Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 619 Roll in

At the end of June, the central area of Baizhifang started construction in full swing. Although it was a hot weather, the construction site was hot. In order to make things better and more efficient, Song Nan optimized the entire management structure.

At the beginning of the construction of Baizhifang a year ago, Lu Qingli was given the position of chairman. In fact, she was not expected to help. Today, a year later, she absolutely can't do that. The stall is getting bigger and bigger, and the circulation of millions of silver is huge, and more and more energy is spent. Song Nan takes into account the military affairs of Jinyiwei and Shenshu Camp. She doesn't have much energy to be fully responsible. She can only get everything on the right track as soon as possible.

Zhu Fengtong's ability in business is not bad, and she is also the largest shareholder. After several persuasion by Song Nan, Zhu Fengtong finally agreed to lead the affairs of Songfu Real Estate Company. Ye Fanggu's body gradually recovered, and she and Dai Suer still hold the best partner in financial power and control the in and out of all money. . Wan Dabao and Tong Ahu have proved their ability, one in charge of engineering manpower, and one is responsible for external procurement contact and other matters, which are becoming more and more handy.

Everyone in the family had something to do, but the little princess became a shopkeeper and had nothing to do. At first, she thought that she suffered a lot at the time of childbirth. Song Nan was taking care of her body, but later she found that this was not the case at all. Song Nan didn't want her to take care of the matter at all.

In anger, the little princess swayed several times and wanted to be the master. It was not easy for the women to persuade each other, but Song Nan waved his hand: "Let her go to the master."

So one morning, the little princess came to the construction site in a carriage, sat in a simple office room managed by the construction site with other Song women, and came as if she were the head of the person.

The turnover of millions of taels of silver, thousands of various things, and hundreds of details. In the morning, the little princess's brain became papaya. Only this morning, the little princess couldn't stand it. If there is one thing she can solve quickly, she can't solve the problem at all, only big and small, only big and small eyes are left.

In addition, the office room is made of simple wooden boards, which is hot like a steamer. The other sisters sit in peace, but the little princess is sweaty clothes. Although there is a fan like a flower and a moon, the house sends iced melons and fruits and mung bean soup from time to time to relieve the summer heat, it is still useless.

Half a day, just half a day, the little princess took the initiative to give up and didn't do anything in the afternoon. When the news came to Song Nan's ears, Song Nan laughed. The princess of the British Mansion has been spoiled for more than ten years, and married to Song Mansion has never suffered. How can she be competent for these things? ; She didn't let her experience it herself, and she thought she was underestimated her.

The little princess herself was also very angry. When she found that she was the most useless one in the house, she was very depressed. Song Nan also had to take something to enjoy. There is no reason why she showed up and worked hard. Those hard things were left to do those hard things. What's the blessed people don't have to be busy, no blessings. The man ran away and so on to coax her, which stabilized the mood of the little princess and finally gave her the position of honorary chairman. This is also a funny episode.

Lu Qingli reinvested in the research and development of multi-tube firearms proposed by Song Nan. Some time ago, Song Nan had to stop developing this thing because of money constraints, but now that he has sufficient funds, Song Nan feels that it is necessary to shape it quickly; Song Nan can't do nothing against these things. Great expectation, because he knows that although this kind of thing is not advanced, it is after all a product beyond the times. These are his own unique capital. If they are not used, it will not be violent.

So there are often all kinds of strange sounds in the back garden of Song Mansion. Lu Qingli and Yang Keer are both a little obsessed and alternative. People in Song Mansion often see them running around with fluffy hair in pajamas, becoming a scene of Song Mansion's back house.

Song Nan was able to get out of the trivial matters of the white paper workshop and began to carry out the 'consortia' plan in her mind.

One night at the end of June, Songfu Gaopeng was full of seats. This was the first shareholders' meeting of Songfu Real Estate Development Company. More than a dozen shareholders, large and small, including Zhang Lu, Jiao Zhengtai and Gaohu, attended. Although Jiang Bin, Xu Tai, Sun Xuanhou, Wang Yong Wanzhi and others did not directly pay for money, they came from Anhua Palace. They have their share of the one million taels of silver they sped up. Although they have no idea at all, Song Nan will not make them unhappy for this little money.

"You are all shareholders who have invested in the development of Baizhifang. Although the development of Baizhifang has not been completed, I think it is necessary to communicate with you to let you know where the money is spent, whether it is a profit or a loss. This is your right." Song Nan arched his hand with a smile.

Jiang Bin grabbed a piece of iced watermelon and ate Zhenghuan, slapped a flower mosquito biting on the back of his hand, and said vaguely, "Why do you want to tell us this? What do you say? Are you afraid that you will cheat the money?

