Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 752 Wish

Although Zhu Fengtong is a self-loving person, she has decided to only be Song Nan's confidant a long time ago. Unfortunately, people are a strange animal. When Song Nan respects her choice, does not harass her much, and tries to keep a distance from her, Zhu Fengtong feels a trace of loss.

In recent years, he has lived in the capital and met Song Nan a lot, but the more Song Nan did not mention the matter between the two, the worse Zhu Fengtong was. Fortunately, from Song Nan's eyes, Zhu Fengtong could feel his desire for himself, which was somewhat comforted.

In fact, Zhu Fengtong also knows that the so-called confidant is just self-deception. Song Nan will force her to kiss and touch her, which is not something that should be done between confidants, but Song Nan has never taken the initiative to ask more excessively.

For more than two years, the relationship between Zhu Fengtong and Song Nan has always stayed at this stage. As Song Nan's officials get bigger and bigger and more things happen, there are fewer and fewer opportunities for Zhu Fengtong and Song Nan to meet. Although he is the major shareholder of the Song family consortium, Zhu Fengtong rarely has the opportunity to be alone with Song Nan. In addition to communicating with several mothers and housekeepers assigned by Song Fu, it is difficult to have a reason to let Song Nan go out in person.

Zhu Fengtong began to feel that the distance between him and Song Nan was getting farther and farther. She began to re-examine her relationship with Song Nan. She believed that if it went on like this, she would gradually be forgotten by Song Nan and become a dispensable shadow around Song Nan. People like Song Nan must have no time to chase to the end for a prey. Judging from Song Nan's past experience, most of the women around him admire him, worship him, and even put down to cater to him. After winning his heart, Song Nan will also treat them wholeheartedly, and few of Song Nan will take the initiative to pursue a shameless hand.

If Zhu Fengtong still maintains the mood of being alone and keeping the vow of not to marry when she was widowed, the problem is that her mood has already become subtle; if she doesn't see Song Nan for a few days, she will specize Song Nan's words and smile, and even have the impulse to see him; sometimes she finds an excuse to go to Song Mansion and listen to several Song House. When the mistress proudly said that her husband was like this, Zhu Fengtong would feel an inexplicable jealousy and feel that she was alone from beginning to end. Looking at Dai Suer, Ye Fanggu and other children around their knees and satisfied, Zhu Fengtong would replace herself with it and have the strange idea of 'how wonderful it would be if I had the day when I had children with Song Nan'.

In a word, Zhu Fengtong knew that he had entered a quagmire and could not extricate himself. Song Nan was the only one who could help him. The problem is that he rejected Song Nan at the beginning, and Song Nan is also a good face. He will never mention this matter again, and Song Nan has not been alone with him for a long time. Maybe he has long regarded himself as an object to hunt.

With these strange thoughts, Zhu Fengtong suffered deeply. After taking care of her business every day, she sat in the backyard of the house. She walked alone, stroked the piano alone, and watched the long white clouds floating in the sky alone. Every night, she still couldn't sleep. Qingluan and others around her were anxious in her eyes. But there is no way to help her.

Song Nan went to the northwest to fight. In the past two months, Zhu Fengtong's longing for Song Nan reached its peak. She was not worried about Song Nan's safety. In Ningxia, Song Nan gave her the impression that she could do everything and what she promised would be done. Song Nan dared to lead the expedition. , that is, well prepared. She just regrets that she is not even qualified to say goodbye to him and bless him as a family member at such a critical time.

In two months, Zhu Fengtong remembered the bits and pieces he had spent with Song Nan countless times, the nights above the west building of the Qingwang Mansion in Ningxia, and the dishonest man beside him, sleeping. He put his legs on his body and held the feeling of kneading the double pills on his chest. Thinking of Song Nan's enthusiastic kiss, the disappointment in Song Nan's eyes after being rejected by him, and everything he remembered made Zhu Fengtong's heart painful.

Finally, on the day of Song Nan's triumph, Zhu Fengtong couldn't help welcoming him and stood behind Song's wife and concubines. Looking at Song Nan's and concubines and children's intimate reunion, Zhu Fengtong suddenly understood that the happiness he wanted was readily available, and he only needed to throw away the confinement he set for himself; the former Ningwangfu County What about the Lord and the identity of widowhood? I am just an ordinary woman, and what I need is ordinary happiness.

The short meeting with Song Nan on the long street rekindled Zhu Fengtong's hope. The small flame burning in Song Nan's eyes was seen by Zhu Fengtong. Zhu Fengtong knew that Song Nan did not give up on himself. The only thing she needed was to take the initiative.

So today she ordered Qingluan to send a letter to invite Song Nan to dinner. She had never made such an invitation before, so that Song Nan had not even stepped into her home in the same capital. This invitation was a gesture of opening herself. Zhu Fengtong hinted at Song Nan with such a hidden little attitude that she Xin, Song Nan understands what she thinks.

