Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 661 New Painting

In Shen Yunyan's boudoir, Song Nan drank tea slowly and chatted with Shen Yunyan.

"I haven't congratulated you on winning the second seat last night so far. I'm sure it will have landed a lot of people's attention. Tell me about the situation after last night." Song Nan asked with a smile.

"It's not Mr. Song's advice. Thank you very much. Yes, after the end of last night, everyone brought people to congratulate, and two masters Tang Yin and Wen Zhengming also came to my Yunxiao Pavilion flower boat to congratulate. I was really happy. Tang Yin also strongly praised my song and the new word for being well written, and deliberately asked me to take away the two pairs written by myself. Talking about last night, Shen Yunyan's eyes were bright and bright.

"Congratulations, it seems to be helpful to get the favor of the judges, but don't rely too much on human feelings to pass the test. I heard that a mysterious figure bought five of the ten famous buildings in Qinhuai before. You were famous last night. Didn't anyone mention it?"

Shen Yunyan looked gloomy and stopped talking; his mother, who stood aside, interrupted angrily, "Why not? When everyone got on the boat to congratulate, he mentioned this matter again, saying that the prince from Jiangxi hoped that our Yunxiao Pavilion could reconsider and sell it to him. The old man would save this industry all his life, but they wanted to take it away. Don't even think about it.

Song Nan was stunned and said, "What did Fang Qingshan say?"

"Yes, everyone asked for the prince to talk about it. Hey, my heart was upside down. Before, my Yunxiao Pavilion was nothing among the ten famous buildings. It was nothing after the prince was rejected to buy Yunxiao Pavilion before. Last night, Yunyan's reputation shocked Qinhuai, and my Yunxiao Pavilion suddenly became a place of attention. I'm worried about the king. I'm sure I won't stop if I don't buy it.

"The slave family also has the same worry. I heard that this prince likes famous and big-brand buildings. A year ago, Qiuyue Building, Shuiyue Building, Pinglanju, Wanfang Pavilion, Yihongxuan, five famous buildings suddenly changed owners; the original owners also moved out of Nanjing City one by one, which made people feel strange. Someone also talked to his mother about the sale of Yunxiao Pavilion, and there was no follow-up after being rejected by his mother. Later, five famous buildings built huge buildings and houses, and hundreds of people were expanded. It is said that they bought many girls from all over the world to enter the building** and invited famous teachers and professors of poetry, calligraphy and painting from all over the world. Last night, Gu Lianlian was one of them. Gu Lianlian is actually only 14 years old.

Song Nan was cheered and asked quietly, "Do you know why they trained these women?"

"Do you still need to ask? The slogan of the five famous buildings is that the five buildings should monopolize the Nanjing flower industry. They really don't say that in the past year, my Yunxiao Pavilion and several other companies have been operating bleakly, otherwise why do I have to participate in this Huakui selection? After last night, the building was overcrowded today. The prince should have seen it just now. This is the result of winning a good ranking in the Huakui competition.

Song Nan nodded slightly and said, "What did Fang Qingshan say last night?"

Mom said, "Everyone from Jiangxi said that the prince from Jiangxi hopes to pay a large price to market our Yunxiao Pavilion, hoping that the old man can agree to his request. Otherwise, even if Yunyan Girl Huakui Competition has won a good place, it will be difficult to save the fate of Yunxiao Pavilion."

Soong Nan nodded gently.

"Also, everyone seemed to suspect that someone behind my back last night and turned around my boat to check. Fortunately, the slave family removed all the traces left by the prince. Everyone seemed to be in a bad mood." Shen Yunyan whispered.

"If I guess correctly, this Fang Qingshan must have been a rich prince, right?"

"Yes, everyone turned out to be a wild crane. Which of the top ten famous buildings doesn't want to invite him to sit in the town? But none of them can get what they want. Although Fang loves money, he has never done anything bad to the people of our ten famous buildings; but since a prince came here and bought several buildings, Fang everyone has followed him as a lobbyist for some reason. His songs, dance poems and poems are only available in five famous buildings, such as those of us who are not under the prince. He wants to ask everyone to write a song. As soon as he opens his mouth, he is 100,000 taels, which is obviously unwilling.

