Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 793 painstaking

Out of Wang Shouren's house, Song Nan's face suddenly became gloomy. Sun Xuan, who followed him, knew that Song Nan was unhappy. Thousands of households of Jinyiwei in Nanchang Prefecture were likely to be bought by King Ning. He was not responsible for this matter, and Sun Xuan was also heartbroken.

"Your Excellency..." Sun Xuan said tremblingly behind Song Nan.

Song Nan walked quickly, raised his palm to stop Sun Xuan's words, and whispered, "Let's go back to the government office. You should immediately inform the relevant people and wait for the general government office to participate in the meeting. This matter will be mentioned at the government meeting."

Sun Xuan did not dare to say much. After leaving the alley, he immediately got on the horse and quickly informed the officials of Jinyiwei to go to the general office for a meeting.

Half an hour later, all the head officials of Jinyiwei rushed to the general office lobby. After Song Nan's face was as high as water in the lobby, the atmosphere in the hall was obviously wrong. Song Nan has rarely sat in the lobby of the general office of Jinyiwei recently, and gradually has the tendency to let go of Jinyiwei affairs, but today's situation is obviously not the same. Chang, the prince's face is very ugly.

After everyone sat down one after another, Song Nan coughed and said slowly and said, "Brothers, today is the second day of the Chinese New Year. I was busy at the end of the year. It's time to reunite you with your family and have a good rest. I'm actually not very willing to call you to the meeting; but I found one thing today that made me restless. Seven years after Song took over the Jinyiwei government, the atmosphere of my Jinyiwei government and the reputation of the outside world have changed. Of course, it is inseparable from your efforts, but I'm afraid that you are too relaxed to have such a thing.

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what Song Nan was referring to. They notified them to come to the meeting, but no one knew the content of the meeting. Hearing Song Nan's words, it seemed that something big had happened.

Song Nan glanced at Lang, and the buzz of the people in the hall suddenly returned to silence. Song Nan glanced at Sun Xuan and said lightly, "Sun Zhenfu, talk about it."

Sun Xuan saw Khan on his forehead and promised to come to the group to salute. He slowly told the inaction of Nanchang Jinyiwei Qianhu found today. Finally, he said, "The prince has concluded that Nanchang Jinyiwei Qianhu must have been bought by King Ning. I also think so, otherwise why is there so much news from the king of Ning in Nanchang? Nanchang Jin The secret reports sent by thousands of Yiwei households all mentioned that the peace was whitewashed. Nanchang Jinyiwei Qianhu is a thousand households outside Beijing under the jurisdiction of our Nanzhen Fusi. It is difficult to absolve the blame for this matter. Today, in front of all the brothers, I asked Lord Song to punish him. There is no single complaint about the humble position.

Everyone in the hall was shocked, and Hou Dabiao said angrily, "No wonder I sent someone to investigate the matter of King Ning. I was informed that thousands of households of Jinyiwei in Nanchang and Hu Zhifei sent staff to assist in providing convenience. As a result, not only did it not go well, but it was a waste of time several times to find false clues and went astray. I was busy for more than a month, and the news obtained was very Limited, it turned out that these turtle grandchildren turned their elbows out.

Wang Yong frowned and said, "According to this, it is not a secret for us to secretly investigate the matter of King Ning. If Hu Zhifei is attracted by King Ning, he will definitely inform King Ning about this matter. However, we thought we were in the dark, but in fact, we acted under the eyes of King Ning. It's really terrible to think about it."

Song Nan snorted coldly, "In the first year of Zhengde, we had a major rectification. In the next seven years, I put down the internal audit because of the establishment of the Jinyiwei Inspection Department. Now it seems that someone has betrayed my trust. Li Daniu, do you know the crime?"

Li Daniu's face turned purple and embarrassed. As soon as this matter was raised, he knew that he had a direct relationship with him. Song Nan trusted himself and handed over the audit power of the internal officials of Jinyiwei to his own hands. The inspection department seemed to have no real power, but it was Jinyiwei. The unique institution above various departments is naturally to blame for this kind of thing.

Li Daniel quickly stepped out, knelt on the ground and whispered, "Your Excellency, you are humble and incompetent. You have betrayed your trust. Please punish me."

