Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 533 Heavy Organs

When he rushed out of the inner house, he met dozens of royal guards, and the leader shouted loudly, "What's going on inside? Where's Commander Gao?"

Song Nan didn't answer. With an order, he immediately broke out of fire and knocked down all the 20 or 30 people running in front of him. More than a dozen guards behind him shouted and turned around and ran away. Song Nan also had no intention of chasing them and wasting time. He only took people straight to the house in front of him.

The appearance of the house is indeed very ordinary. Like hundreds of ordinary houses in the royal palace, there is no intention, but Song Nan believes the words of Princess Ping'an. Since Zhu Yu lives in such a house, in addition to hiding people's eyes and confusing others, the defense in this yard must also be extremely in place. Unfortunately, Princess Ping'an does not After going in, I can't describe the situation at all.

On the way to the front of the house, several royal guards gathered and blocked in front of them. They were no longer confused by the clothes of Song Nan and others. When they met, they did it directly. Song Nan had fire, and there were also fire and bows and arrows on the opposite side. After a random shooting, the Jinyi guards defeated these 70 or 80s. Famous guards forced them to retreat into the door of the house, but also paid the first price since they entered the house; five guards shot for the bow and arrow and the fire on the opposite side, and eight other guards were injured.

Fortunately, the injured guard was not seriously injured. He was still able to shoot with a fire, and the damage to the five people had little impact on the combat effectiveness. At this moment, it must not be delayed. Seeing that the guards were forced to retreat into the house, Song Nan and Wang Yong also rushed to the door with the brocade guards.

The door of the courtyard was closed, and there was a sharp bamboo whistle from inside. In an hour, there was no sound everywhere. It was quiet and a little scary. All the voices and footsteps disappeared without a trace. The sound of blade fighting at the front door of the royal palace was clearly heard.

Everyone clung to the walls on both sides of the courtyard door. Wang Yong was surprised and said, "After these guys entered the door, there was no sound. Did they pretend to be a ghost?"

Song Nan whispered, "Be careful, everyone. It must be Longtan Tiger's den inside. I'm afraid you can't enter the courtyard door. I'll order people to take a look at the wall."

Wang Yong nodded and ordered that a brocade guard threw a hook on the wall and slowly climbed up the wall, showing only half of his head, and then heard a buzzing sound. The brocade guard shouted and fell down. Everyone quickly checked and saw a feather arrow nailed in the middle of his forehead and eyebrows, killing him with only one arrow.

"Damn it, it's really abominable. It turns out that the archers are ambushed."

Song Nan stretched out his hand and slowly close the round eyes of the guard. He reached out and pulled out the fire from his waist and gave it to the guard beside him. He thought for a moment and said, "The angle of this arrow is from top to bottom. It can be seen that there is ambush of the sharpshooter high in the yard."

"However, you can't see the arrow tower outside, and the house in the yard is not tall. How can there be a place higher than the wall?"

Song Nan was silent, slowly moved to the door, looked in from the crack of the door, and retreated back and said, "It's more than a dozen big trees that are strange. The trees are seven or eight feet high. There should be a archer platform on the canopy. It's winter now, and you can see some clues from the branches. If it's spring, summer and autumn, it must be hidden and strict. Actually, I really have some thoughts. If someone intends to break in, I don't know how to die.

Wang Yong took a breath and said, "So, these people must be cleared before they can enter, otherwise there will be huge casualties."

Song Nan nodded and said, "The range of the fire is not enough. It's a little tricky."

Wang Yong said, "Look at me."

Song Nan said quickly, "Don't take risks, don't kill your life."

Wang Yong said, "No, my lord, take a look."

While talking, he ordered several guards to drag the bodies of several guards across the road, ordered the two guards to hang the bodies with ropes on their chests, take the iron tire bow from the back of a guard and hold it in his hand, and whispered, "Open the door."

When Song Nan saw this situation, she suddenly became satisfactory and praised it, "It's a good idea, but I don't know how your archery is?"

Wang Yong said, "The humble position used to be the 13th Taibao of Fusi in Beizhen. Is it a false reputation? If Brother Wan Zhiwan is here, I may be a little inferior. His archery is the most accurate among our 13 Taibao, but I am not a vegetarian. As long as I see the position of their arrows, if I miss these dozens of steps, will I still have the face?

Song Nan smiled and said, "Wait and see."

Two guards moved to the door of the courtyard with their bodies, raised their feet and kicked them out at the same time, and kicked open the door of the hypothetical courtyard. At the same time, the two held the back of the body and huddled behind the body, but the sound of buzzing bows was endless. The arrows on more than a dozen big trees in the distance of the yard were extremely accurate as a meteor to drive the moon, and the sound of poof. In a flash, more than a dozen arrows were nailed on the head and face of the two bodies; none of them failed.

