Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 538 Centrifugal

The messenger could not find He Jin in the chaos, so he had to hide and wait. The riot for nearly two hours was finally suppressed. The barracks were full of mourning, and there were seven or vertical bodies everywhere. Two or three thousand new men were disarmed and tied to the camp empty space.

He Jin came from the rear with people, and his face was gloomyly thinking about the dark clouds in the sky.

"You bastards dare to mutiny before the battle. From today on, you people will be slaves all your life and never have a day to stand out; not only that, your family will also be implicated, which is the price you have done." The whip in He Jin's hand snapped and scolded endlessly.

Vice General Ding Guang came in a hurry, and He Jin snorted and asked, "How's the loss?"

Ding Guang arched his hand and said, "General, more than 1,700 people were killed and injured, most of whom were these new men, and there were only hundreds of regular soldiers and horses. However, the grain and fodder materials of the former battalion were burned, and thousands of tents were burned, causing great losses."

He Jin said angrily, "I ordered these guys to dig earth and build houses for soldiers to live in. They were not allowed to eat and drink water before they were finished. They were given some suffering, and immediately sent people to the small dam granary to transport grain for emergency. Our place is so chaotic that it is impossible for the officers and soldiers on the opposite side not to know that they order people to strictly guard the top of the cliff to prevent them from smuggling.

Ding Guang answered his hand, but did not leave; He Jin frowned and said, "Why don't you arrange it?"

Ding Guang hesitated and said, "General, take a moment to speak."

He Jin said angrily, "What the hell?" Having said that, seeing that Ding Guang looked wrong, he followed Ding Guang to the corner.

"General, we are in big trouble." Ding Guang took out the aid channel given to him by the royal guard just now.

He Jin's suspicious Zhanxin hurriedly browsed. If he didn't look at it, he was shocked: "Song Nan is in chaos in the city? Is this guy still in the city?"

"And Qiu Yue, this dog pretends to rely on the prince. He must have hidden Song Nan."

"In this way, Song Nan's people and horses in the city, together with Qiu Yu's soldiers and horses, are only 700 or 800 people. The three thousand royal palace guards in the city should be a situation of crushing. Why is the prince asking for help?"

"General, don't forget that Song Nan has hundreds of powerful firearms in his hand. These more than 100 firearms alone are enough to be worth more than a thousand soldiers and horses. Since the prince asked for help, it shows that 3,000 palace guards can't stop their attack. The messenger said that Song Nan and Qiu Yue led troops to besiege outside the palace. The situation is quite urgent."

He Jin's face turned pale, and he walked slowly with his hands and said, "It's reasonable that the defense of the royal palace should not be easily broken through. The prince is panicked. He asked me to bring back troops back at this time. Isn't this life?"

Ding Guang said, "So I said that we are in big trouble. Nearly 20,000 court soldiers on the opposite side are looking at each other. After such a disturbance here tonight, it is a small matter that 4,000 new Ding can no longer be used. Even the regular soldiers and horses have suffered a lot of casualties, which makes people panic. If we return aid, we will have to bring at least 3,000 or 5,000 soldiers and horses to attack the city. The remaining 6,000 or 7,000 people guard this west cliff ferry. In case the court soldiers and horses forcibly attack and bombard them with cannons, can we stop it?

He Jin licked his lips and said, "It's tricky to block his mother's monster. The west cliff can't be lost. Once the ferry is lost, we will all die; but the prince can't help it. If the prince doesn't save us, we will still die, but we are so weak."

Ding Guang was silent for a long time and suddenly whispered, "General, maybe we have been wrong from the beginning. It is a mistake to follow the prince to start a matter. The humble position suggests that adults should be more careful, and if you can't do it, you must act strongly."

He Jin turned his head and stared coldly at Ding Guang and said, "Bold! You have such an idea. Are you going to betray the prince and lead the army to surrender? Ding Guang, you are so naive. We will never turn back from the day we follow the prince's uprising. Even if we stop at this moment, we will never escape death. The court will never spare our lives. For the sake of you and my brother for many years, I haven't heard this, and ask me to hear similar words. Don't blame me for not thinking about personal affairs.

Ding Guang was so scared that he knelt down and said, "The general forgive me. I dare not. The inferior position has no intention of betraying at all. The inferior position is just for the general's benefit. At the moment when the current situation has reached a dilemma, we can't wait for death. We just persuade the general to be like a back road."

"Hold on, back road? Where did the back road come from? Don't say much, or I will deal with it by military law.

Ding Guang hurriedly stopped. He Jin was silent for a long time and said gently, "Brother, in fact, I know that you are doing it for my good. I hope you and my brother can escape this disaster, but now there is no way out, and we can only walk to the darkness with an alley. What's more, we haven't reached the end of mountains and rivers. Even in the end, I still have one The road can go, and you will definitely retreat with your brother at that time.

