Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 765 Military Tricks

On the sixth day of October, a dusty army came out of the sea of sand and appeared on the open grassland east of the mouth.

It's like coming out of the local legend of sand sea ghosts. This army of tens of thousands of troops are all wearing masks, covered with sand all over their bodies. The dust raised by the sand walking on the grassland looks like these are made of sand.

Ser Tatar teenagers who played grazing on the grassland first saw a group of soldiers and horses coming out of the desert. They looked at these people who kept coming out of the sand dates and sand willow trees. First, they were surprised, followed by fear. After discussion, they immediately rode their horses and flew back to the small town. The news of the resurrection of the ghost army in the desert is transmitted everywhere.

Originally, only more than 1,000 herdsmen gathered in Yingkou Town, and more than 300 Tatari soldiers were stationed there. After figuring out the situation, the Tatari herdsmen and soldiers fell into panic. Although it is a hundred miles away from the Wuhai Sea in front of us, and there is also an insurmountable desert in the middle, the news that the Wuhai Sea was captured by the Ming army was much faster than that of the Ming army. They also learned two days ago that the Wuhai fell and Dayan Khan retreated to defend Hangjin. Suddenly, tens of thousands of Ming troops who captured the Wuhai came out of the desert. How could they not let their souls fly away?

Forbid, these Ming troops looked like fierce gods one by one, but they were exhausted when they had just walked out of the desert. By the small Qing River flowing on the grassland, these sand people rushed into the river one by one to drink water to clean the dirt, and tossed a clear river like the water of the Yellow River. Kan.

The people and soldiers had no time to complain about the rudeness of the Ming army. They knew that when the soldiers of the Ming army regained their physical strength and anger, that was the beginning of the tragedy. The rumors that the Ming army killed and ate human flesh without blinking an eye made them regard the Ming army as the devil, so they decisively took advantage of the gap during this period. Choose to escape.

Therefore, within two hours of the Ming army's rest, the whole town was empty. More than a thousand people and Tatar soldiers had already abandoned it and rowed to the north bank of the Yellow River on a sheepskin raft crossing the river. The other side was Linhe County, where more than 3,000 Tatar soldiers and horses were stationed there. With them, there was a river across The Yellow River will be much more secure.

Song Nan dug out a large pile of wet sand from his ears. Wherever there were holes in his nostrils, his mouth, his eyes and ears were filled with sand when he crossed the sea of sand behind him. Although Song Nan made arrangements based on the experience of several expeditions in the desert in later generations and dealt with various problems in the desert, it was still extremely difficult for the whole army to cross. Hundreds of soldiers and many supplies were lost along the way. Many soldiers were lost while walking, and then went all the way to the depths of the desert. No chance of turning back. Several Tirana guides found in Wuhai played a key role in advance. At first, Song Nan was careful that they would deliberately lead the wrong way. Every once in a while, Song Nan sent someone to verify whether the direction they pointed out was correct. The simple north needle is the best way to test. Later, Song Nan found that these zars guides were not people who sacrificed their lives for righteousness, and they also wanted to survive, so they did not do anything.

The wet army camped on the spot to make a fire, dry their clothes, eat a hot meat porridge, and then have a good sleep. This is the best way to recover their physical strength. Therefore, even if the cavalry reported that the Tart soldiers and people in the town of Qikou fled one after another and that more than a dozen ships on the bank of the Yellow River in the north were burned, Song Nan did not take any action. He knew that the first priority now was to quickly restore physical strength and morale, and everything else was secondary.

In the evening, after the sunset fell on the western mountain, the dusk on the empty grassland, and the north wind made people chilly. A group of cavalry is speeding north to the bank of the torrential Yellow River. The roaring Yellow River was right in front of my eyes. The turbid waves under the embankment were surging, and the yellow torrent was wrapped in trees and sand, and even the horses were shocked and silent.

Looking at more than a dozen wooden boats burned to ashes on a slightly flat shore, Song Nan frowned and saw that this was the place where the Tarans fled in Takou Town this morning. The turbid waves in front of the river in front of him did not look like a good place to cross the river, and I don't know how those Tarans crossed the Yellow River. Song Nan knows that such a river crossing place is by no means suitable for a large army to cross the river; soldiers do not know the water, but the most important thing is that horse rockets and heavy materials cannot be transported across the Yellow River, which is absolutely impossible.

"Your Excellency, on the other side is Linhe County, and the foggy place east of the cliff is the entrance to the Hara River. The terrain here is so dangerous that it may be difficult for the army to cross the river." Wan Zhidao.

Song Nan nodded and said, "It's not only difficult. It's simply impossible to cross it. If the heavy firearms can't be crossed without a large ship, it's all up to the small boat carrying people. I'm afraid the number of our ships is not enough. No matter how good Xu Tai is, he can't get the hundreds of boats and rafts we collected across the desert. It seems that he needs to think of another way.

Wan Zhi said, "What your excellency said is that there are also a lot of people stationed on the opposite side. This kind of place should be a place guarded by heavy troops of the people. After all, this Linhe Town is the outpost of the Tart Urat flag, which is directly related to the abdominal back passage in the south of the east of the Taro wolf.

