Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 604 Moving the Grave

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's nothing wrong for businessmen to pursue profits. If I are just doing business for profit, of course, I can think of everything for the sake of silver; but is the reason why I developed Baizhifang real estate only for money?"

Dai Suer whispered, "My husband said that the purpose of this matter is to benefit the court."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Yes, individuals can make profits, but if the court can't make profits, won't it be detrimental to public and private interests? That won't last long. Although I don't claim to be a saint, what does my family think if the country is weak? The Ming Dynasty was strong, and the silver on hand was silver. At that time, the Song Dynasty was not rich. There were countless rich merchants, and the officials in the court were also fat, but the country was extremely weak. When Meng Yuan's iron hoofs invaded, it would inevitably become a ban under the iron hoof of aliens. At that time, what about the wealth of the family? Isn't it that you can't even save your life?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Song Nan smiled and said, "This truth is actually very simple, and everyone knows it, but it's a little difficult to do it. This is the reason why some people are desperate for their own interests. In fact, the behavior of these merchants is understandable. They don't need to think so much, but we people have to consider these. No one else, in his position, I am an official of the Ming Dynasty, so I must put the interests of the court first.

Zhu Fengtong nodded and said, "I understand, but if businessmen hoard real estate and speculate at high prices, is it harmful to the court?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Of course, it is harmful. The higher the speculation of housing prices in the capital, the few people will benefit, but most people will suffer. For example, in the future, Ah Hu wants to get married and buy a house with his daughter-in-law. In the past, he could buy a decent house with a few hundred taels, but I'm afraid he won't have a few thousand taels in the future.

The little princess smiled and said, "What's wrong with Ah Hu? We will cover all the expenses for him in the future, and we will also look for his daughter-in-law."

Tong Ahu said awkwardly, "What's the reason for this?"

The women covered their mouths and laughed when they saw his embarrassed look. Song Nan also smiled and said, "Naturally, Hu doesn't have to worry. Can I treat him badly? I take him as an example. Many descendants like Ah Hu in the capital have to buy a house to get married, and they can't afford it. After the promulgation of the court's policy, the price increase of real estate is certain, but if it rises to an unreachable height, it will be a big problem, which will cause turmoil in the Ming Dynasty. Although property tax collection is beneficial to the court in the short term, it is a disaster to sell cabbage at the price of Ganoderma lucidum for this tax.

Zhu Fengtong locked her eyebrows and said, "That's indeed the reason. This matter is the originator for us. If that day comes, we will not be scolded to death by the people."

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "If you want to scold me, what does it have to do with you? Besides, will I let this day come?"

Zhu Fengtong said, "Do you have a solution? Or only one set of shops and houses developed later is allowed to buy one? Limit their hoarding?

Song Nan smiled and said, "What's the use of that? It's just treating the symptoms but not the root causes. Limiting these behaviors cannot be solved by purchasing. The most direct and effective way is for the court to issue regulations to limit prices. I will ask Zhang Yong to do these things in the name of the real estate department. Although it is rough, I can only do this. For example, in my white paper shop, the price limit of 10,000 or 12,000 taels of silver is transferred, so that after one * one-hand resale, the value of the hype can only be used to do business honestly later. In the future, when the people become rich, prices can rise a little more. In short, house prices cannot be capped. Everything needs to be regulated by the court.

"A good way scared us, otherwise our Song family would become sinners. Your husband must have thought about it a long time ago. Dai Suer smiled.

"That's natural, otherwise I would not have become a sinner who messed up the Ming Dynasty; but this matter can only be done at least a year later, otherwise it will affect the enthusiasm of buying. After all, there are few people who know how to hoard. Since they have this vision and can help open up the situation quickly, why let them make a profit? If they are not greedy If they are greedy and wait for the price to soar, they can only survive.

Zhu Fengtong smiled and said, "So it is. I think many people are willing to hold the house in advance, so it is necessary for me to talk about the advance payment with those owners who have not bought shops and houses."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Of course, this matter will not be too difficult; I will give you two suggestions. One is that the advance payment should not be less than half. Let them understand that there are a large number of people waiting in line. Whoever gets the advance payment first can sign the agreement. The second is the price adjustment. Shops will rise by 1,000 taels, and houses will rise by 500 taels. Since we are doomed to rise, we can't watch others eat meat without taking a bite. What are we going to do?

