Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 653 Aboard

After Huang Yingying, Fang Qingshan continued to introduce the appearance of successive Huakui ladies. They were full of personal anger. Some of them had been married, but I don't know what Fang Qingshan said that moved them to return here to make their faces again.

After that, Fang Qingshan announced today's competition system. Today is the 20th to 10th competition, that is to say, half of the people will be eliminated today. The events of the competition are dancing, playing and singing, and poetry. Song Nan nodded secretly. None of the contents of these three competitions involve appearance. It can be seen that this competition focuses on skills and talent, not Only the appearance is important. Of course, there is a standard for appearance before entering the top 20 screening, and scary-looking people can't enter this last link at all.

The judging group was composed of ten people on the first big ship in the east. These ten were all famous scholars in the south of the Yangtze River. When Fang Qingshan introduced the names of these people, Song Nan was surprised to hear two familiar names: Tang Yin and Wen Zhengming. Song Nan was stunned. She came to this era for so long and didn't know that she was in the same era as Tang Bohu and other four talents in the south of the Yangtze River. It's really confusing. Song Nan squinted and looked at the ship and was immediately disappointed. She thought that Tang Bohu must be a romantic and unrestrained image, but unexpectedly, sitting on that chair was a shriveled half-old man in a black robe, with wrinkles on his face and a few streaks on his jaw.

Tang Bohu is actually this virtue? Song Nan's eyes jumped out of half a foot, bounced back, rubbed his eyes and looked carefully, and then asked the people around him for consultation. Then he got a positive answer, so he had no choice but to accept the reality.

The number of votes of the jury is not the only criterion. There is also a popular vote in Fang Qingshan's rules. Each Huakui candidate who receives 5,000 taels of silver rewarded by the people on the scene will automatically get one vote. For example, a Huakui candidate only got four votes from ten judges and will be If eliminated, if a local tycoon rewards her 15,000 taels of silver at the scene, she will automatically get three additional votes and will be successfully promoted with seven votes for and six against.

Song Nan had to admire this Qingshan's means of wealth-givation. It goes without saying that there are many suitors behind every Huakui candidate, among whom are the sons of the rich and rich gentry. On this occasion, it is the time for them to show themselves; those luxuriously clothes sitting on dozens of elegant seats on dozens of boats around the river But they are all Kaizi who are about to pay to work hard.

Song Nan became more and more interested in the upcoming competition. During this period, she was in a bad mood. After coming to Nanjing, she actually encountered such a wonderful thing and suddenly left her troubles away. However, just as he was ready to enjoy it happily, he heard Li Daniu whisper in his ear, "Brother, trouble is coming."

Song Nan turned her head and looked at the north of the white bridge and saw a disturbance at the end of the bridge. More than a dozen family members were aggressively rushing on the bridge full of people, pulling people to look at them rudely; a man cursed with dirty words: "Find those two guys and throw them down the river for me, ah cut... How dare to let the men, let I drank a bellyful of water, and I want him to drink a bellyful of horse urine.

Song Nan frowned and saw that the speaker was Mr. Zhou, who had just been taken down the river by himself and Li Daniu. It seems that he knew that someone was making trouble. No wonder that although he could see that angle, the people on the shore could see it clearly. I'm afraid that someone can't stand him. The threat told them that the man changed his clothes and took more than a dozen family members to search for himself.

"Brother, what should I do? Fight or avoid?

"S hit you on the head, let's go, let's hide."

Song Nan quietly turned around and walked to the south of the bridge with Li Daniel. Suddenly, a shout came from behind him: "Where are those two guys there? That stupid black man is very easy to recognize. Chase, chase quickly."

Li Daniu smiled bitterly and said, "Brother, it's not my fault. It's not my fault to be black."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Yes, why don't you run quickly?" When the girl ran to the south of the bridge, more than a dozen family members behind shouted to catch up. Song Nan and Li Daniu pedaled along the stone steps by the bridge to the embankment dock. Several long wooden springboards on the dock were put on a big boat, and Song Nan and Li Daniu ran along the springboard and looked at the boat.

"Hey, what are you doing? This is the flower boat of Mingcuifang. You can't come up." Someone shouted at the bow.

Song Nan didn't care about what he said and got on the bow of the boat. Later, he saw that Mr. Zhou and a group of householders had chased to the dock, so he stretched out his foot and put a springboard in the bow into the river. Li Daniu also reacted, raised his foot to sweep and swept all the remaining springboards into the river. The domestic man on the dock had no boat on the road, so he had to stand on the dock and jump and scold.

