Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 745 Counterattack

"In my opinion, Yang Shou's words are just empty talk." Song Nan said faintly.

Yang Tinhe turned his head and looked at Song Nan and said, "Duke Zhen, what I said did not deny your credit. Don't get me wrong. Don't rush to come out to talk."

Song Nan pointed to his nose and said, "Am I in a hurry? I think Yang Shoufu is in a hurry. I am the person involved in everything. If you don't listen to my report on this matter first, you will hurriedly come to a conclusion. It's your Yang Shoufu who has a problem in mind.

The ministers were very excited and stared at the play one by one. Originally, today's early morning was a happy and harmonious early morning. In everyone's idea, there would be no quarrel today, but now it seems that this idea is a big mistake. At present, Song Nan, the new Duke of Zhen, and Yang Tin He, the chief auxiliary of the cabinet, have a strong smell of gunpowder in their mouths. It seems that a good show is about to begin.

Yang Tinghe laughed and said, "Is there a terrier in my heart? What the Duke of Zhen said is very speechless. I, Yang Tinghe, and no one are embarrassed. I have never done anything wrong with people. Am I right? It was a major decision made by the court. You made the decision alone in front of you. If I say that you are out of line, I'm afraid it's not too much.

The ministers were full of anger. Song Nan did have a problem with this matter, but it coincided with the decision of the imperial court. When the defeat of the Tatar soldiers and horses to celebrate the country, no one wanted to mention this matter and did not want to be the troublemaker, but Yang Shoufu said it, and many officials immediately echoed. With the leading sheep, the sheep behind are naturally not afraid of anything.

"What Yang Shoufu said is that he made a negotiation and alliance with the Tatar Kingdom with his words. If the court meant to fight to the death with the Tatar people, wouldn't he be a big deal?"

"That is, this matter is a national policy. Anyway, he has to ask the court to make a decision first. Even if he defeats the Tasan soldiers and horses, he can't make a decision on behalf of the court. To put it small, this is called overstep, and to large, this is... that is..."

"Shh... Stop talking, let's listen to his defense. Didn't you see the emperor's face change? We'd better get less together, so as not to get a bad end.

The ministers buzzed and private discussions in his ears. Song Nan's heart bumped angrily and finally broke out. He stretched out his feet and kicked the underground futon into the air. The broken futon broke, and the willow grass stuffed in it fell down one after another, and the steps of Zhengde was in a mess.

"Soong Nan, what are you going to do? This is a roaring and disrespectful crime in front of the emperor. Yang Tinhe was shocked, but quickly calmed down and shouted in a low voice.

Song Nan's face was pale and shouted angrily, "Don't put a big hat on me. I'm not angry at the emperor. I know this is in front of the emperor in the court. Otherwise, I will not kick this futon, but your buttocks."


"No rudeness."

"The Duke of China is self-respecting."

The people in the outer court of the cabinet opened their mouths to condemn, and Zhengde also frowned. Although he was emotionally biased towards Song Nan, he also thought that Song Nan's behavior and words were too much and contemptuous of the court.

"Have you seen it? The Duke of Zhen was too disgemonious. Is this the behavior of the important ministers of the court? How can there be any majesty in this square inch of the court? I asked the emperor to punish his behavior. If there is merit, he should be rewarded. Only when there is a must-have punishment can the reward and punishment be clear and calm everyone's anger.

Zhengde frowned at Song Nan and said, "Song Nan, what are you doing? It's too scorpous."

Song Nan said loudly, "If the emperor wants to punish but by virtue, even if he takes away my position as a prince, he will not complain, but I want to make it clear today that I can't be slandered by others."

Yang Tinghe sneered, "Isn't what we said true? You reached a peace agreement with the Taters before the imperial court issued the decree. Have you asked the court for instructions? Even if it coincides with the agreement of the court, the court meant to take this opportunity to make the Taters bow down, but you missed this opportunity in vain, didn't you?

Song Nan laughed wildly, and the corners of her eyes were full of tears.

Yang Tinghe didn't move his sleeves and said quietly, "I'd like to ask what I said."

Song Nan stopped laughing and spat, "Yang Shoufu simply changed his surname to Zhao."

Yang Tinghe said with an iron face: "Why?"

"Because in that case, I can change the name of Yang Shoufu to Zhao Kuo. No... You can talk more on paper than him, and you are talking nonsense."

