Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 552 Awareness

Zhutu was awarded the head, and Song Nan led several supervisors and beheading officials to return the order. The officials in Fengtian Hall congratulated Zhengde one after another, and some details of the beheading were also spread. Everyone sneered at Zhu Yuqi's death and wanted to bite back, but only one person suddenly woke up like an enlightened. He was Liu. Jin.

Liu Jin has been in a bad mood these days. To be precise, after Zhang Yong returned to Beijing, his mood began to feel depressed, and Song Nan's depression escalated further after returning to Beijing. He passed Song Nan in the palace several times. Song Nan greeted him with a smile. On the surface, there was no conflict, but Liu Jin always felt that smile. There is some kind of meaning in it.

Liu Jin was not depressed for Song Nan to quell down Zhu Xiao's rebellion. On the contrary, Liu Jin was glad that there was such a situation. At the beginning, there was quite a brother's collusion with Zhu Xiaoyu, but Liu Jin did not think of Zhu Yu's rebellion at all.

After Zhu Xiaoqi rebelled, Liu Jin was also trembling and regretted taking Zhu Xiaoqi's money and doing a lot of things for him. Now it seems that Zhu Xiaoqi used himself to prepare for the rebellion.

Liu Jin knew Zhengde's temper, and the more he concealed it, the worse the result was, so he simply pleaded guilty and found an opportunity to kneel in front of Zhengde to repent. Of course, repentance requires skills. For example, Liu Jin lied on the grounds that he had been deceived by Zhu Yu to take the money of the royal palace to support the army for free. He still said that his starting point was good, but he was deceived by Zhu Yu.

Zhu Xiaoyu gave Liu Jin a lot of money, and Liu Jin also explained the use of this silver one by one. Of course, the use is the reconstruction of Xiyuan Leopard House. The use of various facilities in the inner court is clearly written one by one without any flaw.

Sure enough, Zhengde scolded him angrily and it was over. Liu Jin knew the result. In fact, Liu Jin has always followed a strategy, which is to deliberately reveal some of his deeds inside and outside the court, and even some illegal things to Zhengde. For example, the gifts given to officials, such as stipulating that the eunuchs of the inner court must be filial to silver. The purpose of doing this is, on the one thing, to make Zhengde feel that all his actions are under control, and on the other, it seems to be a bad thing, but in fact, it consolidates his position in Zhengde's mind.

The cleverness of Liu Jin's mind is that he not only knew that he had done some illegal things, but also let Zhengde understand the purpose of doing these things, because the eunuchs responsible for disclosing the information had to add a sentence while reporting Liu Jin's actions: "Mr. Liu received the money, but Mr. Liu didn't seem to have added a house to himself and a mu of land. The finance of the imperial court is tight, and the use in the palace is tight. Eunuch Liu seems to have used all the money to supplement the use of the inner court.

Liu Jin himself sighed intentionally or unintentionally that the use of the palace was tight, but the leopard room should be repaired or repaired. Zhengde's favorite tigers, leopards, snakes, insects and strange flowers and plants have continued to enter Xiyuan. The number of beautiful women in the leopard room has also increased, and Zhengde's various requirements will still be met. Based on all the signs, Zhengde concluded that the reason why Liu Jin did some illegal things was because of her extreme loyalty to herself.

What else is Zhengde dissatisfied with such a Liu Jin? In Zhengde's view, Liu Jin should be the most loyal person inside and outside the court. As for those private things, Zhengde naturally turned a blind eye and left him.

Liu Jin skillfully stabilized his position in Zhengde's mind step by step and gave Zhengde the impression that although he was not perfect, he was loyal and willing to do anything for the emperor, so that his position in the inner court was unbreakable. And the gathered property revealed by Liu Jin is only a piece of money he crazily took. The extra parts are so much that he doesn't even know how much money he has. The gold and silver jewelry of Tianmu real estate are like snowballs. Liu Jin's Xiangshan courtyard has set up a single house, which is specially designed for the placement of money, land deeds, antique jewelry and other things. For three years Come on, the three rooms in the house are already full of one and a half.

But this time, the situation is a little different. The pressure Liu Jin felt is different from that of any previous time. In the past, whether it was a game with the foreign court or a competition with Song Nan, even if the result was not good, it did not make Liu Jin feel so nervous. After thinking hard for half a day, Liu Jin came to the conclusion that this time, the tension in her heart In fact, it comes from the unknown.

The most terrible thing in the world is the unknown. In Liu Jin's position, he needs to listen to all directions and grasp the movements of everyone in the court. Even if the situation is unfavorable to himself, at least he can know whether it is a storm or a snowstorm, and can deal with them; this time, Ming I know that a storm is brewing, but I don't know who it is aimed at what.

Doubt enveloped Liu Jin's heart. He knew that he was not born out of nothing. There were various signs that he was completely covered up in the dark.

