Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 701 Fierce Battle 3

The morning light rises and the horn roars.

After a tormented night, the dangerous battlefield outside Jingru City ushered in an unusual morning. The generals and soldiers on both sides know that today is the day of a decisive battle, and whoever dies will die this morning. Compared with last night's caution and nervousness, when the dawn lit up the earth, the soldiers became relaxed.

The so-called relaxation can be called the helplessness of knowing that you are about to die.

The soldiers who got up in the morning bury the pot to make rice, and the dried beef and mutton that they are reluctant to put into the rice are also generously poured into the pot. The bean cakes and other refined food that they are reluctant to feed horses are also poured into the manger. Like horses, it may be the last meal.

The generals are also very kind, usually with a straight face and angrily. Now they have a smile on their faces about the camp patrol, and even have time to chat with the soldiers. The soldiers also have time to sort out the messy hair and beards that have been messed up in the days of the battle, and their tattered clothes are carefully tied to the hole with straw ropes; even if they die today, they must be full and neat.

The bodies scattered on the battlefield yesterday evening were not cleaned up because of last night's sword tension. In the hot weather, after cooking all night, it has emitted a stinky smell. This smell attracted hundreds of vulture to hover in the air. They boldly fell next to the corpses and swallowed carrion and stomach crazily. The situation was unsightly.

No one cares about these details. Today, they fall into the belly of birds and beasts, and tomorrow they may be themselves, and in the place where there is no burial, entering the belly of birds and beasts is not necessarily a gift of immortality.

The sun slowly showed its head from the head of Jingluo City. After a night of fire, Jingluo City has become an abandoned city. But in the eyes of the baldness, this pile of ruins in front of him is an obstacle to the progress of his army. Today, it is necessary to completely conquer the ruins and open up the passage to the east and north.

The horn sounded, and the Tatar soldiers who were full of food and drink got up to rectify their armor, check their weapons, and pull out their horses. From leisure to tension for only a short moment, a moment later, there was already a hissing horse in the whole Cartan barracks.

The officers of each battalion shouted and ordered the whole army, and a team of soldiers and horses ran endlessly, stepping on the yellow dust all over the ground. The soldiers of a battalion left the camp and slowly gathered and stood on the battlefield.

In contrast, on the side of the Ming army in Jinglu City, thousands of heads also appeared on the ruins of Jinglu City. Even if there was a ruin, the Ming army did not intend to give up here. They knew that the defense measures of the ruins were useless, and there was no need for the Tatars to bombard them.

He stood on a small earth bag with bald eyes like a horse, looking around for the flag of the commander of the Ming army, but he did not find the yellow dragon flag representing the commander of the Ming army, nor did he find the colored flag of the surname raised by the general of the Ming army when he went on the expedition. He even knew in his heart that on the ruins opposite side There are only more than 10,000 soldiers and horses, and the rest of the Ming army must be hiding somewhere, but he doesn't care at all.

He has decided to fight to the death with the Ming army here. The three-way assault strategy set last night has been nailed. Although the Ming army's firearms were powerful yesterday, it was obvious that the range was not far away. It was just a matter of saying that he wanted to stop the Honglou of 50,000 to 60,000 cavalry. If it hadn't happened suddenly and the attack direction chosen by the Ming army were very clever, the iron hooves of the war horse would have stepped on these fire-breathing monsters without fear and destroyed them. Today, the simultaneous attack in three directions avoided the possibility of the flanks being attacked. The charge army no longer has wings. On which side received the sniper attack of the Ming army's firearms, it immediately dispersed the formation and rushed up and destroyed it at any cost. This is the way to deal with the Ming arms that can be issued today. Although it is stupid, it is absolutely Effective.

The horn sounded three more times, and the low and vast voice slowly covered the battlefield like a shadow. 50,000 cavalry were divided into dozens of echelons, and all of them had their nostrils and gasped. The long-awaited war horse also realized that the attack was about to begin. The horse's nose was spewing heat, and his four hooves stepped nervously.

"Kill." A cry from the chest and abdomen resounded throughout the battlefield. With this cry, tens of thousands of soldiers and horses shouted and killed in unison, and the sound resounded through the earth and the sky. The vulture that nibbled on the body on the battlefield was frightened, fluttered its wings and flew straight to the sky. At the same time, the earth began to shake, the smoke began to rise, and the Ttar cavalry began to trot.

