Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 563 Eighteen Deadly Sins

Up and down the high steps of Fengtian Hall, hundreds of civil and military officials were waiting for the morning outside the hall. Everyone greeted each other with a smile. After turning their faces, their smiles seemed to be half covered by the curtain pulled down, and they returned to their respective factions in an instant.

The civil officials are obviously divided into several factions, led by Li Dongyang and Yang Tinghe in the outer court, including the ministers of the Criminal Department of the Ministry of Ceremonies of the Ministry of War, led by Jiao Fang and Gu Zuo, and the civil servants of the Ministry of Household Affairs as the other group; the positions of the two sides are far away, looking like they do not interact with each other.

The military officers and nobles seemed a little loose. In addition to the marquis of the regiment camp standing under the steps and laughing loudly, the husband of the British government stood on his right head with a blank face, and the young father-in-law accompanied him; Xu Guangzuo, Duke of Dingguo, accompanied by several counts from the governor's's office of the five armies, stood silently at the left head railing; One left and one right seemed to show their noble identity, standing on both sides of the gate of the hall and regarded themselves as two door gods.

Song Nan and Yang Yiqing stood far away in the square under the steps. Their expressions were obviously a little nervous. Under the calm appearance that tried their best to hide, the rapid swallowing throat exposed their inner uneasiness.

When the bell rang, the door of the heavy hall rumbled and slowly pushed it open. An eunuch stepped out of the gate and shouted loudly, "Please come to court."

The officials immediately stopped talking to each other and hurried to the steps. They only felt that they stood in their own position, tidyed up their clothes, and followed the heels of the people in front of them into the hall. A moment later, the curtain of the side hall was raised, and dozens of generals in red armor and yellow helmets gathered Zhengde and came out of the side hall, followed by Liu Jin, Zhang Yong and other internal court eunuchs.

"Hil long live." The civil and military officials saluted together, and their fat and thin buttocks were raised in mid-air, looking like they were slaughtered by others.

"If there is a book, there is no book to retreat!" The eunuch's old words echoed in the hall.

When will there be nothing to do in the Ming Dynasty? Soon, all the ministries of the cabinet scrambled to talk endlessly. There were dozens of big and small things. Everyone thought that the things he played were the most important, and other people's things were not mentioned.

Zhengde reluctantly dealt with it. The two dark circles on his pale face were obvious, and the skin and flesh on his face were a little loose. If he didn't know that he was only 18 years old, he would almost regard him as a middle-aged man at a glance.

It was easy to get through to the end of these trivia. Zhengde had already opened his mouths and sighed dozens of times. He was really not interested in these political affairs, and the answer he gave was always "to be submitted to the cabinet scholars for collective discussion." Or it is: "The fold is presented, and I will make a decision after thinking about it." Wait for words.

Most officials here know in their hearts that all these deliberations will eventually fall into the hands of Liu Jin, the 'standing emperor' standing beside the emperor. Of course, no one will openly oppose this. For more than a year, most of the officials dissatisfied with this report have been dismissed, and many of them have been imprisoned in prison on various charges.

"Do you still have any comments?" The eunuch on duty asked three questions in a row. Seeing that no one answered, he was waiting to announce his retreat from the court. Suddenly, he saw someone in the queue of Zuo Shouwenchen slowly walking out.

"I have played Yang Yiqing."

Zhengde cheered up and smiled, "Yang Yiqing, are you still in the capital? The trilateral matter is not over yet, but it's okay to go back to Beijing to rest for a few days. I heard that you are not in good health. I will ask the people of the imperial hospital to take a look for you.

Yang Yiqing knelt down and thanked him and said, "Thank you for your kindness. I am fine. I was supposed to rush back to Shaanxi after the king's death, but I was tripped by another matter related to the safety of the community, so I was delayed for many days. What I have done today is this big deal.

The ministers looked at each other and asked each other, but they had no clue what Yang Yiqing said about such a serious matter.

Zhengde smiled and said, "Say it so solemnly, I don't know what you mean. Let me hear it."

Yang Yiqing slowly took out a memorial from his arms and raised it high and said, "What I have done today is all in this memorial. Please read it."

Zhengde nods, and the eunuch on duty came to take the memorial bow and spread it out on the dragon case. Zhengde looked down several times, frowned tightly, reached out and patted the dragon case and shouted, "Yang Yiqing, what are you doing? Is the big event you mentioned impeachment of Liu Jin?

The ministers were shocked. It turned out that Yang Yiqing's memorial was actually a memorial to impeach Liu Jin. No wonder Liu Jin, standing behind the emperor, was pale and angry at this moment. It must have been caused by a few peeks at the content of the memorial.

"The emperor, I just want to impeach Liu Jin, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony. This person is full of crimes, which is a cancer of my Ming Dynasty. If we don't get rid of this treacherous sycophant, there will be no peace in the country." Yang Yiqing said in a low voice.

Zhengde frowned and his eyes fell on Song Nan. His first feeling was that Song Nan instructed this memorial on Yang Yiqing. He ordered Song Nan to find out whether Liu Jin had colluded with the rebellious king Zhu Yuqi to plot a rebellion, but judging from the development of the matter, Liu Jin was not suspected of collusion; a few days ago he had ordered Song Nan Stop investigating the matter, and it is suggested that only Zhang Cai and the governor of the five armies of the military headquarters involved in the case should be seized and tried, but obviously Song Nan did not do what she wanted.

