Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 595 Cover-up

In the next ten days, the main and deputy angels were busy with the emperor's wedding. After the last time, they went to Najina on an auspicious day and finally asked; more than ten days after going back and forth, the big thing was ready.

The eighth auspicious day of the twelfth lunar month, the emperor's wedding was today. Lanterns were set up all over the Ming Dynasty. Officials of the prefectures of Beijing and other prefectures gathered at the local government office early in the morning to pay homage to the north to congratulate, and all the officials of the capital were able to enter the palace to watch the ceremony.

The wedding ceremony was set in the square in front of Kunning Palace in the harem. Early in the morning, Zhengde got up and cleaned up, put on a big wedding dress, first led all the officials to worship their ancestors, and then went to the inner palace to bow to the empress dowager, and then took a group of empresses in the harem to the Kunning Palace; the officials were dressed in a group of new The official uniform stood in front of Kunning Palace in order, waiting for the arrival of the welcoming team of the queen on behalf of the emperor.

At dawn, Zhu Chenhao, Song Nan and Xu Guangzuo's three main and deputy angels took Empress Luan to drive tens of millions of Xia Rufu. Xia Ru led the whole family to kneel at the gate to welcome the family. Zhu Chenhao issued an edict loudly. In the sound of drum music, the sedan chair carried the queen Liyu and Longting into the front yard and placed them. Then, surrounded by more than a dozen famous women, the eunuch carried them to the "embroidery building" in the backyard and parked them according to the "auspicious position" designated by the officials of Qin Tianjian. Xia, wearing the queen's dress and wearing a phoenix crown, went out of the embroidery building and knelt down to receive gold books and golden treasures, and then returned to the embroidery building again to wait for the auspicious time.

Originally, the little princess, who was like Song Nan's wife, was also a candidate for a wife, but unfortunately, she had a big belly and had not given birth to a child, so she could not be one of them; and Dai Suer and others are not the identity of the right wife, of course, they are not qualified.

Qin Tianjian accompanied the god stick to welcome the family and announced that the auspicious time had arrived. The main and deputy angels welcomed the queen Shangluan to drive. In the noise of gongs and drums, hundreds of people went all the way to the palace to welcome their relatives. Along the way, drums and gongs and drums were loud, and the people watched along the street.

The main gate of Daming Gate opened to welcome Queen Luan. After Luan drove into the noon gate, the bells and drums on the bell and drum tower on the wall of the palace. The eunuch in the noon gate greeted her and went straight to the outside of Kunning Palace.

Under Danbi, the three welcoming angels can finally return to Zhengde. Officials of the Ministry of Ceremonies presented the queen's gold book and gold treasures, and handed them over to relevant people for display in the side hall of Qianqing Palace. Queen Xia was led by dozens of women, female officials, maids, etc., and helped her to pick up the steps and come to Zhengde.

Under the loud singing of the officials of the Ministry of Ceremonies, Zhengde and the queen entered the main hall of Kunning Palace to worship the world, salute the husband and wife and drink a glass of wine. Soon after, the emperor's decree came down to pardon the prisoners of the world, and the Ming Dynasty celebrated three days. So far, Zhengde has a formal queen.

Song Nan was so tired that she got up too early in the morning, and because some ritual things had to be kept serious and dignified, her whole body jumped to her back and ached. After the ceremony, she was able to rest. Wan Zhi brought a chair and placed it in the corner of the square to let Song Nan sit, and ordered someone to make some tea and snacks. After swallowing wildly , Song Nan is slowing down.

"Why don't adults go back home and have a rest? There are servile duties here." Wanzhi asked for instructions.

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "No, I must be here today. If the emperor has any instructions, he will be on call."

Wan Zhi said, "Your excellency went to my public room to have a rest. Anyway, it's nothing serious now."

Song Nan thought for a moment and said, "Go ahead and find a place for me to stay for a while." Wan Zhi was still waiting to ask again. Wang Yong squeezed his eyes and pouted in the direction of Shouning Palace. Wan Zhi immediately agreed and arched his hand.

Song Nan stood up and turned the path in the direction of Shouning Palace when people were not paying attention. Just now, she saw Corning squeeze her eyes on the upper steps. She had wanted to see her for a long time. It was still early for the wedding banquet in the afternoon. Isn't it comfortable to hang out with her? She came to Kangning Palace all the way and was about to enter the door. Suddenly, someone smiled behind him and said, "Huh, what a coincidence? Is the Marquis Song also here with the princess?

Song Nan trembled with fear and looked back. Zhu Chenhao stood not far behind him with a smile. Song Nan secretly felt bad and was seen by this man when he secretly came to Shouning Palace. This matter was a little tricky.

"Margrave Song, you don't look well." There are some strange things in Zhu Chenhao's smile.

"It turned out to be the prince. The subordinate was just a little sleepy. Maybe he was hungry and didn't eat anything in the morning."

"So that's it. Is this coming to the princess palace to ask for some tea and food? The princess treats the marquis well.

