Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 767 Air Bombing

In fact, all the actions of the Ming army did not escape the pry of the tarot camp on the opposite shore, not to mention the distant peeping of some of the taranian sentry scattered on the south bank, and the message to the north bank with eagles to the busy scene of thousands of people in the Ming army, which can also be observed by the naked eye of the talts on the opposite shore.

Although the location for building the corridor bridge is on the bank of the Yellow River, 30 miles east of the Ming army camp, Song Nan chose it not because he needed to avoid the ears and eyes of the Tatars, but just for one purpose. The open water flow of the river here is relatively slow, which is the best place to build the corridor bridge.

In fact, the Ming army did not take any confidentiality measures at all. Whether it is the noise and busyness of thousands of people or the lighting when building the covered bridges at night, it will make the Tatari soldiers on the other side vigilant and explore at the first time. He quickly figured out what the Ming army was doing. How could he tolerate the Ming army building a pontoon bridge under his nose with such a big fanfare?

Therefore, a stunned scene appeared. When the corridor bridge was built in the middle of the night, it was close to the heart of the Yellow River, and it became more and more difficult. Everyone racked their brains to find a way to tame the disobedient wooden corridors impacted by the current, but they didn't notice that the danger had come.

Putting aside the doubts that the bald can finally be exposed by the eagle cannon, he ordered people to pull ten eagle cannons to set up on the high ground on the north coast. In the quiet night, the huge roar resounded on the earth, shocking the night birds on the grassland and the beasts ran away; the roaring shells fell on both sides of the corridor bridge, and some of them died directly. In the middle, the huge waves and the dust all over the sky were set off. In just a short time, nearly 500 soldiers and craftsmen who built the corridor bridge and more than 100 broken wooden corridors were bombarded. The wooden corridor, which was blown into wood chips, was out of control with flames and drifted away along the river in the dark night. The soldiers who fell into the water could not swim back to the shore at all. In the cold river, they only needed a cup of tea time to drift with the waves like a piece of wood.

Song Nan immediately took people to the scene when she received the report and looked at the Yellow River in the dawn. A dragon-like winding bridge had been fragmented, leaving only 34 sections on the bank still across the river. The river was full of soldiers' bodies and floating logs that were hit by the rapids to the shore. It's terrible.

The generals who came were also stunned, and their mood sank to the cold bottom of the river with the dead soldiers.

The Ttars have the Condor Cannon, and they actually have this daunting firearm. If you fight face to face, it's not too empty, but this is crossing the river. With this cannon defending on the opposite bank, the pontoon bridge will never be built.

Song Nan's face was pale, biting his lower lip and his eyes spewing anger, and the Tatar suddenly had another eagle cannon, which he didn't expect; he didn't understand why the Tatar had to give up Wuhai because he had this firearm. This thing went to the head of the city, which was a nightmare for attacking the city.

Song Nan has no time to think about the idea of the Tartars. Now what she needs to think about is how to cross the Yellow River. With the cannon on the other side, what kind of pontoon bridge, what kind of ship forced to cross and what to wait for the frozen river to cross the river have become a delusion. As soon as the cannon is bombarded, all the ice surface of the pontoon ships will be broken. Even if it is a strong crossing regardless of casualties, it may not be able to Successful enough.

"It's over. It seems that this method doesn't work. There are so many tricks for dog tartars. I don't know how many cannons they have stationed on the other side. If there are 30 or 50 doors, I'm afraid they can only fly over with wings." A general lamented.

Song Nan's heart moved and suddenly shouted, "Well, I flew over with wings."

The general was shocked and quickly apologized, "The general is angry and speaks unscrupulously. It's really wrong to say such dejective words."

Song Nan waved her hand and smiled and said, "I don't blame you, but thank you."

The generals were stunned. Is the general angry? This is obviously discouraging, and I would like to thank others.

Song Nan squeaked her lips and said, "The bridge was blown up. Although the loss was not small, how can it be a blessing? Otherwise, we don't know that the flying eagle cannon of thetar can still be used. Obviously, we want to use these things when we cross the river. Imagine, if he let us cross the river, wait for us to pass 50 or 10,000 people, and then blow up the covered bridge and cut off the subsequent soldiers and horses to the south bank, won't the past soldiers and horses become his dishes? What's the frustration of seeing his secret at the cost of the covered bridge and allowing us to avoid huge losses?

The generals nodded and agreed, and Jiang Bin spread out his hands and said, "That being said, how can we cross this river?"

"Fly over." Song Nan said, "Didn't this brother say that just now?"

Jiang Bin rolled his eyes and said, "General Zuo just complains casually. Why do you always make fun of him? When I come back, I will demote him."

Song Nan waved his hand and said, "Who made fun of him?" The way is to fly over. If the eagle cannon is not removed, the Yellow River will not be able to pass. Like the Battle of the Great Wall, these things must be destroyed first.

"But how can this be destroyed? It's across a river. The generals were puzzled.