After dozens of steps, the war horse began to accelerate from the trot state. After running out of a hundred steps, the four hooves have rushed forward like lightning. The first echelon of about 3,000 cavalry, after running out of a thousand steps, the battle flag waved in the battle, and the formation suddenly changed. One team changed into three teams and rushed to the left, middle and right three directions.

The cavalry echelon behind it was also concocted. When they reached the edge of the battlefield, they immediately changed their formation. One team rushed directly to Jingluo City, and the other two teams obliquely turned to the north of the south of Jingluo City at a large angle, forming a three-bread charge.

The Ming defenders at the top of the city quickly responded. Among the ruins, more than 40 Mrs. Song rockets were lined up and placed in the open space cleared behind the city wall. The red flag at the head of the city waved, and the rockets sounded strangely, firing thousands of shotguns.

The Ming army obviously did not care about the envelopment of the Tarate soldiers on the left and right sides. They only attacked the enemy of the frontal charge. There was no special reason. It was entirely because the blockade area of firearms was not enough, and they could only concentrate on one side. More than 40 rockets can block the front of the wall about two miles wide. Although the Tatar formation tried their best to keep loose, they still suffered huge casualties.

Hundreds of horses rolled on the ground, and the horses flew into the air and fell heavily into the dust. More than half of the cavalry of the first echelon were quickly put down; the remaining hundreds of cavalry suffered a dense rain of arrows shot from the ruins when they approached the broken city wall, and only 100 people could rush into the ruins.

But the second echelon cavalry has also been hundreds of steps away, and their companions absorbed huge casualties and gave them a chance. The 2,000 cavalry of the second echelon suffered more than 300 casualties, and the rest rushed into the gap of the ruins. The Ming army in the city swarmed and began a bloody hand-to-hand fight. Regardless of the rocket gun and ignoring the hand-to-hand combat in front of them, the leading generals kept waving red flags, making the honeycomb-like gunfire again and again, pouring raindrop-like shotguns on the heads of the fallen soldiers who rushed to the rear.

At the beginning, the Ming army's strategy of giving up the two wings to concentrate its troops on the front was still advantageous. Thousands of Tatars who rushed into the city were surrounded by tens of thousands of Ming troops. The terrain in the city was covered with rubble, and the immediate advantage of the Tatar cavalry was difficult to play, and they soon fell into a bitter battle. But when the cavalry on both wings found that the weapons were placed on the front, they quickly captured the east and west walls and supported them from both sides. With the increasing number of people, the Ming army in the city gradually became no enemy and began to retreat, but in fact, they had no way back; even more than a thousand gunners operating rocket artillery picked up their blades to join the regiment after shooting all their ammunition.

Keep a close eye on the situation of the war. He still has more than 70,000 soldiers and horses in his hand. He is observing the position of the main force of the Ming army. Jingluo City is about to arrive. Doesn't Song Nan plan to hold this strategic place? Or has this one sold the soldiers and horses in the city and chose to retreat to preserve his strength?

The more you think about baldness, the less likely it is. If Song Nan leads a large army to retreat, there is no need for him to send so many people to die, and there is no need to arrange powerful firearms on the opposite side. Knowing that he can't resist the fierce impact of the Tatar cavalry, then there is silent around. Where is their main army?

"Fahan, let the whole army attack. Jingluo City is ours. There is no need to stay here and wait for them. I guess this one has run away last night." Tulu whispered beside him.

He was a little restless, but he still decided not to be suspicious, so he nodded and said, "Okay, order the army to act and go to the Jings, paying close attention to the signs of the movement of the Ming army around him. Once there is a situation, report it to me immediately..."

Before his words fell, the sound of a sharp roar sounded from the sky behind, accompanied by a white smoke rushing into the sky, and the sound of killing came from the rear at the same time; the bald man frowned and said, "Do you attack back? Do you really want to do this?"

Tulu quickly summoned soldiers to inquire. After a moment, he learned about the situation. Sure enough, tens of thousands of Ming troops in the rear attacked the rear battalion. They detoured from the continuous hills and loess on both sides, with more than 30,000 people.

"Song Nan, Song Nan, I overestimated you. Your move is what I expected. If the order goes on, tens of thousands of troops will be ordered to delay, and General Temull will lead 10,000 cavalry to make a circuitous attack. How can you know that I have been prepared for a sneak attack when all the cavalry in my hand are sent? Song Nan, the shame of Xinpingbao can be washed today. You can go back to your house like other generals in the Ming Dynasty. The baldness can be sneered, and the heart is very comfortable.