Everyone slamed. The price of 8,000 taels of shops and 4,000 taels of houses is already sky-high. Compared with the current situation of the average annual income of less than 50 taels in the Ming Dynasty, the profit is already full. Song Nan actually wants to raise prices, which is really cruel.

Song Nan knew very well that the purpose of these shops and houses originally developed was to face the rich people in the Ming Dynasty, which ordinary people could not afford; taking out the money in the pockets of the rich is the purpose, and the resulting real estate transaction tax and the tax generated by future shops can also make the court improve people's livelihood. It is also a disguised robbery to help the poor. As for the various negative effects brought by the real estate economy, Song Nan has no time to think more about it at this moment. After all, this is not for future generations, and the methods of future generations may not work. He can only take one step at a time. If it really is rotten to a certain point, it will be completely banned. There is no human rights and democracy these days. What the court said? Well, as far as this is concerned, the difficulty of management is much simpler.

Since mid-February, the matter of moving the tomb in the wasteland of the white paper workshop has been fully spread. The people who heard the news were really excited. It's okay not to come to worship the ancestral grave. Once someone wants to hit their ancestral grave, it is as excited as mourning. They spontaneously organized to protect the grave. , people in Song Mansion are not allowed to forcibly move graves.

The Song family did not want to arouse people's anger, so they all took measures to appease and persuade, but it had little effect. Later, Song Nan had an idea and asked Tong Ahu to invite more than a dozen famous Fengshui scholars in Beijing to come forward to open altars in several barren graves in the white paper workshop. Yellow paper flew, Taoist charms were floating, and after a sneaky All the Taoists began to talk nonsense.

The people guarding the ancestral tomb were stunned. Soon after, the white eyes of the Taoist priests turned down, and the white cloth hanging on the branches was sprayed with clear water by the Taoist priests and showed a huge word "relocation" without exception. The Taoist priests explained that this was the words of the dead souls buried here, and the cemetery here must be moved away. Because the dead buried here are not at peace under the nine springs, because they are located in the land of the capital, shrouded in the power of the emperor. The yang spirit is too much, and the soul is difficult to rest. He said that because of this, he can't bless the development of his children and grandchildren, because it is difficult to be at peace. How can he bless his descendants?

The people look around at themselves. It is true that they are all poor, and none of their descendants can be developed. The Taoist priests walked around the cemetery selected by Song Mansion outside the city and agreed that it was a treasure of feng shui, prosperous sons and grandchildren. The people were skeptical, but several people did not want to waste time guarding the grave here, so they agreed to the conditions of the Song Mansion and began to move the tomb. The Song family provided them with manpower and brand-new bone-buried pottery pots, and invited The drummers held firecrackers and sent the bones of several ancestral graves to the tombs in the feng shui treasure land outside the city for burial.

A few days later, a surprising news came from the people who protected the grave. Zhao Fusheng's family, the first to move out of Xuannanfang, welcomed the door. The eldest son of the Zhao family was admitted to the brocade guard by the Jinyi guard. He ate and drank all-inclusively for three or two months a month. It is said that the boss appreciated him very much. Then several other families who had moved their graves also had a happy event. The business of the Li family's shop suddenly boomed. The lame son of the Wang family was suddenly cured by a wandering man. The youngest son of the Liu family was favored by the official school and entered the official study for free. In short, it was all exciting good thing.

Now the people believed what the Taoist priests said a few days ago, which was indeed a feng shui treasure and immediate effect, so the vigorous grave migration began. The Song government all treated each other with etiquette and invited the monks and Taoist priests to the practice field. Firecrackers, gongs and drums accompanied the scenery out of the city to bury. Within a few days, thousands of barren tombs It was almost moved, and in the end, only dozens of grave owners' families were unwilling to move away.

These people actually set up a tent by the grave, ate, drank and were there, and threatened that if the Song family dared to be strong, they would sue the government that the Song family to bully people and dig the ancestral graves. The angry Tong Ahhu and others scolded, but they could not really use it.

Fortunately, these graves are relatively concentrated, and the plan of Songfu to build temporary sheds to resettle the people can still be carried out, but the construction period has not been delayed much. However, if these dozens of graves are not moved, it will greatly affect the next progress.