Jinyi Fengliu

Fif84 Development

The complexity of things is indescribable. Even if Song Nan has the experience of later generations, the Song family has tried their best to understand Song Nan's ideas and try their best to get things done well. Everyone is still exhausted.

Song Nan also understands that these are inevitable. Although Uncle Zhong is diligent, he is old and has not seen much in the world. The position of housekeeper of Song has made him unable to do it. As for the husbands of the back house, although they are smart, they are not talents in this field, Ye Fanggu and Dai Suer can help manage it. In and out of the accounts, Lu Qingli is only a symbolic agent to manage the general affairs by herself. In fact, there is no good idea; therefore, these things still fall on Song Nan.

Song Nan can't spend too much time on his private affairs. The ordinary brothers of Jinyiwei can only occasionally gain momentum in the name of official business, but they must not be recognized as a fake public service for private use. Song Nan is very clear in his heart. The lack of relevant talents has become the biggest problem.

However, after more than ten days of chaos, everyone gradually found some ways, and things gradually became slightly smooth. Although it could not be called a smooth operation at all, Song Nan was already very satisfied.

The biggest discovery is A Hu, the servant leader in the house. Although this boy is only 16 years old, his performance is sophisticated and mature. When he seduced and killed Fang Datong, A Hu, who was only 12 years old, performed very well. After that, Song Nan wanted to send him to study, but this boy was not a reading material at all. Nian was unwilling to go to the library and came to Song Nan to be a follower. Song Nan was a little hateful of steel, but after all, although he was the son of his parents who came to Beijing from Weizhou, Song Nan also looked after him like a brother, so he stayed beside him as a close maid to replace Li Daniu's official position.

In the past two years, Ah Hu has assisted Uncle Zhong to take care of Song's mansion in an orderly manner. Now he is the head of the servants in the house. This time, he was transferred out by Song Nan. His performance was remarkable. He ran to the streets outside the city with more than a dozen servants in the scorching heat all day long, recruiting craftsmen and handymen, purchasing sandstone, earthwork and wood. After more than ten days, his face turned dark, but he didn't say a bitter word.

The Song family gave great praise to Ah Hu's performance, and Song Nan decided to promote Ah Hu as the stew of the real estate company, so that he could give full play to his talents. At the same time, Song Nan temporarily called Wan Dabao, the stewman of the Song Manor in Wanjiazhuang, to help. Wan Dabao was born as a people, and it was smoother and a suitable candidate to get along with craftsmen and handymen.

From this, by early September, Song Nan basically built a family team that could operate effectively. With Lu Qingli as the first generation in charge of his own affairs, there is Ye Fang's aunt Dai Suer in charge of the accounts. A Hu is responsible for procurement and logistics affairs, Wan Dabao is responsible for managing construction craftsmen, handymen and other affairs. A team with clear powers and responsibilities has been completed.

In the more than 20 days from mid-August to early September, a lot of things have been completed. The construction of papermaking workshops outside the city has been completed, and the workshop owners have fulfilled the agreement to move out of the city. After the papermaking workshops stopped, the deodorization work in the workshops has begun.

Thousands of people hired temporarily at a high price of five yuan a day began to dig drainage and dredging the pond ditches in the workshop. Among them, a strange thing happened. I thought the residents of the workshop would happily welcome this dredging and deodorization operation, but they didn't expect to start the first day of construction. Unexpectedly, some people obstructed the construction, saying that the workshop did not need to be cleaned up, and they did not feel any discomfort.

The Song family hired thousands of people and hundreds of ox carts, which cost thousands of taels of silver in a day, which could not afford it. Song Nan didn't want to tell any truth to these crazy people. She directly ordered Li Daniu to ride with Jinyiweiti to catch more than a dozen guys, so that the project could continue.

For more than ten days, the already stinky white paper workshop was even more stinky day by day. The smell of the stinky mud garbage excavated spread to the two squares in Xuanbei and Xuannan. If it hadn't been for the northeast wind, it would have harmed the whole city.

A truck of sludge and garbage was sent out of the city through You'anmen and dumped in the col ten miles away. For more than ten days, the people who entered and exited from You'anmen were almost extinct, and no one wanted to go in and out of this city gate. The soldiers who guarded the city covered their noses and scolded their mothers. Some of them suggested that these were not allowed. The vehicles went in and out, but were scolded by the officers. Song Nan had already made arrangements, and the sealed silver had already been sent to these officers' houses.

After more than ten days, the clean-up and dredge work has come to an end. Although it cannot completely eradicate this century of psoriasis, it is obvious that the smell of stench in the air is gradually dissipated. After the stinky water in the river pond has flowed away, the clear water flow from the upstream reservoir to fill it, and the world seems to be The son has changed his appearance. That night, Aunt Ye Fang and Dai Su'er reported the accounts for this dredging, and Song Nan finally understood why Ma Siguang, a soldier in the five cities, collected money and did not do anything.