The night Zhang Yong returned to Beijing, Liu Jin deliberately went out of the palace early to avoid. The next morning, the eunuch beside the emperor in the Qianqing Palace reported that Zhang Yong left the Qianqing Palace with a red and swollen face that night. Ordinary people will think that Zhang Yong has been punished by Zhengde, which is also common in the palace. Once Zhengde is angry, the servants do not kowtow to the blood. However, Liu Jin is deeper than ordinary people think, because on the day Zhang Yong escorted Zhu Yu to Beijing, the emperor was in a good mood, and Zhang Yong was also in a good mood. After great merit, this kind of thing should not have happened that night. Zhang Yong's expression was relaxed when he left, and he didn't seem to be punished. So what happened in Zhengde's bedroom that night?

After that, Liu Jin once tested Zhengde, but Zhengde did not reveal a word. Liu Jin did not dare to explore too much on Zhengde. Instead, he turned to test on Zhang Yong and asked about the red and swollen scars on Zhang Yong's forehead. Zhang Yong's answer was watertight. He only said that he drank a lot of wine with the emperor that night and fell in the bedroom. I fell and broke my forehead.

Liu Jin knew that he was lying. After Zhang Yong left that day, the eunuch had entered Zhengde's room to clean it up. The ground was full of water stains and fragments of the warm pot, and there were blood stains on the fragments. It can be seen that the emperor was furious and throwing the hot pot on Zhang Yong's face. The scars and redness on Zhang Yong's face looked like burns, which was just inferred. Zhang Yong's lie was covering up what big event. What kind of big event made the emperor smash Zhang Yong with a warm pot that night, but everything calmed down afterwards?

Liu Jin was a little crazy. He couldn't stand the feeling of being kept in the dark when he knew something had happened, but he concluded that the matter was definitely related to Song Nan. Since Song Nan returned to Beijing, Liu Jin secretly sent people to explore Song Nan's every move, and even some important figures in the Northern and South Town Fu Division also took risks. Included in the sight of the tracking and investigation; Liu Jin's idea is that if this matter is related to Song Nan, the North and South Town Department will take action. As long as they have movement, they can roughly infer one or two from their behavior.

But Liu Jin was disappointed again. Song Nan did nothing after returning to Beijing. The governor's government in the north and south was as calm as water. After the return of the Shenshu camp, he practiced normally after a few days of rest. There was nothing special. Normally, Liu Jin should be at ease, but the hidden worries in Liu Jin's heart are getting stronger and stronger.

Liu Jin stood on the hillside of Qionghua Island in Xiyuan, and the sun was shining on the hillside with pale green grass. Under the warm sunshine in the afternoon, Zhengde was dressed in uniform and took more than a dozen women in the leopard room riding horses on the grass. The sound of coquettish laughter was endless, but Liu Jin had already been flying away. I didn't have the heart to applaud with the guards and eunuchs next to me.

Hearing some details of Zhu Yuqi's beheading, Liu Jin suddenly woke up, and the fog in her heart suddenly subsided at that moment, but this did not make Liu Jin feel good, but felt cold to the bone.

The words Zhu Yu said before his death reminded Liu Jin. In order to ask Song Nan to leave a whole body, he proposed to help Song Nan bite out the real murderer who was assassinated in Ningxia Town, which made Liu Jin stand up. He secretly scolded himself for ignoring such an important thing for so many days. He ordered Li Zeng to send the master of Dongchang to follow in Ningxia. Although Song Nan's case failed, Liu Jin thought that Li Zeng and Zhou Dong had died in Ningxia and had already died without proof. Now it seems that Zhu Huanqi obviously knows about it.

Zhu Nan seemed to know that he secretly instructed him to assassinate Song Nan, but Song Nan's performance was obviously illogical. With Song Nan's identity and temper, he was almost assassinated in Ningxia Town. How could he react after returning to Beijing? At least it should be investigated. Moreover, at the initiative of Zhu Yuqi, Song Nan actually refused directly.

Either Song Nan already knew the answer, or Song Nan deliberately did not publicize this matter. In short, Song Nan's attitude of not saying anything about this matter after returning to Beijing is a big problem.

If Song Nan knew that Li Zeng was ordered to assassinate him in Ningxia Town, then everything Zhang Yong and Song Nan tried to hide will be obvious. Obviously, Song Nan pretended to cover up what Zhang Yong and the emperor said that night, and the spearhead of everything he did behind his back can only be himself, and only himself can let They are so careful and unmarkable.

On the hillside, Zhengde laughed and hit the bell-sounding pompom and sent it into the small goal. The eunuch guards beside him applauded and cheered one after another. A newly favored woman in the leopard room wiped Zhengde's sweat with a fragrant handkerchief. Liu Jin turned a blind eye to all this, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Song Nan, since you want to fight with our family, how can our family admit our cowardice? This time we have been broken. Either you die or I will die."