Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 743 Duke of Daming

The front of the Song Mansion has been bustling for a long time. The whole Song family went out to greet Song Nan in front of the house. From Song's mother, his wife, concubines, maidservant, and grooms and servants all wore new clothes and stood in the open space in front of the house and looked forward to it. However, seeing Song Nan riding a tall horse with a group of brocade guards, Uncle Zhong, the old housekeeper, had already shouted straight.

"The young master is back, old lady, the young master is back."

Song's mother smiled into a flower in the pergola and rushed forward with her little feet. The little princess who supported her by her quickly whispered, "Mother-in-law, you can't touch your face and touch your nose anymore. Give your face to your husband."

Song's mother smiled and said, "Don't worry, who doesn't know that your husband is amazing now, but he is also my son. It's not illegal for me to go up and pull hands."

The little princess smiled and said, "Can't that work? How can I have a husband without you?"

Song Nan got off her horse from afar and came with a smile. Song's mother and concubines greeted her. Both of them were laughing, but tears flashed in their eyes. Song Nan kowtowed to Song's mother and took Song's mother's arm and said, "Mother, the unfilial son is back."

Song's mother habitually stretched out her hand to touch Song Nan's face. For a long time, a sentence popped out and said, "My ivory mahjong is missing a rooster. You need to make another pair for me."

Everyone was stunned, and then burst into laughter. Song Nan nodded with a smile and said, "It's easy to do. Get two pairs, one for playing and the other for spare. That's all."

The crowd laughed again. Song Nan saluted his wives and concubines, leaned down and picked up the youngest Song Yi and Shuangshuang one by one. They surrounded the crowd and walked to the door of the house. While asking the little princess beside her, "Where's Aunt Fang? But have you asked a famous doctor to see it?"

The little princess laughed and said, "Don't worry, husband. I've seen it for a long time. It's nothing serious. It's just that it's a little inconvenient to move. Qingli is waiting for her in the hall.

Song Nan nodded and looked around at the costumes of the people around him and said, "Is it a New Year? They all wore new clothes, and even the New Year was advanced to September.

The little princess gave him a white look and said, "Isn't it because you went back home? I specially ordered people to make new clothes for them.

Song Nan rolled her eyes and said, "I go out more than ten times a year. Do you make new clothes for them every time you go home? We should be diligent and thrifty at home. Our family is very poor.

The little princess said, "Look at your stingy, don't think I don't know."

Song Nan smiled and said, "What do you know?"

The little princess came close to Song Nan's ear and said, "My brother told me everything that you are going to be promoted to the Duke of the country. This is the biggest happy event in our family. Naturally, you have to wear more grand clothes. When the imperial edict comes, everyone can't lose your decentness."

Song Nan said in astonishment, "Do you know all about this?"

The little princess said, "It's not just me, everyone knows it."

Song Nan looked around, and Song's mother, Dai Suer, Uncle Zhong, Wan'er, Li Xiaomei and so on all nodded. Song Nan rolled his eyes and said, "This Zhang Lun knows that his sister can't keep his words. Isn't telling the world? Fortunately, things are nailed, otherwise it would be a joke to spread out.

The crowd gathered into the hall, and Ye Fanggu got up and saluted with the help of Lu Qingli. Although she was a little weak, she obviously looked better after returning home. She took a bath and changed into women's clothes, and looked much more comfortable.

"Isn't it okay?" Song Nan came forward and helped Aunt Ye Fang sit down.

"I'm fine. My husband is careful." Aunt Ye Fang said.

"My cousin drank two large bowls of bone soup at noon and ate a bowl of rice." Lu Qingli said.

Song Nan smacked her tongue and said, "I eat more than I do."

Aunt Ye Fang said, "Why did Qingli say what I said like a rice bucket?"

Lu Qingli smiled and said, "No, Lang Zhong said that drinking bone soup is good for your injury. My cousin is not a rice bucket, but I am the rice bucket. Last night, I heard that my husband came back, and I was not full after eating three bowls of rice."

When everyone saw Lu Qingli's delicate appearance, Dai Suer suddenly said, "Qingli is saving enough strength."

Everyone didn't understand, and Lu Qingli herself wondered, "What should I do?"

Dai Suer said lightly, "Serving your husband, how can you do it without strength?"

Everyone was surprised and immediately smiled. Song Nan was also stunned. Dai Suer looked like a quiet book. She was originally a lady, but she didn't expect that she had the potential of a corrupt woman. Was she influenced by herself? No wonder that she has a lot of tricks in **. These pure ancient ladies also seem to have become bold, such as Dai Suer. In the past, she was only allowed to be on it, but now she blows with her mouth and sits up by herself. In short, Song Nan asked her to do something. Instead, she will not feel shy, but she is happy.

Lu Qingli shouted and rushed up to haunt Dai Suer. Dai Suer's dexterous flash and flashed behind the little princess. Lu Qingli couldn't catch anyone. She grabbed Song Zhidao, who was holding a lollipop and ate with her mouth full of saliva, and shouted, "Your mother bullied me, and my aunt, I will bully you."

Song Zhidao took out the lollipop from his mouth and said, "Auntie, don't bully Daoer. Daoer will give you a lollipop to eat."

