Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 676 Shocking Secret

"Eunuch Gu, is that you?" Wang Yong shouted.

"It's not me, it's not me." Gu Da hugged his face and didn't want to show his true face.

"Became him into the house." Song Nan shouted in a low voice.

Wang Yong grabbed Gu Da's clothes and dragged them into the nearest room. The others guarded at the door, and Song Nan and Wang Yong stayed in the room to ask questions.

Before he opened his mouth, he heard Gu Da's cry, "Forgive my life, Lord Song, spare my life."

Song Nan and Wang Yong were stunned, and all of them were covered with cloth on their faces. This Gu Dayi actually blurted out that Song Nan led people to come, which can't be said to be **. It seems that he has long understood that Song Nan came to Nanjing to find his own trouble.

"Lord Song, Wang Yushi, spare my life. Our family knows that it's you, and our family also knows that there is today, but we begged for my life."

"Since Grandpa Gu has recognized us, we won't hide." Song Nan slightly pulled off the cloth towel on her face and showed half of her face: "You should know why we came here. Why should I spare your life?"

"Gone my life, I would like to work for Lord Song." Gu Dayai shouted.

"I have given you a chance. Liu Jin was killed. You should have been implicated, but I thought of the friendship of the past to spare you my life. I didn't expect you to have a good life, but you jumped out to trouble me again. You are a wolf of Zhongshan, which can't be tolerated."

"Margrave Song, you are wronged. Our family is just under the order of the Empress Dowager, about you and the princess..."

"Stop talking, I'm still arguing. I know what you said and what you did in front of the Empress Dowager. Don't think you can fool him in a few words. What kind of person Song is? Can you fool him?"

"Your Excellency, what are you talking to him about? It's over with a knife." Wang Yongdao.

Song Nan forced Gu Dayong and said, "Give you a chance. When you personally led someone to strangle the princess's personal female official that night, what important confession did it fell into the hands of the Empress Dowager? Say it and spare your life."

Gu Da rolled his eyes and thought for a long time, and asked in a low voice, "What does your lord mean? That night, the Empress Dowager did tell me to ask when the adult would get up... How many nights she stayed in the palace and whether the princess was pregnant. And... except for the princess, the adult had an affair with other harem concubines, but our family didn't ask anything. The two female officials were also hard-mouthed. Originally, they didn't need to die. They really annoyed the empress dowager, and the empress dowager ordered our family to do it.

A big stone fell to the ground in Song Nan's heart. It turned out that the direction of the Empress Dowager's interrogation that night was whether she**. The chaotic harem is also a fatal direction, but unfortunately it is the wrong way. Thinking that Hongyu and Hongying did not confess in the direction indicated by the Empress Dowager, this caused the disaster of murder.

Song Nan straightened up and nodded, "Very good. Grandpa Gu is also a cooperation. I'm very satisfied with your attitude."

Gu Daxi said happily, "Lord Song... have you spared me?"

Song Nan said, "I was going to cut off your head, but now, leave you a whole body. It's fair for me to strangle the female officials Hongying and Hongyu with my own hands."

Gu Da said in great horrment, "Lord Song, our family is really involuntarily. As long as Lord Song spares my life, from today on, if I do something that is not good to Lord Song, I will die under the knife of my lord."

Song Nan was slightly moved. If he could accept Luo Guda for his subordinates, he could use him to get a lot of information, but Song Nan quickly gave up this idea. Gu Da used this person to be cunning and changeable. This kind of person has no permanent loyalty at all. He will declare this matter when he turns his face. Go out and put yourself in a desperate situation; and if he doesn't die, what's the reason for him to save the princess and bring him back to Beijing.

"Do it." Song Nan shouted.

Wang Yong stretched out his hand and took the curtain in the house and pulled it hard. A large piece of curtain cloth was punctured and torn off. His hand wrapped around Gu Dayong's neck. Gu Dayong shouted in disbegrined, "Forgive me, spare my life."

Song Nan said coldly, "I can't forgive you. If I forgive you today, he will be harmed by you every day."

Gu Da screamed, "Let me die, I'll tell you a big secret."

Song Nan frowned and said, "What do you want to play?"

Gu Da said in a trembling voice, "You promised to forgive me, and I will tell you this secret."

Song Nan said angrily, "Whish or not, come and tell me the conditions at this time. Wang Yong, do it."

Wang Yong's arm was hard and the cloth was tightened. Gu Da reached out and grasped the cloth on his neck tightly and said in a strange voice, "I said, I said, let's do it slowly."

Song Nan waved his hand to Wang Yong to stop and bent down and said, "It's better that this is really a big secret, otherwise it will waste your and my time."

Gu Da held his throat and coughed several times and gasped, "This secret is bigger than the sky. You must not believe it. Zhu Chenhao, the king of Ning, has a different mind. He is actively planning a big event.

