Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 575 Reality is cruel

Yang Tinghe has indeed lived a comfortable life recently. The comprehensive reorganization of the six departments of the cabinet made him naturally seize the power of the foreign court. After becoming the chief assistant of the cabinet, he was already the first person in the foreign court, well-deservedly above 10,000 people.

Yang Tinhe had expectations for this result, but he didn't expect that the day would come so quickly and suddenly. Countless times thinking about the changes of the current situation after Liu Jin's fall, countless times I wanted to bring down Liu Jin, but finally failed to send Liu Jin to die for various reasons. This is not only my own regret, but also the regret of my mentor Li Dongyang.

A long time ago, Li Dongyang told him that if Liu Jin was not eliminated for a day, he would not be an official. Even if he died in office, this sentence also meant to bring down Liu Jin with his own hands. He still said that he would avenge the cabinet by Liu Jin's courtiers when Zhengde ascended the throne. Now Liu Jin has fallen, but it is not Li Dongyang or himself who has high hopes, but Song Nan who plays a key role. It can be imagined that the regret in the teacher's heart is still quite big. But after all, his wish was fulfilled, so he immediately chose to be an official and fulfilled his promise.

However, Yang Tinghe does not feel any regret. The problem is not who defeats Liu Jin, but who can get greater benefits after Liu Jin's downfall. There is no doubt that the foreign court is the biggest winner.

Yang Tin and did a lot of homework to analyze. After Liu Jin's death, the inner court Zhang Yong did not have much to worry about. This person did not have much ability and courage. The nobles were busy making money to encircle the land, and they did not have much success. The only thing to worry about was Song Nan, who had a lot of credit and was backed by the British government, which was a little difficult to control. But because of the particularity of his identity, he can never be the role of leader, because he is not qualified.

For Yang Tinhe, first of all, it is necessary to stabilize the civil servants of the foreign court and restore the strong trend of civil servants during the Hongzhi period. Therefore, he did not hesitate to take great risks to recommend many people who seemed to be short- qualified to hold the six important positions of the cabinet, that is, to completely transform the foreign court into an arm-like group. He knew that The key to Ting Zhongxing is to hold a group and not be divided. Otherwise, like when Liu Jin was alive, the outer court was simply scattered and made no achievements.

Li Dongyang had a long talk with himself before leaving. He suggested that he maintain a cooperative relationship with Song Nan, at least not to be hostile, but also to let Yang Ting and let the foreign court maintain a humble attitude and not be aggressive. Yang Tinhe was quite disapproving. He believed that it was the foreign court's attitude that was not tough enough that made the foreign court become bullied in these years, which made many people lose their awe to the foreign court. All he has to do is reverse all this.

When the foreign court changed blood, Yang Tinghe was actually very afraid of Song Nan's interference. In the past, when Liu Jin was there, every important personnel appointment needed a fierce game. Now, although Liu Jin is dead, if Song Nan instructs Zhang Yong to blow some wind on the emperor when he wears red, I'm afraid that their appointment like Fei Hong is absolutely impossible.

However, things went smoothly. Song Nan not only had no desire to intervene, but also took a leave to stay home for a month. What a precious month. It was the time of the reshuffle that Song Nan actually made this stupid move, which showed that Song Nan lacked political wisdom.

Of course, Yang Tingyu will not think that Song Nan is ignorant of all the changes in the court, but Song Nan is silent, which means that he does not understand the importance of the subtlety and timing of the situation. Yang Tinghe believes that sooner or later Song Nan will regret that he did not interfere with his reorganization of the foreign court at this time. At that time, the dust settled, and Song Nan had no right to speak.

In order to enhance the confidence of foreign civil servants, Yang Tinghe decided to take some actions first to declare that the foreign court is not as influential as it used to be and enhance the self-confidence of the new civilian group. Nothing is more appropriate than forcing Zhengde to do a few things. As long as the civil servants can force the emperor to accept the opinion, it is as glorious as the military officers cutting off the enemy's head.

So Yang Tinghe led his ministers to demolish the leopard house, resume the daily lecture, reopen the morning and evening deliberation system, etc., which seemed to be trivial things, but they were carefully considered by Yang Tin and others. First, the reasons were crowned. These proposals were all under the banner of thinking about the social rivers and mountains. Second, they also expressed some behaviors since the emperor's accession to the throne. For correction.

In fact, Yang Tinghe deliberately wanted to force Zhengde to do something about the emperor's big marriage, but that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty usually wanted to get married at the age of 16, which was not only a rule, but also for the stability of the Ming Dynasty; if the emperor got married as soon as possible, he could have an early future. If there is an orthodox heir, people with different intentions such as King Anhua have plotted, and the motivation of the ministers to fight has also been improved. The emperor's absence of heirs is of great significance to the whole Ming Dynasty.

