Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 684 The Failure of Gansu

The development of the Northwest War is in full swing. Under the guidance of advocating active attack and extermination of the invading enemy, the new general Changning, led the five guards of Gansu and the two guards of Yongchang Shandan, came out on April 28 to launch a fierce attack on the incoming Tatsars.

The Tatson soldiers have never been afraid of the Ming army on the front. The two sides launched a fierce battle in Huangshagang, 80 miles northwest of Gansu. In this battle, the two sides invested as many as 100,000 troops, more than 200 artillery pieces and more than 3,000 guns. From a local point of view, it is almost a hot soldier. The competition of the device. However, what really works is the battle of cold weapons. After a short exchange of shooting, the ten-mile circle around Huangshagang has become a Shura field where the two sides fight face to face.

Chang Ning was well aware of the importance of this war. Before the war, he wrote a suicide note and read it in public, vowing to die in the battlefield and never retreat.

The attitude of the commander-in determines the attitude of the army. When all the Ming army who participated in the war knew that the battle was either victory or death, and there was no retreat, their combat effectiveness was shocking. The number of the two sides was equal. Under the condition that the Ming army was slightly inferior, after a day and a night of hard battle, the number of casualties on both sides had been After more than 10,000 people, when they were in a stalemate, the soldiers took the initiative to withdraw and fled in dismay.

Given that Wan'an County, west of Huangshagang, is a city occupied by the Tatars, it is unwise to pursue and attack the city after a series of fierce battles. Chang Ning ordered to stop the pursuit, clean up the battlefield and count the results of the battle, and send the people who reported the victory to the victory to the capital overnight.

Two days later, the war report of the Battle of Huangshagang was rushed to the capital day and night, and the Wenwu of the dynasty was full of thunder. In the early morning, the group was excited and congratulated Lu Wan, the minister of the Ministry of War. Because it is said that when Lu Shangshu advocated taking the initiative to fight, some people said that the tarri had tricks and opposed going to war. Now it turns out that the tarri didn't have any follow-up soldiers at all, and some people's worries are completely unfounded.

Zhengde accepted the congratulations of the ministers. Seeing Song Nan standing alone and thinking about it, he couldn't help sighing for Song Nan. Song Nan was originally almost perfect in his mind. With him, everything seemed to be going well, and his advice always hit the point. However, this time, Song Nan's judgment was wrong, if according to Song Nan Nan's proposition, where did this big victory come from?

"The decree was issued to add Changning as a second-class capt, and the military department of the meritorious personnel in this battle immediately rewarded and promoted them, and the people who died in the war were given a generous pension. He ordered Changning to drive the taran out of our Ming territory. Be sure not to be soft-handed. Zhengde withdrew his eyes and looked at the happy way of Wen Wu of the dynasty.

"I have ordered Changning to eliminate evil affairs and not let the Tataritan soldiers and horses in the territory rest and recuperate. I want to rectify the soldiers and fight fiercely. I believe that I can expel the Tataritans and recover the area of Jiayuguan in Suzhou soon. Please wait for good news." Lu Wan's voice was loud, full of breath, and his chest was high. This time, he showed his face for a while.

Song Nan stood aside and sighed secretly in his heart. This group of people were completely ignorant. It has been two days since the victory of Huangshagang. The news of the imperial court is far less than the Jinyiwei intelligence transmission system set up by himself. Jinyiwei has already set up a special intelligence transmission agency two years ago. Please Special personnel have raised fast channels for transmitting messages such as eagles and pigeons. When they encounter important news, they can send back messages from thousands of miles away in a day.

Song Nan now has a small bamboo tube in her pocket, with only a few words on it, but if Song Nan reads these words in the hall, it will immediately become a pot of porridge in the court.

These words are: Gansu Town has been lost, and Changning died in battle.

Song Nan doesn't want to say this news at this moment, because the news of the military department should come in the afternoon or night. Before that, let Zhengde and the ministers be happy, because what they will face next is this bad news. Of course, this move will not affect the front-line war, because the Ming army in the area of Liangzhou, which is adjacent to Gansu Town, has already learned the news. At this time, the generals of the border army naturally know what to do. Without the order of the court, they will immediately take a defensive posture.

When he went to court, Lu Wan deliberately walked to Song Nan with an unconcealed sneer and said, "Marquess Song, being too smart may not be a good thing. Fortunately, I didn't listen to you this time, otherwise this big victory will be paid off. Don't you think so, Marquis Song?"

