Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 557 See Through

The fans of Dongchang were really not vegetarian. Shortly after Cai Renliang's death, they captured Li Lanxiang, a woman in Cai Renliang's outer house on the west of Beijing official road. The woman ran away a lot of gold and silver in Cai Renliang's outer house and planned to go to her hometown in Shanxi to hide for a period of time. As soon as she left Beijing, she was caught up by the fans.

In a secret stronghold of Xuanbeifang East Factory, Li Lanxiang knelt on the ground trembling. A short, fat and white man with a Russian-crowned black girto was sitting on a big chair opposite her, staring at her with cold and fierce eyes.

"How on earth did Cai Renliang die? Let's explain it." The man on the chair asked faintly.

"The slave family... was wronged... When the slave family returned from going out, they saw my master hang himself on the lint and hang himself. The slave family really don't know what's going on. Adults, please let the slave family go." Li Lanxiang pleaded bitterly.

"You lied to the ghost. Although Cai Renliang is not young, he is still strong, disease-free, and a person of some status in the inner court. How can he not think of suicide? Come on, torture her."

Several fans came to grabbed Li Lanxiang's body, put the stick on her hands and feet and stirred it hard at the same time. The rope creaked and tightened. Li Lanxiang screamed in pain and shouted, "Sir, old man, spare my life. What the slave family said is true. My grandfather was very kind to me and redeemed me from the prostitute. The slave family has served my master for more than two years. How can he attack him? Ouch, kill the slave family."

A fan shouted angrily, "Eunuch Liu, the governor of the East Factory, came to ask you in person. If you are still honest, try harder to break her fingers and toes."

Li Lanxiang's painful tears flowed out, and she howled like killing pigs. As the stick became tighter and tighter, the bones on her fingers and toes also made a slight crackling sound. It seemed that she would soon be broken, but she always insisted that she had not kill Cai Renliang.

Liu Jin frowned and waved his hand. The fans released the sticks, but they saw that the women's hands and feet were blue, purple and swollen, and many places between their fingers were damaged, blood flowed out, and they were in a mess.

"You said you were not the murderer of Cai Renliang. Why did you escape? Isn't it that you don't have 300 taels of silver here?" Liu Jin squinted at Li Lanxiang and shouted in a low voice.

Li Lanxiang's face was pale, and her face was full of cold sweat. Her hands and feet hurt so much that she swallowed and cried, "Your excellency, the incident suddenly happened, and the slave family was so scared that they had no idea. They thought that if they reported to the official, they would be considered to be the murderer of my master, so they simply escaped."

Liu Jin sneered and said, "Joke, since Cai Renliang committed suicide, why should you worry that the government will investigate you?"

Li Lanxiang said, "As the adult said, my master is very tough and lives a good life. How can he seek death? The slave family knew that there must be something hidden here.

"Oh? So you are sure that Cai Renliang did not commit suicide? Liu Jin leaned over and stared at Li Lanxiang's face.

Li Lanxiang hesitated for a long time and seemed to have something difficult to say. Liu Jin shouted in a hoarse voice, "Don't find yourself uncomfortable. You can't stand my punishment here. The stick is just the most common punishment. Don't force our family to use them one by one. At that time, you will recruit, but people will be saved. What do you know? Say it obediently so as not to suffer.

Li Lanxiang hesitated. Liu Jin waved his hand and opened a long wooden box on the table. The silver light flashed inside, and a row of thick silver needles lay in the box.

"Have you seen it? This is the punishment specially used by the East Factory to deal with women. It is called silver needle breast. It tastes uncomfortable. The half a foot long needle is pierced in and stabbed more than a dozen needles. It's just the pain. There is a secret hemolytic medicine in the hollow syringe, which is inserted into your **, but the blood does not coagulate, and the blood from the end of the needle is pulled out of your body. In just half a day, you will become a mummified corpse. Do you want to try it?" Liu Jin twisted a trembling silver needle and said softly.

