Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 690 Bargaining (continued)

When Zhengde saw what Song Nan said solemnly, his expression also became serious and frowned, "What kind of conditions are there? I'm a little nervous because of you."

Song Nan said: "Your Majesty, although I have not participated in this matter since the invasion of the Taran, I have been paying attention to it. Thousands of households in the northwest have also been collecting information about the Taran. I believe that this Tazi invasion is premeditated and well prepared. This time, unlike the past, it is no longer a small-scale attack and plunder, but a large-scale invasion.

Zhengde said, "Obviously so."

Song Nan said, "I believe that the emperor and all the adults have analyzed this problem. If these 100,000 people want to destroy me in the Ming Dynasty, it's just a matter of saying, but the combat effectiveness of these more than 100,000 men has been witnessed by us. In a few months, not only 80,000 soldiers were killed, but also more than a dozen state capitals in the northwest have been lost. ; According to reason, the strength of the enemy and our armies is not much different. Is it possible that my Ming soldiers are really vulnerable?

Zhengde frowned and said, "Yes, I'm also thinking about this question. It has always been a matter to say that the Tatari are strong. Tatari people born in barren and cold land may be better at fighting than my Ming soldiers, but for so many years, haven't we suffered much from fighting in the border town? Why can't it be stopped this time? I can't sleep, and I don't understand the reason. After thinking about it, I can only blame the coach's incompetence.

Song Nan shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, the strategy of the commander-in-chief is only one factor. Chang Ning, Xu Guangzuo and others have died and experienced hundreds of battles. Even if there are some mistakes in strategy, they will not be defeated. Moreover, now the generals on the front line are all generals of the northwest leader. Who hasn't fought with the Tahs for many years? Why can't they stop them this time?

"So, what's wrong with this?" Zhengde asked.

Song Nan said: "It can make two soldiers and horses with equal strength suddenly break the balance and exclude other non-main factors, only because one party has absolute crushing on the equipment. As far as I know, the Tsars carried hundreds of giant artillery and hundreds of firearm chariots this time. I wonder if the emperor knows this?

Zhengde was surprised: "You mean these firearms are too powerful? No, I also ordered the Shenji Camp to transfer more than 100 generals to the northwest to help the war. We should not suffer losses on firearms.

Song Nan shook his head and said, "If you are not a minister, you will be majestic. Although General Zankou is powerful, the emperor may also know the drawbacks of this gun. This gun is limited by the gun. After firing dozens of shells, it can only be scrapped, otherwise it will explode and hurt itself. And there are less than a hundred newly cast generals in the imperial court in recent years. How can those rags in the Shenji camp come in handy? As far as I know, the huge cannon carried by the Tatron was purchased by the Tatron from the Grand Duchy of Moscow in the north. The minister's men rode the sentry to the scene to watch the battle, saying that the cannon could fire six or seven miles away and could bomb our city beyond the sight. Moreover, this cannonball is huge and powerful, bombarded day and night, and there is no time to stop. It can be seen that this kind of gun barrel is much more powerful than that of General Zankou, and there is no such thing as scrapping.

Zhengde frowned and said, "Why don't I know these things? I only know that Talies also have firearms, but I don't know that Talies have such powerful firearms; why is there no mention in the war report?

Song Nan said, "The military department must know these things. Lu Wan didn't mention it. Maybe these things don't need to worry about the emperor, or they don't pay attention to this matter at all and don't find the reason."

Zhengde said, "Well, do you think it is precisely because of this powerful weapon that our Ming army is not the enemy?"

Song Nan said: "Not only this kind of cannon, but also more than 100 chariots bought by the man have the bombardment ability outside the coast. I call it the 'mountain cannon'. This mountain cannon is light and flexible, and more than ten people can push it and pull it with one horse. Although the shell is small, it is equally powerful. There are also the siege equipment carried by the Taran. My Ming siege ladder was originally confidential, but this time it also appeared in the Taran array. It can be seen that everything about the Taran is prepared.

"You mean someone leaked my Ming military secrets?" Zhengde's nervous brain makes up for conspiracy theories.

"That's not necessarily true. In recent years, Tartans have had plenty of time to spy, and this kind of thing is not something that is difficult to fake. As long as people with intentions are willing to explore their efforts, it is not difficult to steal. What I mean is that all this done by the Tahs has taken a lot of effort, and they can win, which is certainly their reason. Do you think that when the Burtars were still missing, shells fell from the city and the city people turned upside down. What kind of blow is this to the morale of the military and civilians? Before the hand salams attack the city, they will always bomb the city. When our army and people are exhausted, they will launch a siege battle. Who can resist it?

