Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 693 Liying in the Army

In the middle of summer, under the scorching sun, the speed of the march of the army was not fast; the war report from the front showed that Zhuang Langwei had been lost, and the Ming army retreated to the territory of Nianbo, firmly guarded the southeast bank of the Datong River, and prevented the Taran soldiers and horses from rushing to the south to attack Xiningwei and Yongjing east. The situation was very critical.

However, Song Nan did not order an urgent march. He knew that the focus of the final battle would be on the periphery of Ningxia Town. Strategically, after breaking through Jiayuguan and approaching to the southeast, the Tatars have penetrated nearly a thousand miles into Daming territory. Such a distant route is under great pressure on its supply line. When the Tatari goes deep into Gan In the southeast of Suzhen, they will definitely choose Ningxia Town to attack, because taking Ningxia Town can shorten the supply line to the shortest, and use this convenient supply line as a springboard to extend the tentacles hundreds of miles to the southeast.

Therefore, Song Nan ignored all the disturbing news of seeking help, and the army went straight to the Jinglu and Guyuan area south of Ningxia Town in the hinterland of Shaanxi. And ordered more than 40,000 soldiers and horses of the Ming army that were sticking in the area of Mianbo to retreat and build a defense line in front of Jingluo and Guyuan in advance.

This decision was unexpected, and even Yang Yiqing and others who got the news were very puzzled. Lu Wan, who was on the front line, was furious, saying that Song Nanren lost several guardhouses before they arrived at the battlefield. He said that he would report the matter. Song Nan rudely issued an order in the name of the general of Zhenguo and dismissed several procrastinated generals. In this way, no one listened to Lu Wan's words. On July 8th, the soldiers and civilians on the southeast bank of the Datong River retreated to the Jinglu Guyuan area hundreds of miles behind and began to build it based on the hilly loess of the two places. Fortifications.

In fact, all people's hearts are hung. Song Nan's decision not only to give up the guardhouse of Lianbo and its Zuojin, but also let go of the south bank of the Datong River. The Taran is likely to go south to attack Xiningwei, because there is no Ming army resistance in the north of Xiningwei. However, Song Nan's explanation is that it is unlikely for the Taran to attack Xiningwei, and it is also a small division to attack. Xiningwei is likely to defend it with its own strength, and if the whole army goes south to attack Xining at this time, it is actually not worth the loss.

Even if Xining is captured, the Tatars will be delayed for at least half a month. At this time, the Tatars must think that they must quickly capture Ningxia Town and ensure the penetration of the supply line. That meaningless half month will almost kill them.

Song Nan came to this conclusion that it was not aimless. After the fall of Gansu Town, there were only more than 10,000 guards around Fan Zhenwei, but due to the dangerous terrain, the Taran attacked for several days and chose to give up, allowing more than 10,000 soldiers and horses of Fan Zhenwei to stay there. The Taran was not incapable, and They don't want to waste this time. This 10,000 Ming army soldiers and horses did not dare to show up at all. As soon as they appeared, they would be eaten. In this case, it would be better to let him stay there. After taking down Ningxia Town, he could slowly turn back and clean up the Ming army behind him.

Seven days later, Jiang Bin's Zhenwei camp first arrived at Jingluo. Three thousand cavalry drove into the small city of Jingluo and merged with Yang Yiqing and others, while Song Nan and the brigade were still 50 miles behind and could not reach Jingluo until dark. The generals in the northwest were eager to see Song Nan, especially Yang Yiqing. They had not seen Song Nan for several years, and had doubts about Song Nan's strategic arrangements, so everyone picked up the night, and the wine and vegetables provoked them to be cool and hot. The martial arts camp arrived, the Shenshu camp arrived, and the foreign army also arrived, but they did not see the shadow of Song Nan and a thousand brocade cavalry.

Everyone was so anxious that they asked Xu Tai, the rear army's military training camp, Admiral Xu Tai. Xu Tai said that at noon, Lord Song left the team with a thousand soldiers and horses, and issued an order to ask the army to arrive at Jingfu as planned and camp and rest.

Everyone's big eyes and white eyes are flying around. The starfish is already a hundred miles away, but the coach is missing. What's going on? Although the northwest generals who are not familiar with Song Nan's acting style are slandered, Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and other close people familiar with Song Nan's acting style understand that Song Nan must be secretly to do some surprising things. Maybe when Lord Song appears in the city, it will give people a big surprise.