Li Lanxiang hugged his chest and shrank in panic and shouted repeatedly, "Forgive me, forgive me."

"Then why don't you say it quickly?" Liu Jin shouted harshly.

Li Lanxiang gritted his teeth and said, "Your Excellency, the slave family has said it all. The night before yesterday, a group of people broke into my house in the middle of the night to discuss things with my master. The slave family was sent out and didn't hear their conversation, but after they left, my grandfather sighed. The slave family asked him what had happened, and he didn't say anything, but scolded me for nothing more..."

Liu Jin frowned and said, "Who are those people? What kind of face?"

Li Lanxiang said, "One seems to be called Mr. Zhang, and the other two seem to be officials of Jinyiwei, one of whom is called Marquis... The slave family was frightened at that time and really didn't remember it clearly."

Liu Jin said coldly, "Is it called Lord Song?"

Li Lanxiang thought for a long time and said, "It seems to be called that, but not necessarily."

Liu Jin suddenly stood up and stood still a few steps and said, "Go on, after they left, is there anything unusual about Cai Renliang's behavior?"

Li Lanxiang said, "The master was a little restless. The next day, he went to the palace for a day off and went back to the house to sit for a day without letting the slave family disturb him. He didn't eat all day yesterday. At night, he had a fever. The slave family had to go out to the pharmacy to get medicine for him and plan to cure him. Unexpectedly, as soon as the slave family came home, they saw the master... He hung on the door and died... The slave family was scared and knew that it was related to what happened that night, so they packed up their things. He escaped and hid at his relatives in the city all night. The next morning, he went out of the city to plan to go back to his hometown in Shanxi, but he was caught by you.

"Go down and record her confession just now." Liu Jin waved his hand and said slowly.

Two Fanzi dragged Li Lanxiang down. Liu Jin stood motionless in the room thinking about Li Lanxiang's words just now. If there is no accident, two of the three people who entered Cai Renliang's house at night were Zhang Yong and Song Nan. The two went together to visit a small eunuch of the needlework bureau. Things were really strange. Cai Renliang is not a person at all. What did these two sneak to find him in the middle of the night? What's more strange is that Cai Renliang died on the third day after their visit. What kind of thing caused Cai Renliang to lose his life?

All kinds of questions are like entangled. Liu Jin is also a resourceful person, but he always can't figure out what's going on. But he is vaguely sure that this matter must be closely related to the recent sneaky actions of Song Nan and Zhang Yong. Maybe all this is to deal with himself, but he hasn't figured out their means.

Liu Jin was driven crazy by these questions in his heart. In the afternoon, Liu Jin quietly found Jiao Fang. The two stood in a secluded place outside the cabinet public room to discuss the matter. As soon as Liu Jin described the matter, Jiao Fang turned pale and said something that made Liu Jin sweat.

"Eunuch Liu, I'm afraid you really need to beware. Zhang Yong and Song Nan's move is the most obvious. This move is really poisonous."

Liu Jin was stunned and said, "How can I say this?"

"Fare, are you really confused or fake? Isn't it because Song Nan and Zhang Yong have been estranged from you recently? The bad is that you have had a relationship with King Anhua. If I were Song Nan and Zhang Yong, I would definitely make a big deal here?

"Do you still need to say this? Our family has long understood that they want to have something to do with our family and the rebellion, but they will not succeed. The emperor knows all about the process of my relationship with King Anhua, and the emperor will not believe them. The reason why the emperor is estranged me is indeed because of the two people secretly making trouble, but I have no connection with the rebellious king at all. Lian, what can they do with me?

"Dir-in-law, I don't know what to say. The emperor naturally trusts his father-in-law in every way, but if Song Nan and Zhang Yong really come up with the so-called evidence, I'm afraid the emperor will not believe it."

"What evidence? What evidence can Cai Renliang provide them? If I really collude with the king to rebel, will I let the eunuch of the needlework bureau know? What a joke."