However, after waiting for Song Nan not to come, Zhu Fengtong's heart sank into the cold pool. The sun set, the first update, the second update, and the second update. Time is passing, and Song Nan did not come. The meal was heated several times and put on and removed. Finally, Zhu Fengtong believed that Song Nan would not come. She resolutely stopped Qingluan's suggestion to urge Song Nan. She believed that if there was fate, Song Nan would definitely come tonight. If there was no fate, it would be meaningless to urge him.

In the quiet night in the back garden, she was depressed and felt sorry for herself. The phoenix flowing out of her fingertips was the expression of emotions in her heart at this time.

"There are beauties, and I will never forget them. I haven't seen you for a day, and I'm thinking like crazy. The phoenix soared and asked for the phoenix all over the world. But she is a beautiful woman, not on the east wall. I will speak the piano and talk about it from the bottom of my heart. When will you see Xu Xi and comfort me? I hope that words are worthy of virtue and join hands with each other. I can't fly and make me die."

"I will die, and I will think like crazy. Song Nan, you didn't love me deeply. You don't understand how brave my invitation was. You know I'm not an easy person to fall in love with until I met you. I'm in a quagmire now, but you don't come to save me.

While playing Yaoqin, Zhu Fengtong's tears fell down. She was really sad and desperate. Suddenly, Zhu Fengtong only used a few breaths to identify Song Nan's voice. She resisted to stop playing the piano and rushed into the man's arms. She wanted to enjoy this moment. She played the piano by herself and her beloved sang. Song, what a wonderful night it is.

The man stood under the pavilion, with the same grace and cunning smile. The reason he gave was that his men forgot to report. Zhu Fengtong couldn't wait to kick the confused hand out of Jiuxiaoyun. Do you know that your forgetting has made me suffer here for a few hours? Does it make me heartbroken? You bastard!

He was still the same Song Nan. He was still full of desire for himself. Zhu Fengtong's heart suddenly fell down. When Song Nan rushed up and pressed herself on the porch pillar to kiss, Zhu Fengtong was almost suffocated. She responded actively and took the initiative to hug Song Nan tightly and couldn't wait to integrate herself into his body. Li. After the kiss, Zhu Fengtong's heart was confused, and she saw that Song Nan's heart was also confused.

After that, the conversations about bonds and meals are all dispensable combinations. I just want to say one sentence in my heart. You want me. I will follow you, and I will never be unrestrained and suffer again. The man obviously knew his mind. The happiness in his flashing eyes must have been captured by him. He understood his mind. This bad guy knew everything in his heart.

"Then what should we talk about?" Zhu Fengtong asked.

"Wind and Moon." Song Nan smiled and said, "What else can we talk about on such a night without talking about the wind and moon?" I don't want to waste this night. Tonight is very beautiful; the moon is in the treetops, the wind is blowing gently, and the osmanthus trees in your garden are quietly blooming, secretly emitting fragrance. On such a night, it is a crime not to talk about the wind and moon.

Song Nan spoke softly in poetic language and ** voice. Zhu Fengtong was not very drunk. With a few glasses of sake, and this poetic language, she was already drunk.

"The slave... also thinks so."

"What did you say?" Song Nan slowly stood up.

Zhu Fengtong lowered his head and said nothing. Song Nan didn't want to ask anything more. Action was the best expression. He picked up Zhu Fengtong, who was as light as Hongyu, and kissed her rich lips. Zhu Fengtong put his hand around Song Nan's neck and waywardly put his tongue into Song Nan's mouth. Song Nan gasped and his body became hot. After kissing for a moment, the palm of his hand has leaned into the thin shirt and swam on Zhu Fengtong's plump body.

Zhu Fengtong did not stop it, but straightened her chest, allowing Song Nan to grasp her strong body more firmly. She could feel a hard thing like iron against her lower abdomen, which made her almost unconscious.

"I'm going to eat you." Song Nan whispered. After saying that, he blew out the dim yellow wind lamp hanging on the pavilion and plunged into the faint moonlight. Then, Zhu Fengtong felt that his body was slightly cool, and suddenly found that his thin shirt and long skirt had been removed by Song Nan, and his white body was faintly dizzy in the moonlight.

"Sir..." Zhu Fengtong whispered weakly: "Go to the small house behind, where... there is a soft couch."

Song Nan smiled and said, "So you have been prepared."

Zhu Fengtong beat Song Nan's body feebly and said anxiously, "Who is prepared? The slave family often stays here very late, and Qingluan set up a soft couch in Xiaoxie to let me rest when I'm tired..."

Song Nan smiled and said, "So it is."

Zhu Fengtong's body was picked up and went down the pavilion like a cloud. Behind him was hidden in the trees. Song Nan put Zhu Fengtong, who was nearly **, on the soft couch, quickly removed his clothes, and bent down in an oppressive posture.

"Miss Fengtong, I have thought about today countless times, but I didn't expect my dream to come true."

"Don't say it, that's what you want." Zhu Fengtong blushed and stretched out his white lotus-like arms to hook Song Nan's head and neck.

Where is Song Nan still hesitating? He held his position and his hot body was strong. Zhu Fengtong screamed and was huge. The thing penetrated the body through the thorns and fell into the endless sea of bliss.

(Do I have the potential to write female frequency? The book review area is at the top of the comment post, and you go to have a look and express your opinions.)