"Yes, yes." Everyone nodded.

Jiao Zhengtai and Gao Hu were actually very concerned about the income, but they had to follow everyone and said, "Yes, leave everything to the Marquis of Song to take care of. Marquis Song will not let us suffer..."

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "I'm naturally very happy that everyone trusts me, but my brothers settle accounts clearly, but I can't let everyone be in the dark. Listen to the overall benefits of the Southern District first, and then I still have something to discuss with you."

Everyone listened to Song Nan's solemn words, so they listened to Song Nan carefully.

Song Nan said: "The real estate development of shops in the southern district has been completely settled. In the early stage, the purchase of official land and private houses, the cost of moving out thousands of graves in the central and northern districts is 900,000 taels of silver; the total cost of earth, stone, wood, bricks, tiles, flowers and other costs is 1.7 million taels; the purchase and rental of various tools and vehicles, the hard work of craftsmen and their The total cost of food, drinking, housing and transportation is more than 3 million taels; these three items total 2.9 million taels of silver, plus other expenses, about 3 million taels. This is the amount of the total expenditure, and the detailed accounts are recorded. You can look through the details at any time, and there is a record.

Everyone is a little confused. The total expenditure on development in the Southern District is as high as 3 million taels. Although it includes the overall investment in buying land, private houses, moving graves and so on. The total expenditure will be more than 2 million taels. I don't know how much money can be earned by such a large investment.

"Three hundred and one hundred and fifty-three residential buildings have been built; one thousand of which are relocated by local residents and do not take any. Two hundred and 93 shops were sold, with an average price of 10,82; 450 houses were sold, with an average price of 5,000 taels; the total income of the two was 541 million taels of silver!"

"Wow!" Everyone opened their eyes wide and couldn't help exclaiming. This astronomical figure was extremely shocking. Although they were ready to be shocked, they were still shocked.

"Of course, 170,000 taels of real estate transaction tax must be paid for these more than 5 million yuan. This silver real estate department has verified that the tax department of the household department has been collected and put into the warehouse. After deducting the tax cost, the net profit is..." "221 million taels, my God." Without finishing Song Nan's words, Gao Hu blurted out.

Song Nan nodded with a smile and said, "Margrave Gao's calculation is fast and accurate. Yes, it is 2.21 million taels of silver. This is the net profit from the development of the southern area of Baizhifang, not including dozens of pavements and houses that have not yet been sold."

Everyone smiled and talked about it. Everyone looked very excited. Making money is just like playing. What business can compare with this business with a revenue of more than 2 million taels a year?

"Now I will calculate how much dividends you can share for you. Among all of you, Grandpa Zhang invested 500,000 taels of silver, and Lord Jiao and Gaowo invested 800,000 taels of silver. My Jinyiwei and several brothers of Shenshu Camp invested a total of 1 million taels of silver, and the remaining 2 million taels of silver are another share that does not want to be named. Dongsong. The total stock is 41.3 million taels of silver, that is to say, 400,000 taels is a share of gold, with Marquis Jiao and Marquis Gao accounting for one share each, the little father-in-law accounting for two shares, and the brothers of Shenshuying and Jinyiwei accounting for two and a half shares. Based on the income of 210,000 yuan, you can get a clear dividend.

Gao Hu's eyes turned over, and after a moment, the number came out: "Margrave Jiao and I can get 220,000 yuan, Grandpa Zhang can get 260,000 yuan, and several adults of Shenshu Camp and Jinyiwei can jointly get 500,000 taels of silver."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Yes, are you satisfied?"

Who would say dissatisfied? Invest 400,000 and harvest 220,000 taels of silver. The time is short, so you don't have to worry about it. Especially Jiao Zhengtai and Gao Hu, they invested halfway. It is reasonable that Song Nan has no need to share the profits of the Southern District to them. They are the biggest beneficiaries.

Song Nan reached out and took out a brocade box from the incense case and opened it under the light. There was a large pile of silver tickets in it. Song Nan patted the silver tickets and made a rustling sound, "The silver is here. Whoever wants to take it away can come and get it now."

Jiao Zhengtai got up happily and wanted to come forward. Gao Hu quickly grabbed him and whispered, "What did you lead him to? Do you want to withdraw your shares?"

Jiao Zhengtai suddenly sat down and brought a cup of tea to cover it up. Zhang Lun and the officials of the Jinyi Guard of Shenshu Camp also sat still.

Song Nan smiled and said, "What's wrong? Do you think silver is hot? I'm not a money bank here. I won't earn interest if I put money here.

Gao Hu coughed and got up and arched his hand and said, "Marquess Song, I have a merciless request. I don't know if it's appropriate to say it."