Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 717 Extremely Evil

When the news of the loss of Yanchi County came, Song Nan was leading troops across the West Cliff on the way to Yanchi. Hearing such news, Song Nan couldn't help scolding and rebuking herself. It is unforgivable that his momentary failure led to such serious consequences.

I have long known that the bald man would be desperate to cross the north to break through the Great Wall pass, but he wrongly estimated the continuous combat ability of the Ta's soldiers and their plans. Perhaps these battles were too obedient, and he had the idea of underplaying the enemy of the bald man from his heart. Song Nan always thought that it was impossible to attack the salt pond, because Although Yanchi County is close to the border gate, the reinforcements from the surrounding Lingwu Ningxia and other places arrived quickly, and the fortress defense there is deep and strong, and a heavy defense has been added, so that the baldness can attack here is to find death.

However, what I didn't expect was that the baldness had already been planned. The fierce attack of nearly 100,000 troops suddenly appeared on the desert land north of the Great Wall of the Salt Pool attracted the reinforcements to the defense of the Great Wall. The salt pond without reinforcements was at an absolute disadvantage of the number of people, and the baldness could be determined to attack the fierceness. Under the circumstances of this city, it is also a matter of breaking down.

The fault is that you didn't consider that the Ttars also have reinforcements. In the past ten days, you have chased me and fought for wisdom and courage, but forgot that the ability of the Ttars can send a small group of soldiers and horses out of the brigade or climb mountains or go out to report the customs, which is completely your own mistake.

Song Nan's anxious self-blaming look was seen in the eyes of everyone. Wang Yong, Ma Ming and other generals came to comfort Song Nan. This mistake was that Song Nan was unmanageable, but in fact it was difficult to prevent. Tartars were running on four legs, and their movements have always relied on Song Nan's accurate judgment. This time it was not a mistake. After all, the defenders of the salt pond The increase from 2,000 to 8,000 is the largest dispatch that can be made with limited troops.

Song Nan has only 70,000 soldiers and horses. The cities in all directions have to be sent to strictly guard and intercept the running of the serrats. If they are assigned to every place, the soldiers and horses will become a disadvantage, which is also helpless. Is it possible to send several guards to guard the salt pool and let Ningxia Town become an empty city? Can't we let the West Cliff Ferry be empty? Let the Shizui cottage castle go, will Helan cottage castle become empty?

It can only be said that the Taranzi was shrewd, successfully crossed the river unconsciously, and disappeared under the eyes of the Ming army for a day and a night. When they appeared again, they were already attacking the salt pond inside and outside. No one could cope with it.

In the face of the relief of the generals, Song Nan felt a little better. Now he understands the feeling of being led by the nose, and he also understands how angry he is in his heart. Not long ago, he led his nose like this, and now it's his turn to be teased.

The salt pond is lost, and only a few small fortresses are left from the northeast of the salt pond to the Great Wall. Such a fortress can cope with the raid of small troops, but under the sweep of the army, the role of the small fortress cannot play a defensive role at all. In the end, we still have to rely on the high wall between the mountains, but how can it be guarded?

Song Nan ordered an urgent march to Yanchi. How he wished that his subordinates would lead the motorized troops of later generations and arrive in half a day. But unfortunately, except for the 1,000 cavalry guards of the brocade guards and the 3,000 cavalry in the army, the rest is the measuring ruler of two legs. At the current speed, I will be grateful to arrive tomorrow morning.

Song Nan had to adjust his strategy. He ordered all the cavalry to follow him to support and strive to arrive for support before midnight. Although he knew that he was facing the attack of 100,000 Tatar soldiers and horses inside and outside the city wall, it was of little significance for these thousands of people to rush there, only 40,000 soldiers and horses under his men and horses. 10,000 soldiers and horses guarding the west cliff, Lingwu's guard arrived and gathered nearly 70,000 troops to have a battle power. But now he has no choice.

Everyone objected to the general's single-handed adventure again. The main purpose of Ye Fanggu followed this time was to prevent Song Nan from coming out again. However, in the face of such a situation, Ye Fanggu did not say anything against. She only told Song Nan that if she wanted to go, she must follow and do her best. The duty of being a wife can't let your husband go alone. The intention is to die together.