The white paper workshop has been the gathering place of papermaking workshops since the Mengyuan period, and the resulting sewage silt has accumulated like mountains. In the past ten days, Songfu has hired thousands of people and hundreds of cattle carts to clean up and transshipment. However, it has cleaned up the main river ponds and garbage heaps near the left of the main street, which consumed nearly 30,000 taels of silver, which is simply incredible. . The five city soldiers and horses allocate less than 1,000 taels of garbage every year. In the face of this stubborn disease, they will certainly choose to ignore it.

The people in the white paper workshop woke up overnight and suddenly realized the change in the environment around them. There was a faint fragrance of osmanthus in the air, which floated from the osmanthus trees in the north of the square. Previously, they were completely covered by the stench before, but now they can only ask; the river and pond in front of the door have become clear to the bottom, and many people have never lived. Seeing such a clear river passing around the house; at first, those ignorant people who scolded the Marquis Song for being so many things and made the world smoky, suddenly felt as if they had blamed others.

In the evening, Song Nan came back from the government gate and specially came to inspect the results. He and Lu Qingli walked slowly on the clean and uneven streets of the white paper square. Looking at the situation on both sides of the main street, they put down a big stone in their hearts. Although the houses in front of them were still dilapidated and the people of the residents were still ragged, but The laughter of children playing in the pond between the houses came faintly, indicating that the dredging and deodorization of this place has been a great success.

"Tomorrow, I ordered the Tiqi of Xuannanfang to start patrol the workshop normally and maintain the status quo. In more than ten days, sporadically mobilize people to clean it up, and the stench in the workshop will basically dissipate, and this is no longer a desperate place for others."

"Yes, it's really the evil of these paper workshops. In fact, it seems that this place is quite good now." Lu Qingli took Song Nan's arm and looked at Song Nan with admiration.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Do you still need to say that? This is also a square in the capital, with an inch of land and an inch of gold in the city wall, which is not casually said. Speaking of which, I would like to thank the source of these stench, otherwise how could the court easily let me buy a lot of land? They treat me as a fool, but they don't know that they are short-sighted people.

Lu Qingli laughed and said, "My brother Song is a fool. Are there any smart people that day? However, everyone has been governing here for so many years, and no one wants to take a look.

Song Nan nodded and said, "Papermaking workshops are the root cause of the most polluted water source of odor. In the past hundred years, no one has thought of moving out of the city, which is also a strange thing. In fact, people are like this. The more dirty the place, the more the people are broken the jars, and the more garbage and urine are randomly thrown down, which is stinky and vicious circle. I dare to guarantee that once you get used to this clean environment, the people here will also know how to maintain it. After all, no one wants to live in a cesspit, right?

Lu Qingli said dryly, "Don't say, I'm dying of nausea. After I came here on the first day, I haven't eaten several meals. I don't understand why some people say they can't smell and say that we are too much."

Song Nan smiled and said, "There is a saying: enter the abalone and don't smell it for a long time. People who have lived in it for a long time may not be able to smell it. Let's clean it up, but they think we made a fuss. Not to mention this, the progress of the matter is not bad. Tomorrow, the project of our South District will start. Before it snows, the planning of the South 1 District will be completed. Time is a little tight.

Lu Qingli said, "It seems unlikely. Wan Dabao consulted the craftsmen. They all said that the time was too tight. There is a main street in the planning of the South First District, more than 100 shops along the street, and dozens of private houses behind the street. How can it be completed in such a short time? It also involves dozens of local people's private houses, and several of them are unwilling to sell to our land, which is a big problem.

Song Na bit her lower lip and said, "Can't wait. Let Ah Hu recruit more craftsmen. Immediately after the autumn harvest, the people will also be idle, and they will be very willing to earn some extra money in the spare time of their spare time. As for those families who do not want to sell our homes, they will put out the conditions, give them a time limit, and clearly tell them , all conditions will be invalidated beyond the specified time; I don't believe that they will not be moved by the high price and conditions we offer? I just want to take the opportunity to spoor more money.

Lu Qingli said, "If they just don't want to, what should they do?"

Song Nan said, "It's very simple. The land around them is mine. If they don't sell it, they are not allowed to pass through my ground, build a wall to trap their house and let them fly out. As long as I step on my ground, I will ask them to pay to pass by.

Lu Qingli sneered and said, "This is too shameless. Isn't this the road I drove as a robber?"

Song Nan stared and said, "Sometimes you can't be too reasonable to deal with the unruly people. The conditions of our Song family are already very rich. The price of their land is not low. In addition, they promised to move back to their new houses of the same area. They are not satisfied. Isn't this self-fought?"

Lu Qingli smiled and said, "That's right. The sisters in the house said that if you give each family a house to move back to live in, isn't it going to die? Doesn't it mean that these houses are sold to make money?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "How many times have you said it, but you still don't understand. What is planning? How wasteful is the messy house occupied? After planning, it will be built flat and at least double the number of buildings. The houses relocated to the people will be concentrated in the South Third District in the future. What is the value of ordinary houses? The land connected to the surrounding square areas and several main streets is valuable. Private mansions can be built by the lake in the north, which are luxury houses. These are the places to make a lot of money.

Lu Qingli blinked her eyes and didn't understand for a long time. Song Nan pinched her face and scolded: "Yumu's head."