Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 598 National Weightless Device

The comfortable days did not last long. On the sixth night of the first lunar month, when the back house of Song's house was playing mahjong, Uncle Zhong hurried to the back house and said that someone from the British government asked to see the master and his wife. The little princess had already fallen asleep. After being woken up, she dressed and came to the flower hall of the back house and saw Song's mother Lu Qingli Dai Suer and others standing. For some reason, he looked different in the hall.

The little princess joked, "What's wrong? Mother-in-law, you are arguing for playing cards again. Let me judge.

The women were silent. Dai Suer and Lu Qingli came forward to hold the little princess's arms one by one left and one, with sad faces.

"What's wrong?" The little princess is inexplicable.

Mother Song sighed and came forward to stroke the little princess's hair and whispered, "My son, you have to hold on. Just now, your mother's family sent someone to say that he is an English prince... He has passed away."

The little princess's face changed color in an instant, and his sleeping red face turned white. He muttered, "It's impossible. Yesterday, after returning home, Ruhua reported that Grandpa was in good shape. How could it be... This is impossible... like a flower, like a flower? Why don't you come to see me?"

The fat Ruhua quickly came in from the door, and the little princess split her head and asked, "Did you see the prince when you went back to home yesterday?"

Ruhua shook her head for a long time and said, "Miss, it was the young master who asked me to say so, saying that he was afraid that you would worry about your husband's body and hurt the fetus."

The little princess trembled, picked up Song's crutches leaning against the table and wanted to beat her. She scolded, "You bad thing, even lied to me. I killed you."

Everyone hurried forward to pull them. At this time, Song Nan, who was sleeping in Wan'er's room, came to hear the news. The little princess cried loudly when she saw Song Nan and threw herself into Song Nan's arms and shouted, "Husir, grandpa is gone..."


The north wind is coiled with clouds, and the weather is cold; the big white lanterns on the gate of the British mansion sway with the wind, the smoke and fires in the wide hall, the white mantle hangs in the middle, and the huge nanmu coffin is placed in the middle; the cold wind blows, the mantle rolls over, and the candlelight shakes, giving people a sense of sadness.

Hearing the news, there was an endless stream of civil and military officials and nobles who came to mourn. Zhang Lun, the young father-in-law, stood aside to thank him with a face. Ruhua and Ruyue, the little princess in filial clothes, also stood aside to thank him. The little princess's face was bloodless, and her tears were hardly dry from morning to evening.

In the huge courtyard, Song Nan stood on the steps to greet the officials who came to mourn. From time to time, she whispered something to the palace housekeepers and servants who came to report. The little prince and the little princess were too sad. Song Nan could only take his responsibility and help with the funeral.

It's getting late. After the last group of mourning officials left today, Song Nan ordered to close the door and turn around and walk into the hall. Seeing the grief of the little princess, she hurried forward and said, "Go back to the inner hall to rest. How can you stand up?"

The little princess shook her head and whispered, "No, I'm going to be here with Grandpa. Grandpa loves me the most, but I have broken his heart."

Song Nan frowned and looked at Zhang Lun. Zhang Lun sighed, "Girl, go to the inner hall to rest. The mourning hall will be set up for three days. You are pregnant, but you can't do this, otherwise Grandpa will not be happy."

Zhang Lun's wife Liu also came forward to persuade, and the little princess was still waiting to argue. Song Nan winced, Ruhua and Ruyue half forced her to help the soft little princess.

Song Nan ordered someone to bring a chair and pour two hot tea, signaling Zhang Lun to sit down and rest; Zhang Lun was also physically and mentally exhausted after a day. He sat on the chair and drank a few sips of tea before he recovered; he stared at the candlelight in front of the coffin and was distracted.

Song Nan whispered, "Little father-in-law, please take it easy. The deceased is gone. Today is the first day. Don't be tired. The emperor will come to mourn in person tomorrow morning, and the chief assistant university scholars of the cabinet will also come to mourn. You can't be rude."

Zhang Lun nodded and said, "I know that I'm afraid I'm going to work hard for you these days. My mind is blank and I can't think of anything. Without you, I don't know what to do."

Song Nan patted Zhang Lun on the shoulder and said, "Don't say such words. I'm also half a member of the British government, which is also my job. On the contrary, little prince, you will be the owner of the state mansion from today on. Don't panic and make the people below more panic. If you can stabilize, they can get through this sad time.

Zhang Lun sighed, squatted down and took a pile of paper money and burned it in the basin. Looking at Zhang Mao's portrait in front of the spirit, he was stunned, as if he was talking to himself and thinking that he was talking to Song Nan.

"The moment Grandpa went last night, I suddenly felt that the sky had collapsed. Grandpa was alive for a day, and our country's government was an unshakable fortress of the Ming Dynasty. Even if Grandpa was sick in bed, no matter how much I messed around outside, I always felt that there were no fearless. When Grandpa left, the future of the British mansion fell on my shoulders. I was not confident that I would do better than Grandpa, and my heart was full of fear.