Song Nan looked at him silently and suddenly felt that he was very pitiful. He resisted not secretly telling him the news, and only said lightly, "Lord Lu is wise. This time, Lord Lu has an overview of the whole situation. The emperor and the university scholars in the cabinet must have been impressed by Lord Lu. Congratulations to Lord Lu for finally proving himself.

Lu Wan laughed: "Do I still need to prove myself? I was originally from the army, and fighting is basically my old job. Unlike some people who have won a few battles by good luck and don't know how much they are. This kind of person needs to hit him back with facts and teach him to shut up.

Song Nan stood still and smiled right, as if she didn't understand Lu Wan's meaning of scolding the locust. When Lu Wan strode away, Zhang Lu, who silently paid attention to Song Nan, came forward and patted Song Nan on the shoulder and said, "Song Nan, you don't need to look like him, like a little man's ambition. But then again, what's wrong with you recently? I've always wanted to talk to you about what happened?"

Song Nan sighed, looked at Zhang Lun and said with a smile, "Brother, don't you have confidence in me? It is inevitable that there are some such times in life. As the saying goes, a tiger falls to Pingyang and is bullied by dogs. Even if I am bullied by dogs, I am a tiger. With one mouth, all these quacking dogs are going to be farts. It's just that I don't want to scare them now.

Zhang Lun sighed, "If you don't want to say it, I won't ask. It is said that you once object to taking the initiative to attack, saying that the Tatan had a conspiracy and trick. Now it's no wonder that Lu Wan is presumptuous, and there are times when your judgment is wrong. He asked me to say that in this situation, you should pretend to be mute."

Seeing Zhang Lun's sincere concern, Song Nan couldn't bear to let him be in the dark. He reached into his arms, took out the bamboo tube and stuffed it into Zhang Lun's hand. He whispered, "Brother, I'll give you an exclusive message, but after reading it, it will be destroyed immediately. I want to make everyone happy for a few hours, because I'm afraid the fast horse that delivers this news. It's already halfway."

Song Nan stepped out of the hall and walked down the steps. Zhang Lun suspiciously opened the bamboo tube, took out the small pieces of paper rolled together and only glanced at it. Suddenly, his expression suddenly changed dramatically and he almost screamed.

"How come, how come?" Zhang Lun muttered to himself, "Soong Nan, Song Nan, wait for me."

Zhang Lun waved his hand and chased him out and went down the steps outside the hall. However, Song Nan's back walked alone, pulling out a long shadow in the late spring sun, and his footsteps were firm and powerful.

"If you are right again, how many secrets do you have in your heart? What kind of person are you?"

Zhang Lun frowned and muttered to himself by holding the stone fence at the door of the hall. The heavy Fengtian Hall door behind him was slowly closing under the impetus of several little eunuchs.


At the third update, a fast horse went straight from Fucheng Gate to the city, and the soldiers immediately raised tokens and ran all the way to the outer military department of Daming Gate. During the war, the government of the Ministry of War also rotated day and night. After Lu Wan's case, there was a large pile of documents and maps on the table, which was too busy to hand over.

"Lord Lu, Northwest Express." The yi yi rushed in from outside the hall to report loudly.

"Presue it." Lu Wan looked up from the old pile of paper and saw a messenger behind the government service. He looked pale and decadent. When he saw the soldier's eyes, Lu Wan felt something was wrong for no reason. It was a frightened look when reporting bad news. Lu Wan often saw this kind of twinkling look in the eyes of his officials.

The soldier took out a semi-wet letter from his personal armor and presented it. Lu Wan frowned and said, "It's a public. Wen, why is there no seal? Is there such a rule?"

The soldier knelt down and kowtowed and said, "Lord Shangshu, the villain doesn't know. This letter was personally ordered by General Changning Chang to deliver it to the capital. The villain galloped for a day and two nights halfway and did not carefully check it at all. The official post along the way was just changing horses to drink water. I don't know the reason.

Lu Wan snorted coldly, shook the letter and unfolded under the candlelight. He narrowed his eyes and looked at it carefully. After only a few lines, he shouted and suddenly stood up and almost fell under his feet. The guard beside him quickly came forward to hold him under his armpit and shouted repeatedly, "Your Excellency, my lord, what's wrong with you?"

In great panic, a candlestick fell down, and the flame of the candle burned a pile of public on the case. Wen, several literati slapped and beat to put out the fire. Even so, the case was already in a mess.

Lu Wan recovered, raised the letter in his hand and roared, "This...what the hell is going on? What happened in Gansu Town? What's Changning doing?"

The personal guard fell on his knees and suddenly lost his voice and sobbed, "It's over. Gansu Town is over, and General Chang is over. When the little man left, there were already Tarans everywhere; it's over, it's all over."