The women were silent, and all their faces turned red after a long time. This is what Song Nan often said when she was having fun in her boudoir. Come on, I'll give you lollipops.' This is already Song Nan's mantra at the head of the bed. At this moment, it is said by a staggering child. How can it be heard?

"Little thing, you don't learn well at a young age." Lu Qingli pulled Song Zhidao's chubby face and said viciously.

Song Zhidao raised his lollipop and said, "Aunt Qing, Dao'er will give you a lollipop."

Everyone finally couldn't help changing from sneaking to laughing. Ye Fang's smiling wound was a little painful and gasping, "Don't make trouble. My mother-in-law is here. It's not good to go up or down."

"My mother-in-law went back to her room early to change her clothes, and she is about to take the order."

In the face of the rotten women in this room, Song Nan had no choice but to sigh and shake her head. She only blamed herself for breaking them all, which was called cocoon self-binding. Hearing the two words, he immediately cleaned up and said, "I need to bathe and change my clothes as soon as possible. My body stinks. Who will rub my back for me?"

The women's faces turned red and they were speechless. Dai Suer pointed to Lu Qingli and said, "Go to the strong one."

Lu Qingli stamped her feet and said, "Sister Su'er also said."

Dai Suer said, "You are serious and careless. Daoer's body is dirty. I'm going to change his clothes and wipe his body. Your cousin is inconvenient. Can you ask the princess to go? Wan'er is going to serve her mother-in-law. It can only be you.

Lu Qingli stamped her feet and said, "Just bully me."

Song Nan smiled and said, "Stop it. Qingli, go and ask someone to prepare. You can't panic for a while."

Lu Qingli quickly ordered people to prepare warm water in the wooden barrel. Song Nan went to the back house and sat for a moment, then went to the bathroom, took off all the dirty clothes all over her body, jumped into the wooden barrel and praised comfortably, "Finally, I can take a quick shower."

Lu Qingli took the fragrant pancreas and a towel, washed Song Nan's hair and rubbed her body. Her small clothes were soaked by the splashed water and stuck to her body. Song Nan stared at her strong chest and praised, "I didn't expect you to grow so big."

Lu Qingli was busy and said casually, "He is only one year younger than you. Do you still think he is a child? He has grown up a long time ago.

Song Nan stared at the two groups in front of her and nodded and said, "It's big, it's really big, it's big." While talking, two dragons poked out their claws to grab the beads and grabbed the two scattered things in their hands.

Lu Qingli's body was weak and whispered, "Husband, don't make trouble... You have to take the order later."

Song Nan picked her up and dragged her into the poke, and her hands quickly took off the wet clothes on her body, revealing her white body, ** and kissed each other. Lu Qingli's heart was hot, and she felt that it was not the right time. Her smooth body twisted in Song Nan's arms.

Song Nan had already been angry and said, "Come on, I'll give you a lollipop."


British Duke Zhang Lun came to Song Mansion with the imperial edict. The Song Mansion had already been reported and gathered in the front hall one after another. Zhang Lun strode in and took out the imperial edict without saying a word and said loudly: "Song Nan and the people of the Song Mansion knelt down to receive the decree!"

The Song Mansion suddenly knelt down in and out of the hall and listened to the imperial edict.

"According to the transportation of heaven, the emperor said. Song Nan, the commander of Jinyiwei's army and the great general of Daming Town, has been loyal to the country for several years, has been diligent and has made many remarkable achievements. At this time of crisis, he tried his best to turn the tide, defeated the Tatar pirates, and forced him to establish an alliance under the city, which was outstanding. I am deeply gratified to have this virtuous minister on my side. It is a great blessing for the country to have such a capable minister in the dynasty. In order to show his merits, I hereby add the title of Duke of Song Nan Daming and the position of deputy governor of the regiment camp to show grace.

Song Nan listened to him and couldn't help but be excited. From now on, he became the Duke of the country and brought the position of deputy governor of the regiment camp. Finally, the threshold of the regiment camp strode in by himself after several years of twists and turns, and as soon as he entered, he was the high deputy governor. Although this position is of little significance to Song Nan now, its symbolic significance is extraordinary.

The Beijing camp is dominated by the regiment camp, and the relatives who can enter the regiment camp are the common interests of the emperor. Before that, even if they are honored, they always feel different. That is to say, from now on, he has officially entered the core of the imperial power of the Ming Dynasty.

"Song's mother Wang's son was well taught, and she was specially awarded the title of a first-class wife to give a jade Buddha; Song Nan's wife, Shuyi County, claimed that her husband had merit, and added the title of second-class wife; Song Xiang, the eldest son, was awarded the title of third-class Marquis of Yunshan. Song Nan's Fang Ye family repeatedly helped to break through the enemy, and the women did not give up their eyebrows. They were specially awarded the title of first-class Shuren, and his son Song Yi was awarded the title of baron. The rest of the Song government received a reward, and the Ministry of Ceremonies sent someone to announce another decree.

"In addition, the first house of Song Nandongyuan Guogong Mansion, 5,000 mu of fertile land in Beijing, and two manors. Two hundred taels of bounty ingots and 300 pieces of silk cloth, I personally gave you a ring. I admire this."

There was a lot of talk, and finally read the imperial edict. The people in Song Mansion were still quiet and no one reacted. Zhang Lun smiled and put down the imperial edict and said with a smile, "Don't you thank me?"