"The prince misunderstood. The subordinate was ordered by the princess to do things." Song Nan caught a glimpse of the female official Cui Hongying coming from the courtyard and deliberately raised her voice. Yu Guangzhong saw that Cui Hongying's footsteps were stagnant, turned around and walked to the harem. Song Nan was relieved. If Cui Hongying was clever, she would immediately understand what she meant.

"Oh, I see." Zhu Chenhao nodded slowly, and the doubts in his eyes were still caught by Song Nan.

"The prince came to Shouning Palace and this is..."

"Oh, I have been in Beijing for nearly a month and haven't come to see the princess of the harem. After the ceremony, I went to see the empress dowager, and now I have come to visit the princess. I didn't expect to meet the Marquis Song. In this case, let's go in and see the princess together.

Song Nan had the intention to refuse, because she was afraid that the panic she had just made would be exposed to her face, but if it was different, Zhu Chenhao would definitely be suspicious, so she reached out and bowed and said, "Your Majesty, please."

Zhu Chenhao smiled and walked. The maids of honor had already announced that they had entered. Song Nan and Zhu Chenhao stood under the corridor of the front yard and waited for a moment. Cui Hongying, a female official, came into the porch from behind and saluted Zhu Chenhao and Song Nan.

"Lord Ning, Lord Song, the princess is in the warm pavilion in the back. Please come here."

Zhu Chenhao said lightly, "I'm tired." After saying that, Song Nan deliberately dragged back and looked at Cui Hongying. Cui Hongying glanced at Song Nan quickly and squeezed her eyes mischievously. Song Nan suddenly settled down and said loudly, "Thank you, Cui Shanggong."

Cui Hongying smiled and said, "You're welcome. The marquis is invited soon. The princess is anxious."

The three of them came to the warm pavilion in the apse. Princess Corning was sitting on the soft couch. Zhu Chenhao went forward to worship and said, "Zhu Chenhao, please see the princess. After coming to Beijing for more than a month, you have always had the opportunity to see the princess. Please forgive me."

Kang Ning glanced at Song Nan with her head down and smiled, "Speaking of which, I still want to call you uncle. King Ning doesn't have to be polite. The princes don't have to come to the harem to see him when they go to Beijing to do business. How can Prince Ning be so polite?"

Song Nan's heart moved. This man said that he came to see the princess. In fact, he had no need to come at all. The meeting at the gate of the palace may not be accidental. Did Zhu Chenhao deliberately want to meet him at the gate of Shouning Palace? Does he want to express any intention?

Zhu Chenhao hurriedly said, "You should come to see me. After all, we are emperors, and we should see each other more. Otherwise, the princess will not know who I am when she sees me in the future."

"That's right. Please sit down and have tea. Let's talk to the Marquis Song first." Kangning smiled and turned to Song Nan and said, "Marquis Song, I asked you to come here to entrust you with one thing. I heard that a red lady in your house has good craftsmanship. I want to ask her to teach me how to embroider a pillow. The emperor's wedding, as a sister, has no good gift to congratulate me, and it's not interesting to send some gold and silver. I want to kiss you. Hand-embroidered pillow for the emperor and queen.

Song Nan secretly laughed. This story was also fast enough to make up. He said it with a nose and eyes. He bowed down and said, "I obey the princess's order. The green glass girl's red craftsmanship is still eye-catching. Tomorrow I will take her to the palace, but she was born in the people and doesn't understand the etiquette in the palace. If there is any bad manners, please forgive me."

Corning almost laughed out. She knew several women in Song's house. When it comes to female red kung fu, only Dai Suer can take it on the stage. It's okay for Lu Qingli to dance with a knife and make trouble, saying that her female celebrity is simply nonsense. Song Nan once said that once Lu Qingli and Ye Fang's sisters embroidered mandarin ducks and played with water, but Song Nan saw it as a chicken pecking rice pictures, which made Kang Ning laugh for a long time. Song Nan was so narrow that she actually said in front of herself that Lu Qingli's female red craftsmanship was good.

"Very good, very good. It's this matter that I invited you to come. You can retreat. Hongying, I'm afraid that the Marquis Song is not on duty today. You can give some pastry tea to the Marquis Song." Kang Ning stopped laughing and ordered, and felt sorry for Song Nan's hunger.

Cui Hongying said, "I obeyed, Marquis Song, please."

"Thank you for your reward, princess." Song Nan bowed his body and withdrew from the warm pavilion.

Out of the warm pavilion and came to the front corridor, Song Nan hurriedly thanked Cui Hongying. Cui Hongying and whispered, "The marquis should also be careful when he came. The marquis's recent diligence will inevitably be noticed. Although we as slaves should not say anything, it is a big deal after all. If it really spreads out, then I'm afraid It's out of control."

Song Nan was complained by a female official, but she could not refute it. Cui Hongying was a close female official of the princess. She knew everything between herself and Kang Ning. I'm afraid her complaint was also for Kang Ning.

Cui Hongying also has no right to point out. She has no right to dictate the matter between Song Nan and the princess, but she does complain about Song Nan. The Marquis of Song is good, but the relationship with Her Royal Highness is not a good deal. It's really worrying.