Jinyi Fengliu

Chapter 798: The suppression of bandits

The three bandits' eyes were straight and stared at the convoy at the foot of the mountain. As Song Nan said, the habits of the bandits are difficult to change for a while. Even if they are wary, the bait is enough to bite the fish. After all, these dozens of cars of silver ** are not small. What are these people robbed for? Don't you want to get a big scale to share a big bowl of meat without effort?

At present, a big piece of fat is under the skin, and it is obviously difficult for them to let go of this fat meat.

"Brother Yang, that's all silver." Li Fu's big stone was messy between his upper and lower lips. Licking, his eyes glowed blue and faintly.

"Yes, with so much money, I'm afraid they will be escorted to the state government to pay the tax money to the court. Are these guys too bold to dare to transport silver in our territory? Is this urgent?" Yang Qing also licked his lips.

"Brothers think that most of them are playing tricks. Don't Brother Wang often talk about the story of the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Kongming playing some empty city tricks? Could it be that these officers and soldiers are deliberately like this, so as to teach us that we dare not rob them. What is virtual is real is false, and the most dangerous place is the safest. Bullying us can't see through their minds. Li Fu said.

"Well, most of the time." Yang Qing touched his chin and thought.

"What are you waiting for? Damn it, there is no reason why wild geese don't pull their hair. If they succeed in smuggling, won't we become the laughing stock of the brothers on the road afterwards? Brother, don't hesitate. We must eat the fat meat that comes to our mouths, and save our brothers from running around in the two counties of Shanxi and Shandong. This place has become a place where birds don't lay eggs, and there is no oil and water. After doing this ticket, we will be free for many days. Li Fu rubbed his hands and wanted to do it.

Yang Qing looked at Wang Ru, who was silent beside him and said, "What did Brother Wang say?"

Li Fu said, "Don't ask him, he must have said to be careful. Be careful. Why do we go up the mountain to be bandits?"

Wang Ru frowned and said, "Li Fu, what are you talking about? Aren't I thinking about our cottage? Today is different from the past. We are now hooked with the king of Ning. In time, we are the soldiers and horses under the account of the king of Ning. The prince told us to keep a low profile and don't ruin his big things. What's wrong with us being more careful?"

Li Fu wanted to wait for sarcasm. Yang Qing waved his hand to stop him and said, "Brother Wang, but how can we be willing to watch this big fat meat slip away? You haven't seen it. It's all white silver. I think there is no reason not to do this vote?"

Wang Ru thought for a moment and said, "It's all right to do this ticket, but to make sure that it's foolproof. Brother suggested sending a few brothers to ride in a few miles to see if there are any brigade officers and soldiers in ambush. If there is no difference, we can take action on the tiger head cliff in front of us, fight quickly, grab things and leave."

"Look at your coward." Li Fu snorted.

Wang Ru ignored him and continued: "There are only dozens of officers and soldiers in the convoy to escort, but be careful to warn the brothers that those drivers are also disguised as officers and soldiers, and there are not a few people."

Li Fu sneered and said, "If the cattle and horses pulling the cart are not more than 200 people, will we be afraid of 200 officers and soldiers in this area? The fire burst, and the big blades rotated up. Why don't they scatter the birds and beasts?

The remaining two bandits were heartbreaking, and they heard Song Nan's gentle voice: "Do you say it or not? Whoever says me first will spare his life.

The two scrambled to be reincarnated: "Say, we said, there are two news trees on the hillside over there. If there are no officers and soldiers to set an ambush, we will put down the shorter one in the west. If there are officers and soldiers to set an ambush, we will put down the tall tree in the east."

Song Nan patted the face of the bandit soldier who took the opportunity with satisfaction and smiled, "Well, the mouth is clear, the narrative is organized, and it is promising."

Another bandit soldier was shocked and said, "Master, please spare my life. I was going to say so, but he took the lead."

Song Nan smiled and said, "It's a pity, who told you not to be fast enough?"

The bandit kowtowed like a garlic, and his face turned pale with fear. His eyes looked at the bandit soldier who replied resentfully and couldn't wait to tear up the man. Song Nan sighed and said, "That's all, God is a good man, so I will give you a chance. What's your name?"

The bandit was overjoyed and said hurriedly, "Little man Chen Xiaoer, the military lord called me the second bald man."

Song Nan nodded and said, "Okay, two bald, I'll give you a chance to live. Now you go to the news tree, cut down the low tree in the west, and tell the bandits in the mountains and forests that there are no officers and soldiers here to set an ambush. After that, you come back and surrender obediently, and I will spare you immortal."

The bandit nodded repeatedly and said, "The villain obeys, the villain obeys."

Song Nan patted him on the shoulder and said, "You can also take the opportunity to escape, and we can't catch up with you, but you have figured out that our people can't catch up with you, and the arrows can catch up with you; Zhao Dapeng, let this second bald brother open his eyes."

Zhao Dapeng shook off his arm and took an iron bow. He put on a feather arrow and said to a small tree a hundred steps away and said, "Look at the second bald man, that tree is you." While talking, the bow string vibrated and shouted an arrow, breaking the stem of a small tree with thick arms and fell to the ground.

The second bald man's body trembled, and he naturally knew the power of this hundred-step arrow method. It is only a hundred steps away from the information tree. As long as he moves a little, this arrow will kill himself. How can he have a little crooked mind.

Under the supervision of Zhao Dapeng bending his bow and arrows, the second bald man climbed up the dirt slope softly. Zhao Dapeng behind him also climbed up and lay in the grass and whispered, "Go quickly."

The two bald soldiers turned over and walked towards another slope a hundred steps away. Suddenly, someone shouted in front of them: "Second bald, what the hell are you doing? Why did you get off your horse and go to the ravine? I thought something had happened to you. What about them?

Next to the news tree, two other bandit spies stood on horseback. It turned out that the spies searched one side. These two were responsible for searching the wilderness in the west. Seeing that three horses stood on the slope here, they were suspicious, so they came to see what was going on.

The second bald man's scalp was numb and said wisely, "It's okay. We went down to the ravine to have a look. How can there be any officers and soldiers? The two of them are pooping downstairs. Is there anything wrong with you?"

The two bandits shook their heads and said, "There are no shadows. There are no officers and soldiers."

The second bald man said, "In this case, send a message to the head."

The two bandits did not hesitate to cut down with their knives, and the news tree in the west fell down. Soon after, the bandits in charge of lookingout at the foot of the mountain put down another news tree, and the news spread to the hillside.

The second bald man breathed a sigh of relief and waved his hand, "You two come here to rest. When the two of them finish pooping and go back together, I'm afraid they will be sent to fight. What's the pain?"

The two bandits laughed and scolded, "You bald, ghost, okay, we don't have to compete first. Here we are."

Two bandits galloped to the top of the hillside and were suddenly dragged off the horse by several figures from the grass, and then joined the same fate as the two bald men.