Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 712 Run away from the wind

There is no doubt that the fireworks signal represents the arrival of Song Nan's army. It is impossible to understand why the Ming army came so quickly and why his cavalry arrived in Lingzhou for more than a day, and the Ming army, which relied on its feet, had arrived. Maybe all this is an illusion, or maybe someone is bluffing?

Dozens of horses rushed from the street in the south. The comers were generals who were ordered to collect materials in the occupied southern city to suppress sporadic resistance. As soon as he appeared, he cooled his bald heart. Sure enough, the general rode, and his face changed and his voice changed.

"Report to the Great Khan that a large Ming army appeared six miles south of Lingzhou and was marching towards Lingzhou."

He calmed himself down and shouted in a low voice, "Can you see it clearly? How many people? What flag?"

The general replied in a low voice: "At least 40 to 50,000 people, playing the Song Zishuai flag, the soldiers and horses of Song Nan fighting in Jingluo City."

"Forty-five thousand?"

took a cold breath, and the last hope was in vain. It was true that Song Nan's soldiers and horses arrived, and they were the main force. There was no need to consider how they got here. At present, the choice to be made was to fight or leave. However, this choice seems to have only the only answer: although I still have more than 20,000 soldiers and horses on hand, I have just experienced a day of hard battle. In the face of Song Nan's army, which is several times more than myself, this battle will definitely not be won.

The bald man is a decisive person. When the remnants and people in Lingzhou in front of him learned that the reinforcements had arrived, they all looked cove and knew that the bald man must not be entangled by them. The distance of five or six miles can be reached in less than half an hour. If you are dragged here, you can only wait to die. If you are bald, you can slowly issue orders.

"Thousands of people launched an attack to flatten the remnants of the Ming army."

"Father Khan... This... We should evacuate immediately." Tulu whispered cautiously.

"What do you know? Attack!" He stared at Tulu fiercely and gave the order.

The thousand-person team, which was ready to attack, immediately urged the war horse, and soon rolled up the Wanfu Bridge like a wind and clouds, rushed to the opposite Ming army, and fought with the Ming army in the blink of an eye. The cavalry's charging ability is not small, but this thousand cavalry rushed a big mouth to the remnants of the Ming army waiting for. The thousand captains who led the first echelon were secretly happy, and the subsequent brothers rushed up continuously, and the thousands of remnants of soldiers and the people of the Ming Dynasty immediately became meat and mud. However, when he took time to look back, he was sterled to find that his thousands of soldiers and horses were empty and there were no subsequent cavalry rushing. On the other side of the Wanfu Bridge, the dense cavalry were quickly turning around and leaving rows of horse buttocks in his sight.

"What's going on?" The thousand-fu chief couldn't help but be shocked.

"We were sold, we were sold." A centurion suddenly understood and shouted loudly.

The thousand chief also understood that the reinforcements of the Ming army arrived. In order to prevent these remnants of the Ming army from holding back the army, Khan actually let more than 1,000 people charge up to pester these Ming army, but the army was about to withdraw immediately.

In the scolding, the aura of the thousand cavalry suddenly extinguished into ashes, and the formation of the washed away Ming army also quickly recovered. Soon, this thousand people fell into the siege of thousands of Lingzhou soldiers and civilians.

Zhang An was actually very anxious. The fireworks signal was raised, indicating that Song Nan's army had arrived. Previously, he was ready to fight for a dead net, but since the reinforcements arrived, Zhang An suddenly understood what he should do.

At present, it is necessary to delay the Tatron soldiers and horses until the army enters the city and destroys them in one fell swoop.

However, more than a thousand cavalrymen who rushed to the front have arrived, and he had to concentrate on dealing with the 1,000 cavalry in front of him. With the current soldiers and horses and the coordinated people, they are on the flat ground, even this 1,000-hand cavalry cannot be underestimated. While trying to surround and kill more than a thousand Taranian cavalry, Zhang An also saw the retreat of the Taranian cavalry brigade on the south street of Wanfu Bridge. He was anxious, but he had no choice.

It was very effective to make a straight decision. He did not even wait for the gathering of thousands of soldiers and horses scattered in Nancheng, Xicheng and other places, but directly led more than 16,000 horses straight to the east gate. Along the way, there was still time to order the burning of the surrounding houses and shooting the people in sight. He took his big iron bow on horseback. When he ran, he saw the figures of the people of Lingzhou shooting an arrow like hunting and shot them to the ground.

Originally, after taking Lingzhou, he only purged those recalcitent people and the Ming army, and he also planned to comfort the Ming people. Maybe he will occupy many cities of Daming in the future, and a good impression should be cultivated from now on. But now, in the face of the pressure of the Ming army, the beast in his heart can't finally hide his beast nature. Even if he wants to leave, he can't leave Lingzhou completely to the Ming army. On the way to escape, he did not forget to order the soldiers and horses to slaughter the people and set fire to the city.

Half an hour later, when Jiang Bin and Xu Tai led the two Beijing battalions and the three guards to step into Lingzhou City, the eastern half of Lingzhou City had fallen into the sea of fire. Zhang An and others, who solved a thousand Tart cavalry, were busy dealing with the failure to escape from the city, or more than 3,000 Tart soldiers who did not know that their Khan had left at all; Jiang Bin and Xu Tai immediately ordered the elimination of the remaining Tart soldiers in the city, and at the same time asked the command of the Northwest Three Guards to immediately put out the fire and save people.

