Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 588 Interest-related

The marquis in the capital have been very upset recently. They originally scoffed at Song Nan's purchase of land in the white paper workshop, thinking that Song Nan had no strength and no vision; but unexpectedly, Song Nan really worked enthusiastically. Surprised, he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

When the marquis chatted together, the topic inevitably fell on what happened in the white paper workshop. In fact, each of them sent people to peep at the new appearance of the southern area of the white paper square that was about to be completed, but they were quite surprised.

Such a broken place as Bai Paper Square can be transformed into this by Song Nan. The marquises seem to be enlightened, as if they suddenly realized the value of this place. If Song Nan can do everything successfully, wouldn't it be Bai Bai let Song Nan pick up the big yuanbao?

The marquis began to complain that the court had sold a large amount of land to Song Nan, and took out the ancestral rules about not hoarding houses. The marquis encouraged the officials of the supervisory court to shout in the court, but this time, even Yang Tinghe was embarrassed to agree with them. Zhengde said, "At the beginning, you all agreed, He also said that selling those abandoned land can relieve the financial pressure of the court, but now it's ridiculous to talk about it. They were directly sealed.

Yes, when Song Nan proposed to buy land, Zhengde solicited the opinions of the foreign court and the marquis. Everyone thought that Song Nan was a fool and couldn't wait to see him take out hundreds of thousands of silver to buy some broken land back. When Song Nan went to Qianzhuang to borrow money, many marquis saw Song Nan's deliberately fake. Pret to be concerned and ask a few words. Now, it's okay. They have made a name, and everyone looks greedy again, which really doesn't make sense.

There are also some understanding among the marquises. Since they can't stop it, why not participate in it? This may be the best way to make up for the loss. However, after they tentatively put forward this proposal, they were rejected by Song Nan and gave them no face at all.

The marquis were angry and scolded Song Nan. When they got together, they also began to discuss how to contain Song Nan's plan. The principle is that we can't eat fat, and others can't eat it.

"I think we should secretly investigate the source of Song Nan's money. Song Nan suddenly has a large amount of money to invest in development. Where does this money come from? Do you still remember the incident when Song Nan brought down Fan Heng and Wang Yue? It is to check Fan Heng and Wang Yue's family property and find out his embezzlement of the inner carrier. Can we check him this time? Qian Taichang, Admiral Zhenwei Camp and Marquis of Changping, put forward this proposal at a party.

The originally lively scene suddenly calmed down, and the marquis looked at Qian Taichang with something wrong, as if they thought Qian Taichang was an idiot.

"What's wrong? Guys, is there anything wrong with my advice? Shouldn't this be checked?

"Hey! Lord Qian, is this wrong with you, Cha Song Nan? Is this a joke? Is this going to publicly turn against Song Nan? Guoyong Camp Admiral An Taihou and Deng Biao whispered.

"If you turn your face, will turn your face. Are our marquis still afraid of this boy? Are you worried about the British Council's intervention? Don't worry, the British father-in-law made it clear that Song Nan's behavior is unforgivable from the British government. Her husband's attitude is very clear that he will not protect Song Nan at all.

"Changpinghou, you are very old, how can you be so angry? Not to mention that Mr. Zhang's words are a little true, that is, they are sincere. Isn't it uncomfortable for us to find Song Nan's details so boldly?

"Yes, Marquis Qian, I know that during the holiday between you and Song Nan, the matter of making Lang become a son-in-law was messed up by the brocade guard, but you can't involve your own private affairs. You need to know that our investigation will be big. Calm down, Marquis Qian.

With everyone's persuasion, Qian Taichang was also speechless. He was indeed angry. His son Qian Xiu was about to become a candidate for his son-in-law. Jinyiwei suddenly came out and inserted a leg and caught his son's invasion of the two singers after drinking, which suddenly stirred up the matter. If his son is really a dunk, the problem is that Qian Xiu knelt in front of him and pointed to the world and said it was unfair, as if he had been wronged. Qian Taichang can't verify this matter, but this Liangzi is finally settled, and today he is also emotional and came up with such an idea.

"Lao Jiao, what do you think of this?" Qian Taichang turned to Admiral Anping and Jiao Zhengtai. He knew that Jiao Zhengtai, like himself, had no good impression of Song Nan. The reason was very simple. The Yangwei camp and Song Nan's Shenshu camp in the north of Baizhifang were handed over. Since the beginning of the establishment of the Shenshu camp before the year, the friction between the soldiers of the two sides has been continuous. The two sides have experienced more than a dozen frictions, which have led to several group fights of soldiers. If it hadn't been for everyone's restraint and unmoving blades, I'm afraid it would have been a storm all over the city.