Wang Yong shrank behind the body and saw the truth. After the arrow was shot, he suddenly got up in his spare time, bent his bow and shot it with an arrow. There was a sad scream in the dark, and then there was a sound of heavy object falling to the ground. The arrow followed the direction of the arrow and unexpectedly worked.

Song Nan praised repeatedly. Wang Yong's face remained unchanged. He calmly bent his bow and arrow and shot another arrow at another tree. Another scream sounded, and the other archer also fell down.

The rest of the archers on the tree immediately returned to color. After changing the arrows, the arrow rain came again, and seven or eight arrows were hit on the two bodies. However, the positions of two archers were seen through by Wang Yong. After the two arrows, the two archers fell down.

The archers on the tree obviously sensed strangeness and stopped shooting arrows. Song Nan whispered several guards to drag another seven or eight bodies to make, causing a large number of illusions entering the courtyard. The archers on the tree couldn't help firing again. Wang Yong quickly shot three archers in a row, leaving four big trees. The archer stopped and never showed up again.

There were only a few sharpshooters left, and the threat was greatly reduced. The situation was somewhat different from Song Nan's estimate. I thought it must be heavily guarded here, but I didn't expect that there were not many people in the yard except for more than a dozen guards who escaped in.

In fact, Song Nan didn't figure out the situation at all. There were hundreds of guards around Zhu Yu, but the gate of the royal palace was tight, and the guards from all over the royal palace were sent to reinforce, so only more than 100 guards were left beside him. Of course, these guards can't all shrink in this house. More than 100 people are guarding the perimeter. In addition to more than a dozen sharpshooters and more than 20 guards, the rest of the house are eight close-handed guards.

More than 100 guards outside were shot and killed dozens of people in the inner house yard. Along the way, dozens of the two sides died, and the remaining dozen fled in. In fact, there were only 40 or 50 people in this yard, so it seemed to be ordinary.

In fact, there is no need for Zhu Yu to arrange many people in his residence. If anyone wants to be unfavorable to him, he must first enter the royal palace. Three thousand guards in the royal palace patrolled day and night. Many bold guys were caught as soon as they entered the palace, and almost no one could reach the palace. It is said that if someone can enter this house, he must be a master among the masters, and it is useless to rely on many people. It depends on the unexpected sniper killing of the master shooters in the house and several guards with strong martial arts around him.

Everyone rushed to the hospital, and the view was flat. The ground of the whole yard was made of flat bluestone, and there was a faint blue light shining under the dim light. There was a small round door at the end, and there was a black hole in the round door, which must be the residence of Zhu Xiaoqi; but there were more than a dozen big trees in the whole yard except for dozens of steps. It is flat, which gives people a very strange feeling. Perhaps this is a countermeasure to prevent the enemy from sneaking in. If you want to sneak into the inner house in such a flat place, you will inevitably have no escape, and you will be completely exposed to the sniper of the archer in the canopy of the big tree.

When Song Nan was thinking about this, the two guards had gone down the steps inside the door and stepped on the bluestone ground. Suddenly, their bodies stammed and suddenly screamed and fell aside. The guard behind them quickly reached out to help them. The brocade guard on the left was luckyly caught by the people behind him and pulled up. However, the guard on the right was not so lucky. He only heard him fall to the ground with a scream, and suddenly he was silent.

Song Nan was shocked and hurriedly ordered to leave the yard. He flattened the guard's body and pointed at his nose under the wall. Unexpectedly, he had no breath and had died. This shock was not small. Everyone hurriedly checked the wound and saw blood oozing under the feet of the guard. He took off his boots, and several scars on the center of his feet penetrated the instep, and they were all pierced through the soles of the feet by a sharp blade.

Under the cover of the two bodies, Song Nan turned back under the steps inside the door and soon knew the clue. The bluestone ground under the steps was actually loose. It turned over as soon as he stepped on it. There was a deep pit below, and the inside was full of sharp blades. The guard stepped on the sharp blade and pierced the boots and pierced the soles of his feet.

"Your Excellency, the wound is very poisonous. Seeing the poison of blood sealing the throat, this brother died immediately after piercing the soles of his foot. This poison is so domineering, and the old thief is really vicious." Wang Yong whispered.

It was not until then that Song Nan understood why there were strange things in this house, and Zhu Yuqi had a strong defense of the hall but wanted to live in this ordinary house. It turned out that all kinds of dark organs were set up in the yard, which were life-threatening at a touch.

The ground in the courtyard is made of bluestone slabs of the same size. Who knows which is the solid ground and which is the deadly blade? How to cross this short distance of 50 or 60 steps to Zhu Yu's residence has really become a difficult problem.