Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 779 Good things are approaching

Although the development process of the matter is a little uncontrollable, for example, the Empress Dowager's initial list of people from Ning Wang's lineage was removed, which was quite scratching her head. However, Liang Chu is the person entrusted by the Empress Dowager to be in charge of the selection. He has many ways to do. Many eligible royal children have been crowned by Liang Chu for various inappropriate reasons, such as age problems, character problems, stains in the family, etc. Liang Chu's comments are exaggerated, so that Empress Dowager Zhang has to rule out one after another. In the end, I found that no one was suitable.

Therefore, Liang Chu was afraid of throwing out Zhu's bloodline theory, saying that the bloodline left by the great ancestor should be in the selection of candidates, and should not be similar to the bloodline of the previous emperor as the selection condition. Once he is succeeded as a prince, it is not necessary to be too entangled with the distance of the bloodline. After such several words, the Empress Dowager Zhang was gradually relieved, and the lineage of King Ning officially entered the empress dowager's vision.

With the advantage of getting the moon first, Zhu Chenhao and Liang Chu, the king of Ning, understand that the eldest son of the king of Ning has some place in the heart of the empress dowager, but the empress dowager is too deep to make a decision and constantly urges Liang Chu to feedback the information of all eligible royal children; and King Ning also understand that There are several suitable candidates for the son of the Ning Wang family. If they are compared together, the son of Ning Wang family does not have an advantage. But they dare not put forward too directly to propose the succession of the son of King Ning, which is too traceable and easy for the shrewd empress dowager to detect their intentions.

After thinking about it, Liang Chu thought of such a fake parting method for King Ning, which is to use the emotional bitterness established between the son of King Ning and the Empress Dowager during this period, find an opportunity to make this matter clear, and take advantage of the characteristics of the Empress Dowager Zhang's stubborn and strong personality and unwilling to be influenced by others to let the Empress Dowager do it. Make a decision

To be honest, it is indeed a little risky to do so. If the Empress Dowager fails to win, Zhu Chenhao can only take the princess and son out of the capital, which is counterproductive. But in fact, things went surprisingly smoothly, and this move finally paid off.

At the practice banquet, when Zhu Chenhao aggrievedly told the so-called rumors outside and admitted that he could not take the world to stay in the capital again to avoid being attacked by others, Empress Dowager Zhang raised her eyebrows and was very angry. Originally, she was still swinging among several candidates, but now she made up her mind.

"How can the mourning family joke about national affairs? The emperor's infertility is a very secret thing. Now it seems that this secret cannot be kept. If the subjects of the world know this matter, the country will be shaken and the hearts of the people will fluctuate. Therefore, the mourning family should choose a candidate for the emperor to inherit the rule as soon as possible. Since someone spread these remarks, the intention is self-evident, and it is to force you to give up. However, after months of observation, the family has been with the child for several months and also knows his character. The more those people don't want him to be a successor, the more they don't want them to be. Mrs. Zhang said with a sneer.

Zhu Chenhao's heart almost jumped out of his stomach, and the excitement in his heart was indescribable. It seemed that this move worked.

Sure enough, Empress Dowager Zhang said, "You are temporarily delaying leaving the capital. The family has decided on the succession of the son of King Ning, but this matter needs to be discussed with the emperor. The emperor will make a special decree after nodding."

Zhu Chenhao forced to burst into tears and warned himself that he could not be too excited. Once the Empress Dowager made a decision, it would not be too difficult for the emperor to pass. The emperor looked like that. What else is there any intention to oppose this matter? What we need to worry about is Yang Tinghe and others and Song Nan, who have just returned to Beijing. If these important ministers in the dynasty oppose it, that is the saddest pass.

"The favor of the empress dowager is the supreme glory of our king Ning. Although the son is loved by the empress dowager, the successor must be agreed by civil and military officials and must not make a hasty decision. Otherwise, someone must say something, which is unfavorable to the empress dowager's family."

"The mourning family knows what you want to say, and your worries are not unreasonable. In fact, Yang Ting, the chief assistant of the cabinet, and a person are recommending a candidate to the Ai family. That is Zhu Houxuan, the son of the king. In terms of the root of blood, this son is a direct relative of the emperor, and it is said that his character is also very good. Yang Tinhe's intention was to establish him as the emperor's brother and inherit the throne in the future, but the mourning family has never agreed. As for the reason, there is no need to say much. Yang Tinghe blushed several times for this. If the king of Ning was appointed as the successor, Yang Tinghe would definitely oppose it, but would theai family be influenced by him?

Zhu Chenhao knew about this matter, and Yang Tinghe should have known his intention long ago. Although he had intentionally or unintentionally hinted that he could help him in this matter, Yang Ting and he did not pay attention to himself at all. He has been trying his best to advocate Zhu Houyu as the emperor's brother. This person is unwilling to have anything to do with him, or Xu Yangtinghe thought that he was powerful enough to influence the candidate to inherit the unification, or he didn't like him at all. In a word, this person is the biggest stumbling block.

