Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 710 Hope in Chaos

The arsonist has become a fire extinguisher, and the wonderful encounters of life are always so unexpected.

Fortunately, the people who repaired the tofu dregs project had some foresight. Several wells were chiseled near the inner wall, and more than a hundred peace tanks were also full of rain. The soldiers acted quickly, and the people below also helped. In addition, the burning ability of the dead branches and straw wood in the mud was not strong, which was finally poured out. The fire.

But when the smoke dissipated, Wu Zhongxiao was dumbfounded. The outer half of the wall had burned down and became a curved ladder that a three-year-old child could climb up with a little effort. Although the second half was still well preserved, the ladder did not lead to the city, but to the city head.

The one who attacked the east city wall was the great prince Tulu. Originally, he suffered the most casualties here. 12,000 siege soldiers and horses had been killed in battle, but he did not even attack the city wall. Before the war, he desperately asked his father Khan to give him this opportunity to be bald. On the way, he basically did not make any achievements. This time he really I really want to show it. Unfortunately, the Ming army did not give him this opportunity.

When the head of the city caught fire, Tulu cursed at the shameless defensive method of the Ming army, but when a sharp-eyed commander discovered the strangeness of the city wall, Tulu himself was stunned.

"Your Highness, the city wall has collapsed."


"The Ming army burned down its own wall."

Ah? Really, what is Mingjun doing? Do we have a traitor in it?

"I don't know. Maybe someone admires the prestige of our sweat. Take the opportunity to help. Or maybe it's the trick of the Ming army?"

"Your sister, this is God's help. The Ming army burned down its own city wall, which is to make me, Tulu, famous in this battle, come, blow the horn and launch a fierce attack!!"

The collapsed city wall seemed to have paved a red carpet for the attack of the hands of the hands. With little effort, thousands of soldiers climbed the wall along the hot stairs. A good defensive battle turned into a hand-to-hand battle. How can they be the enemy?

The news that the eastern city wall was broken by the Tartars exploded in Zhang An's mind like a bolt from the blue. Before the war, he said that he did not need to wait for Song Nan's reinforcements to arrive. In fact, after the battle, he anxiously hoped that Song Nan's army would appear as soon as possible. He originally wanted to hold on for two or three days and delay until Song Nan led the troops to help, but now all these plans have come to nothing. In just half a day, the east wall was attacked by the Tartans.

Zhang An had to divide troops to support the East Wall. The gap there must be blocked, otherwise the defense was meaningless. After 2,000 people were transferred to reinforce the East Wall, there were only more than 2,000 Ming troops in Nancheng and Xicheng, and it was already very difficult to deal with the Tarts who had obviously strengthened the attack.

The good news is that the gap on the east wall has not widened. After the reinforcement, the Ming army attacked fiercely and squeezed the Terran soldiers and horses who climbed to the head of the city on a broken wall dozens of feet to avoid the deterioration of the situation. The two sides shot with bows and arrows at close range, which was extremely tragic.

The bad news is that all other walls have become urgent, and there are talt soldiers on the west wall. Soon after, hundreds of tarot soldiers climbed the west wall, and the Ming army had no choice but to fight hand-to-hand with them. The southern city wall was also precarious. Zhang An struggled to resist with his own experience and took more than 2,000 soldiers without letting the Tarans emerge. But it is only a matter of time before the Tarans attack come up.

The three-sided wall is in an emergency. Lingzhou is in danger, and the reinforcements don't know where they are. For a while, everyone's hearts are gray, and they all know that they are afraid of coexisting with Lingzhou today.

In the break of the battle, Zhang An suddenly poured a few mouthfuls of water and ordered his personal guards: "Go and inform the magistrate Xie immediately and order him to immediately organize the people of the city to retreat from the north gate. When encountering such resistance, according to the tradition of the turrants, they may slaughter the city, and ask the magistrate Xie must ensure the safety of the people."

The guard nodded and agreed, hurried down to the city, looked around the city, and did not see the shadow of Xie Changhe. Finally, in the secret room in the backyard of Xie's house, he found Xie Changhe, who was hiding in with his wife's concubine. The guard conveyed Zhang An's order. Xie Changhe panicked even more and stammered, "Can't you really keep the city? Didn't Mr. Zhang say that it was solid?"

The personal guard said, "The villain is only responsible for the transmission of orders. Zhang said that if the people of Lingzhou are slaughtered, it will be a great misfortune. The magistrate Xie will be responsible for this, so the magistrate'd better act quickly. The head of the city can't last for an hour."