Song Nan's face was calm, but her tone said coldly, "There may be some reasons here, but no matter what the reason is, it can't be a reason. In his position, you have to find a down-to-earth way to do things well. A brocade guard door depends on everyone's own duties to operate smoothly. I didn't say that. The first responsibility of this matter is to inspect Li Daniu. You'd better dismiss the position of Si Qianhu. It's better to go to Qianhu's office to be a lieutenant. Are you convinced?

Li Daniu said in a trembling voice, "I'm obedient."

Everyone was shocked. How could they not know the relationship between Song Nan and Li Da Niu? The two of them entered the Jinyiwei Qianhu Institute from Weinanfang together from Weizhou. The relationship between the two was deeper than anyone here. Song Nan did not hide his care of Li Daniu, otherwise Li Daniu was born in an ordinary family. He doesn't know how to fight, and he can't even compare with ordinary personal guards in terms of fists and feet. Why does he become the core personnel of the brocade guard? He also set up a new inspector for him, allowing him to be a thousand households, leading thousands of people. Song Nan actually stabbed Li Daniu, which made everyone stunned.

Only then did everyone realize the seriousness of the problem. Li Daniu was still like this, and the relevant people were afraid that there was no good fruit to eat, but soon someone realized that Song Nan was showing an attitude. At this time, someone had to come out to round up. If Song Nan was allowed to beat Li Daniu's official position to the end, it was actually for everyone. An unfavorable thing.

Wan Zhi has been practicing in the palace for a long time and has already understood many things. He got up and arched his hand and said, "Your Excellency, I don't know whether to say a word."

Song Nan said, "Third."

"Although the humble position has always served as the general of Jinyiwei Dahan in the palace, the general office and the brothers of the north and south Zhenfu are busy for me, but the humble position is out of the matter. Every time I think about it, I am always very ashamed."

Song Nan frowned and said, "It's okay to perform their respective duties. Your duty is to escort the emperor. You did a good job."

Wan Zhi said, "Thank you for your praise, but I always feel sorry for the humble position. I often walk with my brothers in private, and the big cow brothers have also drunk with him several times. As far as I know, the Da Niu brothers have been conscientious and unrelaxed since they served as inspectors. In recent years, our Jinyiwei Yamen has developed rapidly, with hundreds of new households and thousands of new Yamen in various places. The scale of our Yamen has spread all over the state capitals and even remote places. The adults asked me internal officials and even the cavalry lieutenants to be strict to prevent people from waiting for the opportunity to sneak in, and the big bull brothers were responsible for selecting people and rushing around the office for investigation and assessment for several years. When his wife was in labor, Li Qianhu did not have time to come back to take care of him, which shows that he did his best.

Song Nan knew about this. Xiao Ping'er gave birth to a fat boy a few years ago. At that time, Li Da Niu was working in Fujian and finished his official business. When she came back, her son had been born seven or eight days ago.

"Yes, yes, Li Qianhu is diligent, which is well known by the government, and adults can investigate." Hou Dabiao, Wang Yong, Zheng Da, Huang Hui and others also echoed.

"The internal audit seems simple, but in fact, it is difficult to imagine. Every year, Li Qianhu has to evaluate and audit the officials of various government. I, Jinyiwei, have nearly 300 large and small government officials, and there are no less than seven or 8,000 officials involved. No matter how to be selected, there are always mistakes. . Moreover, people will change. Nanchang Jinyiwei Qianhu Hu Zhifei is also a diligent and honest person. In the land under the jurisdiction of Ningwang Mansion in Nanchang Prefecture, it is also possible to be seduced and corrupt by the King Ning. If this account is calculated on Li Qianhu, it will be unfair. Wanzhi said earnestly.

There are tears in Li Daniu's eyes standing aside. No one can imagine his efforts in recent years. If a teenager from an ordinary family wants to gain a foothold in the brocade guard government, and to reach the point where people don't rely on his relationship with Song Nan, how can the efforts be described as hardships; but even In this way, there was still negligence this time. Li Daniu didn't know why Brother Nan punished himself so heavily, but he was not resentful at all and only scolded himself for not giving Brother Nan a long face.

Sun Xuan said in a low voice, "The responsibility is not the responsibility of Li Qianhu alone. It is difficult for our Nanzhen Fusi to resign from the position of Nanzhen Fusi as a punishment for ineffective dereliction of duty. As for Li Qianhu's responsibility, the punishment is very heavy."