In view of the emperor's playfulness, as the chief assistant of the cabinet, Yang Tingyu had to make a decision. At the same time, in order not to be too tough, Yang Tingyu cleverly chose to start from the harem and use the hand of Empress Dowager Zhang to pressure Zhengde. At the same time, Yang Tinghe wanted to get some benefits from this, so he arranged the queen's candidate with the Empress Dowager and chose Empress Zhang's niece as the only candidate for the queen, so as to strengthen the relationship with the empress dowager and achieve the goal of suppressing Zhengde.

Yang Ting and this move are also exquisite and far-reaching. In fact, he knows very well in his heart. In terms of the preferences of today's saints, he is unlikely to get along with the officials of the foreign court, and he will never be able to endure humiliation and bear heavy burdens like the Emperor Xiaozong of the previous dynasty. As ministers, civil servants are not very good. It can limit Zhengde's behavior, so it is the best result to join hands with the Empress Dowager Zhang in the harem and borrow the help of the Empress Dowager.

Based on all the considerations, Yang Tinghe made the decision 'too urgent to seize power' as Song Nan said. He didn't know that Zhengde, who had been in a free-range state for a long time, could no longer accept the foreign court's fingering him. If he just thought that Liu Jin's death could be dominant in the court, it would be a great mistake.

For several days in a row, the foreign civil officials have made a series of reports, requesting the demolition of the leopard house and eradicating the root cause of the emperor's will; it is not known that the emperor could not stand the talk of the civil servants or had the intention of repentance, and actually agreed to the requests of the civil servants.

The civil officials were overjoyed and regarded it as a great victory, so they decided to continue to work hard and began to ask the emperor to resume the classics and dinner, following the example of the previous emperor's morning and evening court, but this time, Zhengde never let go, so the civil servants took this matter as a compulsory course every day, and every court must come with a round of generosity. Chen Ci, there is quite a momentum of not reaching the goal.

On the 9th of May, when Feihong, the new cabinet scholar and minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, began to chatter in the court, Song Nan, who had not spoken for several days, finally spoke.

"Guys, haven't you been entangled in this matter every day and talked about it every day. Don't you feel bored? With the emperor's cabinet and six important government affairs, how many urgent things to do in the Ming Dynasty every day? Dare to ask if the relief reconstruction in Shanxi, Shandong has been completed? Has the incident of sea pirates on the southeast coast been resolved? Has the cabinet's new land policy been formulated? Piles and pieces are urgent matters, but how can it be reasonable for you to find some trivial things here? I really can't stand it anymore. Don't you care about it?"

The foreign civil servants were a little dazed. The accusations that Song Nan suddenly jumped out made them a little overwhelmed. People familiar with Song Nan naturally knew that this person was not easy to mess with, but the new class of civil servants had not really deal with Song Nan and did not know how powerful Song Nan was. How can the accusation be tolerated?

He Jian, the minister of the Ministry of Household, immediately opened fire on Song Nan: "Lord Song, what you said is wrong. Is it a trivial matter to reopen the day of the scriptures? Is it a small matter to reopen the system sooner or later? Everything is a big deal, and it needs to be solved one by one, right? Can't Lord Song teach the six cabinet officials how to do things?

Song Nan sneered and said, "I'm not bored to care about your affairs; the reason why I came out to speak is the duty of a court official. With all due respect, I know what you are thinking. The so-called big event in your mouth is just to satisfy your vanity as a good teacher. Let the emperor sit there and listen to your old talk to show that you are erudite and talented. You are happy. What is wasted is the precious time for the Ming Dynasty.

The civil servants were so angry that they almost vomited blood. Song Nan said the sacred scripture day. It seems that these people are all trying to be in the limelight. Fei Hong said angrily, "Lord Song, it's okay if you don't cultivate yourself. It's really inexplicable that the emperor doesn't understand the truth of governing the country."

Song Nan spat, "The so-called principles of self-cultivation and governing the country are written in the book. Won't the emperor read it himself? Do you want to make a show? After you said it, it became Jin Kela? What else is the so-called restoration of the morning and evening system? In my opinion, it is not necessary at all. The door of the emperor's Qianqing Palace is open. You can go to the emperor at any time to discuss matters, but what are these superficial articles?

Liu Ji, the minister of the Ministry of Public Affairs, said coldly, "As Lord Song said, the imperial system in the morning and evening is also a trick?"