Xie Changhe was helpless. If he was really slaughtered, even if he escaped his life at this moment, he would definitely be severely punished afterwards. Since General Zhang ordered, he happened to have the opportunity to escape to Ningxia Town. Why not go out and make a show? So he sent away the guards to summon the government officials and ordered them to go to the street to knock on the gongs and shout: "Fathers, Lingzhou is about to be unpreserving. The magistrate has an order. An hour later, the north gate will be opened to evacuate. The fathers and fellow villagers quickly packed up their things and prepare to abandon the city."

The people in the city have been paying attention to the war since the Tartars appeared in the south of the city yesterday. The whole family stayed at home and waited for the news without doing anything. At this moment, the bad news suddenly chilled. For a while, the chaos in the city was full of chaotic scenes of helping the old and young people with blue chickens and flying dogs.

On the main street of Lingzhou, two men stopped and listened to the gongs and shouts of the government officials around him. A short and strong man said to the white-faced man beside him, "Brother, Lingzhou is going to be broken, and we can't stay here."

The white-faced scholar-like man nodded and sighed, "Yes, we have lived quietly in Lingzhou for several years. I didn't expect Lingzhou to be occupied by the sari. I don't want to leave."

"How come? You are the pride of my Zhu family, and I still expect you to add light to the Zhu family in the future. Go back to pack up your things and go back to Ningxia. I haven't been back for several years."

"Brother, I will never mention such things as the Everbright Gate. I, Zhu Changping, have worked hard in recent years, but I have lost my reputation. I finally understand that the way of imperial examination is not feasible. Do you remember the Song Nan and Lord Song I met in Ningxia Town? Later, I heard that he also did not win the imperial examination and joined the army. I, Zhu Changping, also want to follow his example. Lingzhou is my home, and I'm going to join the army to kill the Ta�.

"Brother, why did you suddenly come up with this idea?" The short and ugly man is Zhu Changshun, Zhu Changping's cousin. Since the Rebellion of the King Anhua came to Lingzhou that year, they have lived here peacefully for three years.

"It doesn't come out suddenly. I think there is always something to do in life. If I can't do it, I will join the army. This is what I've always thought. Brother, go out of the city, leave a bloodline for our Zhu family, buy a woman to get married, and give you all my money."

"Changping, what are you talking about? How can I let you go alone in danger? Since you insist on staying, I will also stay. Let's kill the salams together."

Zhu Changping smiled and said, "Okay, this is the good son of my Zhu family. There are so many people in our city, plus more than 10,000 defenders, and there are only more than 30,000 Tatari people outside the city. Why do we want to escape?"

Zhu Changping suddenly came to a yi yi and grabbed his gong. The yi yiyi yi shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Let me borrow it." Zhu Changping jumped on a big bluestone on the street, banged on the gong and shouted, "Fathers, fellow villagers, listen to me. Lingzhou is in an emergency. My Daming officers and soldiers are desperately resisting the attack of the tazis. How can we leave and run for our lives at this moment? Lingzhou is our home. When we leave, the Tari people will occupy this house and it will be gone. Four to five million of us are in the city, and there are tens of thousands of young people. Why don't we go together to help the officers and soldiers defend the city? Old and weak women and children can go, and the weak can help deliver water and move bricks. If everyone contributes, our Lingzhou may not be captured. Agreed to follow me and my brother Zhu Changshun. We immediately went to the city wall to help the soldiers guard the city. If you don't want to leave, I won't stop you.

After a brief silence, someone in the crowd shouted, "That's right, why should we escape?" I heard that General Song's army has arrived. Let's delay the Tah. As soon as Lord Song's army arrived, the Tah was made dumplings.

While talking, a shirtless man with a beard came forward, patted his chest and shouted. Someone recognized this man as Zheng Tu, a pig killer on the West Street. He was usually rude and unreasonable, but today he was a little arrogant. Some people responded immediately, and the people on the street were infected and shouted to defend the city.

Zhu Changping jumped off the blue stone to take the lead and took everyone to the city wall to fight. There were more people along the way, from hundreds to thousands to tens of thousands, and the news soon spread all over the city. Then, the people who were crowded at the north gate waiting for the evacuation of the city also got the news. Someone shouted, and everyone responded to leave. Half an hour later, they actually left clean.

When the magistrate Xie Changhe arrived with his family and a full of soft cars, he saw that there was no one in the empty North Gate Square and couldn't help asking about the situation of the gatekeeper soldiers. After the soldiers informed the situation, Xie Changhe stamped his feet and scolded, "These mud legs are simply nonsense. Are they desperate? Oh, how good is this? If they don't leave, I can't leave.