"They may oppose the decision of mourning, but as long as the emperor nod, they have no right to speak. The mourning family is the emperor's mother. The emperor will believe that the mourning family is for the sake of the Ming Society. It is not their turn to do such a big event.

"What the Empress Dowager said is that if the emperor points, I'm afraid it will take a person to nod." Zhu Chenhao said in a low voice.

"You mean that Song Nan?" Empress Dowager Zhang frowned.

Zhu Chenhao obviously felt the displeasure in the Empress Dowager's words, but now that he has spoken, he will simply burn the fire today to avoid complications.

"The empress dowager forgives her. Chen Hao has always heard that the emperor relies on Song Nan for big and small things. How can the emperor not ask Song Nan's opinion about such big things? Song Nan has always been biased against Chen Hao, and I'm afraid he will get in the way.

Empress Dowager Zhang said, "It was the emperor who spoiled this person too much, otherwise this person would not be so bold, and you don't have to hide it. You were the first to find out about him and the princess. He must be dissatisfied with you because of this matter, but this time he will never allow him to interfere. Although he drove away the Tatan and recovered the river, which was the most meritorious minister of the Ming Dynasty, his courtiers were his subjects. Everything was given by the royal family. It was also his duty to serve the country loyal to the country. If he is a meritorious person, he will not be allowed to mourn his family.

At this time, Zhu Chenhao didn't need to say more. He said what he should have said and what he shouldn't have said. No matter how much he said, he was afraid that it would make people feel his urgent intention, so he immediately shut up and soon knelt down and left.

Returning to his residence, Zhu Chenhao laughed loudly, and his painstaking management finally paid off. If his son can succeed as the crown prince, he will be the emperor after ascending the throne in the future, and the Ming Dynasty will be in his hands, which is safer than the stupid Anhua king's rebellion. Counting more. There is no need to risk rebellion. The world can be obtained in a blink of an eye. This is where they are smarter than others. How many people can be more calculating than themselves but dare to act tomorrow? I am smarter than everyone else and can sit in the world, which is well-deed.


In the back house of Song Mansion, after the family banquet, Song Nan and his wives and concubines sat around the lobby of the back house, chatting word by word; Ye Fanggu, who had recovered, held a needle and thread in her hand while chatting and embroidered a silk handkerchief.

Song Nan took a special look. A lotus flower on it is lifelike, and the female red's craftsmanship has soared that it is tens of thousands of times better than the chicken pecking rice embroidered a few years ago. It seems that Ye Fanggu has fulfilled her promise. When she rescued her in the cave outside the Great Wall that day, she said that she would set her mind after returning. But the sword martial arts was a woman at ease. At that time, Song Nan thought she was just saying it casually, but she really did it.

The women asked Song Nan about the situation on the battlefield. Song Nan answered with no match. Everyone saw that he was a little absent-minded and seemed to be full of thoughts. This attitude quickly attracted the dissatisfaction of the wives and concubines. The narrow little princess asked her son to climb on Song Nan's knee to pull out his short beard and borrow it. To express my dissatisfaction.

Sting pulled Song Nan back from his thoughts and looked at the resentful eyes of his wives and concubines. Song Nan knew that he should not be free from his thoughts at the time of reunion after a long separation. He should comfort them. So he got up and said, "It's getting late. Let's take a shower and go to bed quickly. Spring night is worth a lot of money. In fact, it's nothing to chat. It's fun. Let's go play something fun."

The wives and concubines blushed, but their hearts were also bulging. The little princess was not ashamed. She got up and crossed her waist and ordered with a mistress's demeanor: "Wan'er went to serve the master to take a shower. The sisters went back to coax the children to sleep and gather in my room. Today, I will definitely not let my husband go. After coming back, I have been absent-minded. I would Let's see what can attract him more than our sister's jade body. Drain him tonight.

The women laughed and scolded, but there was no opposition, and even their minimum of reservedness disappeared, and they left laughing. Song Nan lamented in his heart why women became more and more bold after getting married. These people in the family used to be shy people, but now they have become rotten women. As a little princess who is a big woman, she has always been like this. But Dai Suer Lu Qingli blushed as soon as she mentioned this kind of thing, and now she is also calm and seems to be a natural. The earth is righteous.

On the 29th of the twelfth lunar month in the seventh year of the Ming Dynasty, the second day was the 30th day of the Chinese New Year. In the Qianqing Palace, Zhengde coughed violently, spit out a mouthful of black blood, and finally fell asleep with a difficult gasp for a long time.

In the cabinet house, Yang Ting and five or six colleagues were discussing something in a low voice under a candlestick.

Songfu Da**, the flesh of the white flowers is entangled together, and Song Nan, the Duke of Daming Town, is carrying out his great cause.

In the quiet night in Beijing, different scenes are staged in different places, interpreting different lives. In the night sky, white snowflakes fell silently, and the first winter snow of this year finally came.

At the end of the seventh volume, please look at the next volume: Laughing Spring Breeze