Everyone was shocked again. Sun Xuan asked to resign from the post of Nanzhen Fusi. The originally stable pattern of Jinyiwei government was tantamount to an earthquake. Wang Yonghou Dabiao and others all said, "Why is this so bad? Sun Zhenfu, don't make trouble."

Song Nan's face was cold, but he had expected such an end in his heart. Today, he actually has another purpose to play on the topic. He has been in the position of commander of Jinyiwei for seven years. Now he is the Duke of the country and the deputy governor of the regiment camp. It is still sitting in this position, which is inappropriate. The metaphor is like sitting on the golden chair and eating leftovers. He has long been considering handing over the position of commander of Jinyiwei; but this successor must be determined to follow him. Even if he is no longer in office, Jinyiwei's office is still in his palm.

Naturally, the candidate should be born from the inside of Jinyiwei, nothing more than from Sun Xuanhou Dabiao and Wan Zhi Wang Yong. Song Nan is worried that Sun Xuan is the oldest among these people, and she does not want Sun Xuan to sit in this position, and she is worried that she will be unhappy if she chooses Sun Xuan to choose others. But if Sun Xuan withdraws from the competition by himself, it will be different, and he will be better. Now that Sun Xuan asked to resign from the position of Fusi Zhenfu in Nanzhen, Song Nan knew that Sun Xuan no longer had any expectations for the position of the future Jinyiwei commander, and what he had to do was to forgive him.

"Sun Zhenfu, don't mention this matter again. Your achievements in office are obvious to all. This time, I punished Li Daniu heavily because I was involved in a big deal. You don't have to take responsibility from yourself."

"Your Excellency, Li Qianhu can't be blamed alone. Although Li Qianhu can't be blamed for his humble position, he also knows the principles of benevolence and righteousness. Li Qianhu will always feel uneasy when he goes to be a lieutenant. Please allow Li Qianhu to resign from his position and return home to his old age."

Song Nanha smiled and said, "Are you getting old so soon? Sun Zhenfu is not old yet. He married a delicate wife the year before last. I heard that he was already happy. Sun Zhenfu is old and strong. Besides, our business is at a critical juncture, so you have to choose?"

Sun Xuanhe doesn't want to sue the old man. He has finally survived to this day. Now he has more or less face and fame in the court. How can he be willing to give up? Besides, after being with Song Nan for so long, he didn't know Song Nan's temper. He just did this to please Song Nan.

"Since the adult forgives the humble position and is grateful for the humble position, please withdraw the punishment of Li Qianhu." Sun Xuanshun climbed up the pole.

"Please take back your life." Wang Yong, Wan Zhihou Da Biao and others pleaded for mercy one after another.

Song Nan sighed and said, "Well, it's rare that you are all righteous people, and no one has fallen into the well. I'm very gratified. Well, Li Daniu seems to be unfit to work in the inspection department. Can you see if there is any position under you that can be transferred?

Wang Yong said, "Don't you want to be transferred to thousands of households in the personal guard camp?"

Song Nan shook his head and said, "Zhao Dapeng and I have a tacit understanding, and I am very satisfied with him. There is no need to replace him. Wan Zhi, do you have any shortages?"

Wan Zhi muttered, "I don't have a subordinate. How about coming to command the general camp of Dahan?"

Song Nan turned his head and said, "Is this okay?"

Wan Zhi said, "I think it's okay to be humble."

A flash of lightning flashed in Sun Xuan's mind and suddenly understood Song Nan's intention. How could Song Nan disparage Li Daniel? He obviously wanted to install Li Da Niu in a more core department. What department is the most core department? Naturally, Jinyiwei can follow the Jinyiwei General Han's camp around the holy drive every day. Obviously, Li Da Niu was the leader of another Dahan general soon after.

Sun Xuan was shocked and threw himself to the ground. He had to admit that compared with Song Nan, those who thought he was great were scum, and everything was under the control of the young prince.

While thinking about it, Song Nan's harsh words came to his ear: "Li Daniel, can you hear me? Going to Dahan General's camp is on duty in the palace and around the emperor. You have to be careful. If you make a mistake, no one can save you.