Song Nan said, "So General Zuo's words just reminded me that I would send someone to fly over and destroy these cannons, and then the bridge can be built. Ma Ming immediately gathered all the cattle and sheep left by the carats on the grassland and slaughtered them; I only need cowhide and sheepskin, which should be complete when peeled and must not be broken. All the peeled fur is dried by the bonfire and scraped off. The thinner the hair, the better.

"...What are you going to do?" Ma Ming scratched his head and said, "Aren't these cattle and sheep exchanged for money to pay off their debts as trophies?"

Song Nan said, "I have no choice but to give up my love. Continue to build wooden corridors here, but don't be in a hurry to build them. Only after the Condor cannon is solved can the covered bridge be built.

The generals were confused and didn't know what Song Nan was going to do, but since they were ordered, they would naturally do it immediately. Ma Ming killed all the thousands of cattle and sheep that the people didn't have time to take away. He tightened the intact fur and put them next to the bonfire to dry. After scraping off the outer fur, it became a thin elastic layer of translucent skin. After hundreds of intact furs were dried, they were sent to the open space in front of Song Nan's tent that afternoon.

Dozens of generals gathered around to watch the bustle, but Song Nan personally rolled up his sleeves and sewed the thin skin together with a large iron needle, and closed them on both sides to make a semi-circular funnel-shaped ball. Then tie the four corners with a thick rope. After tethering a basket at the bottom of the rope, Song Nan wiped his sweat and said, "Let's try it to work."

Four soldiers carried the four corners of the opening under the cowhide funnel. Song Nan ignited it with a basin of fire oil. As the heat steamed, the cowhide gradually expanded into an irregular circle and slowly stood up to the sky. After another meal, several soldiers felt that they could not hold the cowhide ball. In a flash, the two soldiers took off their hands, and the cowhide ball rose from the ground and flew to the sky with Song Nan, who was squatting in the basket below.

Song Nan shouted excitedly and quickly extinguished the flames in the fire with an iron cover. Seven or eight soldiers below worked hard together to drag Song Nan and the big cowhide ball down from the floating state.

The generals and the soldiers around couldn't believe their eyes. Looking at all this stupidly, Jiang Bin squeaked and shouted, "How can this... be? How did you do it?"

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's just a Kongming lamp. This is just a huge Kongming lamp. The difference is that our Kongming lamp can take people to fly."

At this time, everyone understood what Song Nan meant by flying across the river. It turned out that they wanted to fly across the Yellow River with this large Kongming lamp. However, they obviously made a mistake again, and Song Nan's next explanation made them fully understand what they were going to do.

"Make dozens of these things, uh... I'd better call it a hot air balloon. The hot air balloon flew across the Yellow River to the other side, and the soldiers above could use the hand developed by our arsenal. Thunder is thrown down, which is called air bombing. The Tatar cannon can't bombard these hot air balloons with its muzzle up. At most, it's just shooting with bows and arrows, but you all know the difficulty of shooting moving targets in the air. The primary goal of the hot air balloon is to bomb the location of the eagle cannon, with only a few hands. Thunder can destroy a cannon and make it unrepairable for at least a few hours. Then we can set up a covered bridge to cross the river.

Everyone praised it repeatedly. This method is really wonderful. At present, under the command of Song Nan, the soldiers of the guard battalion started together. The thick palms of the gun and knife flew up and down the needle line this time, and the skins of the animals were densely sewn into shapes according to Song Nan's requirements. The night was busy, and by dawn, 38 hot air balloons were all made.

Song Nan has made some improvements for them, such as the firepower adjustment of the lower brazier, which can be adjusted by the size of the opening or the height of the balloon. In addition, the lower basket is also hung with sandbags, which is easier to lift and adjust. This time, 76 thin soldiers were selected in the Shenshu camp. Each balloon carried two people, one was responsible for adjusting the lifting and the other throwing hand. Ray.

In the morning, on the grass behind, all the hot air balloons conducted a drill. Except for the two balloons, which were too simple and the center of gravity was unstable. Soon after the lift-off, it went out of control and directly became fireballs and fell on the grassland. The remaining 36 balloons successfully rose to dozens of feet high. .

The drum beats below, and the soldiers above throw a round of hands. Thunder, after the explosion, dozens of big pits suddenly appeared on the grassland. Although the throwing accuracy is average, it at least shows that this method is feasible.

In the excitement of the group, Song Nan himself was also a little excited. But he knew that the simple hot air balloon was extremely dangerous and difficult to control the direction; if there was no wind assistance after the sky, it would not necessarily fly towards the target. Moreover, the soldiers on these balloons are basically impossible to survive. There is no way to calculate how long the fuel on them can last. If half of the road is burned out, the whole balloon will become a free falling ball, and people will be thrown into mud. Even if there is enough fuel, the arrows on the ground and the place to land after the bomb is in the control area of the tartar, and these people are likely to survive.

Song Nan told them this without hesitation, and finally sincerely wished them that they could land safely and live until the army crossed the river to find them. Thirty-six soldiers of the Shenshu Battalion knew that the general had placed his hopes on them, and clapped their chests one by one, saying that they would definitely live up to their mission.