go upstairs and sit down. Today, the owner of this restaurant is cooking in person. Let's try his skills."

The officials laughed and set off, and the owner of the restaurant was also a returnee. He stood white and fat at the foot of the stairs of the hall and bent down to salute. They welcomed all the adults upstairs and sat down. Everyone came to the second floor. The large private room near the southwest corner was neatly arranged and separated from the attendant seat outside with a tall standing screen, and was small in the corner. There is also a bottle of preserved plum with light yellow flowers on the square, and the fragrance fills the room, which is refreshing.

When he sat down, he was modest. Song Nan insisted on not sitting at the top position, but forced Li Zeng to sit on the top. Li Zeng tried his best to apologize, but he was very happy. The Marquis of Song still knew some rules. The middle official was sent directly by the inner court. Even if the Marquis of Song and Grand Duke Liu fought with each other, at least from the bottom of his heart, he was still vague in the inner court. In the end, Song Nan sat down next to the main position of An Weixue, next to Zhou Dong, Shaoqing of Dali Temple, which was settled down.

With a shout, the hot dishes were served. The local dishes were packed on a large plate, as tall as a hill, with a heroic style. The first plate was the local famous dish in Ningxia Town, and the lamb ribs with a slight fishy fragrance were placed on the plate, all of which were several months old. The half-large tender lamb ribs, accompanied by secret sauce, are fresh and fragrant in the mouth, which is simply delicious in the world.

Then Song Nan's favorite yellow river carp. The Yellow River carp here and Song Nan eat different taste in the capital, and the taste is even more authentic, because this is the upper reaches of the Yellow River, and the water quality is even more unique. It is not like the downstream water quality flowing through many rivers and losing mud and sand. Rolling characteristics, in addition to delicious fish, you can also eat a faint earthy aroma, which is the authentic Yellow River carp.

Other halal dishes, most of which are mainly meaty. Beef and mutton are the main meat of Hui people. Song Nan specially took a look and paid attention to it. Sure enough, there was not even a piece of pork.

Most of the military officers on the wine table have no special etiquette. After starting, everyone shook off their cheeks and ate wildly first, and then picked up a small wine bowl at the suggestion of An Weixue.

"Come on, Lord Song is a distinguished guest from the capital and the mainstay of my Ming Dynasty. Being able to appear in my little Ningxia Town is the glory of the civil and military officials of Ningxia Town. I will wait for a bowl of wine to honor Lord Song."

Everyone raised their bowls and stood up. Song Nan smiled and thanked them. She put the wine bowl to her mouth and frowned. An Weixue smiled and said, "What do you think of this wine?"

Song Nan looked at several military officers on the table and looked at themselves with bowls, knowing that they were waiting to see their jokes. The strongest wine in the capital could not be compared with this. They must have thought that they could not drink this bowl of wine. Unexpectedly, Song Nan tasted what kind of wine it was.

"Good wine, if I guess correctly, this is probably the famous Yiliqu bar, which is famous for its strong and spicy wine."

Everyone in the seat was stunned. An Weixue picked up his big finger and praised, "Marquis, can you taste this? This wine is unique to the northwest, and there is not a drop in the capital. How do you know it?

Song Nan laughed and said, "The Yiliqu wine brewed by Gandu Si Qingli is the favorite of the soldiers and civilians in our border town. How can I not know? To be honest, there was a concubine at home who turned out to be a wine seller. When I was in my hometown in Weizhou, I drank this wine in her shop and almost got drunk.

An Weixue laughed and said, "So, the marquis is quite elegant. Presumably this Zhuo Wenjun, who sells wine, is also a great beauty. Well, she must be a hot beauty. Otherwise, with such an elegant temperament, how can she let you drink such wine? It must be to explore the truth of adults.

An Weixue already has a funny tone. This is not to treat himself as an outsider. It is inconvenient for everyone to interrupt and only look at Song Nan's face.

Song Nan laughed and said, "Lord An guessed half a pair, but my concubine was a thorny and fierce personality, but when I first drank this wine, I asked for it, because at that time, I had just failed in the exam, had no way to make a living, and my future was bleak, so I wanted to drink wine to drown my sorrows."

Everyone's eyes were wide-eyed. The Marquis of Song in front of him had such a time. Although he revealed that his failure in the imperial examination was not a shameful thing, but now he has the status of Marquis, and Song Nan, who is in charge of the world-famous Jinyiwei Yamen and Jingying Shenshu Camp, said these words. A sense of inspiration is nothing more than the past.

"After getting drunk, I made a decision to throw away the books at home, burn the paper brush, throw away the ink stick, and then throw my pen into the war." Song Nan smiled.

"The marquis is really a great person. In our family's opinion, it is a good thing not to win the imperial examination. Otherwise, there may be a hundred useless civil servants in the world, but without a powerful and brave Marquis Song, then the loss of my Ming Dynasty will be great." Li Zeng said sharply.

"Yes, yes, there is a use in the imperial examination. Did the Taran attack poke them with a brush pole and throw them away with an inkstone?" The military attache on the seat was worried about Li Zeng's words and agreed with the decision of Marquis Song to join the military after the landing of the imperial examination.

An Weixue had a fever on his face. He and Zhou Dong were born in the imperial examination. They were originally proud capital, but civil servants in Daming looked down on the generals from the bones. At this moment, this proud capital has become a stain to be ridiculed.

"Wrong, if the Marquis of Song is in the imperial examination, he must have become the mainstay of our Ming court. At this moment, I'm afraid that he has already been listed in the cabinet and become a person comparable to Li Ge Lao and Yang University. No, maybe higher than their achievements. Teach me that the master of the exam must have regretted his blindness. It's a great joke that such a talented person like Marquis Song actually gave him a reputation in Songshan. An Weixue's words were skillfully eliminated and beaten, which not only refuted the useless theory of reading, but also took the opportunity to refute Li Zeng's finger and scolded Huai, and even sent Song Nan a high hat fiercely.

Song Nan nodded and smiled and said, "Whether it is a civilian general or the inner court or the outer court, everyone is only committed to loyal to the emperor and work for the prosperity of my Ming Dynasty for ten thousand years, but there is no need to distinguish it so clearly. How about wishing the emperor good health with this bowl of wine today?

Who dares to say no to this proposal? Everyone raised their glasses at the same time and listened to the sound of coottering and poured a bowl of spirits into their stomachs. The generals on the seat could drink. Li Zeng may have been physically defective and compensated for the amount of alcohol, but he also dried up in one breath. This was painful for An Weixue and Zhou Dong. After grinning for a long time, he drank the bowl of wine like poison.

Putting down the bowl, Zhou Dong burped, and his body began to shake. He almost fell down and hurriedly drank a few sips of tea to suppress it. An Weixue's face was even more red and rolled in his abdomen, but Fortunately, he had strong control and forced himself to resist vomiting and sat down slowly with a smile.

Song Nan herself is not having a good time. Even if the amount of alcohol she exercised is not small, the fire-rich beef, mutton and spirits interacted in her abdomen. Her body was hot, and her body was already sweating hot. Looking up at the several military attachers opposite had begun to take off their cloaks one after another. Song Nan also quickly let Wang Yong took off his cloak and drank a few more tea to suppress the wine.