Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 678 Reunion (continued)

The two met again and were endlessly tired; Song Nan whispered and told Kang Ning what had happened during this period.

Hearing that Song Nan was dismissed from the military positions of Admiral of Shenshu Camp and Admiral of the Foreign Second Army, Kang Ning was very uneasy and frowned, "You have suffered from me. How can this be good? I... I'm very uneasy."

Song Nan hugged her slender waist and comforted her, "It's not as serious as I thought. The emperor has retained my position as a brocade guard, even if he still has any kindness to me, but it's just two official positions, and it's nothing."

Corning shook his head and said, "Don't you want to comfort me. Isn't it because of this? What is the importance of these two military positions? Although I am a woman, I also know the importance of all this to you. This is all my fault. If it hadn't been for this evil relationship between you and me, it wouldn't have been so.

Song Nan laughed and said, "Do you regret it?"

Corning whispered, "If I can save the situation, I am willing to go back to the capital to admit my mistake in front of the emperor. I promise that I will not deal with you again. The emperor will not continue to pursue this matter. After all, I have a good relationship with the emperor, and he should sell my face to restore you.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Do you really want to do this?"

Kang Ning gently stroked Song Nan's cheek and whispered, "I don't think so, but if this matter can't be solved, the emperor will eventually be dissatisfied with you; the Empress Dowager is bound to pursue it. Maybe this is the best choice."

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I really want to respect your choice, but I can't do this. If it had been before, I might have agreed with you, but now I will never agree.

"Is it because...we have skin relatives?" Corning asked softly with some shyness.

Song Nan said, "This is one reason, and I don't want to abandon it. The more important reason is that all this is the result of factional struggle. In fact, even without you and me, I may not be able to escape this disaster. Princess, the real storm is coming, haven't you realized it? The matter between you and me is actually just a trivial matter.

Kangning asked in a frenze, "What's wrong? You seem to be very nervous. It's rare to see you so nervous.

Song Nan nodded and said, "I have to be nervous, because I learned amazing news from Gu Dayong, which made me think about this from last night to now, and I am really restless."

When Kang Ning saw that Song Nan didn't seem to laugh, his face became solemn and listened quietly.

"Gu Da told me a shocking secret in order to survive before his death. He said that the Empress Dowager asked the imperial doctor to secretly examine the emperor's body and came to the conclusion of the emperor's infertility. Do you know this?"

Cang was surprised and said, "Is there such a thing? But I don't know."

Song Nan said, "There must be few people who know about this matter. I only said that you can hear some news, but I didn't expect that even you didn't know anything about it. If this matter was not a lie before Gu Da's death, the Empress Dowager deliberately kept it to you. Even now I don't know whether this is true or not. Think about it, what suspicious things have happened between last year and now?

Corning frowned, got up and walked slowly, muttering, "What's suspicious? I don't like to ask about things in the palace. I can't remember anything for a moment. Tut... How can there be such a thing?"

Song Nan said, "Isn't there a trace of wind? Didn't the eunuch in the Empress Dowager's palace spill the beans?"

Corning shook his head and said, "The eunuchs in the mother's harem were selected by her, most of whom were elderly. If he hadn't nodded, the inner court would not have been able to arrange people to enter the Cining Palace. Wait,... I don't know if there is one thing related to this matter."

Song Nan hurriedly asked, "Typ and listen."

Cangning said, "Do you still remember the judgment of the mainland hospital of the Tai Hospital?"

Song Nan said, "Of course I remember that I was poisoned and was about to die, and he came to help me treat my illness. If it hadn't been for his wonderful rejuvenation, I would have grown grass at the grave. What's wrong with him?"

"He is dead." Corning Road.

"What? Dead? I remember seeing him a year ago, and his body was not bad, but he looked a little hurried. I said hello to him, and he looked a little distracted. I also said that these people with profound medical skills are all like this. They are nagging, so they don't delve into it; how could he die?" Song Nan was surprised.

"I didn't know that I died in the twelfth lunar month last year, but in the twelfth lunar month, I was not feeling well and always treated me in person. At that time, I asked Hongyu to invite him. As a result, Hongyu said that Lu Yuan was seriously ill and died, which really scared me."

Song Nan was creepy. The sudden death of such a good person is naturally nothing to others, but in the eyes of Song Nan's identity, it must be a little tricky.

"I ordered Hongyu to ask the reason. The news was that the Lu Yuan was sentenced to suddenly resign and returned home in November last year, and many people failed to retain it. More than ten days after returning to their hometown, it is said that the old disease broke out and died at home, which was only half a month ago. Luyuan judges very well and has excellent medical skills. Since then, he has served in the Imperial Hospital. He has helped me take care of any problems since I was a child. Hearing such news, I ordered someone to go to his hometown Jizhou to comfort his family and reward him with some silver taels, but as a result, the Lu Yuan judged that the whole family had moved to Yunnan to settle down. The people I sent burned some paper money on his grave and came back with some offerings.