Song Nan thought for a while, came to her senses and patted her thighs and said, "Well, the gossip is almost over. It's time for us to do business. There is a reason why I asked you to choose to draw. We are all used to freehand paintings such as landscape, brushwork, flowers and birds. Even Tang Xieyuan can't help but only draw like this. Of course, he painted spring. The picture of the palace is another matter.

Shen Yunyan blushed, and Tang Yin's work was in spring. Gong Tu is a very widely circulated secretly in this dynasty. Shen Yunyan also secretly looked at a few pictures. What she saw was blushing and warm-hearted. Song Nan would not want to paint spring by herself. Palace map, that's absolutely impossible. Draw those paintings in full view of the public, and it will become a topic in the future.

"We don't draw these. What I want to teach you is a brand-new painting method. Well... Please ask my mother to go out and help me buy some linen fabric, because it needs to be used for practice. In addition, go to the dyeing room and bring back a large portion of all their paint powder."

Everyone didn't know, but Song Nan ordered and could only do so. His mother ordered two little maidservants to go out quickly. Before the tea time, a linen cloth and a large bag of paint powder were bought. Song Nan rolled up his sleeves, asked for a jar of oil and put more than a dozen large bowls on the table, mixed various pigments with oil, and dipped them in the linen cloth with a brush to try the color. After working for half an hour, he finally said, "It's done. Although it's not an authentic paint, it can be painted."

"Son, do you want me to paint on this cloth with these oil-made colors?"

"Yes, remember to tell them that this is your original painting method, called oil painting."

"But does it look good like this?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "Whish-looking or not is another matter. Oil painting pays attention to strong colors, extremely realistic reproduction scenes, and can draw light and shadow effects, just like a living thing, which is very different from our ink. With your background, I think it's not difficult to get started. In this way, you can draw a picture of the bottle of flowers on the table. Pay attention to the change of color, you can modjust the color, pay attention to the change of light and shadow effect, and draw the image to be real.

Shen Yunyan licked her lips and raised the brush with trembling hands. Song Nan suddenly said, "I almost forgot that the brush is too soft. That's absolutely impossible. It only requires a small brush; yes." Song Nan patted his head and grabbed the scissors to cut off half of the hair with a long brush in Shen Yunyan's hand. The original oval sharp pen suddenly became a flat brush.

Song Nan nodded and said, "It's done. This is just right. Take more than a dozen and cut off all the pens."

Everyone's white eyes rolled around and listened to Kaka wipe. More than a dozen bald brushes were born, and one was placed in a paint bowl.

Later Song Nan is also very popular, but this oil painting has been studied in a university interest class for two summer vacations, and it is only a little skin. But this fur is enough to make Shen Yunyan, who has a good foundation in painting, understand the essence. The two of them draw and move the other. After destroying the canvas, a colorful and vivid potted flowers appear on the canvas. It is indeed a little rough to look closely, and the canvas and paint are not suitable, but it is slightly farther away. When you watch it, you can see its wonderful and vividness.

"Very good, it's already good that the first painting can be like this, but in the next few hours, you have to continue to draw, you have to be familiar with the dyeing of the canvas, the tone and color conversion between paints, which you can only think about; of course, you must consider what you want to draw tonight."

"I know that I will work hard." Shen Yunyan is full of energy. Once she tries this novel painting method, she has an irresistible feeling, and her feeling also comes up.

"But what should I do if I practice painting all the time?" Shen Yunyan suddenly turned around and asked.

Song Nan smiled bitterly and said, "Don't you think I'm a fairy? Go, a game that relies entirely on intelligence, can only depend on yourself. Can I put my head on your head?"

Shen Yunyan stuck out her tongue and turned her head to paint. I don't know when Song Nan was by her side, she had no idea at all.