Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 586 Self-recommendation

After sending away the surprised young master and Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and others, the second group of visitors came. It was the wife group of Song Mansion and Zhu Fengtong's master and servant.

As the largest shareholder of Songfu Real Estate Development Company, Zhu Fengtong is more qualified to come here than anyone else, but she has never been here and never dictates, as if ignoring the existence of these two million taels of silver and allowing Song Nan to tosss around with silver.

Today, Song Nan specially invited her to see where her money was spent, which made her feel more or less reassuring.

In the golden and warm sunshine, four or five carriages of Mrs. Songfu's group came one after another. The ladies of the Song family came out of the car one by one, looked around, and stretched out lazily. The ordinary people with sleeves around and looked at the lively white paper workshop from afar were about to fly out one by one. The Marquis of Song, Jane I enjoy it so much.

These wives and concubines in Song Mansion are beautiful one by one, and their clothes are more luxurious than each other. Their voices are delicate and beautiful. Gu Pan walks with a beautiful smile and swaying posture, and they are all beautiful things in the world.

"My mother is more popular than me. This Marquis Song is really blessed. There are so many beautiful people in the family. Look at those women, those faces, arms and legs, tut, if it can make me sleepy all night, I am willing to exchange my life."

"Don't drool, just like you two fools, are you still thinking like this? If your mother-in-law hears this, you won't be able to go to bed for three days.

"Don't talk about my mother-in-law. Is that also a woman? Compared with these women, I can't wait to go back and strangle the black-faced woman with the bucket waist immediately. One is flowers, one is cow dung, one is heaven, and the other is underground.

"Don't complain. Go to work quickly. The grain bag on the canal wharf is still waiting for you to carry. It's useless to think about it. You will be reborn in a good family in your next life. Maybe you can marry a bunch of beautiful people like the Marquis Song."

"What the mother, can't I be happy with my mouth? Look, there's another one. Oh, my mother, this is also so beautiful. I can't tell which one is the most beautiful. Just pull one out and blow up more than a dozen streets of widow Zhang in Yuxiu Hutong, Baizhifang.

"Look at your example, what a mother's nonsense."

The people next to him rolled their eyes and looked at the street. Sure enough, they saw a black carriage coming from far away. The carriage was a tall and elegant woman, who arrived with Zhu Fengtong and her maidservant.

Song Nan and the daughters of Songfu greeted them. After a salute, Zhu Fengtong ordered Qingluan to take out a small cloth bag. After opening it, a huge piece of gold lock was exposed. She came to Dai Suer with a smile and said, "I visited your house a few months ago. I didn't know that Mrs. Su'er was happy to have a noble son and didn't bring any gift. Isn't this? I asked someone to give this golden lock to Mrs. Su'er today. After going back, hang it up for the little prince to bless the young man for a long life.

Dai Suer said quickly, "How dare you do this? This is too expensive. Why does the princess have to do this?"

"Take it, take it, our Song family took millions of taels of silver, and we don't care about this more gold lock piece." The little princess's words were quite sour.

Song Nan coughed awkwardly and said, "Don't stand there. Is there a cold wind here? Come on, I'll lead the way and show you the results of these two months.

Among the daughters of the Song family, only Lu Qingli often comes to visit, and others also visit for the first time. Although they have seen the planning renderings painted on paper, they actually do not believe that the effect of the actual construction will be compared with the effect drawn above. When the physical object is presented in front of them, the women can't help but marvel. Song Nan's eyes are also full of surprise and admiration.

Song Nan knew that from beginning to end, the family did not agree with this matter, but because they were the head of the family and tried their best to stick to their own opinions, they did not say anything against it. Today, letting their wives and concubines come to see the real scene also made them dispel their concerns. Now it seems that they should achieve their goal.

"There are still 30% of the work that has not been completed. After the second floor of the shop is completed, the residential areas behind are completed, and the pavement is fully paved, the South District is basically completed. This winter, there are still a lot of things to do. Before February, a large number of trees and flowers will be transplanted on the flower beds and open spaces on the roadside. If you come back next March or April, it will be full of red and green. This will be the first garden block in the capital, which will definitely amaze the whole city. Song Nan is full of complacency.

The women were amazed. Princess Ping'an suddenly said, "I want to live here. Can I book a house?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "You are a major shareholder. You can live in any house here, but don't worry. The North Second District is a high-end mansion villa area designed by me. There is a big lake at the north end of Baizhifang. With the help of the benefits of the lakeside, the tenth high-end house has been developed. If you want to live, you can live there, facing the lake and the mountains. The waterside is many times better than the quadrangle here.

Zhu Fengtong nodded and smiled, "I'm looking forward to it. Don't let me wait too long."

Lu Qingli said, "Brother, let's just live in and be neighbors with Miss Fengtong."

Ye Fang said bluntly, "Let's just live together."