Song Nan pinched the stubble on his chin and twisted a big pimple between his eyebrows. He quickly walked back and forth a few steps and stopped and whispered, "Princess, don't mention this matter to anyone. The matter judged by Lu Yuan may not be as simple as being sick and died. Contact the news that the Empress Dowager asked someone to find out the emperor's infertility. If the Lu court judgment is the person who secretly found out the matter for the Empress Dowager, then the Lu court judgment is likely to be suicide or exterminated. It is a luxury for a person who has learned such a huge secret to live in the world.

Conning was shocked and said, "You mean that the mother ordered him to be killed? Or order him to commit suicide?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "It is very likely that since his family and descendants are all right, I think the Empress Dowager must have given him a promise that the Lu Yuan is more likely to commit suicide, because that saved her family, and perhaps the Empress Dowager has given a heavy reward. I will secretly send someone to find out about this matter, and I can't make a casual conclusion for the time being.

Corning turned pale and asked in a low voice, "Song Nan, if this is true, the emperor certainly doesn't know. What on earth is the mother doing this for? How did Gu Dayong know about it?

Song Nan said: "The intention of the Empress Dowager is actually very simple. She stands in the position of Daming Society. If the emperor has no queen, it will be a great blow to the Ming Dynasty, and she must take precautions in advance. For example, communicate with the important ministers of the court in advance, and determine the selection in advance. There must be a courtier trusted by the Empress Dowager in the court knowing about this matter, but it is a pity that the news could not be kept secret. The courtiers may have the eyes and ears of others, or they may be detected by people who have the intention to be detected. In short, there are no less than five or six people who know this news now according to my guess. Now your distant uncle Zhu Chenhao in Nanjing is one of them. Gu used to say that he is actively fighting for this matter, and it seems that he has the idea of winning the throne again.

Corning was stunned and muttered, "Isn't this another bloody storm? How dare they do this? The emperor is only 20 years old. Even if he has no children, it's too early to do these actions now. What on earth does the mother think?

Song Nan sighed: "I'm afraid the emperor's body is not as good as you think, and a person's life expectancy often does not depend on age, but may depend on chance. In a word, things are a little tricky, and I can't figure it out for a while. I need to think about it carefully.

Corning said resolutely, "What else do you want? After returning to the capital, I immediately told the emperor that even for the sake of the Ming Dynasty, it was necessary to determine the candidates, it was the emperor's decision. How could he be behind his back?

Song Nan hurriedly said, "I can't say that the world is in chaos."


"If the emperor knows that someone is plotting for the future throne behind his back, won't he kill him? The Empress Dowager may also be implicated. That's all. What I'm worried about is that when the emperor's temper comes up, he will fight against the princes. I'm afraid that there are many people like Prince Ning in the world. As long as one or two people come out to rebel, the overall situation will be chaotic, and the Ming Dynasty will usher in bloody storms. Today's Ming Dynasty can't stand civil strife. The northern Tatars are staring at it. After the civil strife, they are worried about the subjugation of the country. We must be cautious.

"Then will the emperor be kept in the dark and let these people secretly do things? Song Nan, you can't stop helping him because the emperor punished you. He is my brother. I can't sit idly by.

Song Nan hurriedly comforted the excited Kangning and said, "Don't be excited. Naturally, I can't ignore this matter. How can I ignore the emperor's kindness to me and because of you? But this matter is so complicated that you can't act rashly. Even if someone plots secretly, they still need to find a clue before they can take action. I'm not scaring you. Lord Ning is skillful. Maybe the court has his eyes and ears. I don't look like a person who can be captured. If the court has any action, he knows no later than us. It's going to be a big deal. It's better for me to order someone to secretly investigate the matter, and then report it to the emperor to launch a thunderbolt to solve the matter, so as to avoid chaos. Do you understand what I mean?"

Corning's mood eased slightly and nodded, "I believe you, I listen to you."

Song Nan stroked her hair and whispered, "It won't be all right, relax; the emperor may not be able to hear what I say now. When the emperor's anger subsides, I will talk to the emperor; and the solution to this matter may not be blindly killing. The root of the matter is that the emperor has nothing. Later, and the body is weak, which makes some people take risks for the sake of future political capital. If you want to solve this problem, there is actually a good way, but the emperor is definitely unwilling to do it.

Corning asked, "What's the solution?"

Song Nan said, "Sister, choose the right person from the royal family to succeed to the emperor and make him the prince, which will completely cut off many people's ideas, and the empress dowager will definitely agree to this method. However, the difficulty of the problem lies in the emperor himself. The emperor will not believe in his own infertility, and he will not be relieved by the fact that someone secretly investigates his infertility, or even someone secretly peeps at the throne. No one dares to make this suggestion.

Corning said, "I'll mention it. In due course, can the emperor still kill me?"

Song Nan sighed softly: "I thought I could live a few years of peace, but I didn't expect it to be still eventful. Listen to me, be cautious, and think twice before making a decision, at least discuss it with me, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable.

Corning bit his lower lip and nodded without saying a word.