Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 561 Xiangshan Hospital

Throughout the winter, Xiangshan, 40 miles west of Beijing, is extremely cold, and the business is also light in the town at the foot of Xiangshan. The inn and winery also closed early due to the scarcity of tourists. In about half a month, the peach blossom forest and pear blossom forest in the middle of Xiangshan Mountain are in the peak season, so they are not in a hurry. .

In the middle of the night, the two old couple in the Wanjia Inn in the east of the town were awakened by a strange noise. Lao Wantou got up and came to look out of the window. At night, a group of soldiers and horses were marching along the fork road leading to the mountain road in the east of the town to the foot of Xiangshan Mountain. Lao Wantou was very puzzled. His inn is at the eastern end of the town, next to the official road leading to Xiangshan Road in the capital. It is not surprising that officials often pass by with carriages, oxen and horses, but the arrival of so many soldiers and horses in the middle of the night always makes people feel that something is going to happen.

Lao Wantou deliberately stared at the soldiers and horses, and the people and horses exhaled visible heat. Obviously, it was not a ghost thing for the yin soldiers to borrow. Lao Wantou lay silently at the window for half an hour and roughly estimated that there were at least thousands of soldiers and horses passing by the edge of the town.

Soon after, a majestic and strong officer knocked on the door of the old man. The old man was scared to death. After opening the door, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed for help. The officer was also kind. He pulled the old man up and took out a bank of silver and stuffed it into the old man's hand and said pleasantly, "Your father-in-law, don't be afraid. I'll wait. It is the Jinyiwei's own army of Jinyiwei Gate in Beijing. I have official duties to do here, and I want to ask my father-in-law about some things.

The old man was shocked. How dare he ask for money? He replied in a trembling voice: "The military master asked, but the little old man knows everything."

"How many roads are there to the mountain pass at the foot of Xiangshan Mountain in the north of the town?"

The old man thought for a moment and said, "Master, it is the one in the east that can walk. In the rest of the places, only the mountain people who collect medicine can climb with ropes, and there is another mountain pass that is still dozens of miles away, but the little old man doesn't know the situation there."

"Thank you for your advice. I have one more question. Is there anyone living on the mountain in this town? For example, there is a Xiangshan courtyard on the mountain. Does anyone live at the foot of the mountain?

"Xiangshan Hospital? Isn't that the house of a powerful father-in-law in the palace? More than a dozen of his men live in the town. They wander around the town every day and don't make a living. They just stare at the people who come and go and ask, and they still carry knives, which is very scary.

"Oh? Which one is it?" The officer asked in a hurry.

"There is a building in the middle of the town, with two floors and two floors, and there is a big locust tree at the door. They all live there at night, sometimes they all live in it, and sometimes they are blind. I don't know if they are there tonight, but I have seen a few people in the daytime.

The officer quickly got up when he heard this, turned his head and ordered, "Zhao Baihu, immediately take 50 brothers to block the west of the town. The fire brigade will follow me. If there is any resistance, kill him."

The old man was so scared that he was smart. These soldiers turned out to come to kill people. Suddenly, his lips turned pale. When he came to his senses, the officers and soldiers and horses who poured into the house had already left one after another. The more the old man thought about it, the more afraid he became. He quickly closed the door of the courtyard and asked his wife to clean up the house and hide in the cellar in the backyard.

Soon after, the roar of firearms in the town sounded, and the awakened town looked out from the window and saw a wooden building in the middle of the town being lit on fire. In the firelight, a group of officers and soldiers were fighting with several dark shadows running out of the building. From time to time, someone jumped downstairs with a fire all over their bodies, and the smell was pungent. The people were scared to death and didn't know what had happened. The family closed their big eyes and trembled, only praying for the Bodhisattva's blessing and not coming to the house.

These brocade guards are the Qianhu camp of Song Nan, the chief government. Song Nan did not mobilize any other brocade guards. This camp also pulled out of the capital in batches a few days ago and secretly stationed in a small town west of the capital. The purpose of doing this is to hide people and not disturb some people in Beijing.

There is only one task of Jinyiwei's personal guard camp, that is, to surround Xiangshan when needed and cut off the connection between Xiangshan courtyard and the capital. Xiangshan courtyard was originally Fan Heng's property, but since Fan Heng fell down, it has fallen into Liu Jin's hands. Originally, Liu Jin had many industries in Beijing, but in nearly a year, Xiangshan courtyard has become Liu Jin. The nest is located in the mountains outside Beijing. Many of Liu Jin's secret activities have been planned here, and it is not easy to be detected by all forces in the capital. There are many secrets hidden in this Xiangshan courtyard.

Because of this, the dragon robe that Song Nan got will be sent to this house. At the same time as the dragon robe, the jade seal and other things secretly engraved by Song Nan sent people were sent. This task naturally fell on Wang Yong's head. After secretly discussing the door, Wang Yong went out of Xizhimen and rushed to the Qianhu camp station overnight. At the second watch, he led the team to smear the official road and went straight to the town at the foot of the mountain.