Ding Guang looked at He Jin in astonishment. He Jin whispered, "Do you remember what the prince said? We have soldiers and horses on hand, and the people outside the mountain in the north are eager for us to cooperate with them. As long as the Helanshan steeple opens and the Great Wall steeple opens, guess what the result is? Is it still difficult for the opening of the crossing and our soldiers and horses to change the position of marquis with the people on the other side of the mountain?

Ding Guang's scalp was numb and understood what He Jin meant. This was the last moment to turn to the sards and attract them in.

"Of course, I won't do this unless I have to. I immediately led 5,000 soldiers to Ningxia City to rescue. You led the remaining 5,000 soldiers to guard here. Remember to stick to it until I come back.

Ding Guang said, "What should we do if the prince catches Song Nan?"

He Jin smiled strangely and said, "My brother doesn't tell you a lie. Now it's not a matter of whether the prince is arrested or not. Even if the prince is arrested, I still have to clean up the situation. Even if the prince is killed by Song Nan, we still have to go down, which has nothing to do with the prince's life and death. As long as my brother and I hold this place in Ningxia Town, it is not a small world. You and my brother occupy here, and it is not a piece of merit.

Ding Guang was panicked, and He Jin's ambition was not small. Even if the prince died, it would not affect the overall situation at all, because almost all the soldiers and horses in Ningxia Town were in He Jin's hands, and it was not the most critical matter whether the prince died or not. However, Ding Guang knew in his heart that once the prince died, the nature of the whole matter would change dramatically. The prince is a descendant of the Zhu family. There may be some reasons for his trouble, and maybe there are some supporters inside and outside the court. Once he dies, if He Jin still wants to occupy Ningxia Town, it will be a complete rebellion and will not get any support, let alone opening the Helan Pass and attracting the tars into Ningxia. The betrayal of the town.

Ding Guang's mouth has turned upside down. Although he is not a loyal and filial person, some things are his bottom line, and he never wants to exceed these bottom lines. In addition, he is only a thousand households under He Jin's. He Jin and Zhou Ang are the backbone, and he is just a threat. He Jin said that there was no way out, which was for himself. Ding Guang believed that if he fought back before the battle, the court may not spare his life.

He Jin hurriedly led 5,000 soldiers back to Ningxia Town for rescue. Ding Guang hesitated alone in the camp for a long time and finally made up his mind and ordered his own soldiers, "General Zhou Ping, please come and talk to the account."

A moment later, Zhou Pingmai, the former battalion commander, entered the account and said, "Deputy General Ding, tonight has nothing to do with me. I just don't want my brothers to go up to the cliff to death. These new men were originally here to be shelled. I refused to change shifts in order to save the strength of our regular soldiers. Don't do this It's my fault."

Ding Guang smiled and said, "Brother Zhou, what did you say? These guys are looking for death by themselves. What are you doing to Brother Zhou? I'm not the one to ask for guilt."

Zhou Ping was so calm that he sat by the bonfire in the tent, reached out and grabbed a pot of hot tea by the bonfire and drank it. After drinking it, he said, "Mom, I'm really suffering. I'm scared to stay here. I can't beat it. I can't beat it. I'm really cowardly. If it goes on like this, everyone will be finished sooner or later.

Ding Guang sat down opposite him with a smile and asked softly, "Brother Zhou, do you think the prince's difficulties can succeed?"

Zhou Ping rolled his eyes and said, "God knows, when the prince vowed to be a teacher, he said that when he climbed high, the soldiers and horses of each state gathered to respond. What about now? The assembly and crusade of each state is almost the same. They are all deceptive. After more than ten days, they were beaten here and unable to move. There is not only one place to cross the Yellow River. In my opinion, the officers and soldiers on the other side will find a place to cross the river soon. Instead of shrinking here and waiting to die, it's better to fight a battle happily and die.

Ding Guang smiled and made a bowl of tea for Zhou Ping and handed it over and said, "Brother Zhou, what you said makes sense, but these are all dead roads. Didn't Brother Zhou think of living?"

"Follow the prince's rebellion, what else do we have to live? Will the court forgive us?"

Ding Guang laughed and said, "In fact, it is not easy for the soldiers and horses of the imperial court to cross the river. If we keep them desperately, they will pay a lot of money and will die. But if we can let the court cross the transition without spending a single soldier, and we are just small feet, and we are not the first evil mentioned by the court, maybe You can make contributions and escape your life.

"What?" Zhou Ping stood up and touched the hilt of the sword around his waist: "Did Vice General Ding originally wanted to throw himself into the enemy, or did he want to test me, Zhou Ping?"