Zhu Fengtong suddenly blushed and turned her head and pretended to look at the scenery. The girls of the Song family laughed sourly. Song Nan had no choice. The tutor was not strict and her husband was depressed. These women were used to talking freely. In their spare time, the relationship between themselves and Zhu Fengtong must be a hot topic in their mouths, but it is the most natural thing to make fun of them.

Returning from the construction site, Zhu Fengtong planned to leave, but Song Nan insisted on asking Zhu Fengtong to follow him back to Songfu, because the account use of the first phase of the project needs to be notified to the largest shareholder. No matter how generous she is, she can't help but treat her.

In Song Nan's study, Zhu Fengtong sat comfortably in a circle chair, holding a soft pillow in her arms and looked at Song Nan's busy work with a smile. Song Nan's study had become an account room, and several large boxes of account books were piled up on the table by Song Nan, and the wide mahogany desk was suddenly piled up into a hill.

"This is all the entry and exit accounts in the past two months. The details are listed here. Every expenditure is recorded. You can have a look."

Zhu Fengtong covered her mouth and smiled, "Are you going to tire me to death?" There is no need at all. I said, why do you spend money? I don't care at all. What if you lose money?

Song Nan smirthed and said, "That's not possible. This is our partnership business, but we can't be so careless. In the future, if the business becomes bigger, the number will be larger. You have to go through the scene."

Zhu Fengtong looked at Song Nan with a slight smile and whispered, "Is it necessary for us to be so clear?"

Song Nan's heart moved and stared at Zhu Fengtong's beautiful face in a daze. Her eyes unconsciously fell on her plump red lips. She recalled the scene of herself and Zhu Fengtong hugging and kissing at the time of parting in Ningxia Town, and unconsciously stretched out her tongue and licked her lips a few times.

Zhu Fengtong seemed to know what Song Nan was thinking. He had a fever on his face. He quickly reached out and took a book to pretend to look through it, but he saw that the account book was neatly, and the entry and exit accounts according to the date were clear, and there were signatures and drawings of the person in charge behind it. This entry and exit accounts was done with fine work. Whole.

"Is this the account of a note by Aunt Ye Fang and Dai Suer? It's really fine and clean. If it were me, my head would be blown up.

"Yes, they are in charge of all the money accounts. Both of them are careful people, and they rarely make mistakes."

Zhu Fengtong nodded and said, "Since you have to read it, I will only look at the final general ledger, but I won't look at the detailed accounts."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Well, that yellow page is the general ledger."

Zhu Fengtong reached out and took it, opened it for a few times, and said in surprise, "Have you used more than 2 million taels of silver? Isn't there no money again?"

Song Nan laughed and said, "Originally, 3.5 million taels of silver we added together was only the budget of those places today, and the cost of dredging and moving land in the early stage was nearly one million taels, which is already very economical."

Zhu Fengtong nodded slowly and said, "I understand, you plan to return the silver liang in the first phase. After the store's house is sold, the silver liang recovered will be used to continue, just like a snowball, isn't it?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "That's right. If the whole white paper workshop is fully developed, it will be a huge amount of money. Even if there is enough capital, I still need to develop it in the first phase, because this is the best way to use silver."

Zhu Fengtong thought for a moment and said, "Song Nan, the most urgent thing now is to sell the shops and houses as soon as possible, otherwise the second phase will not be built tomorrow spring, but are you sure to sell out these properties in such a short time?"

Song Nan shook his head slightly and said, "To tell you the truth, I'm not very sure. Although I'm sure that this matter will bring huge benefits, the time is too short, and it may be difficult to sell them all by relying on the merchants and consumers in the capital. I was originally going to sell these properties to the merchants of Quan Daming, and I planned to do it myself this winter. I went to all over the Ming Dynasty to publicize and encourage, but now I'm not good at it.

Zhu Fengtong frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Song Nan said, "The emperor will have a big wedding in the twelfth lunar month, and the queen's choice has been finalized. The emperor asked me to prepare for this matter with the inner court of the Ministry of Ceremonies. We should not only arrange the guard and honor guard during the emperor's wedding in advance, but also cooperate with the officers and soldiers of various guard stations to carry out a national investigation to ensure that the emperor's big There are no mistakes during the marriage.

Zhu Fengtong nodded slightly and said, "So it is."

Song Nan said, "Fanggu's little princess is pregnant. The child is still in her infancy, and Su'er can't leave, but Qingli is not a master in this field. For a while, I don't have a good choice to replace her."

Zhu Fengtong said slowly, "Do you think I can do it?"

Song Nan was stunned and said, "Are you going to deal with businessmen from all over the world? If not, how can such things make you show up? I will find the right person to do this for us.

Zhu Fengtong smiled and said, "Your wives will try their best to help you even if it's inconvenient, and I should do my best. Do you think I'm still the former princess? I am now an ordinary woman without a title; and as you said, this is our partnership, and I should help you share some burdens."