Song Nan frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

Gu Da said, "The emperor has not left bone and blood for five or six years. The empress dowager asked the imperial doctor to secretly examine the emperor's body and found that the emperor was suffering from infertility. Few people knew about this matter. I don't know why Zhu Chenhao learned about this. If the emperor has no queen, who should inherit the throne after the emperor's funeral? All vassal kings are qualified to inherit the throne. The first thing to do is to win over the courtiers. At the critical moment, they will be supported by the courtiers. Zhu Chenhao is making an active plan for this. Isn't this a big secret?"

Song Nan was indeed stunned by this matter. It is impossible for him to know about the emperor's infertility. ** Le's transition will also make it difficult to conceive, but he doesn't know that there is something wrong with Zhengde's body. However, the empress dowager was concerned about the problem of the royal heirs, and privately ordered the imperial doctor to examine the emperor's body and came to the conclusion that the emperor would not be able to have children in his life, which was enough news to cause disaster for the whole Ming Dynasty.

The Empress Dowager knew, and some courtiers who were close to her also know, but to let the local vassals know that this is very wrong. Who knows the news, this person is planning for the future and expressing loyalty to the future emperor, in other words, disloyalty to Zhengde.

"You mean that someone has begun to plan for the future? When the emperor is young, is there anyone thinking about the future?

"If the emperor can't have children, he will have no children, and it is inevitable to find a new emperor in the future. Moreover, the emperor's body is not good. I'm afraid you don't know that when our family and Euke Liu were still serving the emperor, the emperor often felt uncomfortable. When the imperial doctor was diagnosed, he did not dare to say anything, but he was forced to ask by his father-in-law in private. The emperor's qi and blood were both lost, his body was weak, and he was drunk and lustful. To put it a bad word, the 20-year-old body was probably not as good as that of people aged 50 or 60. And it is also accompanied by coughing up blood, and I don't know when..."

"Ah?" Song Nan was surprised. Although she had a lot of contacts with Zhengde, after all, they didn't know the details as well as the close servants around Zhengde. These people were even the emperor's life. A few hairs on the roots are clear. Looking back on every meeting with Zhengde, it seems that Zhengde always looks pale in his impression, coughing in a low voice from time to time, and staggering when walking. He usually doesn't pay attention to these things, but now I'm afraid it's really weak.

"Tell me, who revealed this news to Ning Wang? This is a deadly crime."

"I really don't know. Maybe someone in the court is preparing for a rainy day, or maybe the Empress Dowager talked to King Ning about this matter for future stability, or Prince Ning's own eyes and ears. In short, it is possible."

"How did you know about this? How did you know that King Ning knew about this? Song Nan asked with a green face.

"I accidentally spilled the beans when I was in Nanjing, and I waited for the news I heard. As for the king of Ning knew about this, it was the head of the palace under King Ning who showed off in front of me after getting drunk and was asked by me. There is one more thing that you may not know. Why did Prince Daoning set up the five famous buildings in the Qinhuai River?

Song Nan was silent.

"He has ulterior motives. Many officials have the women he gave as concubines, so that he can grasp a large amount of information, and they are all top-secret. He also sent me a woman to serve me, but I didn't know that I saw through all his intentions. How can these things be hidden from my eyes? You are in a hurry this time, otherwise we are sure that he will choose a charming person to give you.

The worries in Song Nan's heart have been confirmed, and his own judgment may be a little wishful thinking, but the words he said tonight in Yunxiao Pavilion and even now Gu Dahao have proved that this Zhu Chenhao is by no means a kind person, but not as modest and amiable as he seems.

"Eunuch Gu, what you said is indeed a big secret. If you don't tell me today, I will even be in the dark."

"I said this is a big secret, Lord Song, now you should believe me. Spare my life. I will stand with you and advance and retreat together. Gu Da was in a relaxed mood and reached out to pull the cloth around his neck.

"Although it's a big secret, I'm sorry that I can't save your life; if I don't kill you, it will be difficult for the princess to explain, and the two female officials who died for me, Song Nan, will not close their eyes. So, you still want to die."

Gu Da changed his face and shouted, "You capricious villain, you actually lied to me."

Song Nan sneered and said, "It's your wishful thinking from beginning to end. I didn't promise to spare your life. People like you can't be complicit. Don't blame me. I also want to survive."

Gu Da was ready to be scolded. Wang Yong tightened his hands. Gu Da painted with his hands and feet, and his face was ferocious. It seemed that he was full of curses and couldn't say it. As the cloth was strangled into the flesh on his neck, Gu Dayong struggled more and more fiercely. Finally, his eyes and nose bled, and after a long time, his soul flew away.

Song Nan couldn't bear to look at his miserable situation. She stretched out her hand and closed Gu Da with her round eyes and sighed, "Exunuch Gu, I'm sorry. This world is the law of the jungle. No wonder I'll go at ease."