"To be clear, how can I talk about what I said on paper?"

"Yang Shoufu, when you went to my house and invited me to lead the army, that's not what it is now. Since Yang Shoufu is so strategic, why didn't you take the initiative to lead the army to fight?"

"Joke, if I do the matter of leading troops to war, what do you military officers want to do? The minister's duty is to assist the emperor in sorting out government affairs and formulating national strategies, not to lead troops to war.

"Good to say. You admit that you are not proficient in the war, and how do you know what this war will bring? How can you conclude that the Taters will bow down? More than 100 years after the founding of the founding of the Ming Dynasty, can you go through the books to find out? Have you ever had a precedent of Tatar submission?

Yang Tinghe said arrogantly, "There is no precedent. If this dynasty can make such a creative move, it is a move that can't be achieved by capable people."

Song Nan nodded and smiled and said, "It turns out that there are many ways to leave a name in history. For example, if you take off your clothes and run around this hall naked, and keep this matter will last forever. History books will record that on a certain day in a certain month of a certain year, Yang Ting, the head of the cabinet of a certain dynasty, ran naked in the hall. Isn't it easy and convenient? Why is it so troublesome?"

The ministers laughed loudly, and the marquis laughed unscrupulously. Even Zhengde felt that Song Nan's proposal was very interesting and sat on the dragon seat to hide his mouth.

Yang Ting and his eyes glanced at the hall, and suddenly there was a hidden dry cough. The ministers tried their best to resist laughing and cough to adjust the rippled muscles on their faces.

"I would like to remind you again that you are an important minister of the Ming Dynasty, and you are even more valuable as the Duke of Zhen. You are not a person who slaughter dogs and pigs in the market. It is not the face of others, but your own people." Yang Ting and Jing said quietly.

Song Nan said, "Don't you allow me to open the river? You said that the court was determined to submit the State of Tatar to me this time. Do you dare to ask, is this the meaning put forward by the emperor or your Yang Tinghe?

Yang Tinhe said, "This is the result of the court."

Song Nan said, "Don't be careless. In my opinion, it is your wishful thinking."

Yang Tinghe said angrily, "What? Isn't this an opportunity?"

Song Nan sneered again, and his cold voice echoed in the hall: "Yang Shoufu should experience these battles first-time, especially the battle on the Yanchi Great Wall. Do you know how many Ming men's blood is sprinkled on the Great Wall? Do you know how fierce the attack of the Tahs is? Up and down the Great Wall, the bones of my Ming man piled up like a mountain, and the blood flowing out flooded the instep. After the war, the burned corpses were higher than the hill. Go and see the scene and talk again.

Everyone was creepy when they heard it, and Song Nan's voice was low, and it was cool behind the spines of the ministers in the palace.

Yang Tinghe said, "I said that I am not a war official. These Ming men died for the glory of the Ming Dynasty. The court will be kind to them. They are soldiers of the Ming Dynasty and should be loyal to the emperor. Not to mention them, it's not surprising that you and I died on the battlefield.

Song Nan sneered and said, "It's so domineering and crowned, but it doesn't hurt to stand and talk. Of course, they died for the emperor's loyalty and the Ming Dynasty. But do you know why they died? That's because of the fierceness and cunning of Tart. I calculated the route of the entry of the Caritas and chased and killed the siege all the way. In the case of more than 10,000 soldiers and horses left, their choice was not to surrender, but to inform the soldiers and horses in the territory to break through the siege and intend to break through the Great Wall Pass. That's why the battle on the Great Wall happened.

Song Nan lowered her head and meditated for a long time and continued, "Your Majesty, my lords, the tartans are far from exhausted as we thought. They have the fighting spirit that is not inferior to my Ming Dynasty. A dog may be able to be domesticated, but a wolf will never be domesticated. Because of its wolf nature, they will always show their tusks and bite when we are unprepared. If I hadn't personally experienced the deadly war with thetars, I might have agreed with your beautiful vision of forcing thetars to submit to my dynasty. But after all this, I can only say that all this is delusional. Tarta will not submit. They are wolves, and they are born to bite people.

Song Nan's voice was clear and bright, echoing in the hall, and word by word was clearly sent to the ears of more than 100 Zhengde emperors and ministers. The ministers were silent and frowned and meditated.