Song Nan agreed without thinking about it. He has no time to figure out anything dangerous or not, and the thousand brocade cavalry battalion at hand is the elite of an elite. These people who climbed the Great Wall Pass a moment earlier is the biggest threat to the Tatar. The reason why he wants to take risks is to hold the barrier to death. The pass will isolate the baldness from the army of the foreigners, which will not allow them to break through the pass easily.

The military order was issued. Although 4,000 cavalrymen and Wang Yong immediately left the brigade and rushed to the rescue, 37,000 brigade soldiers and horses accelerated their pace under the leadership of Ma Ming and other generals, and must rush to the salt pond before tomorrow to move according to the situation. After the arrangement was completed, Song Nan immediately led 4,000 cavalry to the dust.

Sunshine is inflamed, surrounded by yellow sand, sand and rubble in the eyes, and green is rarely seen. Four thousand cavalry ran in this gray, steamer-like gravel wilderness, almost fainting with thirst and heat. **'s war horses foamed and gasped for breath. Compared with the horses in the north, these horses ordered by the court to be raised together by the peasants were sick. If they couldn't run more than ten miles, Song Nan had to order them to dismount. Xi is not to let people rest, but to let the horses rest. Most of the water brought with it has also entered the belly of these bad horses. People only moisten their throats, and I'm afraid that horses will immediately fall down if they don't drink water. Even if they are bad horses, they can't live without them at this moment.

Running and stopping like this, and finally got dark. After the sun went down, the scorching heat faded, and finally the situation was much better. The moonlight was bright and he could also identify the road, which was faster than rushing the road during the day. Finally, at the third update, I crossed more than a dozen burned castles and saw the burning Yanchi County from afar.

Even in the middle of the night, the city is still noisy, and the sound of crying and shouting is far away. Although Yanchi County is a small place, it is at the most marginal area. When there is no war, it is a market for border trade, and it can be seen from the name of the county that well salt is produced here, and it is the best green salt in the Ming Dynasty. Although salt trading is exclusive to the imperial court, it can't resist the secret private sale. The reason why many shops here are set up is not to really come here to do business, but to privately buy inverted green salt to the mainland to sell at a high price. Businessmen naturally come with their families, and there are many local residents. A small county is also lively. Usually, the population of soldiers and civilians is no less than 20,000, which is a bustling small city.

At this moment, these people are in deep trouble, and they have nowhere to escape. When the general city is broken, they will let the people withdraw with the army or escape by themselves, but the Tasan army comes from the southwest, and to the north is the barren Great Wall passed, and the people cannot be allowed. If you climb the pass to take refuge, and there is nowhere to escape by opening the city gate. There are Tarans in the southwest and Taran in the northeast. Where can you go? Is it possible to hide in the wilderness of the desert and wait for the wolf to dismember?

These people can only choose to stay in the city, and the guarded family hide in the cellar waiting for the sun to see the sun again. They hope that the soldiers can show mercy and not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

In fact, he did give the order not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but his soldiers and horses did not think so. In the past few months, 100,000 troops have fought here from Jiayuguan and ran thousands of miles, and the brothers around him also died. It is extremely lucky to survive. Some time ago, they were chased away, had nothing to eat, and were forced to eat horse meat. They ran sleeplessly for a few days and nights. Now that they have taken down here, they can finally breathe a sigh of relief and go home safely. Before that, how can they have suffered before not be compensated by these people?

So soon after the city was destroyed, a catastrophe fell on the heads of the people of Yanchi. The Tatarsmen broke into the houses in groups and grabbed gold and silver treasures to catch chickens and dogs. It was still light. When they saw the unpleasant people go up, they were stabbed. When they saw the woman pressing down, they took off their pants and raped them violently. For a moment, the city was smoky chickens and dogs cried. Shouting to the sky.

Naturally, he knew this, but he didn't mean to stop it. According to his previous idea, he met a city that resisted fierceness and wanted to slaughter the city after capturing it. Now that he won't slaughter the city, it's up to them if the brothers want to make trouble. If they don't vent their sulking during this period of time, they still have to make trouble when they return to China. .

Until midnight, the beasts in the city still did not stop. They opened their red and horrible eyes, searched for prey, and made a Yanchi county like hell on earth.