Zhengde muttered, "So it is. It's like someone holding a big hammer, and we only hold a short wooden stick, and we have lost in momentum and strength. Song Nan, according to what you said, even if I send the divine machine camp to the Beijing camp to fight, I may not be able to win the Taran?

Song Nan smiled and said, "That may not be. After all, the Tarans will devote all their strength, and their troops will not exceed 300,000. I will raise millions of soldiers across the country. Their firearms are fierce, but how can these things be used indefinitely? I know that the gold of firearms is not only powerful, but also very expensive. Think about the small Tatar country, how much ammunition can be bought in the Grand Duchy of Moscow in recent years? The Grand Duchy of Moscow is not a fool. They will never tell the Tataris about the process of production. Tatari can only spend money on finished products, and the price must be ridiculously high. If he can't get benefits from my Daming and win this war, his Tatar country will fall into a difficult situation.

Zhengde sent a breath and said, "So that's it. I'm relieved. The Taran hasn't been able to destroy me, and their own life is also very sad."

Song Nan nodded and said, "That's true, but many factors need to be considered in the war. How can we mobilizing the national soldiers to resist the enemy? That's for me, Daming, even if I defeat the Taran, it will be difficult to recover for several years. The damage and casualties of human and financial resources will also be countless. This battle is to win, but we also need to control the loss to a certain extent, or we can benefit from it, which is the meaning of defeating the tair.

Zhengde's eyes lit up and he said happily, "You have countermeasures, don't you?"

Song Nan smiled and nodded, "Of course, otherwise I won't come to see the emperor tonight."

Zhengde danced happily and said in a trembling voice, "Tell me, what are you going to do?"

Song Nanjing said quietly, "Do you remember that last summer, I accompanied the emperor to the hill under the jurisdiction of my manor in Shilizhuang, Nancheng?"

Zhengde frowned and thought for a moment, nodded, "You mean, what's your so-called arsenal?"

Song Nan nodded and said, "Yes, the emperor has witnessed the power of the multiple tubes of firearms I tried. I called it a rocket gun. If I want to lead the army, I will carry this kind of rocket gun to go on an expedition. Since the Tatari has a powerful firearm, it is time for me to light up a new firearm. I am sure that this new firearm will be big on the northwest battlefield. It shines brilliantly."

Zhengde said in astonishment, "Are you going to use this thing to fight with the darter?"

Song Nan said, "Yes, although firearms may not be crushed, they must at least be equal, so that there is the capital of a war."

"But I remember that I ordered you not to continue to make..."

"This... The emperor forgives me. I didn't obey the order. My arsenal has been manufacturing and developing. The one I saw before has been improved five times. The latest rocket launcher is 81 rocket launcher, with a range of 2,000 steps away."

"...Do you dare to resist the purpose of making firearms?" Zhengde couldn't believe his ears.

"The emperor will go back and settle accounts with me. These things are not rebellious, but just prepared. See, they will come in handy now."

"...Well, I won't pursue this matter for the time being. Since you are sure that this thing can become an artifact against the enemy, I will allow you to take them to the battlefield."

Song Nan wiped the sweat on her forehead and whispered, "Don't be busy. It's not what the emperor said to take with you. Does the emperor know how much I spent to develop this kind of firearm? More than 2,000 craftsmen were placed in my arsenal. Even when the emperor said that he would not allow me to continue to build, I spent money to support them; thousands of people raised them for a year, and countless silver was spent.

Zhengde said in astonishment, "What do you mean?"

Song Nan said, "Your Majesty, if the real person doesn't lie, I can bear the investment in the arsenal, but if these firearms are used with the army, the court can't buy them with no money. Otherwise, I will take all my money in. The whole family, young and thousands of people in the arsenal will drink the northwest wind."

Zhengde patted his forehead and said, "That's true; the silver court is out. You and the people of the Armed Forces Department of the Ministry of War set the price and sign an agreement. Anyway, I'm accurate."

Song Nan shook his head and said, "No, I only deal with the emperor and don't argue with Wu Bei. This time, I will bring the first batch of 200 rockets to accompany the army, 50,000 shells, 10,000 taels of silver each rocket, and 20 taels of silver shells, which will cost the court a total of 3 million taels of silver. In addition, please give me a reasonable identity for this arsenal, so as not to give me the title of governor of the arsenal. In addition, my arsenal cannot be under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War. If you want to manage it, it will be directly under the jurisdiction of the emperor.

Zhengde half opened his mouth and pointed to Song Nan and stammered, "You...you are going to make a fortune in the national disaster."