The first thing to do is to block the mountain pass up and down the mountain of Xiangshan. In addition, with Liu Jin's fineness, his men must serve as eyeliners in the town village at the foot of the mountain, so Wang Yong mercilessly ordered people to set fire to the suspicious two-story building in the middle of the town and kill all those who escaped. As for whether the innkeeper's news is accurate and whether he killed the wrong person is not within Wang Yong's consideration.

Considering that there is only one entrance to the mountain in the eastern foothills of Xiangshan, and another way uphill mountain is still on the Shanxi side dozens of miles away, Wang Yong has a lot of worries. From now on, the entrance to the mountain pass in the eastern foothills of Xiangshan Mountain is neither allowed to enter nor go out, and all the people entering and exiting the mountain pass will be arrested and imprisoned to ensure the plan. Wang Yong will never be soft-hearted for the success of the drawing.

However, the premise is that Liu Jin's people in the Xiangshan courtyard cannot detect that they have fallen into a siege. It is certain that there must be means to contact the capital such as flying pigeons and eagles in the Xiangshan courtyard. If the news leaks, they may frighten the snakes.

Half of the third update, Wang Yong led several capable people to smear and climb up the mountain. There is only one road hovering up the stone steps in the eastern foothills. Enter the mountain through the Wangfeng Pavilion halfway up the mountain, and then to Pingshan Pavilion, Dayong'an Temple and Guanyin Pavilion. When you arrive at Pingshan Pavilion, the road is divided into two, one leading to the west, and the other turns north into the valley to the north. On a lonely peak in front of Zhao Temple, Xiangshan The courtyard sits north and south, facing the vast lake between the valleys and backed by the layers of mountain forests on the top of the mountain peak.

It is not difficult to enter Xiangshan's courtyard. Jinyiwei had already been installed here. At the beginning, Anhua Wang and Liu Jin met secretly in Xiangshan's courtyard and sent a few boxes of silver to Liu Jin was informed by a Jinyi guard in front of the second housekeeper in Xiangshan's courtyard.

There are three big willow trees on the bank of the valley and lake. When Wang Yong arrived there, the spy had already been waiting behind the tree under thousands of silk threads. After the two sides issued a signal, they successfully connected their heads. Wang Yong took off a wooden box from behind and handed it over to the man's hand and whispered, "Put it in Liu Jin's room, even on the pillow. It's good in the cupboard, as long as you don't notice it for others.

The spy held it in his arms and disappeared into the darkness after arching his hand to say goodbye. Wang Yong sighed and heard the pine waves in the mountains, but his body sweated. He knew that from now on, the drama that brought down Liu Jin had started. Once the things in the box were put into Liu Jin's bedroom in Xiangshan's courtyard, it seemed that he had put in a cannon and would detonate anytime and anywhere. Now he just need to guard the mountain pass, prevent the news from leaking, and wait for the development of the situation after the sunrise tomorrow. That's it. The highlight will be staged in the Fengtian Hall tomorrow.

The town under Xiangshan's courtyard has restored calm, and the small building has burned to ashes. Dozens of brocade guards are on strict alert at both ends of the town, and two teams of ten patrolling back and forth along the streets in the town. In the dark, two dark shadows slowly squirm in the barren grass in the north of the town. One of them is Cao Yu's name is Zheng Cai, who is one of the two service commanders of Dongchang. The two of them were ordered to lead the team to garrison in the town at the foot of the mountain as a line, always paying attention to all the people who went up the mountain. Liu Jin specially received them in private, saying that someone wanted to do something on him. He strictly ordered them to pay close attention and immediately returned to Beijing to report the suspicious situation in person.

Cao Yu and Zheng Cai also felt that their father-in-law was a little nervous. E-law Liu was in the best day. Who would take action on Eou Liu's head? Moreover, Eou Liu in this Xiangshan courtyard did not come many times, and no one was stupid enough to come here to find Eou Liu's fault. But since the father-in-law ordered, there is nothing to say. They stayed here for more than a month, and their brothers rotated several shifts, but Cao Yu and Zheng Cai have been sticking to it.

Such an errand is actually very leisurely. In February of the first lunar month, there are only a handful of people coming to Xiangshan, and it is also very boring to gamble with their subordinates every day. Well, the two drank some old wine tonight and thought that they haven't had meat for many days. The two made an appointment to go to the widow's house of the north of the town to have a threesome. Usually, I can't have an appetite to see the widow who is fat, but she hasn't had meat for more than a month, and even if she sees the sow, she has double eyelids. The two spent a pair of silver to stab the widow's mouths from top to bottom. When they comfortably picked up their trousers and rushed back, they saw the amazing scene of the brocade guards swarming into the town, burning the small building where they lived in and slaughtering their brothers.

The two were so scared that they almost peed their pants and did not dare to move. They thought about what must have happened. They lay in the grass and were frozen hard until the town stopped. The two quietly squirmed like caterpillars, slowly exited the scope of the town, climbed over several mountains, and ignored the thorns. The mud finally bypassed the view of the brocade guard far away.

Contacting the words recently said by Duke Liu, these two really believe that someone wants to attack Duke Liu. The two did not dare to stop and ran along the official road to the capital. When passing by 30 miles of post, they asked for two horses with the sign of the east factory at their waist and rode them and ran to the capital to report the letter.