"Zhang Yong, read this memorial." Zhengde said coldly.

"Follow the instructions." Zhang Yong quickly stepped forward, took the memorial, stood in front of the Dragon Throne, and read aloud.

"Yang Yiqing, the imperial envoy of the Ming capital and the chief system officer of the three sides, risked his death to report. It has been more than three years since the emperor ascended the throne. In the past three years, there have been chaos inside and outside the Ming Dynasty, and disasters have been endless. In the past, there were Liu Liu Liu seven thieves and soldiers*, which caused millions of people, hundreds of people in the state government, and there were burntible creatures. Later, there was a rebellion against the rebellion against the king Zhu Yu, which was very poisonous. I After these two disasters in the Ming Dynasty, the national strength weakened and the damage was huge.

"Although the official position is low-risk and is not as important as the minister in the court, the heart of serving the country is not inferior to others. The minister has been thinking hard for several days. Finally, he realized that the disaster of the country began with the reason of the disaster of the court, and the first culprit of the disaster of the court lies in the manipulation of power in the inner court. Today, Liu Jin, the eunuch of the inner court, is in charge of the power of the inner court. All kinds of measures are for their own selfishness. They regard national affairs as children's dramas and deceive the emperor to abandon the government. Liu Jin, a stricken minister, is the head of the disaster. If this is not eliminated, the world will be safe.

The ministers secretly smacked that Yang Yiqing's courage was not covered. In addition to impeaching Liu Jin with sharp words, there was an intention to accuse the emperor inside and outside, saying that the world was in chaos after the new emperor ascended to the throne. Doesn't this mean that the emperor was incompetent? No wonder the emperor would be so angry when he saw the memorial. He did not completely defend Liu Jin, but was angry with Yang Yiqing's open mouth.

"Today, I impeached Liu Jin's 18 major crimes, one of which is to harm the government. As an eunuch of the inner court, he had no right to interfere in political affairs. Liu Jin took advantage of the emperor's trust to put forward two policies of the reform of the court's land and Ma Zheng, which led to public resentment. Liu Liu's rebellion was the result of Liu Jin's chaos in the government."

"The second crime is to form a party and privately eliminate dissidents. In the three years of the emperor's accession to the throne, Liu Jin took advantage of the emperor's trust to unscrupulously cultivate forces to fight against dissidents. The momentum of the inner court and remotely controlled the ministers of the foreign court. In the three years, countless direct ministers in the court were imprisoned for no reason, all of whom were secretly instructed by the party members."

"The third of his sins is that he is full of selfish pockets. Liu Jin is insatiable. There are countless manors inside and outside Beijing. The number of houses and fields is amazing. Although he tries his best to hide it, it is inevitably known to everyone. As far as I know, officials in Beijing need to pay tribute and accept it. There is a folk saying: If you want to walk flat, sell your house and sell land to Liu Jin, which is an insult to the court.

"Four of his crimes, he framed loyal ministers to retaliate. Since the first year of Zhengde, there have been 38 loyal ministers in the court to impeach Liu Jin. Now 11 of these 38 people have been convicted of raiding their families, eight people have been transferred from the capital and demoted to officials, and nine people are still in prison. This man covers the sky with one hand, his means are fierce, and his heart is as poisonous as poisonous scorpions. Even the ministers in the court dared not speak out, and even became more and more intense, becoming a big cancer in the court.

"Five of his sins..."

"The sixth of his sins..."


Zhang Yong's words are sonorous. After a series of readings, there are as many as 18 crimes listed by Yang Yiqing. The words are as sharp as knives and well-founded. It seems that he knows very well, and I don't know where he learned these examples and data.

Finally, Zhang Yong finished reading Yang Yiqing's memorials, and the civil and military officials were still in shock numbness. Many people knew that these memorials were actually the truth. These things were all things that Liu Jin had done, but no one dared to say it. In addition to shock, he is full of admiration for Yang Yiqing. This stunned young man may have no good end today, but his courage is unmatched.

"Liu Jin, what you said is useless in Yang Yiqing's memorial. Do you have anything to refute this?" Liu Jin gradually calmed down from the beginning of his anger. He had concluded that this was Song Nan's instructions. Otherwise, with Yang Yiqing's ability, how could he know so many details and those secret things in Beijing. If you want to know the inside story, you can only secretly investigate the all-pervasion such as Jinyiwei. It turned out that Song Nan's so-called means to deal with himself were only Er Er. I don't know how many times he has heard such sharp accusations in the court in three years. Which time will Zhengde take it seriously?

I thought Song Nan would have any special means, but now it seems that Song Nan is still too young. Zhengde will not punish himself for these things at all. Song Nan underestimated his position in Zhengde's mind and underestimated the back of these things he did. Scene. Zhengde knew in his heart that almost all the accusations on this memorial were made. Everything was carried out with Zhengde's acquiescence. Of course, there were some small details that Zhengde did not know, but this was not enough to make Zhengde abandon himself.