At the beginning, Shenshu Camp was not the enemy of the Yangwei Camp at all. It was also weaker in momentum and suffered a lot of hidden losses. Jiao Zhengtai was secretly proud. In the whole capital, who dared to bully Song Nan except himself? However, after the return of the rebellion, the situation suddenly reversed. The Shenshu camp obviously accelerated the pace of expansion, the increase in the number of equipment, and the psychological self-confidence brought about by the success of the rebellion. In the friction between the two sides, the Shenshu camp won repeatedly. Every time he saw his blue-faced subordinates and soldiers running to complain, Jiao Zhengtai had nothing to do but scold them.

This kind of friction between soldiers is actually very normal, and most of the leading generals also turn a blind eye. When the regimental camp had the upper hand before, the Shenshu camp did not cry and make a big trouble. It is said that Song Nan once said that his subordinates: coward will be beaten, and I will not make decisions for you. Find the scene by yourself. It can be seen that the upper generals will not raise these things to a certain height at all.

Jiao Zhengtai was also well aware of this, so he could only endure the loss, but as a long-standing sense of self-confidence and pride that had been broken, Jiao Zhengtai even acquiesced in his subordinates to provoke trouble and find the scene, but the return was tricked by the Shenshu camp, which made him back in disgraced, so that there was a laugh inside the regiment camp. By the saying, the soldiers of other regimental battalions ridiculed the prestige camp as a coward camp.

Although Jiao Zhengtai warned himself not to take these seriously, he was also a good face. Naturally, he attributed all this to Song Nan. If it hadn't been for Song Nan's really frightening, he would have personally brought his soldiers and horses to the door.

"Marquis Qian, what the marquis said is not bad. Song Nan can move casually. We don't have to go through this muddy water. Our regimental marquis just hold the military power of the regimental battalion and get some benefits. It's better not to do such risky things. How powerful is Liu Jin? How much does the emperor love him? In the end, he couldn't do anything about Song Nan and was killed by Song Nan. This boy is not a soft persimmon, but a head-eating tiger. Do we have to fight with him?

"Jiao Zhengtai, I didn't expect you to be a coward. No wonder your coward can't even do it. I've seen it." Qian Taichang said angrily.

Jiao Zhengtai's face twitched and shouted, "Qian Taichang, don't you have virtue on your mouth? If you have the ability to change the defense between Zhenwei Camp and Laozi Yangwei Camp, I want to see how good you are to control Shenshu Camp. You are a dog. If you can't listen to good words, you will bite people.

Qian Taichang said angrily, "What good words did you say? You are afraid that Song Nan is going to die. You are not afraid.

Jiao Zhengtai spat and said, "I mean that you don't have to confront Song Nan head-on. You can rely on the things at hand, but you can't listen to it."

Several other marquises persuaded them to fight. Listening to Jiao Zhengtai's words, they said one after another, "Marquis Qian, after listening to what Marquis Jiao said, they are all old brothers. Isn't it a joke to scold and make outsiders see it?"

Qian Taichang sat down angrily and took a cup of tea without saying anything.

Admiral Zeng Quan asked, "Marquis Jiao, you just said you wanted to take it wisely. Don't you know what's wrong?"

Jiao Zhengtai wiped the spit on the corners of his mouth and said angrily, "I'm not to mention it. I'm almost pissed off by this old boy."

"No, this is everyone's interest. If there is a way, just say it." Everyone persuaded.

Jiao Zhengtai's breath was slightly smooth and stared, "Song Nan is the originator of the yin people behind him. Liu Jin can't beat him. We have to get up by ourselves. Isn't it uncomfortable? What I'm saying is, isn't Song Nan going to have a vigorous fight in Baizhifang? Let him toss around. Let's go back and order all the chambers of commerce in the capital to make a notice that all merchants in the capital are never allowed to buy bricks and tiles in the shops built by Song Nan, so that all his money will be lost. Think about it, doesn't Song Nan want to come to us to reconcile himself?

Everyone was silent for a long time and said, "It's a good way. It's not a good way to turn against him, and there is no way for him to catch it. He has no way to do anything to us."

Jiao Zhengtai looked at Qian Taichang with a proud face and said, "If merchants from other places want to enter the capital, they have to join our chamber of commerce to make a difference. Let's make a message, but the Beijing Chamber of Commerce will not contact any merchants in the white paper shop. Think about it, which merchant in the capital can still do without joining the chamber of commerce. Business? Unless the outside businessman's brain is kicked by a donkey, who will buy Song Nan's shop and house? Don't believe that Song Nan doesn't bow his head. No matter how much money he has, he can stand it so much?

"Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful! I didn't expect that your old man's loyal face is so exquisite. This plan can be regarded as a wonderful plan to draw from the bottom of the pot. This time, even Qian Taichang turned angrily into a smile and praised him.