Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 789 Pursuit

When Song Nan joked, Wang Shouren felt that Song Nan was much closer and lovely.

There was no communication between him and Song Nan, and his understanding of Song Nan was limited to what he knew and heard. The things Song Nan did were sensational, and the means emerged one after another, which inevitably regarded Song Nan as a fierce man. At this moment, talking face to face, I feel that Song Nan is not as vicious as imagined.

"The so-called anecdotes spread outside are just an immature act when I was a teenager. After my ambition to join the army was frustrated, I went home to study. I read a lot of collections of hundreds of classics and history, and I was impressed by the words and deeds of the sages, so I decided to become a sage. At this moment, I still feel a little ridiculous.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Lord Wang's ambition is really hard to think of, but now this ambition seems to have been realized, and Lord Wang has become the sage of the world."

"Don't make fun of me. Do you still have a face? When I was studying, I studied Cheng Zhu Lixue. The so-called reason of everything is reasonable. In order to explore its reason, I need to know it. So one day, when I saw several bamboo poles in front of the hall, I wanted to explore the principle of the bamboo, so I sat in front of the hall for seven days and seven nights without moving my body. This is the anecdnecd of the so-called benevolent bamboo spread by the outside world.

Song Nan laughed and said, "It's really different. I don't know what's the reason?"

Wang Shouren stroked his beard and said, "There is nothing. Seven days later, my mind is blank."

Song Nan laughed, and Wang Shouren also laughed and said, "My father let me eat another bamboo board for this, saying that I was simply hopeless and made him half dead."

Song Nan laughed and said, "Your father is also a wonderful person. He likes to spank people so much, which is like the style of my brocade guard."

Wang Shouren was a little unhappy. He didn't like the incident of Song Nan's beating, which made him return to the scene before the Qianqing Palace that year. It seems that Song Nan is finally Song Nan. That incident was just a joke in Song Nan's mind, but it was a shadow in the eyes of the people who experienced this matter at that time.

Song Nan saw Wang Shouren's unhappiness, but he didn't care at all. He would not look at the old man like a primary school student. For people like Wang Shouren, respect should be respected, but there is no need for superstition. Especially after he came to supplement his mental theory before, Song Nan admitted that he was a genius, but he may not mention it. It is reasonable.

"Later, Lord Wang went to become an official, didn't he? But I don't know how this mind was born from Lord Wang's extraordinary brain.

Wang Shouren cleaned up his mood, reached out and stroked a bamboo branch hanging in front of him and said slowly, "Yes, at the age of 21, I won the examination in my hometown. At the age of 28, I was transferred to my post and served in the military headquarters of the capital for several years. The prince should know what happened after this, the sound of the court staff in front of the Qianqing Palace. I'm vivid in my mind."

Song Nan avoided answering this matter and only smiled, "Since when has this source of learning sprouted in your heart?"

Wang Shouren looked up at the sky and said leisurely, "It's inappropriate to say that you sprouted yourself. In Zhao and Songshi, Lu's Jiuyuan and Jiuling are the ancestors of Xinxue. At that time, Mr. Cunzhai had a big debate with Zhu Xi on the bank of the Lead Mountain Lake Temple. Thinking about the day hundreds of years ago, it was difficult to control the true soul of people to fly. And our generation is just inheriting and carrying forward.

Song Nan doesn't know anything about the academic discussion on the shore of Lead Mountain, which is no different from hearing two fighting chickens hundreds of years ago, but Zhu Xi, a famous person, Song Nan, knows that he can have a big debate with Zhu Xi. It can be seen that Lu Jiuyuan is also a personal person. Unexpectedly, he didn't expect this heart. The source of learning can be traced back to the Southern Song Dynasty, which can be said to have a long history.

In this way, Wang Shouren is not modest. His mind is inherited and carried forward by him, not by empty-hearted blood in his mind**. Song Nan is even more curious. Why is a wise person who picks up people's teeth is respected as a sage? His fame is tens of thousands of times higher than Lu, the founder of the creation, in later generations.

"So, how did Lord Wang immerse**. What about the formation of such a scale in mind? With all due respect, Cheng Zhu's science is the mainstream today. Isn't it against the mainstream and not afraid of being criticized?