"Fathron, Cai Renliang's needlework bureau is naturally nothing, but that is the place where the crown of the emperor's dragon robe can be made. Maybe Song Nan wants to use this Cai Renliang to frame his father-in-law, otherwise he can't explain their intention to find Cai Renliang at all."

Liu Jin took a cold breath and suddenly opened his heart. The truth is so simple. He couldn't think about it. In fact, he didn't bypass this bend. After being broken by Jiao Fang, the more Liu Jin thought about it, the more he felt that it must be. Otherwise, what is the value of Cai Renliang?

"You mean they want Cai Renliang to accuse me of making a dragon robe crown for the king? This possibility cannot be ruled out. These two dogs are set to spread the collusion between me and King Anhua in front of the emperor. The emperor must not believe them, but if they present the emperor's dragon robe crown and other things, lie that it is made by our family for King Anhua, and Cai Renliang's confession, the emperor may be true. The letter has been made. These two mad dogs seem to be fighting to the death of our family. Liu Jin scolded angrily.

Jiao Fang shook her head and said, "Your father-in-law don't have to be anxious. Whether our speculation is true or not, at least now it seems that their plan has failed. Cai Renliang must have been unwilling to listen to them to frame his father-in-law, so he was silenced."

Liu Jin said, "Will they have already won, which will kill Cai Renliang?"

Jiao Fang smiled and said, "If you care, it will be chaotic. Eunuch Liu is in a mess. How can they get a forged dragon robe without the help of the Needlework Bureau? Even if Cai Renliang is alive and coerced by them to accuse his father-in-law without physical evidence, how can they justify themselves?

"Maybe they can make it from other ways, but they don't have to rely entirely on the Needlework Bureau."

"Even if the starry night sends people to Suzhou for secret weaving, it can't be completed without a month or two. Can't my father-in-law think of a countermeasure at such a long time interval, then I have nothing to say."

Liu Jin paced slowly with her hands down and said for a long time, "What do you think we should do now?"

Jiao Fang said, "Isn't your father-in-law going to investigate along this line? The woman only needs to identify the fact that Song Nan and Zhang Yong visited Cai Renliang that night; and then confess a confession that Song Nan forced Cai Renliang to make a dragon robe to frame his father-in-law. The father-in-law was in trouble in the court. We followed up with the second proposal and continued to impeach him. Are you afraid that Song Nan will not be tired of dealing with the anxiety?

Jiao Fang frowned and shook her head and said, "No, this method is not appropriate. It is not difficult to fabricate a confession of the woman. The difficult thing is that it is impossible to bring down Song Nan with a confession. Even if we impeach him together. After all, there is insufficient evidence and many loopholes. Moreover, he also has a helper in the court, and most of the trouble will be over. The emperor must be even more unhappy with me.

Jiao Fang nodded and said, "I didn't say that I could bring him down. I just taught Song Nan to die. After the matter was made public, Song Nan definitely dare not do so, so that my father-in-law would have more time to plan how to get rid of him."

Liu Jin waved his hand and said, "Don't be so troublesome. It's an opportunity now. We pretend to know nothing. If Song Nan dares to fake dragon robes to frame it, won't it just let me get it? At that time, Song Nan made a private dragon robe and intended to rebel. Guess whether the emperor will spare him.

Jiao Fang stroked her palm and praised: "A good way, the needlework Bureau doesn't work. If Song Nan doesn't give up, she will definitely find other ways. She just needs to keep an eye on them and get personal stolen goods, or she can arrange the layout to lead him to the hook. By the way, there is a ready-made crown in Shangyi Prison. Keep an eye on Shangyi Prison and his leader, the eunuch Sun Jin. Song Nan may have an idea. If the father-in-law can let Sun come in and make a plan, maybe he can really get the stolen goods.

Liu Jin nodded slightly and said, "It is said that in addition, we need to send people to Suzhou immediately to secretly check whether Yunjin Weavingfang is secretly making something. In short, if Song Nan doesn't make this idea, as long as he stretches his neck, we will give him a knife."