Song Nan said, "Don't take me into the pit. I won't be fooled by you. Let me ask you, what are the civil and military officials in the court? Isn't it just to share the state affairs for the emperor? Now, we have to find the emperor for everything, so that the emperor will open the court sooner or later, and even listen to your nagging without even eating. What's the use of the court raising us officials? Don't you understand the simple truth of eating the king's salary and the king's worries?

Foreign court officials exploded their lungs. Recently, they have been so powerful that they can't rub sand in their eyes at all. How could they allow Song Nan to talk nonsense here? They suddenly touched everyone's counterscales and fired at Song Nan one after another.

"Lord Song, you are all unreasonable. Is it wrong for us to ask the emperor to work hard?"

"Is it wrong for a minister to urge the emperor to practice self-cultivation and diligence?"

"Does Lord Song want me to let the Ming emperor still be addicted to play and not diligent in government affairs? What's your intention?"

"If Lord Song thinks that saying such words can shake the will of my ministers, that's not to think about it."


The civil officials spoke endlessly and launched a siege against Song Nan, which turned into a group of water ducks for a moment; Song Nan seemed to be taken by the popularity of the public and did not answer, only looked at the top of the hall without saying a word. The officials got angry, but they also knew what they couldn't do with Song Nan. If they continued to make trouble, they were afraid that the Duke and the emperor would be angry. Seeing that the faces of the British Duke and the Emperor were gradually not looking good, they stopped and returned to the class with white foam from their mouths.

Suddenly heard Song Nan say, "Have you finished? That adult, yes, yes, it's you, the bearded adult, please stay.

A fat official with a beautiful man in his forties pointed to his nose and said, "Lord Song called me?"

"Yes, it's you. Dare to ask what position this adult is."

"I'm Zhang Qing, the new servant of the Ministry of Industry. It's okay if Lord Song doesn't know me, Zhang Qing." Zhang Qing curled his lips.

Song Nan nodded and said, "Lord Zhang repeated what you just said."

Zhang Qing was stunned and said, "What did I say?"

Song Nan said, "Don't pretend to be garlic. My ears are very smart. Repeat what you just said."

Zhang Qing was surprised and said, "I said that I can't wait for loyalty for anyone to slander and distort. What's the matter? Is this wrong?"

"Noisy, that's not what you said." Song Nan shook his finger and said.

Zhang Qing wondered, "What is Lord Song doing? So what did you say?"

Song Nan said, "You said, 'If it hadn't been for you supervision and supervision, the emperor would have sent off the Ming Dynasty, right?"

For a while in the hall**, no one heard this sentence, and Zhang Qing could not speak like this. This is a rebellious word. Zhang Qing's scalp was numb, and he couldn't remember whether he said this sentence. Did he accidentally say what he said in his heart just now? This is absolutely impossible.

"I didn't say that. Lord Song, don't spit blood."

Song Nan shouted angrily, "Bold, will I come to frame you? Even if I have bad ears, there are so many officials in the hall. Are everyone deaf?

Zhang Qing shouted, "I didn't say that. Lord Song is inexplicable. Can't you frame him in public?"

Song Nan said, "You can deny it, but there are so many people present, we will know as soon as we ask. Yang Shoufu, did you hear this sentence?

Yang Tinhe frowned and didn't know what Song Nan was doing. He said coldly, "I didn't hear it."

Song Nan scratched his head and asked Xu Guangzuo, the Duke of Ding, who was standing at the right head, "Mr. Xu should always be strong and smart, and he must have heard this sentence."

Xu Guangzuo stared at him angrily and said, "I'm clumsy, I didn't hear this."

Song Nan frowned and said, "What's going on? Is there something wrong with my ear?

Yang Tinghe sneered and said, "I'm afraid that Lord Song will also have something wrong with his brain, and he is not afraid of jokes for no reason."

A slightly harsh voice sounded: "Lord Song, you heard it correctly, and our family also heard it. Lord Zhang Qing said that rebellious words."

Everyone looked stunned and saw Zhang Yong standing beside Zhengde smiling and arching his hand. That was exactly what he said just now.

"Eunuch Zhang, you can't spit people's blood." Zhang Qing shouted.

"I also heard it. It was what you said that I proved it for Lord Song." Another person said in the crowd. Everyone turned their heads and looked at it, but the speaker was Zhang Lun, the young master.

The ministers were a little confused for a moment and couldn't figure out the situation. Yang Tinhe couldn't help frowning and said, "Lord Song, what do you mean? What's the use of getting some people to help? So many officials in the hall didn't hear it, but how many of you heard it?

Before Song Nan answered, Zhengde on the Dragon Throne slowly said, "I also heard it, and I heard it clearly."