Wang Shouren smiled faintly and said, "There are many truths in the world. I'm just saying what I think is right. As for what others think, whether they believe it or not is not what I think. I just can't tolerate everyone indulging in a false truth without thinking about it. Speaking of which, I suddenly realized the reason of learning or thanks Liu Jin, and maybe I would like to thank the Duke of Zhen by the way.

Song Nan smiled and said, "Oh? What's wrong with me?"

Wang Shouren said coldly: "In those years, the foreign court impeached the eight tigers and failed. Dai Milling old man committed suicide in front of the Qianqing Palace. Several cabinet elders in the cabinet were deposed and returned home. The officials of the foreign court were widely implicated by this matter. Wan Maqi's heart was cold. The head of my small military department was not spared and was demoted to Longchangyi, Guizhou Province. A small Yicheng.

Song Nan was a little embarrassed. It was definitely wrong to say that it had nothing to do with her. That matter was the mastermind behind him. Although the later incident was too big, Liu Jin's uncontrolled purge and persecution was not what he wanted, but this account must have been calculated on his own. Even Dai Suer blamed his father's death on himself, and others must think so.

"Lord Wang, I can only apologize for this matter. It is difficult to distinguish right and wrong for a while. If you are worried, I can only apologize."

"No, I'm not repeating the old story, and I don't want to get straight. In fact, I'm quite grateful for that matter. Personally, in that case, I have the mood to think about something. I also have free time to visit the monk and ask about the travel style. In those years, I have stepped through thousands of mountains and rivers to seek the truth of knowledge, but I have never received a satisfactory answer.

Song Nan's mind emerged from Wang Shouren's eating and living. Although it is difficult to understand the living state of this kind of people, the feeling of pursuing the painstaking pursuit of something is similar to the world, and Song Nan can also empathize with it.

"Longchangyi is located on an official road through the deep mountains, which is remote and rarely visited; but fortunately, the environment is quiet and the scenery is extremely beautiful. There is nothing to do when being a postman, and it is not an exaggeration to describe it as doing nothing. There is a deep pool in the back mountain, which is more than ten feet deep and clear to the bottom. Every day, I will wander on the banks of the clear pool and walk aimlessly on the woods and rocks by the pool. My appearance is calm, but my heart is sticky, and I have never been able to explore the mysteries in my heart, which makes me miserable. It was in this situation that I spent several years. Wang Shouren looked elsewhere, as if he was talking to Song Nan, and seemed to be talking to himself. His whole body was immersed in memories, as if he had returned to the dragon field and returned to the deep pool.

" One day, I fell asleep tiredly by the pool. When I woke up, it was dark all around me and I couldn't see my fingers. I was at a loss. The mountain wind roared in my ear, and the huge rocks and grass under my feet were entangled. I couldn't find the way back to the post station. What's the use of seeing things? So I simply closed my eyes and walked. With my inner memory, I found the way back to the post station safely. Standing on the hillside under the post station, I suddenly understood a truth. Just like the darkness that night, all the senses have lost their effectiveness, and all I can use is my heart. So I understood, and I suddenly realized that I was struggling to pursue the reason of things. It turned out that there is no reason for things in the world. The reason of the world is in my heart. There is no need to deliberately pursue it. He is in my heart and has always been there, but I didn't find it.

Wang Shouren's breathing was a little short, and his eyes were shining. Thinking of the moment he understood this truth that day, his inner excitement was still unable to be himself.

"This is the anecdome of the dragon field enlightenment spread by the outside world." Song Nan said in a low voice that he was infected by Wang Shouren's emotions, as if he suddenly understood all his feelings as a persistent pursuer.

"Those are not important. The important thing is that I understand this principle, which is the most important thing." Wang Shouren gradually calmed down and said lightly.

Song Nan whispered, "Where is the fragrance of flowers in the night? The sound of Shilin huts across the stream. Every time the moon comes out, the birds sing in the sky. The grass dew is wet, and the pine wind is light with Ge Yi. Lin Liu wants to write Yi Lanyi, and there is infinite love in Jiangbei and south of the Yangtze River.

Wang Shouren was shocked and looked at Song Nan and said, "Have you read my poems?"

Song Nan sighed, "I'm ashamed that I've only read a few songs. I haven't understood this song "Longtan Nightwalk" for a long time, and now I finally understand. Lord Wang, no matter what your friendship is, just knowing the hard work and perseverance that Lord Wang has made to pursue the truth in his heart, I, Song Nan, sincerely worship him. This time I am absolutely sincere and will never be adulterated.