They did not choose to chase the bald soldiers, because they knew that it was futile to chase, and the power of the hand was not comparable to their two-legged infantry. All they could do was to send cavalry to closely monitor the movements of the Trot army before making plans.

When the night fell, the fire in Lingzhou City was basically extinguished. In a clear open space in the east city, thousands of bodies were lined up and parked here. The mournful cry of the family members spread far away in the quiet night. Because the weather is too hot, these bodies will be buried early tomorrow morning, leaving only this last night for them to spend with their relatives. Many bodies lay there alone without even family members. Maybe their parents, wives and children lie somewhere here like them, or lie up and down the wall like many bodies when they participate in guarding the city.

War is a devil who devours the lives of countless people; death is the most ruthless thing in the world. He can kill everything and kill all living emotional hopes and dreams. This is true for the soldiers and civilians of Lingzhou, as well as for the salams who are corpse here.

After a night like a nightmare, the first ray of sunrise rose over Lingzhou City, sprinkled inside and outside the lingering smoke of Lingzhou City. The whole city is silent, but there are countless silent and busy figures. The soldiers and civilians in Lingzhou began to clean up the bodies of both sides left by yesterday's war, clean up the ruins of the collapsed and burned houses, and clean up all the disorderly things in their homes.

Outside the Nancheng Gate, Jiang Bin, Xu Tai and dozens of military and political officials stood on a hill and waited quietly. Soon after, dust flew in the distance, and a group of more than 1,000 cavalry came. The bright armor was covered with dust. The horses rolled their eyes and sprayed white foam, and their footsteps were extremely heavy.

"Here it comes." Jiang Bin shouted.

The officials cheered up to straighten their clothes and went forward. The cavalry rushed to the front to pull the horse. A big black horse came down and took off the dusty cloth towel and cloak, revealing his true face.

"See the general for the inferior rank." The officials bowed and said in unison.

It was Song Nan who came. Lingzhou was expected to be attacked. Song Nan had to leave the officers and soldiers of the Shenshu camp and the local guard station, and led a thousand brocade guard battalion cavalry to take the lead. There was basically no stop along the way, and people were tired.

"All of you are exempt from courtesy." Song Nan bowed back, but looked at Lingzhou City after the war. Seeing the collapse of the city wall and the green smoke curling in the city, she couldn't help frowning.

"Who will tell me what happened here?"

"General, the Tarot arrived in Lingzhou the evening before yesterday and launched a siege yesterday morning. Wu Zhongxiao, the commander of Yan'an Central Guard, was killed in battle. More than 8,000 soldiers and horses were killed and injured, and more than 6,000 people in the city were killed and injured. The soldiers and horses of the hand roughly estimated that 14,000 were killed or injured, and more than 3,000 were captured... They were incompetent and failed to hold on for a day and asked the general to be punished. Zhang An said in a low voice.

Song Nan came forward in person, helped Zhang An, who was kneeling down and drooping, and whispered, "The old general has worked hard. I didn't expect that we were still a step late. Jiang Bin and Xu Tai led the army to come late."

Zhang An shook his head and said, "You can't blame the two marquises. They arrived in time. They marched here day and night for six days. They have done their best. If the general hadn't sent a large army to help in advance and rushed here after the city was destroyed, scaring away the army of the Taizi army, Lingzhou would have been a different scene now.

Song Nan nodded and walked towards the city gate. The generals followed him. Zhang An whispered about yesterday's battle situation. When it was said that the collapse of the city wall caused the Tarats to attack the city wall effortlessly, Song Nan sighed: "The man-made disasters are actually more terrible than natural disasters. Such an important town, the wall was actually built by grass, so that The disaster left behind can be said to be the retribution of man-made disasters. Without this variable, it will be difficult for the Tari to break through Lingzhou easily, and you will be able to persist until the reinforcements arrive. Hey, this matter will be strictly investigated in the future, and the lives of more than 10,000 soldiers and civilians will fall on those responsible.

Zhang An nodded and said, "The general really wants to remind the court to be alert. How many other border towns and cities are fortified, and how many hidden dangers exist that need to be investigated. Unfortunately, the price has been paid to wake up, and Lingzhou has become the victim of the price of this blood.

Song Nan said, "It's not too late to make up for the lost sheep. It's really difficult for Lord Zhang to delay the war for a day under such circumstances. The casualties of the people of the people of the people are more tragic than us. I will appeal to the court and ask for awards for the general Zhang and the Lingzhou garrison."

Zhang An hurriedly said, "General, this battle is not the credit of the defenders of Lingzhou. If the people of Lingzhou had not spontaneously organized tens of thousands of young men to help defend the city, I'm afraid they would have insisted on the arrival of reinforcements. If you want to make a contribution, the first contribution should be the people.

Song Nan said, "Is there such a thing?"

Zhang An nodded, and his eyes suddenly fell on a group of people cleaning up the body on the edge of the wall in the distance. He pointed to a young man and said, "Well, it's really a coincidence. It's the descendant who I didn't see him last night. It is said that he led the people to help defend the city."

Song Nan looked along his hand and saw a young man sitting by the moat outside the wall, with a corpse lying beside him. The man was busy sorting out something on the body and saw that the figure was a little familiar, so he stepped over.