Song Nanjing said quietly, "I can understand your feeling that my husband is like a great mountain. He may not agree with some of our practices when he was alive, but in the final analysis, he still defended us. I once vowed not to rely on the power of the government, but in fact, I still borrowed the old man's glory today. However, people always have to be responsible for themselves. The British government may not be able to carry forward in the hands of the little father-in-law, but the little father-in-law is now in sadness and a little depressed.

Zhang Lun looked up at Song Nan with bright eyes and said, "Song Nan, I know you are ambitious, and I also know that you are excellent, so I stood with you against the old man's wish, not only because I believe you, but also hope to prove that my vision is not bad. Today, in front of Grandpa's spirit, I really want to know your heart, because I have never seen through you.

Song Nan got up and respectfully and said in a low voice, "Sir, I know that everything you have done is for the sake of the British government. You shoulder the heavy responsibility of continuing the majority of the government, so the starting point of consideration is naturally different. Maybe there were some conflicts between us before, but Song Nan has never It's really your fault. Some of my actions before may also make you unhappy. Today, Song Nan sincerely apologized in front of your spirit, hoping that the old man would not mind and forgive my abruptness.

Zhang Lun stood aside quietly, meditating without saying a word.

Song Nan continued: "Don't worry about the future of the Duke's government. The young master is fully capable of supporting the honor of the British government for a hundred years. Song Nan hereby swears that at any time, Song Nan will stand beside the young master and will never allow others to violate the dignity and honor of the Duke's government. The old man can close his eyes under the nine springs. ."

Zhang Lun looked excited, reached out and held Song Nan's hand and whispered, "With your words, I'm not afraid of anything. This is what the old man was most worried about when he left; do you know what the old man said to me before he died?"

Song Nan said, "Don't tell me. The old man must be worried that you will be with me and destroy the government in the future and let you stay away from me."

Zhang Lun sighed and said nothing more. Song Nan guessed right. That's what his husband explained when he was dying, and his words were even more fierce. He said that Song Nan was a wolf's ambition and would become a big trouble in the Ming Dynasty in the future. He said that Zhang Lun was not his opponent, and the government would be implicated in the future. After all, Zhang Lun could not say these words.

The next morning, Zhengde led the cabinet scholars to personally come to the Duke's Mansion to express their condolences. Yang Tin and first recited the memorial on behalf of the emperor and ministers. Song Nan knew very little about Zhang Mao's past. After listening to this memorial, he couldn't help but admire Zhang Mao's glorious past.

Zhang Mao attacked the position of duke at the age and rode and shot with Emperor Xianzong's Xiyuan. He shot three rounds of archery, and Xianzong gave him a golden belt reward. After that, he was ordered to lead the army and stationed in Shaanxi and Jingji, Shanxi. He fought with the important towns inside and outside the Great Wall such as Juyongguan, Huanghua Town, Xifengkou, Gubeikou and Yanhe, and dozens of them were injured. Several times, my life was in danger. After returning to the capital, the governor's regiment battalion was diligent in regimental affairs, expanded its strength, strengthened its combat effectiveness, and made outstanding achievements. After the four dynasties of Jingtai, Chenghua, Hongzhi and Zhengde, they are all dependent on the royal family and are one of the most trusted relatives of the emperors. Such an experience is unique in the Ming Dynasty.

"Wow, the country lost Mao Gong, heaven and earth changed color, and hundreds of rivers were sad; the Ming Dynasty suddenly lost the pillars, and my emperor lost his loyal minister. What can we do about the sad things of the country? Up and down the imperial court, the sky wept blood, tears sprinkled clay... Today, we worship, talk about the king's heart, our generation as ministers, turn sadness into encouragement, turn pain into loyalty, and strive to inherit the ambition to make up for your loss. Wuhu mourns, still!"

After reading the sacrificial text, Yang Tinghe put the sacrificial text in the brazier and burned it. The cold wind blew by, and the sacrificial text instantly turned into flying ash and drifted away with the wind. It was all over the mourning hall. Everyone bowed and bowed their heads and mourned silently.

Then Zhengde worshipped in person, and the ministers went to the mourning hall in turn. After the worship was completed, Zhang Yong held the imperial edict and announced the decree loudly. Zhang Lun led the government to kneel down in the courtyard to receive the order.

"According to heaven's transportation, the emperor's edict said that the British Duke Zhang Mao was loyal and encouraged him. Now when he heard the bad news, I can't help sigh. I hope that the nephew of the father-in-law's family will change and follow his will to serve the court. Now he is posthumously awarded the title of King Zhang Maoyang, the British Duke of Gongjing, and gives him the golden crown and jade with the garment. Zhang Lun attacked the dukedom of England and served as the governor of the regiment camp. His sons and nieces in the house each had their own awards. I admire this!"

Zhang Lun choked and shouted long live. After receiving the imperial edict, he stood up with tears on his face.

Grandpa went and attacked Grandpa's title and position and became the governor of the state and regiment camp, but why was he worried? What will be the fate of the Duke in the future? Zhang Lun was at a loss.