Song Nan smiled and said, "On the contrary, the more dangerous the river is, the fewer the soldiers and horses there will be. Don't you hear the words of a man? However, in a few days, Linhe County on the other side will be a place where heavy troops gather. If there is no accident, the main force of baldness will reach the other side in three or five days at most.

Wan Zhi was surprised and said, "Are they that fast? It takes four or five hundred miles to return from Hangjin to the north bank and get here.

Song Nan said, "Slowly speaking, it is four or 500 miles, even if it is double the distance, the baldness will definitely arrive quickly. They have horses to walk for them. Even if they are tired horses, they will not allow us to run behind their abdomen."

Wan Zhi said hurriedly, "In this case, we have to cross the river in front of them. Aren't they still three or five days away? Let's figure it out in these three or five days.

Song Nan turned his horse's head and said, "I can't think of a way. Go back to the camp and ask the generals to brainstorm together. I really have nothing I can do."

The meeting on how to cross the Yellow River here has been deadlocked from the beginning. If it is just to cross the river, you can make various rafts on the spot to try, but the problem is that the general requires 35 Mrs. Song rockets that will be transported here with the army to cross the Yellow River, as well as a large amount of sand. The supplies, food, arrows, ammunition and other things on the sled immediately put everyone in silence.

This is the Yellow River, not the calm Dusitu River on the shore of Bulong Lake. It is claimed that a piece of goose feathers will be involved in the Yellow River at the bottom of the river. It is not easy for people to cross the river. How can we talk about the golden and noble firearms?

Song Nan held his cheek and looked at the sad faces of the crowd, which was a little funny. In silence, Jiang Bin finally couldn't calm down and said, "General, before you came here, you didn't say that you couldn't cross the river at all. When we set out, you deliberately spread the news with great fanfare to let the baldness know that we went north to attack the mouth. If we had known this, we shouldn't have done that, otherwise we would have spent a few days thinking about how to cross the river. Now, while talking, the Taris gathered to defend on the other side, but we have no way to cross the river, alas.

Song Nan said lightly, "It's not mine to say so."

Jiang Bin hurriedly said, "I don't blame you. You must not know that you can't cross the river here."

Song Nan shook her head and said, "I really don't know, but what does it matter? In fact, I didn't want to cross the Yellow River at all. I just did this to attract the baldness to shrink the north bank of the Yellow River. Now it seems that my goal has been achieved. Xu Tai sent people to send the news that in addition to leaving a small group of soldiers to defend Hangjin, he led 20,000 cavalry to shrink from the flag in front of Urat to the river and rush here through Wuyuan. That is to say, there is basically no main force of the Tak on the south bank of the Yellow River.

Jiang Bin said, "I know that Xu Tai has divided 5,000 soldiers and horses and will attack Hangjin, and then sweep away the remnant enemies on the south bank of the Yellow River. These are all our plans, but the problem now is how can we take the Tartans on the north bank of the Yellow River, and we can't even cross the river, and how to complete the recovery and consolidation you said. In the Hetao area, the establishment of Dongshengwei, Daningwei and other health centers will be restored north of the Yellow River once and for all?

Song Nan smiled and said, "Lord Jiang is really impatient."

Didn't you say that time waits for no one? It's getting colder day by day, and we can't wait any longer.

Song Nan laughed and said, "At this moment, I'm not blindly afraid of the cold weather. As long as the supply line is smooth, I don't care about fighting with the Taran in the ice and snow. Let's wait for the news. If the baldness has indeed withdrawn all the main forces to the north coast, then our supply line is unimpeded. After Xu Tai eliminates the remnants of the enemy, I don't mind the heavy snow and freezing with the Tart.

But what's the benefit to us? We still can't cross the river to seize the land on the north bank of the Yellow River.

"Wrong, the weather is extremely cold, which is an easy thing for crossing the river. Although it can't be done here, after dozens of corners, the water will become relatively smooth, and there will be a thick layer of ice there. At that time, not to mention people and horses, as long as our rockets are installed on the bottom It's also easy to cross the river.

"Ah?" Everyone was surprised. It turned out that the general had this idea and had always vowed to warn everyone to fight quickly. At this time, it would be delayed until it was freezing. The general was an idea in the blink of an eye, and everyone could not keep up with his pace at all.

"Of course, I personally don't recommend staying up to the freezing moment of the river. Although it is relatively easy to cross the river, our soldiers are afraid of the cold, which is not good for the battle. In fact, I have ordered people to start making tools for crossing the river, but this thing is suitable for crossing the river where the water flow is gentle, so the location I chose is a river 30 miles downstream; that is the location chosen by Wanzhi and people personally.

"Is it shipbuilding? I'm afraid it's too late." Everyone was very confused.

"Well, I'll take you to have a look tomorrow morning. By the way, everyone will also give me some advice. After all, this is the first time I have made this thing. Maybe there is something that needs to be improved. Well, that's all for tonight. You have a good rest these days and enjoy the scenery of the grassland. In a few days, we will have to fight hard and have no more time.

Song Nan spoke, picked up the teacup with a smile and took a sip. The generals resigned one after another and returned to the camp.