However, everyone actually guessed wrong. Song Nan did encounter something, but it was a little difficult to say. When the army arrived in Qingyang, Wang Yong told Song Nan that there were two more people in the guard. In Song Nan's surprised eyes, two beautiful people in brocade clothes were brought to Song Nan's face. Before, Song Nan recognized these two people at a glance and couldn't help patting their thighs and scolding: "Nonsense, nonsense, this is a war. Do you think you are visiting mountains and rivers? Wang Yong, you are not timid. It seems that I usually indulge you too much. You actually did such a thing. If it spreads, wouldn't I be unlucky? How can a large army go on an expedition with women? Nonsense."

Wang Yong sighed and couldn't argue. One of these two people was Ye Fanggu of Song Mansion and Yang Kooer, Yang Yiqing's daughter. Before the expedition, the wives of Song Mansion summoned him to the house to speak and asked for someone to secretly follow the army to take care of Song Nan's living.

How could Wang Yong agree that it was a serious crime to bring his family? Wang Yong naturally knew that this was an illegal act, but the reasons given by the daughters of the Song family were sufficient. In view of Song Nan's experience in the battle to eliminate Liu Liu Qi and Anhua Wang, regardless of life and death, the women of the Song family tried their best to ask someone to curb Song Nan's feelings. Habit; Mrs. Su'er of Songfu is even more reasonable and said to have a lot. She analyzed the possibility that Song Nan likes to be involved in risks and asked Wang Yong if there was any way to stop it.

Wang Yong scratched his scalp and couldn't figure out a way to stop Song Nan. Lord Song really likes to be a personal hero, and he also likes to do it himself. He is still worried that others go. He is his subordinate, and it is useless to obstruct. Song Nan's military order can make them shut up; but now Song Nan's life is more expensive than anything else, and he is facing a heavy army of the salams. If he plays that dangerous trick, he is likely to play something wrong. If a woman from the Song family can stop Lord Song from taking risks again, it can be considered. As long as she does it secretly and follows Song Nan, others can't see it.

With all kinds of helpless struggles, coupled with all kinds of words and persuasion, Wang Yong couldn't stand it at all. In the end, he was dizzy and actually agreed to their requests. Naturally, Ye Fanggu was the most suitable candidate. She was old, steady, and had martial arts. She was the mother of Song Nan's two children, and was the earliest. Following Song Nan, her weight is heavier than that of the little princess in a sense.

After the matter was arranged, when the matter came to an end, there was another Yang Kou'er. The reason she gave was also very sufficient. She hadn't seen her parents for two years. Her father Yang Yiqing was in the northwest battlefield. This time, she had to go to see her by the way, otherwise if something happened, she would not even see her for the last time.

Wang Yong is also helpless. An exception is like doing something. A man vows to do it only once, but in fact, there are two. The first idea of meeting next time is to do that. Now that the case has been broken for a while, it's nothing to break the second time. The sense of guilt was also much lighter, and a set of brocade guards was simply prepared for Yang Koo'er to accompany her.

In order not to let Song Nan find out, it was not until seven days later that Wang Yong was thousands of miles away from the capital that he informed Song Nan with the permission of Aunt Ye Fang, so there was the scene just now.

"You...you... are so outrageous. The woman is not at home. Who will take care of Yi Er and Shuangshuang? What are you running around with? Song Nan pointed to Aunt Ye Fang and said angrily.

Yang Keer was so scared that she cried. Aunt Ye Fang threw away her helmet. Her head was full of green silk flying in the wind. She ignored Song Nan at all and smiled, "Oh, I can lose this. My scalp has been hurt in the past few days. Girl Koer, I'm about to take off my helmet. It's very comfortable."

Yang Kouer peeked at Song Nan and dared not move. Aunt Ye Fang grabbed her helmet and took it down and smiled, "How about it? Is it comfortable? Find a place to wash your hair. Your hair is gone.

Song Nan bulged her eyes like a big toad, looked at Aunt Ye Fang, who ignored her in front of her, and smother, and said, "Auntie, are you teaching me how to teach people? What are you doing here? There will be a big war soon, and you don't let me worry."

Ye Fanggu glanced at him and said, "What's the kick? I ignored you for a long time. You haven't finished yet. We're here. What's the matter? Or will you send us back to the capital?"

Song Nan sighed and pointed to Wang Yong and said, "I'll leave this matter to you. How did you bring these two people and how can you send them back?"

Wang Yong twisted his buttocks and ran away. Song Nan shouted, "Where to run?" Do you dare to resist?

As soon as the words fell, Wang Yong disappeared. Song Nan looked at the two women angrily. Ye Fanggu looked at him with a smile. The three of them looked at each other and said nothing.

After a long time, Song Nan sighed: "Put on a helmet and continue to pretend to be a man. I don't want the generals to know about this. You stay with me at the end, wait until they all sleep, and then look at the situation and sneak into the city. Hey, it's really unreasonable for me to be held hostage by you."