Song Nan pulled Li Daniu to the cabin of the flower boat. Several servants came forward to stop him. A fat turtle came forward and shouted, "Who are you? Don't rush around, get off the boat. Do you still know the rules?"

Li Daniel shouted, "Don't you see anyone chasing us? Let me borrow your place to hide."

After saying this, the turtle was even more reluctant. He waved his hand and frowned and shouted, "We can't provoke Mr. Zhou. If we don't get off the boat, we have to do it."

Song Nan swam her eyes and saw the water of seven or eight boats separated in front of her. The fireworks girl's flower boat was parked there, and it was very recognizable with a red palace lamp at the starboard hatch, so she hurriedly shouted, "Come on, we are from the fireworks girl's flower boat. We came to support her. Just now, the man was rude halfway. We After arguing with him, this man brought people to disturb him; if you pass by, will they still eat you?

The turtle said suspiciously, "Are you the benefactor of the girl Ruyan in Yunxiao Pavilion?"

Song Nan said bluntly, "Yes, the two of us cherish each other and are very close to each other. Today we are here to support her, and she is also to me..."

The turtle waved his hand and interrupted Song Nan and said, "Don't lie. This girl like smoke has no benefactor. She is famous for her cold face and will fall in love with you? Don't think that you pretend to be a prince in a luxurious robe. I can see a lot of such a person. However... Since you know each other, it's not convenient for me to offend you. There is a springboard over there, which can lead to the flower boat like a smoke girl all the way. Go quickly. Although we are not afraid of this Huang, we can't offend him.

Song Nan bowed his hand and said, "Thank you very much!"

He pulled Li Daniu from the springboard on the other side to another flower boat, and walked to the next boat in stunned by the people on the boat. He walked through several times and came to the flower boat like a smoke girl in Yunxiao Pavilion. And Mr. Zhou on the shore didn't know where to get a small boat, and more than a dozen people got on the boat and rowed into the dense boat pile.

This noise inevitably attracted the attention of many people. Fang Qingshan, who presided over the selection, saw Mr. Zhou and more than a dozen domestic men shouting between the flower boats. His face was unhappy, frowned and whispered a few words to the people around him. The man beside him hurriedly boarded a big boat. Soon after, a servant on the big ship took a famous post and boarded a flower boat near Mr. Zhou's boat. He leaned out and shouted, "Mr. Zhou, please leave quickly, or you will bear the consequences."

Mr. Zhou looked up and scolded, "Who the mother is so dragging? Do you want me to ask my father to send troops to seal you down?

The servant threw the famous post at the boat, and a man in the boat grabbed it and handed it to Mr. Zhou. Mr. Zhou opened it cursingly and took a look. His face changed. He hurriedly ordered, "Let's go, let's go, let's go."

"Who is it?" A family member asked.

"Lord of Hell, don't ask, let's go." Everyone paddled and turned the bow and went to the shore.

Song Nan and Li Daniu didn't see this scene. He was busy explaining to his mother and several surprised women on the Yunxiao Pavilion flower boat. Several women were very unwelcome to these two uninvited guests and shouted for Song Nan to leave. They thought that another admirer of Yunyan girl broke in without permission and asked Song Nan to leave quickly, otherwise they would call someone Come to drive away or report to the official cloud.

At the moment, a little maid in green came out and said, "Miss Yunyan said, let them stay on the boat. These two are acquaintances of Miss Yunyan."

Mom and several other women were surprised, but since Miss Yunyan spoke, it was naturally regarded as the imperial edict, so she pointed to a corner of the ship and said, "Stay there and don't run around. Today is the big day of our Yunxiao Pavilion. Can Miss Yunyan take the livelihood of our Yunxiao Pavilion? You If you really like Yunyan, don't come out to disturb her.

Song Nan arched his hand and said, "Okay, it must be."

After saying that, he obediently walked with Li Daniu to the stern of the boat and sat still on the deck. The mother rolled her eyes and took people into the warehouse to prepare for work. At this time, the first flower boat had appeared.

Under the brilliant lights, the first to appear is Gu Lianlian of Qiuyuelou. This woman is the favorite. Everyone's attention is suddenly attracted, and there is no time to take care of Song Nan and Li Daniel for the time being.